[Sorry, it has been raining, the network is disconnected and the power is off, and the power can be generated by itself. There is no way to disconnect the network ... just connected.

The six-thousand-word chapter was posted yesterday and today. 】 []

The deep tension of the city government did not open the door to tell me to invite me out to drink, but the pavement atmosphere of the old road seemed to intentionally put me and tassels on guard, as if it was testing or testing our patience. The first topic was again Big and vague, "Xiao Chu, what do you think is the secret to a person's success in a career?"

I stunned and answered honestly: "I don't know, I am a lazy person. I have been scolded by my parents and teachers since I was young. I may have been numb or scolded, or it is really hopeless. To this day, I do n’t seem to have made any progress. I have no ambitions for my career, I ’m too tiring and tiring, and the big ups and downs stimulate my small heart. I probably ca n’t afford it. Yes, but the ability to adapt to the flow is still stubborn, even a little obsessed with it, saying that men are career-oriented. If this is a standard, then I must be an unqualified man. Although I never feel that life is more important than career It ’s important, but I never think that career is more important than life. I do n’t have any great ideals for life. It ’s enough if you have enough food and drink and food and clothing. Of course, you can buy a mid-range car before 30 years old. The family car, enough to pay the down payment to buy a house, guarantee that I can get married around the age of thirty, and let my parents hold my grandson or granddaughter before the age of thirty-five, it is perfect. Feel it, my career as long as I can help achieve this goal, it is successful, the trick Well ... Oh, behaved just fine. "

Zhang Lijie's disdain was fleeting in his eyes, and there was always a smile on his face. I estimate that if Sima Yang heard this, the goods would definitely regret the intestines for betting with me, only the tassel Fool, I am so foolish that I forget to be nervous.

"Be safe and secure yourself ..." Tension has lived for decades more than Zhang Mingjie, showing the taste in these four words.

"Yeah," I laughed. "Pay attention to work and pay attention to life. Now it is a society ruled by law. An accidentally done something extraordinary, leaving stains in the files of life, can not be washed in this life. It affects work and life, so it ’s easy to say the word “be safe and secure,” but it ’s actually hard to do, right? ”

Zhang Mingjie finally heard the words "Be safe and secure" is a thorny sentence, and his smile is a bit unnatural.

"But why do I see something different from what you are saying now?"

"What's different?"

"It's all different."


Light up a cigarette lightly, take a sip, and pause for a while before saying, "Do you have any ambitions for the Mos?"

I looked at Lao Zhang, and asked with a smile, "What do you think I have ambitions? Take the 13-city project and fly into the sky?"

"No," Zhang said, squinting his eyes, "I think you are smarter. You gave up too much power at the high-level meeting, but what you won was not owned by me or Chairman Mo in this life. I do n’t know if these four words are appropriate, but I do see the most excellent manipulative technique in you. Because you are not contending for nothing, you are not wanting, you are aiming for your qualifications and abilities. Questioning no longer exists and there is no reason to continue. Is this your careful calculation or is it the natural result? I'm not sure, the only thing I can confirm is that the high-level positive evaluation of you now is surprisingly unified, not without People want to continue to deny you, but no one can stand up and deny you, because you can't find a reason to deny you, and you will only make yourself the target of criticism. "

"Like you?"

Zhang Li did not acknowledge or deny, and continued to laugh.

When I heard the word "Feng Chang", the white-faced youth on the dance floor next to the railing who was absently watching from the railing next to the table, there was a slight change in his face, but he still didn't turn his head, but his eyes didn't seem to be so distracted.

"In fact, you already think that all of this is my careful calculation, right?"

Tension shook off the soot, and said, "At least your past can prove that you are neither a young man who is at ease, nor an ordinary person who has no ambition."

"how to say?"

"Student's job should be studying? But you don't seem to be safe and sound. Your family conditions should be very good. My father is a university professor and has a rich income. My mother works hard and earns a lot. Children and daughters are not a burden to go to school at all. If you follow your philosophy of life, you do n’t have to work hard. It is natural for you to go to work after graduating from college? But I have read your Q & A record when you came to Fengchang interview. You said that your first income was earned as a tutor in the second year of high school ... Isn't this like a child who is not serious or ambitious about life? Your mother set up a fast food restaurant in your sophomore year, since Almost every holiday after that year, you went to work, worked as a tutor, brushed dishes, and joined the job in the last two years of college, because I missed many classes and I could n’t even get my graduation certificate. Thanks to your father ’s trust Pleading, for this I checked what you were doing in those two years, but I was really taken aback ... Moya saw you and took you to the integrated department of the investment department. Selfishness, another sounding reason is your rich work experience at university. You have experienced three companies in the past two years, but I guess the magnificent and well-designed, seemingly bland, more than two years, not only her I do n’t know, even if you are sitting next to you at the moment, and you were almost inseparable from college, Miss Cheng, I am afraid you do n’t know?

