Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 1067: 】 Repurchase couple phone

‘Three beautiful young ladies’. Min Ruo should be one in addition to the three young ladies. Who is it?

In the text message of Miss Three, she is intimately matched with Sister Ziyuan. Could it be her? Watching Ziyuan hurriedly cramming the phone into the bag, the tassel froze with curiosity and inquiries, I shook my head.

I ca n’t tell the truth about Miss Three ’s words, but Ziyuan will not lie to me. She said that she and Miss Three use each other and take the relationship they need. It must be that relationship. At best, they are the depth of friendship now, and there is only one thing I should understand-two women who use each other to take their own needs, why can the relationship in private be so good?

Because you get what you want? Even more puzzling, Ms. San didn't get anything on me. Instead, the ‘struggling and not courting’ did not take advantage of me, let alone Ziyuan. If she did n’t get it, she even gave me back ...

Shu Tong's evaluation, Ziyuan's text message, and the intuitive feelings after I contacted her, were quiet and kind, intimate and enthusiastic, and arrogant. The three ladies really became like three young ladies, which is fundamental. I can't connect these three personalities and conclude her coffin with "two sides and three swords". Kindness, like I never slander behind other people, also feels that this evaluation is not only vicious, but can never be more accurate.

It was surprisingly smooth all the way, and there was no traffic jam during the usual rush hour. I returned to the Fengchang headquarters before 9 o'clock. It was during work hours. The city was a busy scene with a regular pattern. I guess Miss Murphy Min Rou San I have never experienced it in my whole life. In fact, my biggest ideal in life is just to integrate into these people who are mostly complaining about boring life, and become one of the people with the word "ordinary" engraved on their forehead.

Plainness is ordinary, ordinaryness is ease, and ease is happiness.

There is a truth that I have always seen very thoroughly: the life of anyone will be accompanied by happiness and unhappiness, happiness and unhappiness, the world is fair, any gain and loss are equal, and the rich and the rich are happy , Rich people have the troubles of rich people, a person, the higher the requirements, the more tired the life, the greater the **, the more the pursuit, but the desire is endless, so it is natural to fall into a kind of unclear whether it is benign or In a vicious circle, but for someone like me who regards ease as happiness, too much pursuit and too high requirements just mean loss, and I have no intention of being a person who is troubled when I am rich and cannot find happiness. This is not only It is only contentment, but it is clear from the early morning the goal and direction of one's living. In comfort, happiness and satisfaction are satisfied, and power and wealth become icing on the cake, non-conflicting, but not obsessed with it, so I especially like the eight words that Long Shan gave me: Don't force it, let it be.

This can almost become my life motto.

Ziyuan got out of the car and returned to the company with Murphy Waner and Sister Liu with Kangkang. Min Rou sent Shu Tong back to school. Before leaving, Kangkang and Fanfan who fell in love at the first sight made me very sad. Congratulations—Fan Fan is no longer a bitter child, and she gradually forgets the occlusion and fear. She has been able to show her feelings naturally and integrate into the life of a normal person through communication. So before sending her back to Zhu Danchen, I Decided to give her a gift.

Sister Tiger asked me where to go next, I said: buy a mobile phone.

Chu Yuan's eyes suddenly lighted.

Tassel Oriental and Leprechaun are both loyal fans of Apple. They like its exquisite workmanship and powerful functions, and they can keep up with the mainstream of fashion. Sister Tiger only likes Nokia of higher quality. The appearance and functions are not important. When I moved to my house, I used a newly purchased 700. Then I smashed my mouth and broke the screen. When I took it for repair, I even replaced the 3310, which was discontinued with the owner. I do n’t know. The owner is too fool or this girl is too mentally frustrated. After returning, she was so proud of her that she picked up the broken cell phone and told me that this is the slab in the phone, and the mobile phone in the slab is The communicator in the cold weapon, the cold weapon in the communicator, of course, she has proven countless times afterwards that the broken cell phone is really strong against the sky. When I do n’t like it, when the bricks fly around, it ’s still fine. Can be used to smash walnuts, but has never been broken ...

In contrast, I do n’t have too specific a mobile phone, let alone the ultimate requirements. It may have something to do with my personality. Moderate is good. I do n’t want to be in the limelight, so I do n’t pursue the mainstream. This point of Chu Yuan is surprisingly similar to me, but it is a little unexpected but reasonable.

It's still the world of mobile phones in the electronic city, or the little girl who can say that she can sell couple mobile phones to Chu Yuan last time, but this time it has been replaced by a Nokia counter, which is in line with the taste of Dong Xiaoye. Yuan Bian asked her if she wasn't blushing and didn't beat her heart. Is there a 30% discount for couples' mobile phones ...

Couples have mobile phones, but no 30% discount. The little girl who sells mobile phones clearly still remembers Chu Yuan, and chatted a few words. Seeing that more and more customers see mobile phones, the colleagues who were idle started to promote sales. She turned her eyes and whispered to Chu Yuan: "Little sister, which phone do you like? My sister can give you a discount, the lowest discount."

Chu Yuan said for a moment, "Did you just say that there is no discount?"

The little girl smiled mysteriously, "If there is no one else, if you buy it, you will have it."

