Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1112: ] Another one invited to dinner

Zheng Yuqiu is undoubtedly the mysterious boss of the beauty club for women under the moon. I remember that Min Rou once commented on himself and her, saying that he usually speaks and looks serious, as if he is meticulous. In fact, he is only three-pointed, and it is seven-pointed This can be seen from the fact that she always calls me "sangong" with a serious complaint to render us ambiguous, but Zheng Yuqiu is quite the opposite of her. She is a woman who seems to be hasty, but actually cautious and prudent. Seems to be pretty serious, but often just three-point joke, seven points serious.

Let's not discuss why these two goods cannot be treated separately from public and private, be 100% serious about work, and keep jokes in life. Just say Zheng Yuqiu's three-point joke is seven-point serious ... Can you believe it? Is it credible?

Indeed, the part that she is proud of showing off is an indisputable fact. She is pretty and slender with a small waist and slender legs, but if she is serious about emphasizing her advantages ... I can only say that this product is Cheeky is hopeless.

I'm the least good at dealing with this kind of straight-forward woman. Confident Murphy and shameless fairies can easily play with me. If I fall into this woman's rhythm, I will only let her slaughter. I It was the questioner, how could she allow her to take the lead? Ignoring her tease, I asked coldly, "Do you want to say that you are not 'Miss Three'?"

Zheng Yuqiu was still smiling, but converged a lot. He snorted twice and said with a sweet voice: "Little brother, your grievance is a bit heavy."

I have nothing to deny. If I have been cheated or treated as a fool, I have no resentment, it is really stupid. "I always feel that human dignity has nothing to do with the status of society or the amount of wealth. The end point of the pursuit is, in the final analysis, the spiritual satisfaction. This is the true meaning of the so-called contentment Changle ... do you understand what I mean? "

"Understand," Zheng Yuqiu said, "the level of each other in the material level does not equal the distance between the spiritual level. Each person is equal, but their respective spiritual pursuits are different ..."

I interrupted her: "So you have three seconds. This is the limit I can endure. I don't like to worry about women. However, because of Mrs. Duanmu's feelings, I don't want to yell at you. Just figure out a cleanness-I have no obligation to be a fool to make you happy, and dignity does not allow me to continue to be played by you as a fool, you know. "

Zheng Yuqiu pretended to be stupid: "Little brother, your words are esoteric, younger sister I don't understand, what do you want me to say ..."

Before she finished speaking, I silently counted one, two, three, hung up the phone, and silently counted three and two again. As expected, Ms. Zheng called back again.

This time, I do n’t pretend to be stupid enough to scream and sell, and I open the door to see the road: "I swear I have never lied to you. I am really not Miss Three! The Miss Three you mentioned should be my sister."

Zheng Yuqiu's ‘sister’ is certainly not her sister-in-law, Mrs. Duanmu. It ’s not hard to tell from the figure ... Sure enough, the white woman who appeared in the old Mo's office is Miss Three himself! I scolded something in my heart, but I didn't understand who or what I scolded. The cold tone was still in my mouth. "Is it fun to play word games? The original meaning of 'Miss Three' is' Three A beautiful lady, right? "

"Well," Zheng Yuqiu seemed to feel my anger, afraid that I would hang up her phone again, and admitted that it was happy, "In Beitian, the name of Miss Three is indeed a misunderstanding. 'Three beautiful ladies' are The three beautiful ladies are three people, not one. Even if I go to my sister's house to find out who 'Miss Three' is, no one has heard of it ... "

"So you know very well that Miss Three is three people, isn't it?"

"Although it's not very accurate ... but it's true." Zheng Yuqiu's answer was a little reluctant, as if she wanted to add something, but she only heard her take a deep breath, but didn't continue.

I asked Shen Shen: "Are you not included in these three people?"

"Me?" Zheng Yuqiu's voice was full of surprise, "You said ... I'm one of the" Miss Three "?"

The tone of her questioning made me startled because her surprise didn't seem to pretend, "Aren't you?"

Zheng Yuqiu laughed again, and still didn't smile very ladyly, "Why me? Who told you it was me? Haha, it's impossible for Min Rou to say it? Hahaha ... three beautiful young ladies, isn't it Min Rou? Little brother, I always think you are a clever and scary person, but your reasoning is so cute ~ "

I was smirked by her-after knowing that the white lady Xiaobai who appeared in Lao Mo's office with Zheng Yuqiu was the deity of Miss Three, I decided that Zheng Yuqiu was one of the "Miss Three", so I thought she lied to me This hurts me. Although I'm not very good at dealing with girls like her, I don't dislike it. To be precise, I have been used to acting since I was a child. I have a city government and I am not straightforward. I really appreciate and admire her character. In addition, this girl has a fringe-like cheerfulness and a tiger-like fight, and I really take her as a friend at first sight, so I am now particularly angry, but she asked like this ... indeed, No one has ever told me that she is also one of the 'Miss Three'.

