Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1033: Turtle and hedgehog

I never think of myself as a person with grace and culture. Although I admire such people, such as my grandfather, I know that I ca n’t be a gentleman like him in my life, because there are at least two things. I can't stand it or face it calmly-my family is humiliated, my friends are humiliated ...

I will not swallow it because Madam Jiang is an elder or an elder, because it is not me who is humiliated, but my family and friends who are extremely precious to me. []

Like I said, I hit Jiang Yu's face, but it hurts Mrs. Jiang—I do n’t know how much of her nagging is because of distressing Jiang Yu, but I know that with her identity and seniority, that ’s for sure She was even more humiliated than if I hit her directly.

Jiang Yu deserves to be beaten. Whether he is intentional or unintentional, the old lady Jiang is here at the moment and gives Min Rou a slap in the face. He is responsible, so smart as he can't help being asked by my question.

He said he was wronged, both offending Mrs. Jiang and Min Rou, but he did not dare to say that he was not wronged, because he slapped him for Mrs. Jiang ...

Not only did I make his face hurt, but it hurt.

"You are Chunan?" The old lady Jiang also knew that I had been arrested, so any accusations against me would become contradictory, so her face was extremely ugly. "Dare to speak to me in this tone, freely Very ah, it seems that I said you were a little turtle, and I really did wrong you, aren't you timid? "

When Chu Yuan heard that she still connected me with the turtle, she couldn't help but want to speak again. I pulled her behind the Dongfang and the fairy one by one, and then laughed: "The old lady is ridiculous, my courage is really small , But not like a turtle, like a hedgehog. "

"Oh?" Madam Jiang looked at me, and said coldly: "It's all cowards, what's the difference?"

"Cowards don't dare to provoke right and wrong. Of course, this makes no difference. Thank you for not being bullied by others. How can you have the courage to bully others? With that courage, you are not a coward, haha," I said: " The difference is that when being bullied, the turtle is retracted into the shell, and the hedgehog is held in a needle cluster. I grow thorns, not shells, so I am a hedgehog, not a turtle. "

Mrs. Jiang did not respond to what I said for a moment, Min Rou clapped her hands and smiled, "The hedgehog didn't hurt anyone, but unfortunately there are always fools who think hedgehogs are bullying, open their mouths to bite, and ask for help."

Mrs. Jiang's face was iron and blue. "Chunan, you have a good mouth. Scolding people don't spit dirty words, eloquence is good. No wonder the wind picks you to negotiate with Moon Valley."

"Mrs. Xie."

"Thank me?" Mrs. Jiang frowned. "What do you thank me for?"

"Although the old lady did not like me because of misunderstanding, she was the first to admit that I had the ability. I got the role by mouth and eloquence, and did not feel like most people just rely on my relationship with Miss Mo. I thank you for this recognition of me, and from this, you can see that you are a person of your own personality, with clear grudges, and you have not completely denied me because you do not like me. To this end, I want to show you the impoliteness just now. I apologize, you are a respectable person, the boy is too abrupt, and seeing my friends are tired of me, my emotions are a bit out of control, I hope you look at me young, don't share my general knowledge. "

Mrs. Jiang did not expect that my attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees, knowing that I was retreating, but it was not good to ridicule.

She came to see me with anger, and before she saw me, she was depressed by the boss of three toothy little girls. I was carrying a smooth rice bowl and hitting a person named Jiang, so she told I can rely on the old and sell the old and unreasonable, but I am embarrassed to confuse with the three little girls, but at this moment, I stood up to explain to her, of course, she could not argue with me, and I was even more embarrassed.

I just wanted to breathe out for Min Rou, and it was enough, Madam Jiang didn't like to listen to my flattering, but had to take this opportunity to go down the steps, and everyone with a good eye could see it, I was looking at the Mo family The person's face gave her face.

"You're not as muddy as the legend." The old lady's tone was a little slow, and it was my kindness.

"Legend ...?" I smiled at ease-her elderly person lived in a meditation abroad, and the channel through which she could hear my name was nothing more than old Momo, and then there was Jiang Yu, 'Legend' Where does the word come from, everyone knows that it's impossible for a couple of Lao Mo to arrange me?

A word from the old lady accidentally made Jiang Yu's face a little uneasy. Now he said he hadn't told me black in the back, who believed?

At this time, Murphy and Tassel, Tiger Sister, and Xiaozi also squeezed out the revolving door. Murphy moved forward and called the old lady, "Grandma Tao."

Don't talk about the response, Madam Jiang actually didn't look at Murphy, and Murphy didn't care about it. It seems that their relationship is really delicate.

Min Rou said graciously: "I have prepared a few tables of food, Mo Dong, old lady, please come inside, let's talk slowly if there is something."

