Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1144: ] Those stories (twelve)

Mrs. Duanmu stopped in front of the room door, did not open the door, or even pulled out the card, but turned suddenly. I was too late to gather up the annoyance and anger on my face. It was extremely embarrassing, but Mrs. Duanmu didn't take it seriously. This expression reminded me of my childhood, every time I was preached by the little monkey teacher, I would spit on the background of her departure, and then, without exception, like this moment, was suddenly The little monkey teacher who looked back caught her loot, and she was so proud at that time.

"You don't have to panic, don't say that you and Xiaoqiu are friends, even if you have nothing to do with it, knowing that Liushui has always treated Xiaoqiu like that, there is no reason not to anger my irresponsible sister and complain about my eccentric eye care The calf's mother, with your straight temper, can still bear to send me here without any disrespect to me, presumably for the story I just told you? "

I shook my head and said, "I believe you will not make mistakes for no reason, so there must be some reason in it."

"Oh, you're" tweaking "with me again," Madam Duanmu said, "I don't say, you don't ask, this is the tacit understanding of adults, and your city, but you still want to know in your heart why I used to be You do n’t like Mayfair, but you do n’t like Xiaoqi, right? ”

I've found that no matter how clever my bends are, I still can't hide this little thought in my stomach, but I still can't hide it from Mrs. Duanmu, who is Dazhi Jinxian, and frankly said, "You say it's a woman's unreasonable reason. I think this is too far-fetched. After all, there are two kinds of unreasonable women in my understanding. One is emotional. Because I am honest and sensitive to my feelings, I will occasionally lose my rationality when stimulated. The other is my opinion, It's rude and unreasonable. In short, it's a matter of character ... Madam, you don't look like the latter. "

"Oh, this is not wrong in itself, but speaking from your mouth can make people feel a little weird," Madam Duanmu said with a smirk. "It seems that you know women well."

Buddy's old face is getting hot, but I don't know if Mrs. Duanmu is teasing me-now that I know women so well, why are they so embarrassed about women?

"For the sake of your understanding of our women, if you have any doubts, you just have to say it all out," Mrs. Duanmu blinked, staring at the empty corridor from side to side, saying: "Now you are the only one here With me, if I hear any gossip afterwards, I won't worry about finding the culprit for chewing my tongue. "

Listening to what she said, it was because of the presence of Tiger Sister Chu Yuan that she deliberately avoided some problems. In other words, the problems she avoided were really informative ...

I have a sudden rush in my heart. It is my life philosophy to hang out of my mind. For dangerous or troublesome things, I always close my eyes and cover my ears as far as possible. Instead, I am usually Mrs. Duanmu. With such a subtle warning, my curiosity must have stopped, but at this moment I don't know what is going on. My heart is itching and uncomfortable ...

Maybe it's because I'm curious about Murphy. After all, Mrs. Duanmu's attitude towards Murphy is either resistance or help, which can largely determine Murphy's prospects in the wind. Now, Murphy and Tassel The prospects are tied together, so I need to ask the roots, and ... Zheng Yuqiu is also a reason that can't be ignored. She has a close relationship with the mysterious Miss Three, and I always do nothing about Miss Three. I know that now I have the opportunity to get to know Zheng Yuqiu next to her, knocking sideways, maybe I can touch some content related to Miss Three ...

It's also possible that I'm just being induced by Mrs. Duanmu-if she has a scruples and doesn't answer my doubts, why is she still asking me a kind and kind attitude? It seems that she wanted to say it herself, then took advantage of my curiosity, and took the opportunity to pour the secret hidden in her heart ... but why did she choose me as the object of her pour?

I pressed my puzzlement and said, "I'm just a friend of Miss Zheng, and I can't help this question a bit, but after all, it belongs to your family affair, and it involves your **. I'm ashamed to be too embarrassed. Now. "

Mrs. Duanmu stared at my eyes, and I felt guilty before I heard her sigh. "You child, you are not old, you can talk and do things, but the scale is quite old-fashioned. You have a city. Either do n’t cover it up, or do n’t cover it up deliberately, so no matter what you say or do, it feels comfortable and true. True and honest is your normal state, but under this normal state, you never lack the vigilance and doubt. The person is free to change, there are almost no traces of nature, so the back of your seemingly simple character is actually full of deceptiveness. This is no wonder that the person in your office who has the most trouble with you is the most popular person, but you are still, because Few people can see the non-simple things under your superficial character ... "

Mrs. Duanmu paused, and seemed to have any feelings. She sighed, "The character is the same as good and evil. It is by no means something that comes out of the mother's womb, and it can't be formed in a day or two. Oh, I grew up in a single parent family. Children are just different. They can get along with the stepmother Yimei warmly and harmoniously. It seems that it is more than simple and romantic to get a chance. Your kid is not only smart, but also quite precocious ... "

Although Mrs. Duanmu was praising me, but behind me I was standing with sweat and coldness-this woman's cut-in point and depth of looking at someone and something was frightening ... only this sentence did not say If it ’s finished or if it ’s only a matter of time, it has already been proven that her investigation and understanding of me is far from being hasty and casual as she said before. Is my rapport with my stepmother and Chu Yuan harmonious? A person who knows that Chu Nan, who has a suit and shoes sitting dozing in the office of Fengchang Investment Department every day, does not have much reference value. Then, not only must I understand my life, but I must also understand my stepmother and Chu Yuan. And even the temper of the old man ...

I will be surprised, afraid, and swallow my stomach with a spit—this is enough to see Mrs. Duanmu's style and means of doing things!

Never be as thorough as old ink, careful concealment as tension ...

"You're embarrassed to say that you have an inch in your mouth, but there is still something puzzled in your heart. This is enough to understand. Even if you don't speak, I know what you want to ask, it's just our family relationship, right? ? "

I did not deny, "I just noticed some contradictions, and I couldn't figure out ..."


"You said that Mr. Duanmu loved or even indulged Miss Zheng, then why did Master Duanmu treat Miss Zheng like this, Mr. Duanmu ... he doesn't care?"

Mrs. Duanmu shook her head with a bitter smile, "He didn't care, but wanted to manage, but couldn't manage."

I was even hesitant, "Want to manage? Why not?"

Mrs. Duanmu answered unquestionably, and said, "Actually, you are asking all these questions. Why don't I like May, why don't I like Xiaoqiu, why do I only love drowning water ... I told you before that these are all Because Phil and Xiaoqiu are girls, they are not to lie to you. I say these are unreasonable for women, nor are they to lie to you. You ca n’t figure it out because you are not me, so you do n’t understand, even if you do the same. As a mother, there are many people who do n’t understand me. From height to height, I have been ridiculed and ridiculed. After giving birth to water, I was proud of it. This was once everyone who opposed me and my beloved. The reason is that not only his parents and relatives, but also many of our common friends ... You can laugh at me and inferiority, laugh at my psychological distortion, laugh at my soul deformity, because you ca n’t understand and never experience it, you As a friend in need, I encourage you to support you face-to-face, and you can be your strong backing, but you are the lobbyist of your rival in the back. How painful it is to stab the knife in your heart. ... when everyone around you is lying to you, who else will you believe in? When you start to hate the whole world, will you still care if that innocent little girl is your sister? You were long ago Get used to it, ridiculed by those closest to you, deceived by those you trust most, and abandoned by those you love most, so you are even more uncomfortable. When others laugh at their parents at their age and have a second child, they With a heartless and happy face, at that time, to me, my sister, just like me who would be mistaken for a elementary school student in high heels, was regarded as a joke and a talker by others ... "

[Ps: I got home at night, the update was late, sorry ...]

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