Just like Philip, who played the handsome pot just now, I may have made a preconceived mistake again: The reason why I identified Zheng Yuqiu as one of the three misses was actually the mobile phone photo taken by the little monkey teacher, There are exactly three people in the photo, and there is Min Rou, but no one has said that even if the other two are 'Xiaobai' and Zheng Yuqiu, these three people must be 'three beautiful young ladies' ...

"Aren't you? Min Rou isn't?" I felt my thoughts messed up.

"Of course she isn't," Zheng Yuqiu said, "little brother, I don't know what you think is based on this, but there is one point I think I need to remind you-although I call the three ladies in your mouth as 'Sister', but we don't have any blood relationship. How should Min Rou call her? You should be clear? She is our 'Miss'. In other words, Min Rou and I both work for her. Yes, no matter how close the relationship is with us in private, in her family, company, and all public places, we only have one relationship: the boss and the employee ... whether you admit it or not, We are still in a society with a strong sense of hierarchy. The wealthy people reject the poor, and the status contends for the grassroots, especially in the high society abroad. So no one will take our two working girls and My sister, who is so prominent in life, is comparable. Even if someone touts us like this, can we accept it with peace of mind and show off our intimacy with my sister? Oh, then I will ask you back, for Why don't you like my sister's help to you? Because of dignity, don't you? Min Rou and I also have dignity. We want to get everyone's recognition through our own strength and efforts. Therefore, we don't like it and we will definitely avoid it. Elevate yourself in this way, I believe no one knows the horrors of gossip more than you, right? "

The potential influence of Min Rou's Moon Valley Club and Zheng Yuqiu's Moonlight Beauty Women's Club in Beitian, I understand to some extent, even if the relationship with Miss Three is not exposed, the network resources they have are enough to make They occupy a place in the high society of Beitian, even predators such as Lao Mo dare not to underestimate their existence, but I do n’t know the position of Min Rou and Zheng Yuqiu in the Miss Three family. This is what gave me birth. The source of the misunderstanding-these two girls can be regarded as fabulous characters in Beitian. I am afraid that everyone has drifted, but they still have a very clear understanding and self-knowledge of themselves ... It can be seen that the strength of Miss Three's family is far from what I can imagine ...

"Who are the other two?"

"It is my sister's two close friends," Zheng Yuqiu said. "Among them, my sister is the youngest. Maybe someone called her 'Miss Three'.

A close friend in my girlfriend ... I was moved, "I heard Su Zhuliu mentioned that there is a woman with a surname in Beijing ..."

Zheng Yuqiu grinned, but did not answer my question positively, and said in an accented tone: "In Beitian, Miss Three is just a personal name. It is not important who the three beautiful ladies are. You only need to know who my sister is. Will suffice."

"But I still don't know who your sister is, and I don't know why she is so interested in me ..."

"So, you should ask her well."

I froze, "What do you say?"

"Oh, younger brother, what are you doing today? Are you really stupid?" Zheng Yuqiu said: "You asked me a lot of questions, but I never asked why I called you ... you tonight have time?"

"Why?" I already faintly guessed, my heart was pounding, but my tone was still indifferent.

Zheng Yuqiu deliberately sold Guan Zi to hang his appetite, "Well ... my sister is free tonight."

"and so?"

"You are too uncooperative, humorous will die? Really, it forced my sister to want to swear," Zheng Yuqiu was very dissatisfied with my response and exclaimed: "My sister is free tonight, of course I want Please have dinner. "

"What time is it?" Buddy knows how much sincerity is in the word "Please".

"At eight o'clock, the waves are rushing into the sand," Zheng Yuqiu curiously said, "brother, you don't seem to be excited ..."

"Why should I be excited?"

"Because you can finally see my sister ..."

"I didn't know who she was before. I might be excited to see her. Now I know who she is, why should I be excited?" As the mouth said, I tried to stop my voice from shaking. All bite-not excited, not excited, but the impulse to question her and find her accounts!

But I know that the mood of Miss Three at this moment is probably the same as mine ...

I didn't hear what Zheng Yuqiu said next. I took a long breath and laughed-my game with Miss Three has just begun ...

I have been passive. From this moment, I have to take the initiative.

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