Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 1071: 】sister in law

Before sister Hu and I went to catch Gong Fanlin, I asked the tassel to send Fanfan, Chuyuan, Dongfang, and Xiao fairies home.

Fanfan has returned to Zhu Danchen, and I received her text message and phone call before. This child is surprised at how fast the mobile phone is getting started. In addition to some fancy features such as Internet access and entertainment, making phone calls, especially texting My little girl is familiar with her driving skills. My hand crackled and typed Pinyin on the touch screen. The speed of editing text messages was faster than mine, but there were more typos. Later, my grandmother told me when I talked on the phone that my little girl learned to spell in kindergarten. After Pinyin, I became obsessed with texting, often using my mother's mobile phone to "harass" my busy dad, ranging from a dozen or so to a dozen ... []

I know this very well. The little girl is really addicted to texting. In just one afternoon, I received no less than 20 messages. I was either asking what I was doing or telling me what she was doing. I bought her a mobile phone and saved all of your numbers in it. I want to take this opportunity to play together and connect with you in the future to expand the living space and communication environment. The doctor said, small The problem of the girl is not the mind, but the psychology. For a child of her age, complex psychological suggestive treatments will not have too significant effects, and may even have adverse effects, so give her a warm environment and let She likes and starts to enjoy the beauty and fun of life, which is the best way to help her open up her heart, and the first step is to increase communication.

But this little girl didn't seem to understand my original intention. After half a day, it seemed that I had only communicated with me.

Zhu Danchen seems to be afraid that my grandfathers did not coax the patience of the children, and told me very euphemistically that before the last business trip, my sister-in-law mentioned that I would buy a mobile phone for the little girl. He was convenient to contact, but she did n’t agree. She was afraid that the situation would improve when she saw Wusiren. Then she thought of her deceased parents. But now she is so excited that she texted me with her new mobile phone. Now, I feel that I am too worried about it, and I am relieved that the little girl did not have the sensitive situation she expected ... This sentence scared me into a cold sweat. When I bought my mobile phone, I did n’t consider it at all.

As soon as I entered the house, I felt that the atmosphere was not right. Several girls surrounded the coffee table, one petrified, the expression was dignified, the TV was on, and the game machine was plugged in. The picture shows Chu Yuan and Dongfang playing live football. But no one was playing at this moment. When I got closer, I was actually playing chess.

Tassel was sitting on the sofa, holding a glass of boiling water, smiling, and holding a stack of eaten chess pieces next to the chessboard, squatting Chu Yuan on the opposite bench, his brows locked, holding his handsome in his hand, Hesitating where to put it, I glanced at the chessboard, and dared to stink that the girl who had been tassel was about to die, but refused to give up.

The disobedient fairy didn't go home, and stood next to Chu Yuan with Dongfang, left and right, with the former holding his small butt, supporting his knees with both hands, and showing a beautiful curve, but also squeezed out the opposite tassel to look at with no courage. The last glance was milk and ditch, with big eyes staring at the chessboard, trying to find a way for Chu Yuan to escape, while Dongfang dragged his chin and meditated hard, but he knew his futility in vain.

Obviously, the tassel is one enemy three.

My aunt and grandmother won easily and without suspense. I am not surprised. This girl has average academic performance, but she is good at math alone. She is also the kind of "very good" with strong ability to participate in the Mathematical Olympiad. She has strong logical thinking and is good at deduction According to her calculations, she played chess and Go classes successively when she was a child. The teacher praised her as a genius. Combined with her almost unforgettable abnormal memory, it is estimated that the water is not great. Unfortunately, this genius' mental quality is too bad. The final exam, the mock exam is not normal, it is not normal, let alone the game, it is almost always the bottom one, usually standing next to a few strangers who will stand behind the chess will lose, so I have been very surprised, come to the air During the interview, why did she demonize evil once, and actually passed the level guarded by Murphy perfectly, and recently came to a conclusion-God's destiny ...

From the perspective of my father being forced to play against the game from an early age, the skill of playing tassel in chess is not inferior to the old man who is obsessed with this. I am afraid that because I played against the old man, I occasionally won in ten games. The last one or two games, but the tassels' victory was still a tragic blank. It is not easy to force her, and even more annoying, her grandma Aunt Cheng didn't like chess very much. Experiencing too much? Once you give up something, it's hard to like it again. Only when she was at work, she occasionally downloaded a few disks online, but more often she played Lianliankan or Bubble Shooter, but she also did n’t invest in it. After playing for a while, she could n’t help but come to me for a fart, not to help I searched for the seeds of the latest island country action movie, which was to let her pinch her legs and send me tofu.

The old man and tassel haven't seen it a few times, but there is a concise and candid evaluation of her: energetic, impatient, persistent, unambitious, talented, not confident, a proud and humble girl.

Compared with tassel's deep and unfathomable chess power, although the academic performance can get rid of the Chu edge that tassel for several streets in the same period, it is a veritable stinky chess basket. Poor this girl doesn't know it. The record was that the old man had deliberately asked her to overwhelm me, but it was because I didn't dare to win her, lest this stinking girl with a very strong win and lose entangle me.

