Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1093: ] Gender inequality

[Ps: Sorry for the classmates who waited for more yesterday. Some **** only came back this morning. The first chapter is to make up this chapter yesterday, and the code will be today. . . 】

After Dongfang left, the goblin couldn't stop talking about it and complained that the restaurant and hotel industry was too profitable. She shouted that she would change her dad to open a restaurant. One day, she would also experience the "lord" addiction of the luxury pomp. The woman's little vanity, I do n’t know, in our opinion, she is no different from the East, and is no longer a person in our world-Sang Yingjie is still driving his broken Honda, as far as the pomp is concerned, Although the hardware quality is not as good as Zeno, it has an overwhelming advantage in terms of quantity ...

Zhen Nuo pursues nature, and Sang Yingjie pursues low-key, but these two obviously did not understand the true meaning of 'natural' and 'low-key'. The same crappy and deliberate, for the miss of the front and back of the two, did not meet each other, I I'm deeply sorry, my buddies really feel that these two products are really a good match. They are both the role of bodyguard head and nanny and housekeeper. Not to mention, in a sense, it's nothing, and it's also his + mom strange level ...

Next to Mary, do you think it is natural and low-key, and the residents of the community who live in the same material world as me also think you are low-key and natural? Did you even take me to a different place? Are you deliberately not letting Lao Tzu live here in a low-key way? !!

I sent away Dongfang and the fairy, and happened to meet Tianyou and Qiu Meimei to go downstairs to buy early. As expected, the two female monsters did a fight last night. What surprised me was that only the small **** and the cows were swollen. One, Tianyou is okay.

Relying on ... Qiu Meimei who can retreat Su Zhuliu with a single move, the force value has changed very much. What kind of heavenly blessing can Qiu Meimei have? !! Xu Heng said that she was humble with Sister Hu in the middle of the middle?

The buddies ignited curiosity, and suddenly wanted to make Sister Tiger compete with Tianyou. Sister Tiger had never played against me seriously, but Lin Zhi dare to let Sister Tiger protect me alone. But I think Sister Tiger ’s strength is also in the city's criminal police team. Convincing ...

Mother, what kind of world is it now, and women are so powerful, what makes my old man feel bad ...

Passat bought it with Tianyou ’s identity. Tianyou temporarily pretends to be Chu Xiaohua, so things like driving licenses are not put in the car, but Sister Tiger has a police officer ’s certificate, so she just opened the 'evidence' and sent us to work. Chu Yuan will take the re-examination in two days, so she took her laptop and went to the company with me.

The fairy constantly reminds us to keep in touch before leaving. In fact, the subtext is a time of peace, without saying anything. It is both a comfort to us and a self-consolation. I don't want to be too pessimistic. The thoughtfulness of this girl always makes me feel very useful. , But I was sitting in the car, thinking more, but the words that Dongfang said before leaving, not loud, cold, not to me, but Zhen Nuo.

In fact, with the exception of 'goodbye', Dongfang hasn't said a third word to me since waking up and leaving. It can be seen that her mood to go home is very complicated, and she only said one sentence with Zhen Nuo. Then, after sitting on the convertible r8: Don't call me a little master again, I don't like it, and no one in that family will like it ...

Zhen Nuo just smiled disapprovingly, but I was in love.

On the way, I couldn't help asking Chu Yuan. What did Dongfang mean by that? Chu Yuan shook her head and said she didn't know. Dongfang never took the initiative to mention her family's affairs. Even if she set her words, she was vague ...

Little Master Chu Yuan said with emotion: "Every family has a difficult scripture, and from the words of the East, we can hear that she has a bad relationship with her mother and is more or less affected by some external reasons. Except for the occasional mention of her mother, the other elders in the family, she always kept silent, because those people did not like her very much, it seemed that this also put a lot of pressure on her mother, which directly affected her mother's attitude towards her .. Dongfang has been living alone in Beitian, and she is reluctant to study in Paris. Perhaps it is because most of her family settled in Paris. It is better to say that she is not willing to go home than to study abroad.

I do n’t understand. From Zhen Nuo ’s attitude towards the East and Oriental ’s rejection of the “little master”, it can be generally determined that the “little master” and the “heir” are related to each other, and it may be an equal sign, although the Eastern psychology Precocity, deep personality, and more self-conscious, as a girl inevitably lacks some cuteness, but these are not the necessary advantages of being a successor?

