I've seen crashes and crash shirts. I also heard a word called 'bang face' a while back. It can be seen that everything can be 'banged' this year. The Chinese character culture is really extensive and profound, so I met this moment again. 'Banfan', it is more fun than worry.

The current situation is: Miss Three and Zheng Yuqiu asked me to go to the big waves to eat sand and eat seafood; Vice President Zhang invited me to eat roast duck in Quanjude; Qiu Meimei, or Tianyou, invited me to a seed bar; Oriental mother asked me to go to the tulip fishing resort ... Murphy had already planned to organize colleagues to go to Haidilao to eat hot pot tonight, and then went to ktv. Because the small team from the Valley of the Moon also determined to participate, this plan was even more unlikely to change because of me.

Buddy has no separation, and there are no one next to each other in these places, all turned around, where is eating, let alone friends, let alone talk about business, so I have to make trade-offs and trade-offs ...

Just then, my phone rang again, so coincidentally, it was still a treat for dinner! I was surprised, even more surprised than just received Zheng Yuqiu's call-it was Li Xinghui!

I was a little hesitant, a little messy, didn't answer him immediately, hung up the phone, and started to mutter.

Li Xinghui banqueted Liu Xiaosheng tonight at the Beitian Hotel in which he had a stake. In name, it was a formal reconciliation, but in form, it undoubtedly bowed down to Liu Gongzi and served softly and confessed his mistakes. This is a reason that makes it difficult for me to refuse. This meal is reasonable and there is nothing wrong with it. After all, in the contradiction between him and Liu Xiaosheng, I made peace with the old man. If the two people reconcile this matter, he will leave me alone, but there will be suspicions of crossing the river to tear down the bridge ...

But I can't figure out why he had to entertain Liu Gongzi today? If this article is wearing a pair of pants with the Zhang family father and son, how could they not know that they invited me to dinner at night? Isn't this an intentional dismantling stage?

I dare not ignore this small contradiction. I have always believed in the phrase 'details can determine success or failure'. This is what the old man taught me. I still remember an ancient English folk ballad he told me when he was a kid:

One nail was missing and a horseshoe was dropped.

A horseshoe was dropped and a war horse was lost.

Lost a war horse and defeated a battle.

Defeated a battle, ruined a dynasty ...

The general idea is that King Richard III of England and Henry Tudor waged war on the Bosworth Plains, because the horseman and the blacksmith nailed one less horse when they gave the horseshoes to the horse, eventually causing the horseshoes to fall off and the horses to fall. Falling to the ground, the war horse fled, the morale of the soldiers fell, and they retreated, and a dynasty capsized ...

There was also a war between Zhang Mingjie and me, but it was just a secret battle without seeing the smoke. I dare not ignore any details, because Zhang Mingjie was originally a person who paid more attention to details than I did.

The stepmother is a student of the father, and is equally convinced of the phrase 'details determine success or failure'. She likes the four poems in the British poet William Black's "Naive Prophecy": one sand, one world, one flower, one heaven, two hands. Holding infinity is eternal.

They taught me to understand the truth from an early age: every thing in life is made up of a lot of details, so what determines the result must be some details of this whole thing, to observe I found that analyzing these details, mastering this method, I can finally see the micro-wizards, and then stifle the problem in the bud state ... I ca n’t see the micro-wizards, but the lazy and ordinary I can struggle in all kinds of swirls To this day, isn't it the attitude and way of doing things that depend on you?

From a small perspective, is Li Xinghui and Zhang family father and son 'hitting rice' by coincidence or conspiracy?

If it is the former, it proves that my reasoning may be wrong. The relationship between Li and Zhang is far less complicated than I imagined. If they are people on a boat and the situation has evolved to such a degree today, they have no reason not to communicate, Not tacit understanding, you know, there is a little difference, and it is the net worth ...

The details determine the result, and the difference will be thousands of miles away. I have to reorganize my thinking: Municipal Bureau Chief Niu Chengjin and Sha Zhizhou must be related. This is indisputable, but is the main ambassador behind the scenes, Li Xinghui? Is Li Xinghui related to Niu Chengjin and Sha Zhizhou? There is no substantive evidence to prove these two issues; Zhang Mingjie is the one who brought the sand boat to Liu Xiaosheng's banquet. Although there is no direct evidence, this is the most conclusive logical guess obtained by the exclusion method ... the contradiction has arisen If Zhang Mingjie and Li Xinghui are not on the same ship, and Li Xinghui did not instruct Zhang Mingjie to hire a sand boat to deal with me on the condition of a huge loan, what is Zhang Mingjie's motive? We both have some small grudges in public and private affairs, but we don't want to kill me for this? I'm convinced that until the high-level meeting began, the tension that took advantage of public opinion did not consider me a threat in the company, so he never committed to hire someone to kill me, even if he really wanted to deal with the problem in this way , The goal shouldn't be me, just do old Mo or Murphy just end?