Looking at the chessboard she was killed in, she still refuses to give up, which is undoubtedly the strongest proof of her stinky chessboard-after playing at least one game, she has not seen the gap between her and tassels ...

I didn't know whether it was intentional or proud. Tassel saw me enter the door, and patted her position next to her generously. She pulled me down to show off the results of the battle and took hold of my arm, "Gong Fanlin caught it?"

"Well," I nodded, not getting into the topic, and asking, "How do you remember playing chess?"

Tassel seemed unable to see the irritated gaze of the three young girls, and laughed: "I just played three live games, and they were abused by eighteen to zero, hurting my self-esteem. I changed the game to save my face as an adult."

The word "adult", the tassel deliberately accented, I can clearly feel the sudden hostility of the three eastern fairy fairies of Chu Yuan, and they are all cold sweat ... good guys, these four girls must be struggling, I just do n’t know if it ’s bright or dark ...

"Lose it?" I asked Hengmei with cold eyes, knowingly, but squatting down on the small bench and then seemed to have a lack of momentum and pity.

Chu Yuan raised his chin cheekily, "I missed Jingzhou."

Tassel grinned: "Don't agree?"

Chu Yuan finally put down the "handsome" hand, and unconsciously aimed at the arm that was entangled with tassel and me, gritted his teeth and said, "It's only one set. If you say the next three sets, you won all!" "

Tassel seemed to notice Chu Yuan's eyes, a sly arc that made my heart scare, asked Dongfang and the fairy: "What do you two say?"

Dongfang didn't speak, and she was clever as she had realized the abnormality of tassel chess skills, and these little girls who could only be called 'slightly understood' were not on a level at all, and it was estimated that it was not much worse than the level of Chu Yuan The fairy with a similar heart didn't know how to die: "I'm willing to lose, but you have to win first!"

Sister Hu and I both heard it. Sister Hu asked, "Are you betting? What are you betting on?"

The big girls, three little girls, and four little girls blushed together. No one answered. I knew them. From their expressions, tassel was ashamed. Chu Yuandong and fairies were ashamed and guilty. There are seven points of fear.

Tassel set the chessboard with one hand, and the other hand was holding me, leaning half of her body into my arms, so Chu Yuan's eyes glanced at me from time to time ...

The result is self-evident, Chu Yuan, who is full of resentment, is constantly fainting. The anxious Dongfang and Xiao Fairies can only sigh to the sky, and the tassel has no mercy, and almost only uses the two horses to settle Chu Yuan. Jiangshan responded to the phrase "double horses like a reamer", killing them heartily, and jumping chess like antelope with horns, there is no trace, which is called a coquettish. Within fifteen minutes, Chu Yuantu slaughtered only There is an old coach pinched in his hand. The **** the stinky girl holds the old coach and refuses to give up, but she refuses to admit defeat, but this one is reluctant to be killed. The board is bare, and it is a shame. Tears are about to fall with the small mouth that can hang soy sauce.

Tassel smiled and asked, "Did you take it?"

"Don't agree." Chu Yuan's self-confidence had disappeared.

"Sweating, I'll take a shower ..."

Realizing that I was in a bad situation, I was about to get up, but tassel was holding my arm and did not let go. The gentle eyes made me feel goosebumps, not flesh, but murderous ...

Buddies fought a cold war and did not dare to move. Tassel turned to Chu Yuan and smiled: "Come again, the last set."

Chu Yuan swallowed saliva, looked at the East, and then looked at the fairy, and then was helpless-the self-confidence of the fairy is unfounded, and the oriental's unconfidence is the reality.

Although I ignored the tassels crooked in my arms and tried my best to focus on the chessboard, Chu Yuanjia Dongfang and the monsters under the random command still couldn't avoid the end of the tassel slaughter. Chu Yuan killed only one veteran, and the mess was strong.

"Cough," said Grandma aunty, and asked the three girls with a smile. "Is there anything else to say? If you don't pay, I don't recommend it, because I am an adult."

Even Dong Xiaoye couldn't help but despise tassel, how exciting is that?

I was wondering what they were betting on, so I heard the Oriental screamed, "Bitch."


The tiger sister who was drinking water behind me sprayed a sip of ice water into my back neck, and I almost jumped up, "Bitch ?!"

The fairy and the boss also reluctantly murmured, "Sister ... No, I have always been called Uncle Nan. What should I call you? Aunt?"

Tassel smiled and gave the fairy a white smile, and didn't mind this fairy playing with Lai Pi. She looked at Chu Yuan, and her eyes were flashing with a strange light.

I'm no stranger to this weird glory, not expectation, not desire, not playfulness ...

When rubbing his mouth with Murphy, the color that flickered in Tassel's eyes was this color, that is ... comparison! It is a dedication to comparison and victory!

Looking at Chu Yuan again, wiped a tear, the small mouth still stubbornly raised high.

The word "嫂子" in the stinky girl's dictionary never seems to exist ...

I want to know, will Chu Yuan call Tassel a 嫂子, and then I want to know more, if Chu Yuan wins Tassel, she, no, is the question three girls, what are their requirements?

With the weirdness of these three girls, I don't think they will be too difficult to tassel ...

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