Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1097: ] Miss Three's Foundation (Part 1)

"It ’s too vulgar? You ca n’t send something else? You have neither originality nor sincerity," I saw the huge fruit basket on the back seat of the car, and I could n’t help but said, "Ten billions of net worth , Why do you always send hundreds of pieces? Don't you be afraid that Su Dashui scolds you? "

An old ink with a black face, like a donkey, raised a stick and poked at me, "I strangled your little **** to the hospital and it was both new and sincere. Su Zhuliu Please be happy, don't hide! ". Com

Lao Mo even stabbed me with a series of combos. I tried to hide with a flash of fire. Many people watched in front of the company. "Identity, image, old majestic scenery of your life. Right? "

"My old man still wants to apologize to another arrogant kid for another arrogant kid. Are you embarrassed to say" identity "image to me? Because who ?! ”said the mouth, but Lao Mo stepped down on the walking stick and got into the car. The big-name driver who never got off the car was naturally Long Shan.

I pushed on the back door, then got into the co-driver's seat, and laughed at myself: "I'm dare to provoke such a arrogant person like Su Ye, maybe the person who is more arrogant is me ... hey Hey! "

Lao Mo didn't hold back. He knocked my head with a walking stick, and said angrily, "You can still laugh with a loss! Xu Heng, Sha Zhizhou, and Su Zhuliu are now infected again. Your kid is a curse on the ground. Mess, heaven! "

Lao Mo was really angry, otherwise his city would not be so chattering. It seems that Su Ye is really not simple. In Lao Mo's heart, his energy is about the same level as Miss San.

"It wasn't me who caused trouble in the sky, but it fell into the sky and aimed at me, and I couldn't hide from it, so I was a poor victim ..."

"Also quibble?" Lao Mo breathed. "Why isn't you lying in the hospital?"

"That's right, you're saying too much!" Long Shan was in a bad mood, but he quarreled with me and blamed Lao Mo: "He bullied Xiao Nan, and Xiao Nan could only admit that he was bullied by him. What's the point? "

Mo Yizhi saw Longshan defend me, and was even more angry, "Do you have to fight back with violence if someone bullies you? Is there no reason for this? People often say 'for a while, calm down, take a step back to the sea and the sky', You ca n’t stand it? Let him say what he loves to say, and he will not lose a piece of meat for a while. The big husband is the man who can flex and stretch. The most brave man is the reckless man. I tell you, a businessman. The key to success is to build more roads and less walls! You are good, not only walls, but also a wall! "

"Well, talk less about your truth," Longshan is like a mother who spoils her children, and she must be cunning for three points. "How do you write the word forbearance? There is a knife on the head of your heart. If you endure it, you will be heartbroken." Why do n’t you lose a piece of meat? Besides, you have to stand back and retreat, how do you know that other people wo n’t have an inch? Still silent, that ’s red + naked + naked insult! There are so many evil masters in the society. It ’s what you are used to when you should n’t be silent. I think Xiao Nan is right, knowing that you ca n’t do it, the nature of her husband! Also let those prodigals who pull the tiger's skin in the name of their parents and make a banner. Take a look, what about Su Zhuliu? If you are unreasonable and bully, you will kick a hard rock sooner or later and take care of yourself! Xiaonan, don't be afraid, Aunt Shan supports you! "

After leaving the company, Long Shan's role also changed. She was no longer Mo Yizhi's secretary. She was more of herself as a wife. This old Mo was deeply powerless, because this little third was not ordinary, and the background was actually the old Mo's knot. Sending a wife ... I am sorry that the biggest sorrow of Huaxin men is not the incompatibility between the wife and the lover, nor is it trying to maintain some kind of balance between them, but the opposite is true. The two women get along more harmoniously. For men, the sadder is, because the former situation has suffered, but it still has a certain degree of dominance, and there may even be a situation where the more fierce the two women ’s battle is, the more they will try to tie up the man ’s heart For fear that a man can't stand himself, and rushes to the embrace of another woman, so he becomes more and more gentle and gentle to the man. Shamelessly, the man enjoys the blessing of the fisherman, but the latter situation is very different, and the man will be completely lost. Dominance, the two women are close to the enemy, and there is no clam clam. Everything becomes one-to-two, plus the guilt of two women in my heart ... Where is the majesty of a man? The status at home may not be as good as the nanny ...