I frowned slightly. One was because Zhang Li ’s phrase "Murphy is not humanely selfish" had too much meaning in it, and the other was that he didn't know what he had done in the past few years. ..

Zhang Li glanced at Zhang Mingjie next to him, his eyes were complicated, and he said, "I said Zhang Li never won Mo Yiyi in my life. No, I won. I gave birth to a smart son. What about him? Among the younger generation of eccentric nieces, Mo Yan is also very good. He inherited his father's diligence and Mo Yizhi's thick black. Without his father's indecision, Mo Yizhi's crispness It can be seen that in the future, it must be a character who is better than blue out of blue, but if you don't show up, she won't win Ming Jie ... "

Tassel is a little woman's mentality. I like to listen to others saying that I am good and that Murphy is not good, so I smile like a flower, looking at tension, not like looking at a fly, like watching a mosquito. Beware of a little more, but less nauseous, but I didn't appreciate it. I shook my head and said, "You need to deny Zhang Shao's talent, but his foundation is yours. How long did it take you to play this game? Half a lifetime, it is only two years for Fifi to return to China and enter Fengchang. In the past two years, in order to train her and highlight her, Mo Dong gradually got behind the scenes. He stepped back from you and got more than Fifi got? Children fight, I fight, so it's not Fifi Because you have the upper hand, in my opinion, Zhang Shao wins against Feifei at most five or five. If it is a fight, I believe Zhang Shao can win, but not the little ladies' masters. Not much. "

Tassel kicked my thigh under the table. She knew that I didn't make any sense. I was just defending my mother-in-law. I didn't say anything. It was the default. I also wondered if Zhang Mingjie would be ridiculed by me. It's a pity, but this uncle's control of emotions is not lost to his old man. "Mr. Mo has discovered Chu Shao. Only this point, I lost."

The dead duck has a hard mouth ...

Zhang Li ignored my rather childish irony, and continued indifferently: "Either Mingjie or Moya, is better than your place, but it is just the" starting point ". Like you said, this is not theirs. Skills, but the foundation laid down by their elders. If their conditions are the same as yours, without any original accumulation, work experience and interpersonal relationships, they can earn the first bucket of gold in their lives in a few years from scratch. I believe they can do it, but at your age, they ca n’t do it ... your mom ’s fast-food restaurant is rented before you buy it. Considering your parents ’income and the money to buy the store, you also A lot out? "

My heart trembled, but I heard Tassel ask, "What's weird about giving his mother money to his mother to buy a shop?"

Zhang Li smiled and asked, "Not surprising, what is the son's filial piety ... but do you know how much he made?"

Tassel froze, shaking his head suddenly.

I told Tassel that the money earned from university work was given to the stepmother to buy a store, but I never said how much money I paid, nor how much money I made in the past two years, or even my bank card. There are always hundreds of thousands of things in it that she doesn't know. This girl never cares about this ...

The Zhang family father and son smiled each other, Zhang Mingjie said: "Miss Cheng, if I give you a million or several hundred thousand, will you keep it for yourself, or will you give it to others as soon as you change hands, and you don't keep a dime?"

Tassel didn't even think about it, "I do n’t have the money to spend it myself. I give it to others. I'm sick? I'm not a rich man like you who have so much money ..."

When Zhang Mingjie smiled and said nothing, her aunt and grandma reacted suddenly, staring at me with wide eyes ...

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not the owner of any money ...."

