Back at the company, I learned that the comprehensive group has become a mess. The mental workers are doing the work of manual workers-moving, moving out of the general group's office area, and moving to the other side of the 27th floor * *Workspace.

Although it is still on the same floor as the investment department, it ’s just a matter of moving the buttocks, but the meaning is not trivial. It suddenly became the company ’s most popular topic in the past two days. With the establishment of a brand new department, everyone is curious, except the informed senior management, what kind of function this department has not yet officially named, and which aspect it is responsible for.

The establishment and review of the new department is still in the process, so everyone's personnel appointments have not been officially released, including the former integrated group member is now also in the cloud, and has no knowledge of the new department. As early as when Murphy announced the dissolution of the integrated team and issued a job intention questionnaire, everyone was ready to move to other departments. Those who were more confident believed that they would leave the head office like Lao Heida Guochong, wrapped in a layer of gold. Yi Dao Branch had found a supervisor who had been a leader's addiction, but he did not expect that the integrated group just split from the investment part and changed its name to become a brand-new department.

In fact, whether it is 'stripping' or 'splitting', the wording is inappropriate. To be precise, it should be 'banned' and 'reorganized'. The current situation is that the integrated group really does not exist. The original integrated group staff did not exist. After the new personnel transfer, most of them were selected into the new department. The few people who were eliminated, such as Sun Yan and Lao Hei, were investigated according to their previous wishes, or they were transferred to their desire to join and think they have the opportunity to develop their expertise. Department, or decentralized to the branch's "experience", Murphy is no exception to those who have been in the integrated group for two years, or have been impatient or polished their fighting spirit, but have not noticed the original intention of the integrated group. She chose to give up. She thinks that a guy who has no patience, no fighting spirit, and no sense of smell, even if he has the ability, is not qualified to enter the Thirteen-City Planning Team, because the company's most important thing is capable people, patient, fighting spirit, Smell and humanity, that is, the feelings towards the comprehensive team and colleagues who have been together for two years, is what Murphy values ​​most. She believes that a comprehensive And his colleagues put the feelings of the people, it is not easy to be tempted by the most interest, followed by loyalty to her one hundred percent.

Murphy's questionnaire was used for this purpose.

Although the personnel appointment for the new department has not yet been issued, a personnel appointment for the investment department has been announced, that is, the former general group leader Liu Xinlei has been promoted to the deputy general manager of the investment department. Since Murphy took over, the position of the vice president has been It ’s empty because neither Lao Mo nor Zhang Li want this seat to fall into each other ’s hands, and they ca n’t argue with each other, while the neutral Mrs. Duanmu does n’t want to be involved in the power struggle to become the target of public criticism, nor does she want Mo Zhang to be a vice president. Seating and detonating the contradiction breaks the apparent tranquility, so the two ends are perfunctory, so a dead knot has formed. In the past two years, many candidates have emerged, but no one is qualified. Now the balance between Mozhang has been broken by me, Murphy first Starting to be strong, she immediately promoted Sister Liu.

Sister Liu is the only person in the comprehensive group who has a word of mouth in the company. In addition to the reuse and trust that Murphy has deliberately shown in her recent time, even if some people disagree, they dare not show it. Sister's ability, I believe that it doesn't take long before you can use facts to prove that you are worthy of this seat.

Murphy, this girl, was born for a shopping mall. What she did seemed impatient, in fact, she was well-organized, hiding her purpose and secrets step by step. Most people would think that she is a young man who does n’t understand. The cover-up can't wait, but someone must have noticed that she has a planned strength, with the goal of taking the lead in her own hands.

The new officer took office with three fires, and the establishment of the Thirteen City Group was already in place. Therefore, before the preparation process is completed, taking the lead to form a team is a wonderful strategy of cutting off the moves first, which promotes the progress of the preparation and also takes advantage of all aspects Before I had time to respond, I fully occupied the quota resources of the Thirteen Cities Project Team and established the backbone structure, which is the so-called first step. It is her best that she will not be touched by her brow. She only promoted Sister Liu. On the one hand, she really trusted her, but more consideration should be given to Sister Liu's faction-Sister Liu is a close friend of Mrs. Duanmu. It can be said that Murphy has some real power in the investment department. Come to win and exchange for the support of the neutrals, especially now that she has just become the person in charge of the Thirteen-City Plan. This kind of heartfelt show is of great significance. At least, the neutrals are not good at criticizing some of her aggressive behaviors for the time being.

However, I still feel that her move is redundant. Of course, this is not to say that it is not good to promote Sister Liu, but it is not necessary to deliberately draw Mrs. Duanmu. I think that Mrs. Duanmu was on her side from the beginning. For example, Mrs. Duanmu did not compete for the vacancy of the vice president of the investment department, but did not let the old Mo Lao Zhang succeed. At first glance, it is maintaining a certain balance, but it has already been clearly inclined. Fei can complete the work of two people alone. What better way to highlight Murphy's work ability?