I glanced at some wolves who faked the phone, and laughed in my heart. These drunkards are not drunk. They were attracted by a few beautiful and beautiful girls. The little girl who sold mobile phones was quite There is a business mind, and in all likelihood, she wants to make her a sign to attract customers.

Sure enough, Chu Yuan pointed to a machine with a price in the early three thousand and asked, "I want this, how much cheaper can you?"

"Two thousand and four black, two thousand and five white and blue," that is a machine with clear and sharp lines, there are four colors of black, white, red, and blue. The little girl's offer is very simple, but then came up with conditions, " However, you have to sit here for half an hour, of course, tea, drinks, coffee, you can order whatever you want. "

Most girls like to take advantage of small things. This is probably the instinct of a woman's housekeeper. The smelly girl didn't even think about it and bargained: "Black is eighteen and white is two thousand."

The little girl's face changed and she blurted out: "Then I won't make any money ..."

Chu Yuandao said: "No money? That means how much you earn but you never lose money? Two thousand four hundred and five. If I buy two, how much do you earn me? Also said that it was cheap for me ? "

It was too late for the little girl to cover her mouth again, annoyed.

"If you don't sell it, I'll leave." This is the usual closing method for bargaining, but I have never seen anyone use it more definitely than Chu Yuan. Turn around and leave, too smart, knowing that it is fake, but Even I think she really doesn't want to buy it.

"Okay, just the price!" The little girl gritted her teeth and compromised.

The tassel, who claims to be the bargaining devil, narrowed her eyes. I didn't expect that Chu Yuan's bargaining price was even heavier than her, and it wasn't a bit of a star, but the East and the goblins were not strange.

Chu Yuan made a 'yeah' gesture to me. When she twisted her face, it seemed like she turned a page of books. Her face was completely devoid of the joy of taking advantage, and she restored her usual appearance before her. Let ’s just sit here for half an hour. Do you have ice black tea? ”

This girl's face is too ...

Liu Su sighed, "If you have a brother, you must have a sister ... Is the coffee instant? Then give me a bottle of ice black tea."

Sister Tiger glanced at the tassel, and sighed again, "Whoever has a husband must have a wife ... milk, thank you."

The fairy glanced at Tiger Sister, "Any adulterer has an adulterer ..."

"what did you say?"

The leprechaun who was pumped with a **** in the morning immediately changed his mouth. "I said, Xiao Ye, you have developed very well, so let's drink tea. Only sister Su should drink more milk and drink less."

Tassel lifted a kick on the buttocks of the fairy, the monster screamed, exaggeratedly pours oil into the arms of the east, and a few girls laughed into a ball, and it was a good scenery. More and more, many of them have bulging wallets to buy high-profile expensive models that are deliberately recommended by several girls in front of a few girls, but a few girls are just drinking and chatting-beautiful women, they are The pride and sense of superiority comes from the immune ability cultivated from the eyes of small to large surroundings.

I took Chu Yuan to the mobile business hall next door to do the card replacement business. Within 40 minutes, I had sold more than 30 mobile phones, and the counter was still full of guests, several floors, and Endless stream-Chinese people ’s consumer psychology is very strange and they like to blindly agree. Previously, the men who were sullen were brought together in order to be in the limelight in front of the beauties. The latter ones were because the people in the front came to buy mobile phones. I mistakenly think that there is activity or the mobile phone is good, so the popularity is enough, so chasing the wind, coupled with the little girl and other populations are very good, this is getting more and more hot, in the end, more customers just squeezed out the tassel.

Buddies lamented that I had been elevated by my stepmother, Chu Yuan, and Xiaozi since I was a child. Recently, whether the beautiful women in the home or the office got together, it also made me adjust to an almost numb level, even though I knew these The little girl put together in the eyes of others can definitely be called an ultra-shocking visual feast, but I did not expect that the power could be so fierce, making me itch, wondering if I resigned from Feng Chang, and switched to selling mobile phones. And then hire these girls to work for me ...

In the end, we bought four mobile phones, four colors: black and white, red and blue. I used black, white was Chu Yuan, red was bought by Fanfan, and Sister Hu picked the blue one. Recently, she gradually cultivated a femininity. She also felt deeply that the slab in that phone should really be eliminated, but she insisted on paying for the new one for the reason: self-reliance and refusal to be fostered ...

The little girl who sells mobile phones is booming and in a good mood. Four mobile phones have given us three hundred dollars cheaper, but Chu Yuan is not happy because Fanfan and Sister Tiger are holding the same type of mobile phone as ours.

I guess, if it wasn't for seeing her upset, the fairy would have planned to buy one ...

The method of coaxing Chu Yuan to be happy is actually very simple. Under the name of trying out the camera function, took a photo with her and set it as a wallpaper, and the girl immediately became happy.

Simply simple ...

"Nannan, do you take a day off? Isn't it just to buy a mobile phone?" The fruit brand of tassel is the latest model, and I didn't want to change it, so my mood is worse than Chu Yuan.

"Of course not," I smiled, and said, "I want to meet someone for a meal."

Tassel asked: "Who?"

"Li Xinghui ..."

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