Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 1078: Su Zhuliu

Of course, this product cannot be the brother of Tassel. When Tassel implicitly instilled some difficulties that I would inevitably encounter when marrying her, she repeatedly emphasized that she was an only child, so her mother insisted that the future son-in-law must There is a house ...

If I have grown up, I feel that I am better than Chu Yuan and I am envied by that girl. It is probably that the body and mind are sensitive to the nerves. The latter is reflected in cranky thinking, useful and useless. The ability of consciousness + obscenity, the former is directly manifested in the athletic and explosive power that does not match the harmless appearance. []

Scolded me with a small white face, but his face was obviously whiter than me, like a leopard lurking in the grass for a long time, suddenly caught the opportunity and jumped up, biting his teeth and biting at my prey's throat, I It ’s not just the brain that responds. The physical response is not slow, and it is definitely more reliable than the absurd response in my brain.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the white-faced youth. The body was like a spinning top. After the left foot of the last step was solid, it turned strangely. The fist he swung over and the foot I blew out of it were lost. The two were dislocated back to back, ears As the wind was blowing, I was shocked with cold sweat, and I could raise my arm to block the side of my brain before turning my head. The forearm hurt, and it was the fist that turned around after avoiding my kick, like an iron rod. I As if all heard the moaning of the bones.

The movement of this cargo is extremely fast. The close-up skills make my scalp numb and I am a trainer!

I have not encountered countless tricky trainers since I was young, but it was my first time to meet such a black, so hard, but deceptive trainer.

I am not a trainee, most of whom have a lot of experience in fights. Among them, I have not lost a lot of training losses. I know the biggest difference between them and non-professionals like me, that is, they will never use the old one. There will never be a move to end the opponent's self-confidence or arrogance, they will always keep the back move, one hit and one hit until the opponent lays down, so when they fight, they often do not roguely fight the wide-open fight Magnificent, but in an understatement, you can put a wide open and close to the fierce and evil spirits and play to death ...

My military value is not as high and so abnormal as tassel, ziyuan or **** they imagine. The glorious record of losing less and winning more is because I understand the difference between practicing and non-exercising. Therefore, most of them are those with reputation or looks. It ’s fierce but hard-working, and barely counts as second-rate goods. I really run into such a ruthless person like a white-faced youth. I will climb the wall and run away, avoiding war. Occasionally, I will run into a school that is faster than my football team. The winger's faster master, the man who was laid down under the root of the wall, was me. I ’m notorious. It ’s never because I ’m fighting a lot, but it ’s “I ’m so troublesome, but I ’m hard-working.” There is an indomitable obsession and I ’m losing money. I ’ll sooner or later get the chance to make a sap. The real trainers are usually reluctant to get in touch with me, because besides the beautiful girls who are so beautiful and can cause trouble, there are never small groups or small groups. There is no face, singled me, it was not difficult to win, but I had to be frightened afterwards. I was beaten by a sack in the horns. It was so-called that a gun was easy to hide from arrows. One thing ...

Having said so much, I actually want to explain one thing: two tricks, if you count the loss of the wine bottle, it is three tricks. Once these three tricks are over, I know that I can't do this white-faced youth, he is not only a trainer Son, is still a trainer who doesn't mind the mean and shameless sneak attack, barely dodges a punch to block a punch, the next move, a maximum of two moves, he can bring me down ...

I ’m not in a fight or I ca n’t afford to lose, but if I lose somehow now, it ’s definitely not a matter of sap to discuss it in the future, it is directly related to whether I and Tassel can leave safely tonight Seed Bar-If the white-faced young man is arranged by Zhang Jiaye, then I will be tonight. If he has nothing to do with Zhang Jiaye, it will be the biggest accident tonight. '...

Make a hypothesis. If Dong Xiaoye hides in a corner to observe and protect me secretly, then seeing me down and embarrassed by this white-faced youth, is there any reason for her not to appear?

Let's make another hypothesis. If Dongxiao Ye appeared or didn't appear, the Zhang family colluded with the "professionals" arranged by Lin Yunan's gangster-laden man. Is there anything else to worry about? It didn't show that she didn't come. It appeared that it was a tiger that could not be beaten by wolves, not to mention that my tiger was only female ...

In contrast, the gambling contract with Sima Yang is the least important ...

I can't afford to lose today!

Sure enough, the white-faced young man ran sideways without losing his sharp knee, pounding my chest. Even if I fortunately jumped away, I would inevitably lose control of my body because of howling, and then lost even more miserably. Next, I grabbed his neck collar with a backhand, pulled it hard, hurting the enemy 800, self-damaging 1,500 ... I gritted my teeth and ate him, but I also helped with a stronger iron knee, but also He severely smashed his head with an injured head, and the two of them retreated at the same time. His nosebleeds flowed a lot, and my chest twitched, but he turned red and I barely stood still and didn't fall. Even worse.