I made the above point on behalf of the East, and Dong Xiaoye, who watched a lot of golden blood dog dramas, said, "Don't understand? This is the traditional concept. Boys are more important than girls. Older people value this especially, and think girls are For the sake of someone else ’s family, the boy is the successor to his family, especially the wealthy. He would rather leave the property to a mediocre boy than give it to a gifted girl. As long as the former is undefeated, the latter is not necessary. There is no potential for going even higher. "

I don't agree, "What age is it now, my old man is old-fashioned, isn't he? I haven't seen him as a boy."

"Don't say so absolutely," Dong Xiaoye said, "What you want to complain about is that your dad has strict requirements on you, but you have always been fond of favoritism, right? Think about it from another angle, why is your dad strict on you? Jackie Chan hopes, is n’t that patriarchal? He thinks that men should stand out and women should be cared for and loved by men, so he did n’t ask for Yuanyuan, just asked you to take good care of Yuanyuan ... Where is your dad? Ordinary patriarchs, I think your macho was inherited from your father. "

I was speechless, and Sister Tiger smiled bitterly: "Listen to my mother, before I was born, my dad still loved my sister, but after I was born, my dad changed because he was a daughter and no one gave Lao Dong Heirloom has been passed down, so he didn't wait to see me since he was a kid, and even took my sister with him, and he was not pleasing to the eye. Every time he was drunk, he scolded us for letting the old Dong family break his roots. My mother blame herself when she's okay, she said I do n’t want to lose my stomach. It ’s good if I had a kid when I was born ... Hehe, Chu, you are a boy and you will never realize it. When my parents sighed, I felt like that ... ”

I was stunned.

Although it is impossible to understand, it is conceivable that ... It is no wonder that the relationship between Sister Tiger and her parents will be so stiff, maybe not only because of her sister's affairs, but this traditional patriarchal concept is the root of everything.

Chu Yuan also couldn't feel that mood, but she could feel the current mood of Sister Hu. Sitting in the back row, she leaned forward and gently supported Shou Hu's shoulder with both hands. Sister Hu smiled slightly and continued, "You Do you know why I especially like Yuanyuan and Little Oriental? "

I deliberately relaxed the atmosphere, "Isn't it because of your lo*ic*n?"

"Get off, you can control it," Sister Tiger punched me, and the tassel on the back knocked me on the back of the head. "Yuan Yuan is like me when I was young, and Xiao Dongfang is like me at that time. Sister, especially when the two of them are together, I feel like seeing me and my sister before ... My sister is lively and cheerful, but it ’s not really heartless and heartless, because she is the sister, she just has to be heartless She has no lungs. I have listened to her since she was a child. She hides her dissatisfaction with her parents. She is afraid that the exposure will affect my younger sister, so she always follows the rules, laughs at being scolded, and does not cry when she is sad. She treats me, just as the East meets Yuanyuan now, they are all precocious, but they show different maturity, and I treat my sister like Yuanyuan to Dongfang, more precisely, like Yuan Yuan to you , Not only 100% dependence, but also 200% trust ... "

Sister Tiger paused, and turned to some puns. It seemed to be said to Chu Yuan, "Trust is not wrong, and there is nothing wrong with dependence, but don't rely too much. Excessive dependence may be the pressure on the person being depended on. Now ... my sister is very tired at that house, it is a vicious circle, no, it is not a cycle, it should be said to be a chain reaction, there is only a blind backlog, she swallows her breath, my parents will worsen, my dad My temper is getting bigger and bigger, my mom is complaining more and more, you may think that I'm too exaggerated, but for me, my sister is really like an angel flying down from the sky, always sending me Protected under her pair of wings, snow white, soft, warm ... but when giving me these, she herself bears everything in the cold and darkness, and finally one day, she broke out ... I never I blame her for leaving me to run away from home, because she is really too tired, and after she left, although my father refused to admit his mistake, he still began to reflect on himself, and my mother no longer secretly shed tears in her back Some dissatisfaction finally dare to be in front of my dad Surface that out, although my dad really angry, she would hide in the bathroom freak, I can no longer feel at least to the old winter home had two daughters is what heinous thing ... "

I want to tell Dong Xiaoye that when her parents talk about their sisters now, they are proud and proud, but afraid that she would ask me why I knew it, so I hold back. I did n’t dare to talk about it and laughed. : "Listening to you, it seems that Dongfang not only looks like your sister, but also looks like me."

