Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1098: ] Miss Three's Foundation (Part 2)

"You mean, Miss San was able to enter Beitian's circle because of Grandpa Su? Grandpa Su is the foundation of Miss San in Beitian ?!"

"No!" Long Shan said: "Miss Three didn't pass through Xue Dong sister ... wow!" Realizing that she said she walked away, she quickly covered her mouth. Fortunately, there were fewer cars on the road, otherwise the car suddenly shook its direction. Scraping accidents are not allowed. .

Sure enough, as Sima Yang said, this line between Miss San and Feng Chang was led by Mrs. Duanmu.

Lao Mo didn't care about Long Shan leaking the relationship between Miss Three and Madam Duanmu, saying: "If Xue Dong has such great energy, will Feng Chang be the same as today's Feng Chang? It is not cheap for family members to have resources Instead, she went to pave the way for outsiders to build a bridge? How sad she was when I heard you. You are suspecting that she didn't do her best for Feng Chang. Take a step back and say that Xue Dong would have sent a lot of love to others. For today ’s cooperation project with Moon Valley, they will still say that they are doing the same thing. Is it true that they have not let it go? Even so, in order to attract this money, Xue Dong did not take a lot of effort, but Miss Three really The decision to choose us as a partner for more than half of the reasons is still directed at Xiao Chu ... "

Lao Mo lowered a gap in the back window and let the smoke from the car out of the car. Shen Sheng said: "The development of Qianlong Villa was a government bidding project. The number of people who followed this project was unclear. No point of way? But which way can be tougher than the Su family in the capital? Some people in the North are good officials, since ancient times. Although Su ’s retreat, the Su family ’s power in the capital is not as good as before. Who is bigger than Ma, who does n’t want to get stuck? Even if you do n’t want to get stuck, do n’t dare to offend? Qianlong Villa development tender, if not Su Zhuliu in the secret, how could Miss Three succeed? Only Miss Three was hiding behind the dragon Behind Shi ’s operation, to see how Beitian ca n’t stop after Lao Long ’s death, you know how much he ’s tired of Beitian ’s officials. The reason why Miss Three chose him to be a puppet was obviously ulterior motives, mostly to downplay Su ’s family. Involved in this matter, so you say that Su Zhuliu is the foundation of Miss San in Beitian. This is not true. He and Long Xiaotian are not different in a sense. They are a chess that was reasonably used by Miss San. Except that she use a vanity Xiaotian, the use of the Soviet Union by the current crush on her ... "

When it comes to the Long family and Long Xiaotian, Lao Mo can't help but observe Long Shan's reaction. After all, Long Shan was once the adopted daughter of the Long family. When she saw her, she didn't care much about it. Old Moose breathed a sigh of relief, and continued, "I didn't know Miss Three at the time, nor did she know that she had a relationship with the Su family in Beijing. The intention of the development right of Qianlong Villa is the same as that of everyone. It is considered that Long Xiaotian obtained the project in disgraceful ways. Combining with the development direction, business scale and performance of Long's at that time, I judge that he simply does not have it. To develop the strength of Qianlong Manor, the huge capital investment is inversely proportional to the slow return cycle. The risk to the group is too great, and it is completely irrational behavior. Therefore, your aunt and I have specifically reminded Long Xiaotian Please do n’t swell your face and make you fat, but unfortunately he did n’t listen to it ... Actually, until now, I ca n’t say that I know Miss Three. She looks very simple, with emotions and emotions. Deliberately , But just face to face, I have no way to guess her mind, she was after me from scratch, and I'm a first time on the TV, and ultimately forced the young man I give up ... "

When I went to Mo Yizhi's house for the first time, he said that I was the second person to be able to look at him for more than ten seconds and force him to confess. The first one was Miss Xiaobai ... I I felt relieved in my heart, but I guess that Mo Yi had forgotten those words that he had said.