Tension squeezed the smoke in the crystal ashtray and slowly said: "The person who is a tutor in high school and high school for two or three years and pays you the first salary in your life is the owner of the first investment company you applied for during college , The company is not large, and investment in real estate also invests in securities, which is a type of offensive sword, mostly on the edge of the law, where you learned everything you want to learn and the university will not teach you, half a year later Leaving and interviewing the second company, this company has no investment business and sells tableware, but the boss is still your acquaintance. You have been a tutor to his daughter in your sophomore and sophomore years. It was a coincidence that I met an acquaintance during the interview, but what about the second time? Not long after, you were found to have the talent for investment and won the favor of the boss. You were taken to an investment company in which he was a shareholder. Beitian is unknown, but its background company is quite famous in Suzhou and Hangzhou area, and it is not inferior to the wind. You should be here to make the first big money in your life. It is said that you have separated in more than one year. Participate Completed two projects with **, many dividends, right? This dividend can be exchanged for any capable person, the key is, why should I give this opportunity to you? This is where I am surprised, you I used an unclear fate or man-made fate, in exchange for a lot of trust and the one hundred points that the boss wants to cultivate you **. For this, I got the opportunity for others to work hard for at least ten years. Ming Jie and Mo Ya are not as good as you in the following system of controlling people. Just like now, on the surface, you are the most passive person in this game, but in fact, whether it is me or Mo Yi , Xue Dong, Miss Three, in fact, you are holding your nose, but we do n’t know it yet ... You are not only a good person at big things, but also at small things. , You have worked as an hourly worker in countless restaurants and fast food restaurants, and it ’s not that easy to make pocket money? I heard that your mother ’s fast food restaurant, you have given a lot of practical suggestions ... "

The dog + day + must be people who have been to the stepmother's shop. Most of what he said is the stepmother and the girl, who often talk about things with guests ...

"If I say those are really coincidences, do you believe it?" I asked the two Zhang family members, but shaking their heads was tassel.

"Deputy Zhang, I don't know where you found these, but there are a few mistakes in it. I think I need to emphasize it," I said, "First, in the two years, I did make money for me. When it comes to the first big money in life, I did use a little bit of glorious means, but that little money was not enough to help my mother buy that shop. I just put together a small part, and the remaining part is My mother accumulated it in an ordinary way and worked hard every day. Second, in your story, some things are coincidental, and some things are not coincidental. I do n’t deny this, but I am ashamed of it. Not to buy a store for my mom, but to buy a house in the Atlantis neighborhood of Xiaohe City. Unfortunately, when I saved enough money, Atlantis' house prices have already flew to the sky. . "

Tassel heard the flush in his face at Atlantis in Xiaohe City, presumably remembering the fact that I had once burnt a package to confuse me to buy a house there, and my little hand held my big hand warm.

Zhang Li laughed: "You haven't denied your system of controlling people."

"No, I sit opposite you, do you still have the confidence to speak?" I said, "You have said so much, nothing more than to tell me that you did your homework and know very well, and then "What do you want to say? I am a person with a career, an ambition for success, and a good at hiding this ambition, and then I cannot deny this?"

Ten nodded, "Exactly."


"You have the ambition, so I have the capital to do business with you," Zhang said. "I can give you Mo Yizhi and I won't give you."

Finally got to the point, everyone at the table understood that whoever couldn't hold back first lost the first half, and surrendered the initiative, which means passive, very delicate, but very important.

"You don't think Mo Yizhi will give me anything?" Under the premise of occupying an advantage, I strive to make myself more sophisticated and stable.

"He won't give you anything, whether it's power or Moya."

"This provocation is not clever and does not match your identity."

"Then I said so, he won't give you anything extra."

"Extra means?"

Zhang Li hesitated, and said, "You give him Gong Fanlin, and he won't give you anything. Even if you give it, it is far better to give me Gong Fanlin. I give you more. You should understand that he has won A Gong Fanlin can't take him any more. "

"But you can help him erase anything, don't you?" I leaned back slightly and looked at Zhang Mingjie playfully. "For example, your son's future."

Zhang Mingjie's smile finally froze. It was about eating a meal. How could he not care?

Zhang Li sighed indifferently, but I could feel the tension and anxiety hidden in the thick skin. "So, can't we talk?"

I'm 100% sure. If I do n’t talk, even if I do n’t see Dongxiao Ye, I ’m not sure if she is lurking somewhere, tension will break the boat and tie me with tassel, as long as he lifts his **** and goes away, Lin ’s family When people start to do something, they can completely lay a relationship with him.

"I won't come without having to talk," I punted. "I'm here, it won't really be your glass of water? I really want something, and Mo Dong absolutely wouldn't give it to me."

It's hard to hide the tension, "What?"

"Money." When he said the word, Sima Yang came back and heard it.

Old Zhang frowned slightly, and Zhang Mingjie's face was as if he had been plastered with cement--the old ink who was not short of money couldn't bear to give me the numbers, could they give it if they were short of money?

You can see that Lao Zhang is really scared. Shen Fu has been in the sea for decades, and the voice of the two characters is still shaking, "How much?"

"What do you think of Zhang Shaoyi's clean future, how much is it?" I held the fringed little hand and patted her gently on the back. The girl had not knocked on the bamboo pole, excited and nervous.

