Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1035: 】 When you decide to leave ...

It wasn't just me, people from the Jiang family who didn't surname Jiang, and the old lady didn't expect me to recommend me to Shanghai. In this uproar, apart from surprise, there was also anger and regret.

"Why Chunan ?!" Murphy didn't seem to realize that if I took over Jiang Yu as the general manager of the Shanghai branch, I actually jumped to the third level. After all, I was in the head office, just a small member of the comprehensive group of the investment department. Little clerk, spitting everywhere, the aunt sweeping the corridor can spray the spitting star on my face for half an hour by holding the collar of the neck, and the old lady just sealed me as one of the earth emperors and changed it for others. .

Murphy was unwilling, just because she didn't want to separate the two places from me, and sat at the other table. It was the same idea. Mrs. Jiang also learned my trick, "Spear with a Child, Shield of Attacking a Child." "Did you just say that, did your aunt Xuedong like him very much? Promote him to the Shanghai company, and the girl will never object. Is that right? "

This is exactly what Mo Yizhi thought, but ...

I subconsciously looked at Jiang Yu, and he sat calmly there, not surprised or upset, seemingly indifferent to his future, and was completely arranged or controlled by Lao Mo and Mrs. Jiang, but it seemed like encouragement. The respected eyes looked at me, and one faction trusted me very much ...

The old lady was still worried about Jiang ’s ‘accidental injury’. It ’s impossible to recommend me for three jumps without a reason. Is it Jiang Jiang ...

At this moment, Jiang Yu ’s eyes fluttered to the left of me for half a minute, and the focus of my gaze was no longer on me. I turned my head, and Min Rou, sitting on my left, did not notice Jiang Yu ’s sight because she was watching Me, as opposed to my eyes, she first blushed, Xuan Er smiled generously ...

I suddenly realized that Jiang Yu was going to dig a hole for me and Lao Mo!

The people in the Jiang family only saw the scenery on the surface of Jiang Yu. They mistakenly thought that the Shanghai branch was a bad one. I did n’t know there was a mess there. Lao Mo wanted me to go. It was because of the “three beautiful young ladies” who supported me in the back. I came to expose this shady, and Jiang Yu wanted me to go because he didn't think that Lao Mo would do him. After all, Lao Mo has been helping him cover up the mess in Shanghai. It is an accomplice, and piercing him is just piercing himself ...

Just like Lao Mo, in Jiang Yu ’s opinion, I am also the best candidate to go to Shanghai. In this way, it has allowed me to leave Murphy and change positions with him without worrying that I will see that the Shanghai branch has changed. The truth of the mess! Because he recommended me, so if there is any problem in the Shanghai branch in the future, he can also push Mr. Jiang in front of Mrs. Jiang. He can push a dead hat and detain me in a big hat with dirty water. Let me have a motive for him-there are so many Jiang family members here today to look for me, what reason do I not keep this account in his head?

Mary is next door. It's no wonder that Jiang Yu organized so many Jiang family members to pick up the plane to please Mrs. Jiang. I am afraid that this beautiful effect was unexpected to him: the Jiang family took them into Minrou's resort. Let me not say "faceless", old lady Jiang fanned out in front of Min Rou ...

Based on my understanding of Min Rou, although she smiled on her face at this moment, there must be all kinds of grievances and humiliations in her heart. Think of her identity. There is one of her in the "Miss Three"! Noble as a princess, who can give her anger except Miss Three's deity? She only needs to move her mouth or make a gesture to make Mrs. Jiang, Jade Jiang, and these Jiang family members who are not surnamed Jiang unable to eat and walk, but she didn't say a word and still greeted her with a smile. Why? Because she really sees me as a friend! She didn't make trouble for Jiang's family, she didn't want me to be in trouble!

With this in mind, I can't make Jiang Yu better!

My word of mouth is so bad, who has offended me?

Zhang Mingjie was killed by me for millions of disasters ...

Liu Xiaosheng's face ruined his legs and was beaten by his girlfriend ...

Lin Yunan was still lying in the hospital, and I heard that he was undergoing psychotherapy recently ...

Gong Fanlin is at large ...

Wang Jie ... this product is not only a broken name, I'm afraid it will stink for thousands of years ...

It was said nearby that Sima Hai's teeth were still leaking, and Duanmu's face was wrapped like a mummy escaping from the pyramid ...

