Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1034: ] Mo, Jiang, Chu

Min Rou prepared six tables of luxurious meals in the banquet hall. I was forced to sit at a table with Mrs. Jiang. In addition to me, there were Lao Mo Xiaomo and Min Rou as the host. The remaining ones looked like They are all in charge of the Jiang family.

"In other words, transfer Xiaoyu back to Beitian, arrange an errand at the head office, this child drifts alone in Shanghai, I'm too worried." Mrs. Jiang opened the door to see the mountain, and Zhangkou was Jiang Yu's business.

Sure enough, her old man didn't just come to me to settle accounts, I'm afraid it's just an introduction ...

Lao Mo laughed while serving Mrs. Jiang: "He is a big man, but he is not a hairy boy. What's wrong with you?"

The old lady snorted and glared at me sitting opposite her. "This child is too humble and kind with his father. I am not assured that it is his personality. There are too many dull boys now. Big, arrogant, he made others three points, others thought he was bullying, and said that now, under your eyes, he can still suffer, let alone thousands of miles away? "

The humble and kind is Jiang Yu or me? Is it me or him who is bored? Mrs. Jiang's remarks, Murphy frowns frequently. If it wasn't for Lao Mo's eyes to stop it, she would definitely be tempted to argue with Jiang Yu in the presence of Mrs. Jiang.

Jiang Yu, who was sitting next to the old lady, gave the old lady a bowl of ginseng soup in a timely manner and laughed: "Look, grandma, what's wrong with me? I have to compare with the Chu brothers, and I'm not careful He fell and fell. "

This article deliberately or unintentionally highlights the inconvenience of hanging an arm when serving soup and serving the bowl. It is even the fire of the old lady. The old lady clicked his mind with love and hate. "You bet with him What do you want to win? Do you want to win him and apologize to Duanmu ’s son, who is a mixed girl? Duanmu ’s mixed girl has a small amount of vengeance. How many people do n’t know? People do n’t take your favor, in order to A broken car threw you off the stage, and you also helped him in turn. Did I say you wrong? Although your father's character is good, you can't learn him too much. Now in this world, how many good people are there? How many can end well without being bullied? Like your father ... "

The old lady was talking, her eyes were red, like nostalgia, like self-blame, and like blame ...

"Grandma Tao, I don't know what Jiang Yu and you said, but he didn't say anything wrong, maybe he didn't say something," Murphy couldn't help it anymore, "What he didn't say was wrong, His arm was broken by himself, and Chu Nan didn't even move his hand. What he didn't say is that Aunt Xuedong likes Chu Nan very much. He also helped Chu Nan to speak at the high-level meeting yesterday, so what he called kindness It's completely redundant. Moreover, Chu Nan never thought of asking his car, and the car was transferred to Duanmu Liushui at that time! You don't understand that Chu Nan is not your fault, but please don't just define Chu Nan by one word! "

I can't say that Chu Yuan and Tassel are off. She hates Murphy's Xiao Fairy the most. Seeing her defend me so much, she even applauded.

"Misunderstanding!" Mrs. Jiang slaps on the table with a slap in the palm, and the soup that Jiang Yusheng gave her splashed out, and she glared at Murphy and asked: "Are you teaching me ?!"

Murphy said: "I haven't taught anyone, I just talk about it."

The old lady was even more annoyed, "You mean, it's me who taught me, I didn't discuss everything ?!"

Murphy refused to flinch, and faced Mrs. Jiang with a playful face. "If you talk about things, at least you shouldn't be Chu Nan."

Seeing Mrs. Jiang's cough straight from Murphy, Lao Mo helped her gently pat her back and counted down: "Maye, how can you talk to you like this? Apologize to me!"

"I can't stand it!" The old lady panted slightly, and said, "Who is she? Have you ever had a baby? Her father's name is Mo Yiran! Her mother's name is Wu Xueqing! What does she have to do with my Jiang family? She When did my parents look at me? She called me Grandma Tao, and I felt ashamed! "

When Murphy saw the old lady coughing, she also felt that she was too heavy, but she refused to admit that she had mistaken her, but just stopped speaking, and ignored Madam Jiang's irony ...

Looking at the attitude of the old lady and Murphy, and then listening to her words, it seems that Moore had a deep suspicion with her before his death ... No wonder Old Mo agreed to Murphy and me to come to the resort to hide Pointing at Mrs. Jiang.

The Jiang family was not very proficient. The couple only got a girlfriend and married Lao Mo. Before they could give birth to a half child, Mrs. Jiang was embarrassed to take care of Lao Mo, and Lao Mo was really ashamed. That's why she was very modest, and Vino promised: "Mum, you're calming down, Mayfair is still young, and you're leaving early, Xue Qing is good again, she's not sensible, and you can't have general knowledge with her, right?"

