Chu Yuan asked me if I was sure I could persuade the Oriental mother to not allow her to study in Paris. This question is really not easy to answer. The difficulty is that when the stinky girl asked me, she had too much subjective expectation on me, and she did not plan to ask me I heard the words "not sure" in my mouth, but this is the truth ...

Think about it calmly, studying abroad, how many people have dreamed of but not available opportunities, why should we not let the East go? Because she doesn't like it? Because we are not willing? What's the reason ... Poor parents, if the Oriental mother is thinking about her daughter's future, let me be a tongue-in-cheek, and have one more mouth and ten more mouths. What can I use to persuade her to let the Orientals stay? Unless I really tell her: you are willing to be your girl, but I ca n’t bear to be my baby in your girl's belly ...

Considering the professional qualities of several bodyguards that Zhen Nuo often brings with him, it is difficult to say whether Dongfang can stay, but it is certain that my little life will stay in the tulip fishing garden. I will not sink me to the bottom to feed the fish. Strange ... my buddy is trembling now, and I don't know if the grumpy Obasan has returned the knife she brought out in the morning to her kitchen ...

Chu Yuan is not a child anymore, but she depends on me and trusts me, she will always have naive power, but Dong Xiaoye and I ca n’t be naive, because we are trusted and trusted, so the mood of Tiger Sister seems so irritable ——It's not easy to persuade Dongfang Mom to be reasonable ...

"Are you sure?" The smelly girl saw me with a smile on her face, not talking or nodding, and her expression changed a little. She is no stranger to this smile. It is the mask she used most since childhood. It used to be hypocritical patience, but now I want to hide it, the kitten with a stabbed tail on the stinking girl's head is a bit frizzy, and the small paws are also lit up, "You won't really be perfunctory in the east. Help her persuade her mother? !!! Did you swear before to coax her home? Without you! How can you treat the East like me to the past? 枉 She believes you so much, can you deserve her ?! "

The stinky girl was trying to scratch me, but it was not as long as my arm. I was holding my forehead and scratching with both claws. It was like a pouting kitten that saw fresh fish. Either perfunctory or coaxing, I promised you something, haven't you done anything? "

Chu Yuan heard the words, thought for a while, calm down, "I don't seem to ... but ..."

"No, but," her mother said, "I don't care about lunch." If I was perfunctory, today there are at least a hundred ways to be late or simply not to go. Weighing the interests and allowing you to pick out nothing wrong, but Now I ’m not sitting in the car, stuck in the road, and anxious with you? ”A hundred ways are too exaggerated, but the meals of Miss San, Zhang Li, and Li Xinghui are more important than whether or not to study abroad in the East. Right? Those that concern my future and even my life, and studying in the East, aside from emotional factors and looking at it rationally, is actually not a bad thing ...

I flicked Chu Yuan's forehead, wanting to make the atmosphere relaxed, but the tone was unconsciously serious, saying: "I haven't sat down to talk with Dongfang Mom, I don't know her true thoughts and considerations, I will tell you now that I have It ’s perfunctory ... girl, brother does n’t want to lie to you, so I have to tell you that people can be naive or willful, but they must not just think about their own issues because You ca n’t pay for anyone ’s future. If Dongfang ’s mother wants to send her abroad, it ’s not a whim of her own, but a well-thought-out, for Dongfang ’s future, what do you do? What do you think my brother should do? ”

Chu Yuan drummed his cheeks and said nothing. She is indeed not a child. If she is still a child, she can be willful to the end, but now she can bear it, because she already knows how to think about the future. In this regard, the stink girl can be said to be precocious, but I did not It ’s just found out that most children aged 16 or 7 are in a period of rebellion. Classes are books and classes are youth. Who would think about tomorrow and who would grow up? However, Chu Yuan began to plan to save money and spend money sparingly when she was younger. She never read the book before the exam but got good grades because she focused on learning efficiency and strived to be in class Absorb the knowledge taught by the teacher completely, so that you can save extra time to do other things, so she writes novels and earns scattered manuscripts, so she will complain while staying honestly in the stepmother during the winter and summer vacation. Working at a fast food restaurant, her reluctance is more like a small means to win more salary. I used to think this girl was a little miser who fell into the eyes of money, but now I know that she is using the most Stupid way to complete her original accumulation so that I can 'share' my marriage room before I get married and become one of the owners of the house, so that she can be right next to me for a lifetime ... the idea is naive A little bit, but the attitude is serious. Isn't this a life plan, isn't it thinking about the future?

"I think her mother was just on the whim." Dong Xiaoye said indignantly.

I asked, "Why?"