I pulled a few girls to let the door open, and the old lady didn't say much. Holding Jiang Yu's hand, she entered the hotel politely, and the people she brought followed her.

Dongfang glared at Min Rou with dissatisfaction. "Is it reasonable to bring so many people? They are here to fight. Why do you ask them to go in? In my opinion, either call the police or let the security guards fight them out!" "

"It's useless to find the police in this kind of thing," the fairy took out her cell phone. "Let me deal with unreasonable people. People in my family are more experienced ..."

Dong Xiaoye snatched her phone. "What are you doing?"

"Code people!" The evil spirit's expression of disappointment, "If they dare to smash things, I will smash them. Whoever wants to show prestige in front of my uncle, I will let the prestige sweep! My Xiao family has nothing, just not There are more reasonable **** bastards! Evil? Who is evil! "

Old Mo is as embarrassed as he is embarrassed. Mrs. Jiang is his mother-in-law. I knocked on the back of the fairy, and said with a smile, "Little hair boy knows how to fart, old lady takes so many people Come, if you really want to get out of my breath, you just started, what food do you go in? Open your eyes to see clearly, these people are male and female, old and young, but there is one like your family Are those hooligan **** who can only hit people? "

The fairy stunned, looked at the person walking in front, and said, "Really stubborn, there is a woman holding a child!"

Everyone heard the words, and they seemed to find it. They were surprised and puzzled. They looked at Lao Mo inadvertently, but they heard Murphy's snorting, "Uncle, those people ... seem to be relatives of Uncle's family, right? "

The old Mo Yan shook his head, the endless distress in his bitter smile.


It turns out that although the Jiang family is not busy, there are several close relatives. The heads and minds of these families followed the father to fight the world. Jiang can be regarded as a family business. However, after being acquired maliciously by Feng Chang, among these people, they either chose to leave in a fit of anger, or stayed in Feng Chang with patience, but the people who remained were, without exception, marginalized by Lao Mo.

Murphy told me that these Jiang family members who are not surnamed Jiang are invincible, mainly because Mrs. Mo does not like it, for two reasons: First, although Mrs. Mo is a filial daughter, she still refuses to contact her today. Any family of Jiang except for her mother, because when she was going to marry Lao Mo, it was these relatives who fanned the flames with her father, begging him to threaten temptation with property, and finally caused their father and daughter to stare. The root cause is Father Jiang is only her daughter. If the company does not give her inheritance, then the opportunity for the Jiang family to come is here, and the second reason why Mrs. Mo hates them is that he is only profitable and ugly-Father Jiang is a dead face, Therefore, the person who said what must be done, but his mind was not confused. After calming down, how could he not know what the relatives of the Jiang family were thinking? Mrs. Mo first left the house and got married. Of course, Grandpa Jiang hated Lao Mo, but he was even more annoyed that the guys in the Jiang family kept on fighting from start to finish, forcing him to make mistakes again and again. In the end, there were no steps to go down, so he Openly made a will, announcing his death, leaving the company and all personal property he could inherit to the father of Jiang Yu who had nothing to do with the Jiang family. This decision of course caused the dissatisfaction and restlessness of the Jiang family. There was so much ugliness that the Jiang family could not rest for several years, until the death of Father Jiang.

I just realized that Grandpa Jiang recognized Jiang Yu ’s father as the righteous son and made him the heir to the inheritance. He dared not only be angry with his daughter, for the most part ... at least half of the reason was to avenge the relatives of the Jiang family, but In the final analysis, all results were caused by his death.

After the sudden death of the old man due to illness, Lao Mo was able to buy Jiang's without any effort. It was because the Jiang family had an internal conflict due to the issue of the heirs. This gave Lao Mo an opportunity. Now they are marginalized in Fengchang. , Listening to Murphy, it has nothing to do with old Mo, which is exactly what Mrs Mo meant.

I have been wondering for a long time, and now I finally understand it. No wonder Mrs. Jiang brought so many people to seek me out. Lao Mo could not stop it at all, because these have left the wind or have been marginalized by him. When it came to the Jiang family, he didn't look at him at all!

And all the unwilling Jiang family members are gathered here today, I am afraid, there is another purpose. First of all, there is no reason for these Jiang family members who are not surnamed Jiang to meet Jiang Yu who is surnamed Jiang but has no blood relationship with the Jiang family. The trivial matter, let go of work, help him gain momentum, come to trouble me, and secondly ... if there is no tacit understanding in the morning, these people will not be together in one day!

But the problem that I do n’t understand also comes with it: Mrs. Jiang returned to China to make a decision only last night. How could they know in advance? If anyone knows this ...

Except for Jiang Yu, I can't think of a second person!

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