From the past, it seems that I will not retaliate, even I do not believe it! Although Min Rou was hit by that slap, it was Jiang Yu, but the culprit was Jiang Yu. The more I ca n’t take an old man, the more I hate Jiang Yu—no matter the girls, Mo Ye, neither I thought I would go to Shanghai, but I did n’t know. The moment Mrs. Jiang hit Min Rou, I was still hesitant before. I decided to go. If nothing else, I was going to give vent to Min Rou. Dead river jade ...

It seems that Jiang Yu provoked me yesterday, not only to please the Duanmu family, but also to calculate it earlier, asking me to go to Shanghai to carry the mess for him! It's easy to please Duanmufu talents! So Lao Mo was dumbfounded, and the Jiang family who was n’t surnamed Jiang who had been busy for a while was also dumbfounded. They were beautifully put together by Jiang Yu.

Only I laughed and wanted to buckle my **** after performing such a play today? Innocent, buddies have to see, who the **** is who?

So I said, "Thank you old lady for your love. If so, I will do my best to live up to my expectations."

"Did you agree?" Leaving Beitian means not only leaving Murphy, but also the tassel that has just joined the Thirteen-City Group, but also means leaving the company and leaving the core of the Thirteen-Cities plan. It was a better future, so Mrs. Jiang did not expect that I would agree so easily.

"I have no reason to refuse?" I laughed. "At the head office, I'm just a clerk with a monthly salary of 80. But now I have the opportunity to become the general manager of the branch. This is a huge opportunity, haha, Jiang Yesterday, I waved a handful of millions of sports cars, and I was jealous. "

Mrs. Jiang didn't understand me, and the letter thought it was true. When the words were about to be killed, "It's so decided, you go to Shanghai, Xiaoyu returns to Beitian, and vice versa, don't you have any opinion?"

Lao Mo was a little hesitant, "Ah ..."

"Thank you, Madam, and thank you, Mo Dong."

Happiness came too quickly and smoothly. Like everyone else, Jiang Yu could n’t react. When I said 'Xie', I remembered what to say, but when my mouth opened, I heard Murphy roar, "Thank you? ! "

Miss Mo came back to her, excitedly shook my hands away, patted the table, her eyes were filled with puzzles, "Chu Nan, what are you talking about? What are you going to Shanghai? ! "

The girls were also very surprised. Sister Tiger, Waner, and Sister Liu all looked at the tassel, and the tassel was awkward ...

I have known tassel for five years. Over the past five years, we have been almost inseparable and talked about nothing, as if the other party has become a part of our own body, so even if she can clearly hear every word at this moment, she also I can't believe it. I promised Mrs. Jiang to leave Beitian and go to Shanghai without consulting her.

She was aggrieved, her face paled and bleeding pained--

Sister Tiger, Fairy, Dongfang, Waner, Sister Liu ... Except for the reason that Ziyuan faintly guessed, everyone felt incredible. They were not surprised that I promised to go to Shanghai, but why I promised to go to Shanghai so happily. It's like ... I can't wait to leave Beitian ...

Everyone who knows me knows that I'm not a rare so-called 'flying into the sky', I'm just an unmotivated, eager to be dull and comfortable with the status quo lazy egg, said 10,000 steps back, even if I long for 'flying into the sky ', Then yesterday, even earlier, I could easily get the seat of a general manager of a Shanghai branch, but it could not satisfy me.

Chu Yuan, sitting next to tassel, judged from everyone's expressions that I was not joking, panicked, put down the chopsticks and ran over, anxiously, "What are you doing in Shanghai? Isn't it good in Beitian?"

This problem is difficult for me. I can't tell the girl that I went to Shanghai to expose Jiang Yu ’s mess and let him taste the bitter fruit of being clever. I can't even tell her that after I confessed the continuous and messy relationship with Ziyuan and Sister Hu, I would have no face to stay in Beitian, right? Leaving Beitian and Fengfeng is to give tassel and Murphy a healing space. Time can gradually forget everything. This is the only thing I can do for them ...

Chu Yuan saw me grinning bitterly, and didn't know where to go. Anxious tears rolled around the eyes, and the fingers holding my arm were almost embedded in my flesh. "Is it because I'm too ridiculous, I always provoke Are you angry? Is it because of me ... because I always stick to you and make you feel annoyed, you just want to go to Shanghai? Then I change, can I change it still? I will never make a fool with sister Xiaozi again , I will obediently be obedient in the future ... 唔 ... I am not obedient obedient? Are you really annoying me, then I will move home and live, OK? 唔 ... 唔 ... Do not hide from me again, Don't hide from me again ... hmm ... "

The smelly girl was talking and she cried--


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