Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1111: Narcissistic girl

This is a less beautiful misunderstanding. It can be said that the error lies entirely in my impulse.

I did n’t understand what Philip ’s goods and Chu Yuan had said. When he saw his manners lightly, the preconceived anger broke out. In fact, the real situation is exactly the opposite of what I understand ... Philip ’s handsome pot is neither loli control There is also no love + foot + addiction, not to come to play + rogue, but whenever I can calm down a bit, I should think that he appeared in Murphy's office for a certain reason-Murphy was originally because I didn't want to have extravagant branches to deliberately let me avoid meeting him. If there is no reason, it is impossible to bring him over. Besides, if he is not good at Chu Yuan, Murphy Tassel Ziyuan cannot let him approach Chu Yuan, let alone with him I have stood side by side after having an unpleasant winter night. Although it is said that technical geniuses are mostly idiots outside their areas of expertise, but idiots will not forget the pain if the scars are not good, right? . . com

The matter actually was this: the dissolution of the integrated group and the establishment of a new department. According to Murphy's and Sister Liu's plans, they should meet this afternoon. They should tell Viagra Qin Lan and other members who do not know much about the 13 cities plan, which is a mobilization. The nature of the meeting, and that is, tonight, to organize the last gathering of the integrated group. Yao Waner had already booked a hotel for dinner and singing ktv yesterday. She is packing at home to prepare for a branch office or has been transferred to another department. Several former team members who have started working and are not yet used to their new posts have received invitations from Sister Liu to celebrate, see off, commemorate, and bless ... This meeting has multiple meanings, the office atmosphere needs, but there is no lack of warm human touch .

However, the unexpected visit of the elite small team in the Valley of the Moon led by Philip, Uncle Jack and Paris, disrupted Murphy's and Sister Liu's plans. The mobilization in the afternoon will become a friendship party between the two partners. Knowing our party at night, the passionate and wise and ingenious French sister Paris, in the name of her own future colleague, proposed to participate together. This reason made it difficult for Murphy to refuse, in the wind and the valley of the moon Before sitting at the negotiating table, the other party offered to participate in a party of this nature, and everyone knew what it meant. High-level executives only looked at Murphy's ability to manage people, and even more afraid of her autocracy. What did you say?

Of course, Paris is not just for fun, she has her ideas and purpose, so the calm American uncle led by them did not reject her proposal-Paris did not see I know that I intend to evade, so I first asked whether I would also participate in the evening party. After getting a positive answer, I had this proposal. The intention was to take this opportunity to ease the relationship between me and Philip.

I ’m a smooth red person, and my relationship with Miss San and Min Rou is also a bit ambiguous. I ca n’t say clearly. Philip Shuai is a cousin of Miss San, but also an irreplaceable technical talent for cooperation projects. Therefore, whether from a company perspective From a personal perspective, the rigidity of my relationship with Philip is not a good thing. Their respective reliance is not only a resource for outbreak of conflicts, but also for some people in the middle. The French beauty wants to deal with the conflict between me and Philip. To please the superiors on both sides ... It can be seen that the office culture has no geographical limitations and is the same everywhere.

Philip is obviously also a person who is afraid of trouble. Coupled with the last contradiction, I made concessions and gave him enough face, so I have not only resisted the proposal of Paris, but also cooperated very well.

This guy is actually a very easy-to-understand person, just like a child who has not grown up, a little naughty, a little lascivious, to be strong and competitive, but not bad in nature. The last time I challenged me and forced me to apologize, I was in a state of pride. He didn't think he was right. It was because he knew him that Min Rou was relieved to let him have a good time.

The blonde handsome pot appeared in the office and came to take the initiative to invite me, lest I deliberately avoid it and not attend the evening party ...

The misunderstanding happened like this-they arrived at the office, but happened to be out of me, and they naturally thought I was dodging, and then through talking with Murphy, Philip knew that this little girl who was definitely not an employee of the company was my sister, As soon as the imagination moved, it was almost set. This product felt that if I would instigate Chu Yuan to go to the party, I would be unlikely to refuse it. So in order to highlight my sincerity, I thought that the humorous, elegant and romantic pseudo-gentleman played a special and exaggerated role. Like the drama actor on the stage, he expresses his affection and dances flatteringly to the fate of Chu Yuan, and then sends out an invitation on one knee, kissing the back of the stinky girl is completely different from the character of the last teasing Tiger Sister. Their aesthetic is to look at the chest. Look at the **** but don't look at the face. Chu Yuan's front is not convex and not upturned. In his eyes, it is unrelenting to develop loli, just like the tassel will be automatically filtered out in his sight. The former has no bright spot that can attract him, and the former is a child.

