Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1087: 】 Eastern Pity (Part 2)

"You just want me to leave ?! Am I just so obtrusive ?!"

"Where did you get in the eyes? Not only did you get in the eyes, but you are still very eye-catching. You used to pick me to stab me for a stubble. For three days, both ends matched the fate of the fate. I asked me to toss me. You have become so obedient and so quiet, and you know how to care about Brother Nan worrying about Brother Nan, but I think you are annoying? Isn't that true? Is it the image of Brother Nan in your heart that is so cold-hearted and ruthless, or is it just like you I ’m not confident? ”The sweetest words first, and then the truth, is a practical strategy that I explored in the long-term game with Chu Yuan. Try Bailing, squat down, hold the small hand that is tightly folded into the fist, and stare at her Sad eyes like water said softly, "Brother Nan doesn't want you to be in trouble."

Dongfang doesn't eat my set of tenderness cards, and unhappy: "Are you afraid you can't tell my mother?"

I sighed and said, "In case something goes wrong, I can't explain to your mother, but I can't explain to myself."

Dongfang insisted: "I have to stay, and if something happens, I ask for it. You don't need to tell anyone!"

"Fart ..." I got up, knocked on her forehead obscured by her bangs, then touched her head and smiled softly: "You think I'm like you, can stand by and look at my girlfriend His elder brother was beaten up by a few students who came over by himself, and he laughed like he was eating honey? "

That was the scene when I first met with Dongfang. Not only did the young lady's skin sharpen her nails intentionally, she cut my palms while shaking hands, but she also instigated all of Lu Siqi, who had a crush on Chu Yuan, to fix me, and it made me suffer. Listening to my old story again, she immediately became popular and justified: "That was before! Now I must give up ... keke, now, in the future, I will definitely not do that kind of bad thing again! Before was Because I don't know you ... "

"That is to say, you admit that you already know me well, right?" I interrupted Dongfang and asked with a smile: "If you see me encounter that kind of thing again, would you be worried?"

"Of course, otherwise why should I stay ..." Dong Fang Yi shuddered, "You tell me ?!"

"No," I laughed. "Let's be together for so long. Do you understand me, don't I know you? Even if you have a bad heart, I may not be able to hear you, but use your words? Brother Nan wants to tell You, compare your heart, you worry about me, I understand, but I also worry about you, I hope you can understand ... There may really be Superman Spider-Man Iron Man Hulk in this world, but unfortunately your South Brother is not, I ’m not even as good Your little night sister is awesome. Sha Zhizhou is a madman who dares to shoot and kill people. I have the ability to protect myself, but I ’m really not sure if I have the ability to protect you ... I usually wo n’t say it if I have such self-knowledge. Men, they all have self-esteem and vanity. Who doesn't want to be the invincible hero in the mind of a girl? Who wants to belittle yourself and be looked down on by a girl? Brother Nan has no ability and has to admit himself in front of you I ’m already ashamed and blamed for your incompetence, so do n’t embarrass Brother Nan, okay? ”

Dongfang was silent for a while, and looked up: "Not good ..."

I frowned and heard her say, "Unless you promise me."

I'm funny and angry, "I came in with you, didn't I just listen to your terms? Say ... wait, let me state in advance, if you deliberately make things difficult for me, ask me to do something I can't do at all I have no way to agree, and whether you are willing or not, to tie you up, I will let Zhen Nuo take you away-you must go home, this matter was not discussed from the beginning, brother Nan promised to listen to you Regarding the conditions, it is the greatest degree to please you under this premise ... "

"Do you mean to stop me from stepping on my nose?" Dongfang Niang sneered coldly: "Anyway, you are going to take me home because you have torn your face, so I'd better not find it unpleasant, because it is difficult for you to end up It just makes me lose face, right? "

I scratched my nose awkwardly, and did not deny it. Dongfang waved his hand and said, "Relax, my request is very simple, as long as you have a mouth, you can do it."

"You can do it with a long mouth?" Buddy's animal blood suddenly heats up and burns his brain. "Kiss?"

"Get out of here!" The savage screamed under the wrath of the Oriental, feeling that she had lost her elegant and dignified lady image, raised her leg to the point of my majesty, but did not use force.

I reflexively blocked her feet and sneered, "Yes, how can you take the initiative to ask me to take advantage ..."