The motives and actions of Mrs. Duanmu are much more concealed than the old Mo ... The buddies can't help thinking that the stories told by Mrs. Jiang may be true. Mrs. Duanmu must have liked Murphy's dad when she was young Maybe she hasn't been able to forget her until now. The balance in her heart started to tilt when Murphy entered the air, but everyone didn't notice it ...

Murphy's office has also been moved to the new department. The original office was reserved for Sister Liu. The hint is obvious. The general manager's focus will be shifted to the new department. Therefore, Sister Liu is in the position of Deputy Chief Investment Officer. Just transition, the day of righteousness is just around the corner ... This woman will be too aggressive, according to this prospect, the neutrals will sooner or later disappear and disappear into the Mexican reformers ...

Taking my sister to work can cause some bad effects, so Chu Yuan has been honestly staying in Murphy's new office to play online games. Murphy has a lot of work now, but as her assistant Ziyuan, but Youyou made a pot of tea, chatting with Sister Hu while drinking, the content is nothing more than what I did yesterday ...

There is no obvious difference between the new office and the original office. The original decoration is the same, and there is no decoration in the environment. It can be seen that although Murphy advocates radical in her work, she is a nostalgic woman in her life. , But a little more charm settled in simplicity.

At half past ten, Sima Yang came to the door and said a few words, and invited me to the top rooftop together.

"Will such a blatant contact make the old Zhang Xiaozhang doubt?" I didn't dare look down, it was too high, so I looked into the distance, still dizzy, and turned around.

Sima Yang knew that I didn't smoke, but handed it to me, and smiled, "No, it's because they asked me to come to you. The reason is whether they can invite you to lunch together and talk about yesterday's things, but Knowing that you will definitely refuse, so the main thing is for me to properly show my sway and give you a chance to fight for me. "

"They want you to lie down?" I laughed, took Sima Yang's cigarette, waved my hand, and refused to light him.

"It's mainly to explore your tone, it's best to touch your falsehood ..." Sima Yang shook his head and sighed: "Knowing that it's more than one move, or holding on to the illusion of self-deception, Lao Zhang is really being you Yesterday that hand was panicking. I reminded Zhang Mingjie long ago that leaving Gong Fanlin in Beitian would be a thunder, and he would get rid of it as soon as possible, but he would not listen. "

I smiled, so Zhang Mingjie was led by Gong Fanlin Lai in Beitian, perhaps because he wanted to make him ‘disappear forever’ ...

Listening to Sima Yang's tone, he said solemnly: "But you don't care about it. I have followed tension for so long and I still know him very well. You are now marching his army, but can you kill him? The moment when the result does not come true, it may be uncertain. "

I knew that Sima Yang was hinting at me, and nodded, and said, "The dog jumps over the wall, I understand. I am guarded against open fire and dark arrows. Zhang's experience and achievements, Zhang Mingjie's city government and qualifications are all above me. Now The reason why I grabbed their seven inches, not that they crushed me to death like an ant, is because I have this self-knowledge, huh, I will not belittle them, not for a second, even if I won't win them in the future. "

Sima Yang said with emotion: "In the Tao Te Ching, there is a saying, 'No harm is more serious than neglect of the enemy.' Whether it is a mall or an official market, the rules of competitive games are actually similar to hunting. Who can unexpectedly issue a fatal blow at a critical moment? , Whoever may become the final winner, and a moment of indifference to the enemy will give your opponent such a chance, once caught by the opponent, is destined to become a loser ... you are the kind of natural prey He is good at hiding, good at observation, good at analysis, and even more rare is that you can always stay awake, and Vice President Zhang ... he is not a proud man, but facing you, in the absolute psychological advantage At last, he still forgot the simple truth, the lion beats the rabbit, and also uses his full strength ... "

"Don't pull these," I said, "that Su Zhuliu, have you checked?"

Hearing this name, Sima Yang's spirit suddenly shook, and his expression followed cautiously. He asked me, "I'm trying to ask Brother Chu for confirmation. Two rumors came out this morning, which caused a sensation in Beitian, and said that it was Su Ye of Beijing. Last night, I asked Chu brother to drink and talk to you. At first sight, you became a confidant, but the other said that he was conspired by you last night and was seriously injured. He was taken to the hospital ... Which one is true and which one is false? ? "

Buddies are surprised first, then horrified. The surprise is that he is willing to gamble and lose, and use me to "see my fate as a confidant" to elevate me. The horror is ... Ah actually counted Tianyou to attack him on my head, it became my secret calculation. he...

Then the goods frankly admit that they are careful, won't they avenge me?

[Ps: Overslept. . . Well, when I almost slept a pair, I was sleepy. . . Sorry later ...]

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