Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1086: 】 Eastern Pity (Part 1)

枉 I know myself about tassel, but I do n’t know what this girl thinks now. Chu Yuan thinks carefully about her, but it ’s not broken. Is it really that my heart is too heavy, and I and Chu Yuan's brother and sister relationship is too complicated? In fact, it is not surprising that this bloodless sibling relationship erupted or derived feelings other than family ties. Tassel has been aware of it for a long time, but it has been confirmed to this day that it has no meaning to ask questions, such as the attitude when dealing with the ambiguous relationship between me and Murphy, including now asking me for a shirt in front of Chu Yuan. Murphy's routine ...

Fight, compare, taste, but only lack the anger that should not be missing ... []

Chu Yuan is not Murphy, neither has the girl's super-thick face that is three feet frozen, nor has she inherited from the old city of Shenshen City, but has fully inherited the careful eyes and jealousy of her stepmother, facing the provocation of tassel like joke and temptation, Seeing me is shaking my head again and again ...

Smelly girl, confronted by her grandmother Cheng Aunt Cheng who was most despised, and her chest and head were completely lost in her developmental hopes. However, she was falling behind. She did n’t know how to hide it, so she sent the word “brother control”. On the forehead ...

Tassel still took me a white shirt, in the sore and murderous glare of Chu Yuan and the fairy's heartbeat on the white shirt, bouncing into the bathroom, I did not dare to look at it, and quickly closed the room Door, for fear of Chu Yuan going crazy or fairy goofing ...

Dongfang sat in a chair in front of the computer from beginning to end. Without turning back, I turned around, and just faced her expressionless face. As soon as I felt guilty, I instinctively looked away. There are too few fabrics, and the physical development is too good ...

Just listen to the East lightly: "Lock the door."

"What?" The words asked me and I immediately regretted it—her sixteen-year-old girl was not afraid to be alone with my male animal in love, what am I afraid of? Shame! Moreover ... this reaction of the buddy is simply an insult to the Oriental mother, isn't it clear that questioning the impure motive of others ...

Sure enough, Xiaoniang's face looked cold and cold: "Are you afraid I'll be indecent to you?"

The man half covered up and half remedied: "I'm afraid I can't help but indecent assault, look at the clothes you wear ... You're creating criminal conditions for me, do you know?"

The oriental white tender, who wore only a set of lace white embroidered pink petal bathing suits, had two flushes on her cheeks. She was endlessly shameless, but she wasn't good-natured: "Lend me my gall, don't you use it? If you dare to insult me, I dare not cry, do you want to try? "

Her mouth was very strong, but I really locked the door with a click, and she was obviously trembling ... This little lady's skin is usually too strong, and the city is so deep that people can't see through it, so it's rare to be shy and I can't help it Wanting to bully her, she stretched out her two claws, grabbed a few insignificant airs, and walked towards her while smirking slyly: "Then try it."

The young lady's skin flickered, her gambling straightened her waist, her chin raised, her chin raised, and a large-scale pair of shows and breasts. She opened her arms and defiantly provoked: "Come, where do you start? Strike your chest? Kiss Or undress? "

Taking advancement as a retreat, Xiao Niang Pi is best at heart attack. She has already penetrated my personality. This was a tried and tested method, but recently, my buddies have upgraded in this area, especially in Chu Yuan ’s computer. After her kiss painting filled with the fantasy color of girl fairy tales, it made me realize that this girl with great wisdom and demon is only a sixteen-year-old girl as big as Chu Yuan, just like Chu Yuanren. Two faces and two personalities are average, why is it the same in the East? It's just that the unreal side of Chu Yuan is well-behaved and sloppy, and the unreal side of the East is deep, mature, and disguised. Both girls have their own innocence, naive, simple, and clear, and they are simple for girls of the same age. Unrealistic longing ...

When I found out that my opponent was actually a child who had not yet fully grown up, her absolute psychological advantage immediately made her attacking skills into a clumsy acting in my eyes. Where would she be scared?

"Kissing more than once, let ’s start with undressing. Swimsuits are better than underwear. Just a knot on the back of the neck? Take it off and touch it, it feels better ..."

Seeing that I really stretched my hands behind her head, the East could no longer pretend to be calm, lifted its legs, stretched its arms, opened its mouth and shouted, in one go, the mask in disguise suddenly shattered into slag, but everything was as I expected-- It ’s easy and pleasant for the young woman to abuse Chu Yuan, but in fact the combat effectiveness is not high. Her absolute advantage is based on the negative values ​​of all sports abilities of Chu Yuan, so there is no need to ignore her pushing my chest. There is no strength in both hands, how to say lethality? I covered her little mouth with one hand and pressed her with my other hand to try to lift the kicker's thigh, and she was immediately restrained.

She was terrified at first, but she just looked at her with a joke, and did n’t take the next step. The young lady Pee was instantly embarrassed-this was the first time she lost in the battle with me. The proud little girl Can't wait to find a place to sew down.

I laughed: "Don't you say no? Repent?"

Dong Fang loosened my hand covering her mouth, grabbed my wrist with both hands, opened her mouth and took a bite on my finger. It was light and heavy, and flushed with a flush: "Smelly stream + gangster!"

I laughed and said, "Who made you irritate me? I'm a stinky + gangster, you are a little beauty. We are in the same room, just like a big wolf and a little white rabbit. You are not afraid, that is scolding me, I do n’t Rogue you, that's scolding you. "

Dongfang puzzled, "Why?"

I said smoothly: "No matter how you look or temperament, you provoke people to commit crimes. If you don't flow + rogue you, I won't be a comrade or eunuch? If you don't flow + rogue you, don't you think you are not beautiful enough?"

