Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 1072: Health number

The proud Chu Yuan is disdainful. This girl is weak but not cowardly. Below her introverted personality, she has had a force since she was young that she may not have noticed. She does not like to show off, but she does not like to lose. To anyone, there is an almost paranoid pursuit of victory and defeat, and her heart of victory and defeat has also hit me to the point where there is no longer the heart of victory and defeat. The old man said, that kind of thing is called proud .

The talent is sometimes brought out from the mother's womb, like the looks. In recent years, you can still look beautiful if you don't look good. If you are talented, you can only make up for it by hard work, but if your opponent is the slightest A talented person who doesn't feel talented and who works harder than you? Being hit is inevitable, so the old man always held a complex mentality about me that was sad and unhappy, and he told me that Chu Yuan was proud, not born, but influenced by his stepmother since he was a child Although the stepmother is crazy about playing with her child's temper all day, she is definitely a great woman who is strong and self-improving. Chu Yuan knows this better than anyone, so there is no way to be as big as my stepmother as I am, but instead Always filled with awe, the old man said that it was longing and admiration. []

I believe that my stepmother, who has always been coquettish with me, is an amazing woman, not because I am always full of awe, longing and admiration for my father like Chu Yuan to my stepmother. I am not stupid nor stupid. I can see that my stepmother is a storyteller Person, but she would never tell the story in her heart, why? I know she wants to be strong and proud. She likes to be coquettish, but she won't share the really heavy things with me. This is amazing.

Sister Yue taunts that her stepmother is not strong enough because of her different position. Sister Yue is a bystander, and her stepmother is in the game. Not all times are spectators who are obsessed with the authorities. In fact, many things are caused by the authorities. Being strong is just an excuse for continuing to be strong-she still hasn't shared the heavy things with me. Maybe Sister Yue thinks this is not good, not like a family, but her stepmother feels good because she is like a mother.

Chu Yuan is like a stepmother. She is proud and has a strong heart for winning and losing. She has ranked top in her studies. She has not fallen out of the top three of her class since the beginning of school. She is at the bottom of her sports, but she has not given up. She has never escaped physical education and inter-class exercises. Lazy enough not to have a lady sitting on it, she can jog for 15 minutes every morning and climb the stairs twice at night. Although the amount of exercise is not great, this perseverance is really not there, especially at the end of the multi-year sports trailer. And under the premise of being full of hatred for sports ... Recently, the smelly girl is learning from the east a set of yoga suitable for bedtime exercises, and she seems to plan to continue for a long time, but this may be related to her desire to improve her physical performance. It ’s okay to compromise, because both Dongfang and Ziyuan have said that practicing yoga can not only shape the body, but also the effect of breast enhancement ... I have checked specifically that breast enhancement is groundless, but Chu Yuan must have believed it. If you have a disorder and go to the doctor, it can be seen from this that she refuses to accept her personality, and she is a small girl when she is young. I have never said that there is nothing wrong with young, but she just does not want to lose to tassel ...

The stepmother said half-seriously and half-ridiculously that Chu Yuan's resistance to Liu Su's victory over Ziyuan was because she felt that she could not win the cheerful and lively tassel, so in her opinion, the threat of tassel far exceeded her personality and She has eight points similar to asters.

So, when I heard the word "sister-in-law" squeezed out of her little mouth, maybe I was a few times or even dozens of times more excited than tassel-I'm not afraid of her playing tricks, I'm afraid of her dictionary It really doesn't have these two words.

The tassel was sweet and good-looking. The glory in my eyes was finally replaced by a little pride, but it was more relaxed and joyful, "Oh, my sister-in-law gives you candy."

Where is Chu Yuan still eating sugar? She wished she had tassel, "Don't eat it."

Tassel really pulled out a few candies. I guess most of them were given to her by Shiyuan. Only that girl had the habit of stuffing her candy in her pocket. "Eat ~~~~"

Tassel leaned forward and sent the candy to Chu Yuan. It was so soft and soft that Chu Yuan couldn't hold her back, but didn't want to give her face, so she picked up **** and planned to take one, so Grandma Cheng didn't want to suddenly Another sentence jumped out, "Yeah, eat, be my brother and you."

Chu Yuan felt like she touched the electric door. She subconsciously retracted her little hand, as if the poison of the tassel palm was fiercely hot. She was squatting on a small stool, and her center of gravity was not very stable. Yang, almost fell off, but fortunately was helped by Xiao Fairy, but also really embarrassed.