The Zhang family's father and son did not deal with me, or the motivation to deal with Xu Heng through me. Li Xinghui had it, but although he and Sha Zhizhou had appeared at Liu Xiaosheng's banquet that night, Sha Zhou had invitations. That Dongdong will never be the one that Lao Li, the most unpopular guest of the night, can provide to him ...

The original smooth logic was destroyed. It seems that everything is related, but it can't help scrutinizing.

So I look forward to tonight's "Bang Bang" is not a coincidence, but a conspiracy!

Li Xinghui and the Zhang family father and son deliberately confuse me, so they planned ‘bang rice’ and dismantle each other ... but what is the purpose of this? Is it guessing that I already doubt them? No reason, I think about it carefully, my previous performance has not revealed the slightest flaw ...

Li Xinghui's phone call confused my mind.

Therefore, I decided not to eat the roast duck of tension, nor to see Li Xinghui and Liu Gongzi's imagination and jealousy in the Beitian Hotel—constant change, I wait, I gave tension one week to consider my conditions, Then I'll wait for him for a week. If my previous guess was correct, I believe that Sha Zhizhou will definitely appear! As long as the sand boat appears, everything has an answer.

I also pushed Qiu Meimei and Tianyou over there. My personality is not like or suitable for a place like a bar. For this reason, I think Qiu Meimei is acceptable. As for Tianyou, we will live at the door. If she really has something to tell me , There are opportunities at any time, not necessarily have to go to the place where she works.

There are still two dates left, which are typical of public and private: Miss Three and Dongfang Mom ... The former can decide the future of Feng Chang, and the latter holds the future of Dongfang Niang ...

It seems like a multiple choice question that is difficult to make a choice, but it is very simple for me-


"Small night, you can't drive any faster? The mother-in-law can say, noon, we're going to be late. Maybe early in the morning, the East will fly to Paris ..." In private, I don't want to happen That kind of thing, but the mouth is quite interesting, I do not deny that this is a cover-up, cover up my fancy.

"Can't you see? Traffic jam!" Dong Xiaoye knocked on the steering wheel with ten fingers and stared at the car in front of him, as if hoping to move it away with thoughtful force, with no gas: "I'm more anxious than you! Really! The picture drove this Passat fresh, without siren and lights, which is too inconvenient. At this time, even abuse of power is necessary. Little East, Little East, you can't go ... "

I sighed in my heart that it ’s not new for you to drive this car. Obedience is true ... When I do n’t know, I will go to the city bureau at noon, and I will enter Lin Zhi's office on the front foot. Ke's people immediately got into the car and tried to find the clues related to Xu Heng. Otherwise, how could Lin Zhi let Wang Xiaomeng spend so long out of nothing to have a transcript that emphasized my importance to the Jiang family? Aren't you helping those guys get time?

With Xu Heng's prudence, even if they disassembled the car into parts, they probably couldn't find Xu Heng's hair, but I estimate that at this time, Lin Zhi's desk was already filled with relevant information found through the traffic police team. All the information of the car, including the photos of 'Xu Xiaoyou', but still in vain ... Even if Tiger Sister took the photo of Xu Xiaoyou, I'm afraid I couldn't recognize it. It was Chu Xiaohua, a classmate who lives at the door of my house, Xu Hengna. Goods, this step has already been reached, so for this reason, let Tianyou 'pretend' to be a girl?

If you pay attention to details and control, Xu Heng is also a master ...

"Sister Xiaoye, shall we not be late?" Although time is very abundant, Chu Yuan is still very nervous, waiting for Sister Hu to answer, and then ask me again: "Brother, you really have the confidence to persuade the Oriental mother not to let her go abroad Studying abroad? "

The smelly girl's big eyes flickered, her small mouth narrowed tightly, as if I shook her head, she could not help crying immediately ...

Where can I choose one? I do n’t have any choice when I see the expression of smelly girl—I do n’t want to see the tears of Chu Yuan, I do n’t want to see the tears of the East, and I do n’t want to make a simple one. Men who can't keep promises ...

Therefore, I did not hesitate to release Miss Three's pigeons.

Since it was her intention to release her pigeons, of course I would not tell her that I would not go to an appointment tonight.

This is very unpretentious, but it is just right for Miss Three-I used to hide from hiding when I wanted to see her. Now she offered to meet me. What if I deliberately hide?

I don't know the feeling that much ...


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