"Isn't Xiao Dongfang said? Her mother is a very emotional person. She remembers what kind of things are, which doesn't care about others' feelings, and the type of self-righteousness ... We can not believe the words of Little Dongfang, but ourselves Do n’t we believe it? Do n’t say that she was a mother who threw her daughter alone in Beitian. No matter if she did n’t ask, she said that during the period when Xiao Dongfang was away from home, her indifference was not enough to chill. Ah? "This girl is an out-of-the-box lo*ic*n, and she never makes sense of her doting to Chu Yuan and the East.

Chu Yuan nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, Dongfang and her mother have a bad relationship, and their relationship is bad, because her mother never cared about her."

I secretly confessed that the mother-daughter relationship should be put aside first. Although Dongfang never said good things about her mother, she loved her mother very much, but you did n’t know it. If I had a fight, Going to talk to her mother, the talks broke down, and became fraught, really embarrassed, isn't it the insincere Oriental lady herself?

"Who says her mother doesn't care about her? If she doesn't care about her, she can live in tens of millions of villas and sit in millions of sports cars? How is she lonely? Look at the nanny hired by his daughter for the girl, you also in China It ’s hard to find the second one? Not only young and beautiful, but also an intellectual, and the elite level, both civil and military, it is estimated that her monthly salary is enough for me to earn a few years ... "

Dong Xiaoye snorted coldly, "You boasted for a long time, boasting that her nanny is not her mam, it's like the cow is a cow but the nurse is not a mother ..."

"Don't say that, the grandma is also a mother ..."

"But not my mother!" Dong Xiaoye said: "Nanny is good to you, babysitter is good to you, does it matter whether your mam is good to you? I will give you a gold nest, a silver nest, a diamond nest, and let you live by yourself. You do n’t even want to ask, at best it is a few dollars to hire a few people to cook for you. What is the difference between buying a pet and being too lazy to raise it? No wonder Xiao Dongfang is not willing to go home. What ’s that place and the cage? The difference? What's the difference between those in the family and the zoo's breeder? I dare to say that Xiao Dongfang is ill several times a year and her mother doesn't know. Such a mother has not even fulfilled the most basic duties. She may consider it for Xiao Dongfang In the future? Believe it or not, I believe it anyway! "

Chu Yuan did not agree this time, not because he disagreed with Dong Xiaoye's point of view, but because he didn't have the heart to admit the poorness of the East.

"It is difficult for a clean official to do housework, let alone we outsiders ..."

Chu Yuan stopped talking, I knew what she wanted to say, and said, "Keep your heart in your belly. If her mother really just arranges it casually or manipulates the life in the East without any reason, I will just tear my face. Those who are hard and muddy will also take back the East. Although we are outsiders, we still have the confidence to face an irresponsible mother. "

Chu Yuan felt a little comfort, and then worried: "If her mother just arranges it casually, but refuses to admit it, what shall we do?"

I laughed, and Dong Xiaoye also laughed. "I'm more worried that she is obviously thinking about the East, but she refuses to admit it."

Chu Yuan stunned, "Why?"

"Oh," I couldn't help but touch her head, "you will understand when you become a mother."

Chu Yuan's tender face turned red instantly, opened my hand, and said, "You're a kid again! Have you been a dad?" The voice didn't fall, the smelly girl's expression changed again, and she was terrified and terrified. It's like someone who stabbed a knife in the heart, "Is Sister Xiaozi already ..."

"No—" I laughed and cursed: "You girl is too rich in imagination? I am not a father, but I am a brother. The truth is the same. You are my sister, I am your brother, and I will do it. Brother's dignity, if one day you come to a little fart to explain to me, can you say that my mood is fine? In this state, it is easy to tell whether a person is lying, even if I look at it If you do n’t come out, will your little night sister not see it? Did you forget what she did? ”

I answered Chu Yuan's question in my mouth, but I was thinking wildly: I had a relationship with Xiao Zi twice, and I was under the action of drugs, tirelessly cultivated and spread, will I really win the prize? ..

With this in mind, I did not consciously observe that Chu Yuanwu hung a bit of a frightened face. This stinky girl did not want to hide her face. I ran into the pharmacy to buy contraceptives and condoms and gave them to Ziyuan. I am a dad, or am I afraid that I will marry Ziyuan Fengzi?

Being a dad ... I used to think it was quite a distant event. Today, when I heard about Chu Yuan, I suddenly noticed that it seemed very close to me, and it tickled my heart. I didn't panic about it, probably Because of Kangkang's sake, the little girl keeps calling my dad, so I had a potential expectation long ago, and I even got used to being lazy ...

Once this idea came up, it was a bit overwhelming. I secretly sent a text message to Ziyuan, and I couldn't help but use a questioning tone: Last time I gave you the contraceptive, didn't you take it?

After a while, I received a reply from Ziyuan, just two words: I'm sick!

I froze and laughed suddenly, suddenly mentioning this matter, I was really sick, but just when I was going to put the phone back in my pocket, Ziyuan sent another text message, this time in four words: I Also sick ...

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