Unless the blind can't see it, the last sentence of the tassel was intentionally made up, just to see the response of Chu Yuan-Grandma Cheng is very thick-skinned, but she can't let go of the relationship, because she knows everyone When she is half a kid, she feels the same way, so if anyone laughs at her, is charming, feminine, and feminine, she will feel embarrassed even if she is not ridiculed and praised, so in front of people, Holding hands with me at most, but now she was in my arms, showing off the sweet happiness of the little woman.

This girl, didn't you hear anything from Shu Tong?

Chu Yuan apparently thought about it with me, a little confused and confused.

At this time, my cell phone suddenly rang, but it was not the complexity of message addiction. It was a birth number ... To be precise, because the cell phone was newly purchased and the cell phone card was just replenished, it was more familiar except for me. Almost all people have become students.

I don't have the tassel-like pervert talent that can unforgettable strings of numbers, but I can guess who the owner of this jerky number is--

Seeing that I was smiling strangely, Tassel retracted the eyes that were enough to make Chu Yuan guilty and wanted to find a place to hide, and asked me, "Who?"

"Dine dinner."

Tassel said: "Zhang Mingjie?"

"should be."

Dong Xiaoye cried: "The dog's ears are quite good, and the wind was heard in less than an hour."

Xiao Yaojing, who can be regarded as an accomplice, said: "The dog's eyes are also very bright. I don't believe he can guess that he was arrested by the uncle by guessing."

Tassel sneered, "It's just that the dog's nose isn't very good.

"That's because the dog's brain is so good ... pull it down. Isn't it that IQ is scolding another dog, isn't it scolding our own dog?" I listened to the bell, but didn't connect, and laughed: " I know that Zhang Mingjie's IQ and Gong Fanlin have been found by me. I will never pretend to be stupid with me. He denied that the hacking last time was related to him. At the high-level meeting, he stood back to his Lao Tzu's team and then pretended to be with me. It ’s hot, meaningless, and I ’m disgusted, so I ’d better apologize and admit it, but I did n’t expect him to be so crisp, I wondered, how can he first study how I found Gong Fanlin? Then how Discuss with him, how can I rub my **** on this matter? So how can I have a couple of days to invite me to eat this meal? Ha ha, this is an underestimation of others, they have more brains than we add up Okay, now that I know I did it, why do I still want to do so much? The initiative is in my hands, and I am asking for the price, anyway, they only have to pay the money on the spot-things happen, change We may still be shouting I did n’t press the panic to panic, others figured it out, it ’s not easy, it ’s not easy, it ’s not something you can do with your brain alone, you ’ve never experienced a strong storm, you ’ve never suffered a kneel before you break Over the waist, this calmness and wisdom cannot be shown. "

The cell phone rang for a minute and broke, and Tassel curiously asked, "Why don't you answer?"

I smiled slightly and didn't answer. At this time, the phone rang again. It was the same number. I read it aloud for three seconds and then cut it off directly. Then I said to a few girls in the fog in the cloud: "To be honest, my phone is My phonebook is gone, I do n’t know if this number is Zhang Mingjie ’s, maybe yes, maybe not, but Zhang Mingjie does n’t know that I do n’t have his number on my phone now, so if he called, I missed it the first time. The second time I judged, then the third time, it should not be this number. "

Dongfang has always been particularly interested in this kind of speculative things, and walked around me, staring at the screen of the mobile phone in my hand, and asked, "Why?"

"Because he's a smart, self-aware person who knows what I mean by not answering his phone."

Tassel knows my personality and knows that I don't have any good ideas, but she is always afraid of not being hilarious and playing with the world. She is excited about "What do you mean if you don't answer his phone?"

Chu Yuan also looked at me with a curious look. I leaned back on the sofa and raised Erlang's legs. It was not atmospheric, but it was very insignificant and ridiculous. "I want the lion to open his mouth. He is a sheep-skeleton meat. Too little, not enough for me to want to satisfy my appetite, why should I have to gain some weight? "

The voice did not end, and the cell phone sounded for the third time. Several girls brought their heads together at the same time, and the fairy said, "Oh my god, it's a real number change! Who is this?"

I made a snoring gesture to them, and finally connected to the phone, "Hey, Vice President Zhang, hello."

The phone was silent for a few seconds, and then there was a hearty laughter with distinctive tension, "Xiao Chu, did you have dinner?"

The sweet tone made me feel goosebumps-my dad has never been so considerate to me, and it makes me think that I am his dad ...

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