Nothing but electric light and flint. The crowd simply couldn't respond. I turned the river in my chest and couldn't even open my mouth to talk. If I rushed up again, I could just drag Sima Yang next to me as a meat shield. But Brother Sima is a literati, and it is estimated that one person must lie down to face each other ...

From the surprise and anticipation of the Zhang family, it can be judged that the white-faced youths were not their intentional arrangements. The two exchanged a look, and the content was very clear. The 7% equity transfer was an unacceptable condition for them. This is worth their risk of breaking the boat. Of course, there is a premise, that is, I fall and see if Sister Tiger is here ...

The situation is not very optimistic to me. The wise and misguided person suddenly turned into me. Just when I was secretly crying, I saw that the thin and tall manager Ma took a step in time and stopped at Between me and the white-faced young man, she smiled charmingly: "Master Su, this Mr. Chu is a friend of the little boss. You are making me embarrassed."

The white-faced young man wiped his nosebleeds with his sleeves, restored the original indifference, his face was expressionless, and his eyes were out of focus, but in a flat tone, there was a sigh of suffocation. "It's her friend, the wine she asked, Should drink. "

The manager of the surname Ma is not astonishing. He is half a head taller than me. If he is not waist-tied, he is about one meter nine in height. He looks like a slave with a bowed knee, but it is not a simple commodity. If he notices it, he will find him. His standing position is weird, his feet are slightly apart, and the left foot on the back seems to be stepping on, but it is actually lifted. Only the toes are on the ground and the calf is slightly trembling, which proves that the leg is stretched. Once kicked out, there is a tendency of gravel. Although bowed to the waist, the right elbow sinks very low and the center of gravity is pressed, like a bow and arrow full of strings. Although I stand behind him, there is still a kind of betrayal. The thrill of the arrow pointing to his brows, instead of showing a flaw in his body, he showed a strong force that was completely opposite to the expression, which was a decision that could only be attacked and defended.

Who is this product? Who is his boss? He called up to thirty-two white-faced youths who looked only twenty-seven to say "Su Ye", presumably the other party was very talented, but why did he stand by me so simply?

I was surprised. Grandpa Zhang and Sima Yang were even more surprised. Only Tassel turned back and ran over to help me rub my chest and breathe, like a kitten with a tail on it, glaring at Grandpa Su.

'Su Ye' really is a practicing family. His eyes are from the bottom up. There are clearly two pauses in Manager Ma's left foot and right elbow. Then he dismissed the thought of continuing to fight with me, and said lightly: "Ma Dalei, you Dare to do it with me? "

"Dare," Manager Nama smiled slickly, but his body was not slack, and he remained full of bows. He smiled sincerely with a three-pointer: "I didn't receive a lot of old lady Su when wearing military uniforms. Guidance and promotion, when the capital city fell, when it fell, or directly or indirectly inherited your favor, Su Xiao was not buried under the root of the imperial city, thank you very much Su Ye, you opened the Internet and did not kill it. Ende I remember in my heart ... But isn't our cheap life sold to the big boss now? Not to mention the retention, even if I just work, I have to be able to justify the salary I received. Besides, you do n’t know the relationship between the small boss and the big boss. Although there is no blood relationship, it hurts like a close sister. The friend of the small boss was injured here, and he gave me some eye drops in anger. Wearing a pair of small shoes, it ’s not that simple for me to be swept out of the house and continue to have meals, not to mention that my enemies are too numerous to be clear, and your grandfather Su put out a finger, and could also frustrate me. Ha ha, this bar is small but it is big The only thing I can place for ... "

A Beijing-faced white-faced young man waved his hand, found a box of a few dollars of Zhongnanhai, pulled out a puppet, and was at least one year old. Manager Ma, who called him "Su Ye", was busy trying to find a lighter. But the white-faced youth handed the cigarette to me, and Tassel saw him approaching me again, busy and nervously blocking in front of me, just like Sima Yang's attitude when he handed the cigarette to me, "He doesn't smoke!"

Manager Ma's face showed a little admiration, but was nine points surprised, but the white-faced young man didn't care, but just stunned and whispered, "It's interesting, although this cigarette costs a few cents, but from Su It was the first time someone handed it out to someone who said no ... "

"The capital of Beijing is big and young?" Exclaimed the city government's deep tension, but I was confused with Liu Su, Sima Yang, and Zhang Mingjie. I never heard the name ...

[Ps: Busy, dizzy, turned back late last night, this chapter is yesterday, it will be more today, and it will be worse in the afternoon ...]

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