It is strange that Chu Yuan and Philip are both types that feel good about themselves. Philip praises the part where the smelly girl looks as beautiful as a flower. She understands because Philip speaks English and the speed is not fast. But the more the product became more engaged, the more likely it was that Duanmu Liushui, standing next to him, was a handsome and handsome man who was taller and handsomer than him, which caused him a bit of irritation. He started to show off in front of several mature beauties, and began. Crazy language spitfire, using Italian, French and other languages ​​to slap Chu Yuan's **** like a singing drama. In fact, Chu Yuan is strenuous even with English sounds. See him. It was magical, and he took it for granted that he was a pervert. He didn't know that he was trying to tease her and invite her in a humorous way. When he saw him, he would kiss his own little hand and quickly hid ...

It's absolutely impolite to talk about the matter, because Philip treated her as a child from the beginning and turned to kiss her feet, which is the usual wit of Westerners, and also intended to hold Gao Chuyuan to show me However, the sentiment of returning to the hospital for me to go to the hospital for me to return to the hospital was gently returned, so the French sister behind the sofa hugged Chu Yuan, for fear she would run again ...

Obviously, it is our misunderstanding that we can do it again, will Chu Yuan let him kiss his own hands? Wouldn't I stop it? That is also impossible ...

Chu Yuan smashed the computer and hurt Philip. Duanmu Liushui couldn't say that he was not responsible. The goods knew that it was a misunderstanding, but he didn't persuade or explain. Instead, he kicked me and took revenge for my suspicion. For a while, Chu Yuan was seriously misled, and Chu Yuan thought that they had teamed up to bully our siblings, and indirectly accidentally hurt the French sister Paris. This girl made me a meat pad ...

Philip became irritated and broke up (going to the hospital). It was a wonderful afternoon, but he was terribly closed. Master Duanmu was heartless and heartbroken. Fortunately, if it was not in the face of his mother, plus what I just did There was indeed a snack, and the little king **** would be hit back into a mummy, but that ’s ok. I had an appointment with Dongfang Mom at night. The colleague would definitely not be able to go. I said that people might not believe it, but it would still cause misunderstanding. I feel like I'm not giving face ...

Moreover, the buddies are really not confident, and can guarantee that they can hold back the dull face of Duanmu Liushui all night. They are under great pressure recently, and the goods are too long like an exhaustor ...

However, things must be as good as they are. If you do n’t come, you can come together—people who eat dinner actually pick the day. I have n’t had time to tell Murphy that I have a date at night, and Sima Yang comes back He said that he wanted to invite me to eat roast duck with tassel. If we want to appreciate our face, he only said half. Qiu Meimei called again and invited me to drink at the seed bar at night. She also said that Chu Xiaohua insisted on hospitality. I was thinking about Tianyou. Do you want to convey to me what Xu Heng ’s message is, and one of the most unexpected people called me again ...

Although most of the numbers originally stored were lost because of changing the phone, the incoming call is just a string of numbers, but I still recognized this unique combination of numbers at a glance-turned out to be Mrs. Duanmu's sister, Zheng Yuqiu !!

"Little brother ~ can you hear me?"

"I can't hear it." This woman whose words and deeds are hotter than French sister Paris's mouth made me goosebumps, and the sound of the gurgling was not only irritating to people. The senses are almost like who is stroking your finger lightly on your body. It ’s too teasing. I ’m glad I walked a few steps to get on the phone. Do n’t even let others hear what you think, even I think The **** the phone and I must have had an unseen act, so her voice can be so unabashedly sloppy ...

"I hate it, you only called someone in the morning, and you forgot it in the afternoon?" Zheng Yuqiu sighed long and contrivedly resentfully said: "You, a man of such indifference, no wonder his sister often said that men can't be trusted. .. "

I satirically said, "What? In the morning, did you hide in the bathroom in Su Zhuliu's ward?"

The girl actually asked me very seriously, "Little brother, do you think my sister is the kind of person who can hide?"

"Sorry, I'm not familiar with you, I don't know you well," I said lightly: "But I think, if you are not that kind of person, last time I asked you, if you are Miss Three, you won't be so Tell me for sure you are not ... "

"Do you think I'm Miss Three?" It seemed as if I heard something big. After Zheng Yuqiu's astonishment, she laughed and got out of breath: "Please, you ... little brother, haha ​​... hahahaha, this is not Funny, you listen to my voice, like ... like the young lady who accompany you in the mountains and mud ponds that night, and flirted with you? Even if it ’s raining, you ca n’t see her, It's time for Hu to hold her figure, right? She is as big as me? She is **** as I am? She is as thin as my waist ... well, her waist is thinner, but her legs are definitely It ’s me. My sister and I are tall. These two beautiful legs have n’t left a deep impression on you? Little brother, sister, I ’m so hurt ... ”

This girl is more narcissistic than my stinky sister ...

[Ps: I decided to go to Shenyang temporarily because of some private affairs. I did n’t have time to ask for leave. Sorry everyone ... the code was delayed, the work was delayed, the headache ...]

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