"I have also told you before that Miss San is a businessman and an authentic businessman. This is also the only thing I can confirm. No matter how frivolous, she must have her reason and purpose. Take Qianlong for investment As far as the villa is concerned, it is by no means rumored by the outside world that it is a return to the breeding ground or something, as if she throws out 18 billion at will, and it doesn't matter at all, that is nonsense! She estimated it outside of herself After gaining the development right of Qianlong Mountain Villa, she will inevitably be crowded out by local companies. Therefore, she borrowed the shell of Long's. After that, she continued to invest in expanding the development scale of Qianlong Mountain Villa, just like today. In this way, the Long's capital chain was broken, and then the shell broke out. It was logical to take the Long instead. Under the gimmick developed through the Long and Qianlong Villa, she maximized her propaganda and even deified herself. As for these five During the year, she seemed to be just watching the scenery, but in fact she hadn't been idle for a second. No one knew it before. Who else doesn't know now? Min Rou's Moon Valley Club is just a weaver. The Internet and the foundation in Beitian, she was an outsider five years ago, and today after five years? No one dared to exclude her, in order to knot her, people can break their heads ... But look back, Min Rou How does a young and weak woman manage such a large and special underground club without revealing her relationship with Miss Three? How did she gather and draw together those detached and sensitive members? , Do you think Xuedong can help her do these things? She can't ... "

Longshan couldn't refute, a tiny sweat dripped from her forehead, and trembled: "Really ... Su Zhuliu?"

"I'm afraid that a Su Zhuliu can't do it, so he must have used the resources of the Su family, maybe ... not just the resources of the Su family ..." Lao Mo couldn't help but knocked my head with a walking stick again "A man is willing to do so many things for a woman. He hides himself in the limelight, for fear of stealing the woman's limelight. Even the precocious child in the kindergarten knows what he thinks about that woman. Similarly, a woman has done so many things for you, just to make you stand out. Maybe she does n’t understand what she is trying to figure out, but others do n’t understand it? Hey, magic barrier ... you and Su Zhuliu Even if Tiannanhai and Beihai are on one side, he has already crossed your mind to cross the sea. Your kid is better. If you come, you can start with it and clean him up ... I do n’t buy fruit because I pick the door, but He lacked nothing, so he succumbed to defeat! I wonder, how can your kid fight this way? Xu Heng can't beat you, Sand's boat can't beat you, Liu Xiaosheng and a wolf can't. You, even Su Zhuliu let you fight now When people rely on one pair soldier fist in history a major youngest Beijing Military Region, a skill you this is where learned? Also worse than the Beijing Military Area Command! "

I want to say that I have n’t played with Su Zhu at all. I really want to fight. I ca n’t catch three moves and I have to be ko. I can think about it carefully. If I tell Lao Mo, he is a little girl. Wouldn't it make Su Dashao's contentment even more tricky? So there was no silence.

Let's take a look at Su Dashao's attitude first ...

Mo Yizhi said solemnly: "Min Rou did not ask your grievances with Su Zhuliu, but also represents the attitude of Miss Three. Although they have established a foundation in Beitian through these five years of operation, they do not need to use it at all. Or use the power of Su Zhuliu, but in the end it owed him kindness, so it ’s not good for you and him. How to deal with this matter can only be solved by ourselves, even if my old man begged you, arrived After the hospital, don't stimulate him anymore, we can't mess with him. "

I made a perfunctory 'um', this time, Long Shan didn't help me speak again.

Lao Mo and Long Shan in my heart couldn't understand why I didn't panic. This is because there is not a noble and very shameless buddy. There is still a hole card that can be played in the worst case. This is also me. The reason why I went to the hospital with Lao Mo but did n’t take the Tiger sister to tassel them. The card was really despicable and I could n’t see people. The sinful man who carried out the attack carried his back on behalf of Tianyou. I believe that Xu Heng was very willing to evaporate Su Dashao before he surrendered to himself, and for God and me, or just for God ’s sake, cleared him of this hidden danger ...

Suddenly, in the rearview mirror, I saw my smile filled with evil spirits. I was stunned, Xuaner smiled bitterly, and the rich expression changed, which made Longshan aside.

I am no longer that pure, simple, and lazy Chunan. Now Chunan, thick and black, is gradually getting used to unscrupulous methods ... This is a dangerous signal.

After solving everything, I can't wait to find my former self ...

Until then, let me do whatever I can ...

[Ps: I can't make up today, I owe it first. . . 】

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