"Beijing's big and young Su are going to follow?"

"There are few farts, and the talk of good people is classified and naive." The white-faced young man named Su Zhuliu did not look at the tension, and finally let manager Ma give him a few cents that I rejected on behalf of me One Zhongnanhai, Zhang Li not only was not angry because he was ignored and scolded by such a young man, even the hypocrisy smile that he would always hang on his face disappeared, full of panic and unable to himself ...

"Girl, what's your name?"

Tassel is probably the only person who hasn't taken Su Ye as the root, and is full of hostility: "Cheng Tassel."

"Cheng Liusu ... I just Su Zhuliu, there are two words in the name that are the same, it is also a kind of fate ..." Su Zhuliu wiped the blood flowing from his nose with his back, and lay on his back with his hips as before. On the railing, looking downstairs, the only difference is that the beer bottle at the fingertips has been replaced with cigarettes, no more tassel, and naturally faintly said: "Mardray, Mardray, although it is a flash in the pan, but you I picked up the military uniform completely, and I once had infinite scenery. I can stand as the number one character that once appeared on the northern **, but there is a word you remember, I didn't run you back then, let you leave the capital, It ’s not open to you. You are n’t worthy of me. It ’s a talent. Your big boss wo n’t let you be a fart manager in such a small bar, get a lot of salary, even my job. Sister, your little boss keeps your head steady ... I gave you a bad life at first, the reason is very simple. I was looking at the face of the woman named Qu in Jingcheng. The girl is a green bamboo leaf and a poisonous scorpion. provoke."

Zhang Li fought another cold war, and it seems that he can't believe that there are still people in the world who can make this Su Ye jealous.

Manager Ma laughed: "Ms. Qu is one of the few friends in my family who can be called 'girlfriend'."

"I know, otherwise she wouldn't mess with me, and I'm not afraid to mess with her. You stabbed my brother to death with a stab, and I frustrated you. It's reasonable and it counts as a point. There has been a saying in my circle in the Beijing circle. How to control people? What disobedient dog is the wolf hiding the evil heart, killing without amnesty ... I'm not that cruel, because I only have dogs, my dogs are very obedient, as for others It does n’t matter to me if a dog keeps a wolf, but if a wolf killed my dog, I have no reason to keep it alive, right? After all, big dogs have to look at their owners ... ”

"I'm a dog, not a wolf, otherwise the big boss won't rest assured that I will take care of the little boss." Manager Ma talked with laughter and was very comfortable, but across the clothes, I could feel his muscles tighten again.

Zhang Li's face was pale, his fat body trembled, and he changed his eyes to look at strangers and re-examined the tall and thin horse manager. Sima Yang, who was next to the manager, took a subconscious step back, as if suddenly sniffing. To the dangerous smell of him ...

"Relax, things have passed so long. I want to die for you. You have died a hundred times. I know you are a dog and a good dog. That ’s why you are allowed to be with my sister. "The word" dog "is not good, but it comes out of Su Zhuliu's mouth, but it seems to be a compliment. Even Ma Dalei himself is a flattered slut's reaction, and there is no trace of pretentiousness, it is 100% useful. It makes people shout no reason, and Su Zhuliu continued to say, "I have jealousy about the snake femme, but I'm not afraid of it. I don't want to upset your boss because I don't want to give her face disappointment. The mind of the boss, you know, my younger brother killed himself, even dare to fight the idea of ​​the viper, even if you do not do it, some people will play to death him, at least when the viper spit to your big boss when drinking tea Two painful words, your big boss asked your little boss to bring me a sentence, and I had to bash the brothers two swords. It ’s not that heroes ca n’t pass the beauty pass, and some women are destined to become the magic barrier of a man, hey .. . But I'm still curious, I put brother What will die in your hands, your original song is to give the Vipers their lives, right? "

Manager Ma laughed without saying a word. Su Zhuliu did not seem to be interested in asking. ‘Curious’ seemed to be just talking, and it seemed to have been in his mind for a long time.

The fairies are right, this kind of sub-bar hides the dragon and the tiger, and it is not a personal place ...

I heard the fog and cold sweat, and deliberately left home to drink porridge, but I could n’t find the opportunity to open my mouth, unless the fool did n’t understand the atmosphere—the half-dead Su Zhuliu, the humble and fair horse No matter the manager, they are all monsters with dual identities and dual personalities. It is not simple for him and his mother. What's more terrible is that these two goods in the rule of law society speak utterly lawlessly. They do not evade us outsiders. They believe Don't we talk about it everywhere? Obviously not, that is to believe in yourself! In his eyes, we are as small as ants and can easily be crushed to death.

It is probably the habit of the grandfather Su to speak without seeing each other. There is no doubt that it is arrogance, but compared to looking at his seemingly loose and unfathomable eyes, being ignored by him will make people relaxed and even grateful. ——When you ca n’t understand what a person is thinking about and cannot read any of his emotions, even if he is not strong, there will be a huge sense of oppression, inexplicably tense, almost tense.

That's how I felt when he looked at me.

"I don't think there is any special aura in me, but when you just came in, you noticed me before you even came to me, did you?" He said in a light tone, but everyone could hear it. He cares.

I nodded and didn't explain that I noticed him, just because I was nervous when I came, and I was instinctively alert to anyone who appeared in a dangerous place, not to mention he was sitting there alone, but he had an empty beer bottle at the table. I'm a little person, but I'm not stupid and not stupid, knowing that the less you say is always the better, so pretending to be profound, is a kind of self-protection.