The Oriental feet were held by me, and flinched back in a hurry, with a red face drunk like drunkenness and said, "That's not necessarily true. I just want you to take advantage?"

The young lady's skin and beautiful eyes contain spring, and she smiled, like her city, matured without age, charming and sexy, which made me can't help but shake her heart. She almost missed her beauty plan and lost my unswerving stance. "Let ’s come and say that you do n’t want to eat this set, just do n’t eat this set. You just take off your clothes to seduce me, and I will not change my mind. I must send you home tomorrow."

"Really?" Dongfang right-handedly touched the knots of the two thin straps behind his neck, pinched his fingertips, and pulled gently, and said seriously: "My condition is this-you promised not to drive me home I'll take off my clothes and show it to you right now, you really don't feel at all? Don't regret it. After this village, there is no such shop. "

I almost didn't hear what the little lady's skin said in Langzhong. Almost all her attention was attracted to the knot by her fingers. I swallowed my mouth unconsciously, and saw that she did not mean to untie the knot. Only suddenly returned to his mind, the young lady's playful gaze made the buddies feel complacent, and brazenly said, "Not moving ..."

Dongfang held a big belly and laughed, "Why don't you want to eat my face? Brother Nan, brother Nan, look in the mirror and see your face, how cute is red ~ look at your eyes, coax It ’s so scary ~ "

Men are far more restrained in the face of young girls than in the face of a mature woman, because they cannot be taken lightly, they must stand on their side, and they must maintain their steady and mature image, so they can easily become ridiculed or even teased. That one, I do n’t deny that I was a bit embarrassed and said, “If your condition is this, then we wo n’t have to talk about it. Pack up and go home tomorrow.”

"Just a joke, you big man, why isn't my little girl thick-skinned?" Dongfang saw me wink and raised his hand and surrendered, "Oh well, no more, no more, talk about the conditions .. .Did you bring your phone in? "

"Mobile phone?" I froze, took out the mobile phone I bought today, and handed it to Dongfang, "Why?"

Dongfang didn't answer, and said to me, "Dial my phone."

"Hah?" I looked at her cell phone on the table, "Let's face each other, and still talk on the phone?"

Dongfang blushed, "If you want to dial, dial."

I was so confused, I didn't know what the young lady's skin was thinking, but she still dialed her number under the watchful look of her three-pointer shy three-pointer expecting a four-point order.

Dongfang ’s mobile phone is set to mute. The call screen is a big picture of a “family portrait”. She and Chu Yuan are holding my face to the left and right. Sister Hu stands behind her, holding her two girls, and puts her chin on On my head, everyone was wearing a 'v' gesture and smirked with teeth together. The original expression was very stupid. In addition, the four faces were squeezed together, which was more affectionate, but also stupid. This kind of self-destruction. If their image is seen by their devoted supporters, I estimate that nine out of ten will run to the wall, and the angels in their hearts ca n’t accept that they have a brain-damaged side. As for the remaining one, they will be jealous. Come crazy, come to me desperately ...

Dongfang didn't answer the phone, staring nervously and awkwardly, and my mobile phone was ringing a ring tone—the song that Dongfang sang on his own didn't tune ...

"Mingming love is clear but accepts separation ... I only have the right to miss ..."

Every time I listen to this ringtone, I will laugh and spray, the sound of the young lady's skin is sweet and beautiful, but the talent for singing is really dare not to be complimented. Not only is the tone serious, but the vibrato is even stronger. She is even smaller than a little sheep. Uninformed hear I would think she was a spoof, but people who know her as much as I do know how serious and devoted she is when singing this song, but it can only make people more irresistible-can you imagine it? A genius girl with an IQ demon to almost omnipotence lost to a song ...

However, this time, I didn't laugh, not because the East was sitting in front of me, and I didn't forget to grab a glass of water in my hands when I was nervous and looking forward. Once I showed no disrespect, she would hit my face 100% ... I just suddenly I feel that the lyrics hurt me ...

Obviously love is clear but accepts separation ...

I only have the right to miss ...

Sorry before it's too late for love to breathe ...

The heart of the non-existent being ...

Although I work very hard to forget ...

My heart hasn't promised that I can give you up ...

I'm really sorry you promised you no longer love you ...

I haven't promised myself ...


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