Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 1068: 】 Silent lunch

It's a French restaurant again, but this time Zhang Lingfang didn't dare to make small moves under the table, but her legs weren't so honest, she constantly shifted her sitting position, and she could see that she was very disturbed.

No wonder, a table of food was almost drawn by me, but I didn't say a word. []

"Are you nervous?" I snored, took a napkin and wiped my mouth. The indecentness was comparable to Li Xinghui's image, all of which were incompatible with the restaurant environment.

"No ..." Zhang Lingfang, who did not move the knife and fork, also felt that her answer combined with the restrained expression was too unconvincing, showing an embarrassing and bitter smiley face, and turned her unconsciously to Chu sitting at another table. edge.

At this table, only me and Sister Hu and this unnamed couple, the authentic girlfriend Tassel sat at another table, so Zhang Lingfang felt very uncomfortable, and Li Songye, who was in charge of greeting a few girls over there Nowhere is it better, the eyes of Chu Yuan look like the little white rabbit locked in the same cage with the lion, trembling.

In contrast, the upstart Li Xinghui's performance can be described as leak-free and decent. He was caught by the tail, and he had originally despised me as a trivial person, but neither flattering nor humble, but It won't make me feel uncomfortable either. The enthusiasm and care of not showing any traces of small details such as seating, greetings, and ordering, has also made me extremely useful. It is indeed a thick black successful person who has worked in the mall for a long time. Shrinking energy, the depth of the city, and the weight of the mind, are far better than me-Niu Chengjin committed suicide. Such a big thing has passed one morning. He really doesn't know? Fools don't believe it. Ya's handle is in our hands. I'm afraid that I can't sleep at night. Will I not stare at Niu Chengjin for 24 hours?

But I sat at a table for an hour, but I did n’t see any flaws. I did n’t even mention Niu Chengjin, so he calmly did n’t ask, my buddy knew that I could n’t do another position. .

"Is Dong Jin's time expensive? I make money by the minute. I'm delaying you for so long. Why don't you ask me why you asked me to come out?" Patience, Li Xinghui won, I satiated. If you don't speak again, you will deliberately pretend that you are deluded.

"Brother Chu is joking. Brother is now the monkey monkey in your palm. If you are happy, then I will be able to jump up and down. If you are not happy, if you flip your fingers, you will be able to press me for 500 years. I can still tell the difference, otherwise I will live for most of my life. "

I smiled slightly, and made no comment on his proper and proper joke, "Niu Chengjin is dead."

Zhang Lingfang was about to drink water, her hands were shaking, the water overflowed the glass, and looked nervously at me, but I didn't look at her, just stared at Li Xinghui.

Li Xinghui and I looked at each other for three seconds. It was wise not to pretend to be stupid. "I know, I committed suicide. After hearing this, I guessed that you would call me if you were **, so I was here early in the morning. Booked a place, huh. "

If I had n’t explained Sister Tiger beforehand, just eat and listen, do n’t say a word, let alone ask, she may have been unable to help interrogate Li Xinghui and Sha Zhizhou for a long time, and now finally broke the silence, After hearing this from Li Xinghui, she had to ask questions, and I barely held back when I kicked at the table.

"Really? Oh, so thank you Li Dong for your hospitality. The younger brother still has something to do in the afternoon. We dare not delay Li Dong's precious time any more, and we leave."

Li Xinghui and Zhang Lingfang were at the same time, and Dong Xiaoye didn't expect it. After waiting for the topic to start, I said goodbye.

Seeing that I really got up and wanted to leave, Zhang Lingfang stood up hurriedly, but stopped talking, I glanced at the corner of my eye, and it was Li Xinghui who dragged the hem of her shirt.

Pretending not to see it, I laughed: "I'm afraid I won't pay enough for this meal for a month, so I won't be fooled by Li Dong, lest he be a hypocrite who eats rice and is a decent hypocrite, haha, we really It's a little person, so be a real villain honestly. "

"Haha, my brother is still arrogant. Do I need to be polite with my elder brother?" The phrase is pun intended, which is like catching human feelings and hurting me by holding his tail. Just right.

"No puppets, no puppets ... Then I can order two more dishes and make a bag? The caviar, truffles, fat foie gras and grilled snails are all good."

Everyone collapses ...

Leaving the restaurant with two bags of expensive food and waving goodbye to the three Li family who was short-circuited by my entire brain before they got into the car, Sister Hu finally couldn't help but "Why, what do you mean, Xiao Chuzi? We are eating Come? Just go home like this? "

"Don't you just say it before? I asked Li Xinghui to have a meal, and after finishing the meal, if you don't go home, do you plan to follow him?"

"Are you looking for a pump?"

I have no doubt that if I annoyed Tiger Sister, she would pump me, turned around, and pinched the small face sitting on the fringed leg, "bitter, is French food delicious?"

Loli nodded strongly, smiling like a flower, holding two bags of four lunch boxes in her arms tightly, for fear of accidentally spilling it, because I told her that it was for her to take home to grandma and Zhu Danchen and that The uncle's house-husband ate.