He also nodded, without asking why I noticed him, looked at my face, and touched his own face again, and said, "Similar? Um, kind of like, good sign." He just smiled.

I have to admit that the goodsman is not very eye-catching, but with this smile, the whole person is as dazzling as the sun, and the tassel is affixed to my ear, whispering: "It looks like you, especially when you laugh."

I froze for a moment.

I have a crush on Murphy, I can go to work every day and can meet her in the company two times. In order to make a special impression in her heart, I often practice sunshine smiles in the mirror for a while, but I was hit every time because I felt like I was silly, stupid and idiot ...

It's not as good as this one ...

The bar manager named Ma Dalei is a person with a story, and it is clear that in his story, this master Su plays a very important role and is not very positive. He is humble while attacking him consciously or unintentionally. It's rare to have a good smile, "Unlike, the little boss said that a big boss often hangs on his lips recently is that Mr. Chu is a unique man in this world."

Young Su Ye frowned, "how unique?"

"No background, no confidence, no ambition, no kindness, unyielding, unyielding, blessed and life."

"Do you mean, my strength comes from the background? I have ambition and no kindness? I live to this day because I have not encountered setbacks?"

Manager Ma looked at the broken Burgundy bottle of red wine and laughed: "Facts can prove everything. Your dry sister is my little boss. Can you please have a glass of beer with Grandpa Su? But she I'm very pleased to have Mr. Chu drink a bottle of Burgundy from the 90th year of Roman Conti. This is a treatment that no one can enjoy except the big boss you admire for a very simple reason. Have you heard of the Dragon Manor Hijacking? "

The young Su Ye said flatly but surprisingly: "He is the protagonist and the central character now called by the people in the Red Wall as 'North Sky Vortex'."

I was surprised, he knew my details in the morning!

Others can't be described as secretly shocked, especially the tension, a fat face shaking.

Manager Ma nodded and said, "Mr. Chu is the only one sitting on the bomb. The only one who has not kneeled. I will take it because I'm kneeling and knowing that someone was holding a gun on his head. Feeling, I have also been downcast, knowing that my head is tied to the trousers belt, the feeling of helplessness, Mr. Chu has a brighter background than me, a blank, no one to support and no one to support, but never bent over the pole, this is not ordinary man."

Su Ye said disdainfully to Manager Ma: "You just heard it yourself, this is the unambitious cow + forced + man in your mouth, knocked on a big bamboo pole, Fengchang Group percent What is the market value of seven shares? "

Manager Ma suddenly spoke, looking at me with a grin.

"Sorry, I'll interrupt ..." The tumbling in the chest finally calmed down, and I asked, "Do you know the little boss and big boss ... do you know me?"

Su Ye heard the words, stunned.

Manager Ma chuckled: "Of course I know."

Sima Yang's eyes were glorious, and it seemed that he was lucky to bet on the right treasure, while the Zhang family was ashamed, but fortunately, their attention was on me, and he did not notice that Sima Yang was shining the traitor ...

"Who is it?"

At the end of the dance, after a brief silence, the following crowd erupted into a mountainous tsunami-like cheer, and the manager Ma pursed his waist like a big monkey, and said, "The one who sings right away. It ’s the little boss of seed, but few people know it. After all, she is still studying. There are no shortage of classmates among the guests here. She doesn't want to be too public, so everyone only thinks that she is an ordinary college student living and singing here. "

At a glance, although Zhang Jiaye and Sima Yang are regulars here, and they are not unfamiliar with Manager Ma, they are not familiar with the extent to which Manager Ma will reveal the identity of the mysterious little boss to them, so they are more curious than me Looking downstairs.

"College students?" In addition to fairies and Xingyu, do I know college students?

Suspicious of seeing me, Manager Ma said busyly: "Mr. Chu must have met our little boss, and you have just become neighbors recently ..." He changed his mouth very subtly and replaced the "definite recognition" with 'Definitely seen'.

"Neighbors?" I froze, went to Su Ye and looked downstairs to the stage, and just happened to face a non-mainstream girl who appeared on the stage.

The girl had a thick makeup, a skinny chest, a leather jacket, a leather skirt, a leather skirt, and leather boots. The queen was full of children. I did n’t recognize who she was, but I was so moved that the girl actually had a contrast. Murphy Tiger sister Ziyuan Xiao fairy. I want to be full of big breasts, but I saw the girl beckoning to her, and when she changed into a charming smiley face, she no longer had no focus, but shouted to me with her microphone: " Brother Chu, this song is for you ~ iloveyou ~ "

One kiss kissed, bringing a look of jealousy to kill. The implicated Su Ye felt a little overwhelmed. Tassel was even paler with anger—the girl clearly added it after seeing her. Sentence 'iloveyou'!

"Chou Meimei ?!" I must admit that I was able to call the name, not because I recognized her face, but her chest ...

The little owner of the Seed Bar turned out to be sharing a room with the tomboy Tianyou, living in the big door + milk + cow!

[Ps: I've been very busy recently and rarely go online. I just learned that I just went to the group to bubbling. Luo Yu and Fu Ying, the two younger sisters of Yuanmeng, successfully passed the exam. Congratulations and congratulations to all the students who have successfully advanced to the university. Continue Work hard and improve every day. Don't be discouraged by unsatisfactory students. You will always be the first to be successful in three hundred and sixty. The path to success will always be found, just to see if you find it, and if you persist. 】


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