Chu Yuan shouted: "Smelly, who depends on you 100% and trusts you 200%? Have you told me a lot of lies? Do n’t you believe that you have become a fool? Who else depends on whom? No I'll cook and do the laundry for you, so you can only make instant noodles in the pigpen, okay? "

Buddies are embarrassed, but I ca n’t refute. Before Chu Yuan moved here, I really claimed to be an instant noodle expert. I also tasseled my dirty clothes to wash for me every weekend, and then I went to her house to help clean up the house. clothes...

Grandma Aunt Cheng was surprised: "Nannan, haven't you ever felt that Xiao Dongfang looks like you?"

"looks like?"

Everyone's reaction told me that I was like an idiot who asked this ...

"East is like me? I'm like east ?!" What a joke, although I don't hate it, and I like the character of the little girl in the east, but at the same time I like it more, I'm more afraid of it, so the evaluation of her character is also mostly negative. After all, the city government is too deep and dark, and it is indispensable, but the more it is owned, the more it will be criticized ...

Aunt Cheng said blurtly, "I like Xiao Dongfang just because I think she's too much like you ..."

Sister Hu also said gently: "She is like my sister and you, so you are like my sister."

Chu Yuan didn't speak, but a flush of pink fluttered on her face, and I suddenly realized that this girl was autistic and never took the initiative to make friends, but she easily accepted the East. There was always a reason ...

If you think about it, I really can't deny the fact that I am also a person deep in the sun ...

"I remember that we were discussing the patriarchal issue. How did it come to me and Dongfang?"

Dong Xiaoye shrugged and said, "Originally, I was talking about Little Dongfang. The preference for sons and daughters was a derivative topic. Her family didn't like her, probably because her mother wanted to make her the heir and touched some people's interests Well ... my mother often said that if my sister was not a girl, but a kid, my dad would probably not force her to leave the house, and patriarchism is traditional, not so It simply disappears. Men and women alike are slogans. Gender equality is just legal recognition. How many people really recognize equality between men and women? "

"I will admit it ..."

Chu Yuan interrupted me badly: "In today's society, there is still a huge gap in the means of production between men and women. Most men who advocate equality between men and women are actually consciously or unconsciously advocating men's exploitation of women and oppression. The rationality of women is not to advocate giving women equals, but to emphasize the absolute superiority of men in the means of production, and to highlight the absolute dominance of men in society. This is their point of view, not their opinion of ' A true understanding of the equality of men and women and an ideal world view. "

The stinky girl heard something from our three adults, chewed it, and it really tasted a little bit, so I was even more surprised. I wondered, "Big kid, you know a lot ... "

"I don't understand such a simple truth, you are a little fart." Chu Yuan held his chest up, proud like a hen who had just laid a golden egg.

Dong Xiaoye agreed: "This is the truth, I am a living example, not only from the tragic family persecuted by this concept, my parents are also teachers and educators. It's not the same thing as the pedantic in the bones. "

I can't argue with it.

Tassel didn't know whether it was an intentionally active atmosphere or just a sentimental sigh. He sighed longly and said, "My parents didn't think there was anything wrong with my daughter when I was born, but now I am upset every day. Complaining that I'm not a kid, otherwise it's our face, and here we are, Yushu can't be overwhelmed by the wind? How many daughters-in-law can I cheat back? Now it's good, a girl's house, just like a kid Even the bust is like a kid. I do n’t have to think about cheating my daughter-in-law. Whether I can trick a man into marrying someone else ’s daughter-in-law has become a problem ... So, ah, you ca n’t blame your father and mother. It was really forced out ... "

All three of us were speechless. After a while, we laughed unanimously.

This comfort is so effective, this girl is so cute ...

But with a smile, I think that the East is not loved by family members, and may not have a direct connection with the traditional concept of patriarchy. After all, most of her family live abroad. Although Western countries may not have patriarchy, Ideas but ...

If the Oriental family really valued men, how did her mother inherit the family business?

If her mother is a entrepreneur, who will inherit her family business, and how can anyone tell her?

The most important thing is ... Dongfang is only 16 years old. Her mother should be in the age of playing. Is it too early to determine her successor?

Little master ... The kind of intuition that I do n’t believe, but always accurate, tells me that these three words hide too many, too many secrets. For the East, it is a bitterness that cannot be told to friends ...

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