Tassel saw that the face of the tiger sister I ignored was green, and she gave me a glance. It seemed to be on behalf of the tiger sister. In fact, she spoke for me. "Nannan, you know what you know, Xiaoye is a police officer, but Not an outsider, you do n’t believe the police, but you ca n’t believe her? ”

I have been together for five years. In the end, Tassel knows me best. I wanted to reach out and tease her, but I saw Chu Yuandong Xiao Elf who was crowded next to her. Tassel and my tacit agreement seem to have quite some opinions, so I hoped that I would deny her, and I was full of expectations for her words.

"I do not know anything..."

Sister Tiger was not angry, "Nonsense, you didn't ask anything, can you know what?"

"What do you think I should ask?" I said, "Ask him, did you hire Sha Zhizhou to kidnap me? What is the evidence? He has money? He knew Niu Chengjin? Beitian wanted Xu Hengming and again The rich people who knew Niu Chengjin were gone. He said it wasn't him. Do you believe it or not? "

"But he and Niu Chengjin not only knew each other, but they also had a good relationship. The last time he acknowledged himself, the recording was in my hands. Niu Chengjin's elder brother was the department manager of his subsidiary, and his aunt, Song Youxue's wife, Opened a store, the store was sent by him Li Xinghui, last time we set up a pit, isn't it the purpose of Xu Heng? Also, Liu Xiaosheng was at the banquet that night, and he was there. It is entirely possible that the invitation of Sand Boat is He sent it! "

The matter of Li Xinghui setting up the bureau, we told the tassel before going to the banquet at noon, of course, the part where I was aphrodisiac was hidden, and the old **** bud was hidden, and I wanted to mess with the sister Chu Yuanhu Part of it, not to mention that the injury on my mouth was actually a strong kiss. Chu Yuan was retaliated the next day. He only said that he had taken a sleeping pill and wanted my daughter Li Song to have a relationship with me. Draw me ...

The pressure of Li Song ’s meal was huge, largely due to the hostile and murderous eyes of tassel. Until later I asked for a package. While waiting for the meal, Li Song took the initiative to talk about the two sets that had fallen under the name of Chu Yuan How to decorate your house and what kind of furniture do you need? The tassel's momentum has been restrained a bit-in addition to urging me to buy a car, buying a house is also something she often finds in my ears. Think about it, starting from about half a semester, a little Nervous, she would jump out abruptly every three to five: My mother said that there is no high demand for son-in-law, as long as she has a house, she agrees to marry me ... At that time I thought it was the girl who was too angry and she was worried about finding Not a good target, her mother was worried that she would not marry, so she lowered the selection criteria (of course I personally think that young people have their own houses, which is not at all low). Now looking back, I am just a mallet. Grandma Shi agitates me to buy a house in Xiaohe every day. I didn't even think about that ...

"Liu Xiaosheng couldn't remember anyone, but he only remembered that the banquet did not give Li Xinghui extra invitations. At that time, they had been in secret. Please don't invite Li Xinghui, so proud and so desperate Liu Gongzi struggled for a while, so Sha Zhi It is unlikely that Zhou ’s invitation was obtained from Li Xinghui. Of course, this does not prove that the surname of Li must have nothing to do with Sha Zhizhou, ”I said to Sister Hu,“ I know why I let the tassel sit at another table. Would you just let me sit with me and Li Xinghui and Zhang Lingfang for dinner? I just want to give them a sense of oppression because you are a policeman. If you sit at another table, tassel sits with me, or everyone sits together. That ’s really a social lunch. The difference is that Li Xinghui ’s feeling is the clearest. I do n’t ask anything, and I wo n’t ask you, just to see if Li Xinghui will take the initiative to say something. ”

Sister Hu started to smell something. "He said nothing, what did he prove?"

The orthodox teacher fiddled with the new phone, saying: "Prove that he has no shame in his heart, it is estimated that this has nothing to do with him."

Dongfang said: "The old fox who has been soaked in shopping malls for a long time is unpredictable. Even if there are ghosts in his heart, he will not be easily seen. Put aside Li Xinghui, look at his woman and his daughter. Is it ashamed? "

"Orient is right, but only half right," I laughed. "It's normal to not see Li Xinghui. Anyway, people have eaten for decades more than us, but his woman and daughter are nervous and upset. But it can't prove that they have anything to do with the abduction of me by Sha Zhizhou last night, tassel, you have been staring at Li Song, but has she looked back at me after this meal? "

Tassel knew that I noticed her taste at that time, she blushed and gave me a shameful glance, but still said, "No, she seems to be more at the time ..."

"Zhang Lingfang is also the same. I didn't eat a bite, and my eyes drifted towards Yuan Yuan. Why? They were afraid that Yuan Yuan would open their mouths and hold two houses for millions of dollars. For the first time, I stood up and said After his resignation, Li Song actively and Yuanyuan mentioned the house decoration and the addition of furniture, and was grateful for the mercy under her mouth. The addition of furniture was more cost-effective than a real estate. "

Chu Yuan cried, "I'm not so greedy!"

"But people don't know, this is called being bitten by a snake, and I was afraid of well rope for ten years, haha."

Dong Xiaoye and Tassel said at the same time: "So, Li Xinghui is OK?"

"No," I narrowed my eyes unconsciously and said calmly, "He is not only a problem, but a big problem."

[Ps: One day and one night of heavy rain, the line just repaired is still out of power, it has collapsed, is life inseparable from the development of motors and gasoline tanks ...]

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