Dong Fang suddenly turned around and avoided my eyes, and looked at the computer monitor. I was ashamed and didn't know what to say. I took a moment to react, and scolded myself for being too slippery, how could I treat a 16-year-old Little girl said such frivolous words? Although it was in my heart, it was even more my uncle ...

In the impression, I have never praised the beauty of the East so plainly, but said that the cute crying mole on her face is like a fly, which made the young lady's skin very unhappy ...

A moment of silence seemed embarrassing for a whole century.

"Hand ..." Dongfang whispered.


Dongfang blinked those big eyes that could never melt melancholy. "Have you touched enough?"

"What to touch?"

Dongfang blushed and said, "Have you touched your thighs?"

Then I reacted. One claw kept pressing on her tender and elastic thigh, and the fingers were pinched on the sensitive position on the inner side of her thigh. The old man's face was hot, and he quickly drew his hand. He instinctively stepped back, Suddenly realized that my performance was too panic, but it was too late, and looking at the East, the noodles were still rosy, but I was a little proud of it, and I was completely free of the aggrieved feeling, and smiled: "If you Say I did n’t touch enough, I can let you continue to touch, hum ~ Nothing, I know that you just failed.

The buddy sneered, and then said fiercely, "Don't provoke me, otherwise you will be embarrassed and angry. It's really bad manners."

Dongfang pulled back a city, already regaining self-confidence, coughing slightly, raising Erlang's legs, holding his knees, deliberately squeezing a deep gully between the twin peaks of Yingying's grip, frowning coldly and lightly. The tone slowly said: "The saints have said, they have good appetite, and they are warm and considerate **, this is nothing to shame, brother Nan, now I can and would like to let you eat some tofu to take a small advantage, dear Feeling, as long as it is within my range, things are OK, but it is indecent to me, let me grow up, my body is not fully developed, anyway, there is no shortage of women around you, you must wait It ’s up, right ~? "

"Little fight with me, do you think I can't hear you? Are you deliberately using Tibetan bait to catch me?" I shook my head and smiled: "Beauty is useless, you also said that your body is not long yet Let ’s seduce me now, you ’re still a little tender ... Brother Nan is lascivious, but if you want to eat your tofu to take advantage of you, do n’t dare to joke about your safety, you must go home tomorrow, I ’ll meet later Call Zhen Nuo and ask her to come over to pick you up tomorrow morning. It's not discussed. "

Dongfang Liumei raised his eyebrows, and the face of a melon seed went out of peach, leaving only evil spirits, "You just want me to go ?! Is it that I'm so annoying ?!"

[Ps: Unconsciously, another year, time has passed, without shadow, I thought "Sister" would not have a third birthday, but because a **** is too lazy, it is still three years old ... Thanks for continuing to Now friends, thank you for letting a flutter book also have more glorious results. Twelve million clicks are an encouragement and motivation for a certain scum.

"Sister" has actually entered the closing stage to this day. Recently, many friends left messages asking some scum. Why is there a new character in the book? Some scum will make a small reply here today. Right.

Beijing Dasuo Su Zhuliu this 厮, in fact, is the same as Xin Quji 厮, both in the role of the new book, including the viper woman named Su Ye in the mouth, everyone knows that a certain **** began to prepare a new book a long time ago, Because time was limited, writing and writing stopped, which directly caused the setting of a certain **** to be pushed, pushed, and rewritten. I did not know how many times, but when I decided to write a new book, I came up with an idea, but it has not changed. Later, that is, in the closing stage of "Sister", let some characters in the new book come over and string. The idea goes back to the day when Miss Three appeared, eh. . . It is estimated that many friends are going to scold. Some dregs dug such a large pit that made everyone disgusted. Well, some dregs squatted at the corner to reflect ... But this large pit is not just the identity of Miss Three, As for what it is, everyone will know naturally soon. I am afraid that it will make everyone more angry. It is a more vulgar joke. Then you will be sympathetic ...

The appearance of Su Zhuliu is similar to Xin Quji's, that is, it does not affect the plot, and there will be no drama, because it is a character designed early in the morning, and it is far more natural than Xin Quji's, just to set off The background of Qiu Meimei indirectly shows that Xiaobai has laid a solid foundation and worked tirelessly in the past five years. Therefore, Su Ye is not a pit, so it does not matter if you fill it out. Strictly speaking, the role of Su Ye is not in the new book. What is too important, the heavier part is actually his sister (this is a spoiler ...) Of course, this is only the current setting of a certain residue. Will there be any changes in the future? Miss, the dregs didn't want to drag on for so long, otherwise the pit of the dregs will not become a vulgar joke that runs through the entire book. This is also one of the prices that you have to pay to promise not to be bad, haha Everyone is assured that the joke is vulgar, just because it is a cold joke, and it has no effect on the book "Sister", so you don't have to respond ...

Regarding the new role, here's an explanation, so that everyone will not continue to struggle, wondering whether it will give "Sister" a four-year birthday, haha, a **** said here, definitely not, and a **** does not have the courage to impact the four-year-old Birthday, three years, I really feel tired, but some scum knows that you guys who are looking after are more tired than some scum, sorry, thank you ...

Finally, I want to emphasize that it was said by some scum when writing the role of Xin Quji-once the subject of the new book was crippled, now Su Ye, Qu Fei, Su Ye, his sister, it's all nonsense, for you to repeat This smiled by, so don't take it too far, haha.

Finally, "Sister" is three years old, happy birthday, and fun with all the friends who come together.

ps2: While a certain **** is still in heat stroke, the savage sent a text message to a **** at noon, saying that "Sister" is three years old today, and was shocked. The previous chapter was a bottle code, otherwise a **** would be accurate again. Going to take leave ...

Friendly reminder: In the hot summer, pay attention to hydration ...]

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