Lao Mo is such a sad man. He sighed helplessly and smiled bitterly: "You are magnificent, I can't say you ..."

Long Shan gave me a proud look, "reasonable to travel all over the world, unreasonable."

"What a coincidence," Lao Moxie laughed. "The reason why everyone succumbs to Su is because he is an unreasonable master who can travel all over the world ... The Su family is in the military and political circles, and that is three generations. Accumulation and management of the tree are rooted deeply and luxuriantly. Su Zhuliu is based on this. The whole of China can go sideways. With whom does he reason?

Longshan was silent, and his expression was a little dignified. Obviously, he knew that the Su family in Beijing was extraordinary.

I said, "Isn't he in trouble with his family?"

Lao Mo snorted, "I thought you had more lice and didn't itch. I didn't know that I was scared, and I did my homework ..."

I scratched my head and grinned, "Did I say I'm not afraid? But it's useless to be afraid."

Lao Mo ignored my poor mouth and said, "The relationship has collapsed. He is also a Su family. This is an irreversible fact. Not to mention that there is more than one Su family behind him. Three generations of political marriage. What a chessboard? There are too many chess pieces ... I ask you, Min Rou has contacted you? "

I was stunned and suddenly noticed a strange quirk, "No ..."

Lao Mo said indifferently: "Don't you find it strange? Something happened at the seed bar. Miss San and Min Rou could not have heard of it, but why didn't they bother? Miss Xue lives with Min Rou now, she If I did n’t ask you about what happened last night, it proves that Min Rou did n’t tell her anything ... Recall again, when the stinky boy in the Liu family overwhelmed you, what kind of reaction did Min Rou have? Rolled down from the wheelchair and gave her a hoe, just because you were a little bit wronged, she is a big girl who is neither married nor a good friend, but she does n’t care how much rumors are caused? But this time? Su Zhuliu Get up, can Liu Xiaosheng or the little wolf cub be compared? It's also at her doorstep, why did she miss making a fortune?

Long Shan anxiously said, "You said she didn't know what she meant ?! Why?"

I finally realized, no wonder that Lao Mo was so nervous and angry, only because things were far more complicated than I thought ... Chou Meimei had already identified her identity with me last night, and it was almost as if she and Su Zhuliu had torn her face for this, but with her His attitude was completely the opposite. Miss San and Min Rou did not respond, especially Min Rou, who would occasionally be bored and would send text messages to harass me. For no reason, no reason not to gossip?

Speaking of which, when I went out in the morning, I met Qiu Meimei, and it was a little weird. She didn't tell me anything, she just said a few words to Sister Hu and hurried away. At that time, she thought she was afraid of Sister Hu asking her question What's going on, now think about it ... Is her face really hit by Tianyou?

Learning martial arts from a young age will allow Miss Three to rest assured to arrange to protect me, and will force Su Zhuliu's Qiu Meimei to retreat in one move. No matter how bad it is, it will not be so miserable to be abused by God! Isn't this obvious? !!

"Stink boy, do you understand? If you are arrogant, now that you think Miss Three or Min Rou can help you settle Su Zhuliu, please quickly dismiss me, and then you will lower your attitude and sincerely apologize to others, remember Live, sincere! Heart! Sincere! Meaning! You are a born actor, do n’t tell me this is a difficult thing ... can I smoke a cigarette? ”The last sentence asked Long Shan.

When Long Shan nodded, Lao Mo found a small iron box from his pocket. I turned around with a cigarette lighter in the car to help him light it. He took a sip and then continued: "For Beitian, Miss Three She has always been an outsider. She is not only an outsider, but also a woman. Five years ago, she was a young woman and a young female outsider. How did she step into the circle of Beitian in one step? Why? Can it be a blockbuster? Now that she has been deified, it seems that she should be omnipotent, and people naturally ignore these too common sense problems. However, for reasons, logic is the essence. The essence of myth is actually made up by people. Stories, so myths do n’t exist in reality, what exists in reality must be a person who can write stories ... "

I was startled: "You mean, Miss San was able to enter Beitian's circle because of Grandpa Su? Grandpa Su was the foundation of Miss San in Beitian ?!"

[Ps: There are friends from far away ... The chapter that fell yesterday yesterday is going to make up tomorrow, eh. . . Counting those who took leave before, at least ** chapters. . . Suffering bitterly, everyone is more bitter, so tortured by a scum. . . Introspect for a while and sleep. . . 】

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