Tension stretched out a finger.

Tassel asked silly: "One million?" This girl is very serious, but even in the case of Zhang Mingjie, who cuts and bleeds, this is a kind of irony. Is his clean future worth such a little money? Swearing ...

Old Zhang said: "10 million."

Tassel froze, Sima Yang behind Grandpa Zhang sighed, he knew that the price could not satisfy my appetite.

"Gong Fanlin is not only the price, right? I think, if Gong classmates give Zhang Shao a confession, it will make your old Zhang family make a big ugly, and when Mo Dong is happy, it will cost me 18 million."

Zhang was still quite calm, and said, "How much do you want?"

I stretched out three fingers and Zhang Mingjie said, "Thirty million?"

I shook my head with a smile and squeezed my three fingers together.

Zhang Mingjie immediately took a breath, his teeth leaked, and his voice was strange, "Seven ... 70 million ?!"

"No," I didn't wait for everyone to take a breath, I said lightly, "I want Vice President Zhang to hold a 7% stake in Fengchang."

A table of people suddenly petrified.

The white-faced Sven man at the table next to that ear was so good that he turned his eyes for the first time, and looked at me with a little surprise.

"Are you crazy ?!" Zhang Mingjie excitedly patted the table.

I was not crazy, still calm, stood up with a stunned tassel and said, "Reply to me within a week, otherwise at this time next week, Zhang Shao will not sit here and drink, but sit in the bureau to drink It ’s tea, but I do n’t think the scorched policeman will have such a good mood to make tea for you to drink, so I personally do n’t really want that to happen. Of course, it really does not hurt me. For me, I have been respected by others, I respect others, I am sorry for others, even if I am not obliged to report, I will not overflow with love to sympathize, it is just Zhang Shao you are sorry for me, it seems more worthy I do more, don't I? "

Zhang Mingjie was about to explode and was stopped by tension. The old Zhang Ning looked at me intently, as if to see through the thoughts in my heart, "Is it the Mo Family who respects you, you respect the Mo family, or is it just for the Mo family girl?"

"Who knows," I took the tassel willow waist and smiled, "Maybe it's for myself, maybe it's for Cheng's girl, but one thing you know for sure, come and invite me to drink this glass of wine At that time, you should and must make such a realization-either eat my chess piece, or eat it by my chess piece ... It is destined to divide a plate of victory and defeat, it is impossible to have no loser Yes, if you can afford to play, you must lose, because every move is played by yourself, sweet or bitter, and you ask for it. "

Zhang Li said nothing. I said, "Farewell."

Sima Yang, who had two eyes in his eyes, came back to himself, and turned around to receive a bottle of red wine from a middle-aged man who looked like a manager, and said, "Brother Chu, the wine has not been drunk yet, this is ..."

"The Burgundy Wine Bar of the 90's in Rome's Conti Winery?" I took the bottle of wine and said, "You don't even mention it, I forgot, I had something to do before I came ... Zhang Shao . "

"Uh ... ah--"

Zhang Mingjie turned around and screamed, the bottle of wine I didn't know the price but would certainly be so expensive that it blew me up, bursting on his head, overflowing with fragrance, but didn't smell anything special.

"I don't know how much you paid for the high school girl staring at Gong Fanlin and selling meat to him, but I know her parents raised her so much and the hard work for her is definitely more expensive than your bottle of wine, so This bottle of wine, I respect you for her parents. "

It's not surprising that the two Zhang family members knew that Gong Fanlin had been arrested so quickly. The strange thing is why they knew that Gong Fanlin was planted in my hand so quickly. The only explanation was that one--the girl who sold + prostitution told them. Gong Fanlin was taken away by his 'Grandpa Chu' ...

Sima Yang wanted to stop, but had no time to see Zhang Mingjie covering his head and mourning. He looked at the manager with a distressed expression next to him with a wry smile, and said to me: "Brother Chu, this bottle of wine is the owner of the seed bar that Manager Ma has asked for. After that, I asked you to drink by name, and you are so bad, your sentiment is too big ... "

Sima Yang's words weren't finished, and a wine bottle flew over in front of me. I hurried to avoid it. The wine bottle smashed on the back wall. The debris splashed, not only the tassel screamed. Sima Yang and the manager were also startled. I turned At first glance, the white-faced young man next to the table had rushed in front of me, raised his fist and sulked towards my face, and scolded: "Uninteresting little white face! Bubble my sister!"

My first reaction was-Does Tassel have a brother?


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