"Well, will Mo Yi teach her?" When referring to Murphy's father, the old lady had a little bite of teeth. "Little girl does not respect me. Did n’t Mo Yi teach it? That boy, a full hypocrite ... "

"You ..." Murphy refused to listen to the old lady's insult to her father. Finally, she was an old Mo Xuejing, winking hard at me, I had to grab Murphy's little hand under the table, Murphy was all over Shivering, I did n’t say the following words, the little face was flushed with shame ... No matter how infinite we are in the office, people have never had close contact before, let alone holding a small hand under the dining table and touching the thigh. Now ...

Mrs. Jiang said, "I had a misunderstanding of Xiaoyu's father. To help you buy Jiang's, Mo Yiran jumped out of opposition first. That was called a righteousness, carrying the banner of righteousness and morality, scolding you and me. Bloody head, but what happened later? Xiaoyu ’s father is gone. I want you to return the part that originally belonged to Jiang ’s family to Xiaoyu. You wo n’t live or die. You will join Duanmu ’s mixed girl and Zhang Li ’s hypocritical kid with you and me Who is it, isn't he?

Lao Mo smiled bitterly: "It's also for Xiaoyu's sake, he was too young then ..."

Mrs. Jiang did not wait for Lao Mo to finish, and truncated, "What about today? A man stands in his thirties, Xiaoyu is over thirty years old, isn't he young?" The Jiang family had already become part of Fengchang, and became a part. It ’s not for you to take a piece from Feng Chang and hand it to Xiao Yu, but for you to transfer him back from Shanghai and learn some skills under your hand. You are old. Feng Chang also needs someone to take over. You ca n’t wait until the day you retreat to train your successor? ”

Tassel, Waner, and Sister Liu heard that they were furious at Mrs. Jiang's disregard for Murphy, and Murphy's hand also trembled slightly. I know that although she has ambitions, she just wants to respond to the uncle and uncle's love She did n’t long for power. She was just angry with Mrs. Jiang ’s negation of her. I shook her hand gently and smiled: "Of course, Mo Dong understands the reason for rainy days, so I decided a long time ago. Who will succeed Feng Feng, this will send Feifei to study abroad, Feifei also worked hard to respond to the expectations of Mo Dong, Feng Chang's heir, you worry about it. "

Mrs. Jiang's face was somber and cold, "When is it about the Mo family, it's your turn to intervene?"

The middle-aged woman who had previously bickered with Dongfang also sharply said: "It's just a little white face, you really have your last name in front of me, in front of the old lady, what do you think?"

The Jiang family laughed loudly, and when the laughter became low, I asked, "The thing about the Mo family, my surname Chu's meddling is not a thing, okay, but I don't know the meddling aunt, what's your surname?"

The chicken-faced woman whose old face has been sloppy by me—apart from the old Mo Xiaomo, is there any surname Mo here? The old lady is also named Jiang!

It seemed to have been frightened by my mouth. The old lady ignored me and continued to pressure Lao Mo: "In the past, there was a mixed girl and tension of Duanmu family. You have difficulties, I understand, but I heard Xiaoyu said, Feng Chang now has a cooperation project, and the tension can no longer catch up. The Duanmu family's mixed girl himself can still toss up? Can you just use this project to bring Xiaoyu back? Let me say ... He's been alone for so many years, and you don't know that you don't know, you let his people stay in Shanghai, and his heart is not there. "

It's my turn to listen to this. He alone is willing to co-author him with Murphy. Murphy must like him. If he doesn't like it, he must entangle him until he likes him?

Seeing Jiang Yu's affectionate look towards Murphy, I almost couldn't help picking up a tea cup and dragging it on. Murphy's face was still frozen indifferent for thousands of years, but he held my hand back and let me The violence in my heart soothed a lot.

I admire my father, maybe because I know that I can't have his cultivation like that in my life. I am too easy to get angry and too impulsive ...

Lao Mo and Long Shan are right. Jiang Yu's visit to Beitian this time is really not intended to return to Shanghai!

"Now when I am using a job, I don't want to tune him back, mom, let's go for a while," Lao Mo glanced at me. The old-fashioned old fox had already settled on this link and prepared countermeasures. Back, how do you get a stall in Shanghai? You have to find someone to take over first, right? "

On the surface of Jiang Yu's unrelated affairs, he could not conceal the joy in his eyes, so he listened to the old lady and asked, "Who is going to take his place? Is there anyone in your heart?"

"This ..." Lao Mo said: "I haven't figured it out yet ... once Shanghai is vacant, Zhang Li and Xue Dong will definitely have to fight, no matter who I choose, I have to pass the two of them first. OK, so it ’s not easy to choose ... "

"Is there anything bad to choose from? Are there fewer candidates here?"

The people of the Jiang family who did not have the name Jiang suddenly refreshed, and Lao Mo was dumbfounded. He did not expect that Mrs. Jiang showed such a trick.

I'm not surprised-I knew in advance that it was only Jiang Yu who would return to Beitian to the old lady, so these people must have been together by Jiang Yu. If there is no good to fish, why do they give Jiang Yu face?

"There isn't a suitable one among them? Then I recommend one more," Mrs. Jiang reached out and said, "Just him, he must be fine, right?"

There was an uproar in the banquet hall, and I couldn't help but be surprised this time-the person pointed by Mrs. Jiang was me!

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