Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1145: ] Those stories (13)

In the empty corridor, there was a roar of Madam Duanmu's grievances. It was the grievances and anger that were suppressed for too long, too long, too deep and too deep, like a volcanic eruption, which has accumulated for a long time, but no sign, like a river bank breach. The waves are unstoppable ...

The first time I saw Mrs. Duanmu who was so excited and disoriented, it turned out that a smile was not her expression, but just a camouflage of her fragile heart. When she dropped this layer of camouflage in front of me, only one I saw The poorly wounded poor woman was crying like a blood-sucking cuckoo, sad and desolate, that echoed to her ears, like a ghost resentful and unwilling to dissipate, how much sorrow and unwillingness, how lonely and helpless, how much annoyance and curse, How much remorse do you want to make up for? All kinds of contradictions are intertwined, and I respectfully, without any dissatisfaction and slander against her-her outstanding origin, outstanding ability and proud achievements have made many people including me ignore it. With this in mind, there is no difference between people. They are full of emotions and sorrows ... but she has never been treated by ordinary people. It is not her skinny that deprives her of the power to pursue happiness. Her body, but those boring people with worldly eyes, commented on her. It is precisely these people are the so-called friends who are around her and trusted by her. .

It seemed to me that I suddenly understood why Mo Yi chose Wu Xueqing, perhaps not as Mrs. Duanmu understands, because the rules restrict him, but because Mo Yeran knows more about the arrogance and fragility of Mrs. Duanmu than anyone, This is why he was afraid that Mrs. Duanmu would be the object of accusation-Mo Yiran did not protect Zheng Xuedong's confidence because he never determined to hurt her.

Mo Yi is not indecisive, he is just too gentle, he and Mr. Duanmu are basically the same kind of people-they all believe that they are not the only people in the world who can give her happiness, but they must be the only people in the world who cannot Bring her any harm.

Mrs. Duanmu was fortunate. She met two men who truly loved her, but she was also unfortunate. The two men were too infatuated to the point that they just guarded carefully and lost her courage to own her. Because they know too much about her excellence and feel ashamed, and because they know too much about the fragility of her disguise and fear of harm.

I sigh: Fortunate and unfortunate, between the front line, the difference between the thoughts ... Probably, this is what Madam Duanmu tells me and wants me to realize.

Mrs. Duanmu realized her excitement, her face was reddish, and said self-deprecatingly: "These are the words that are pressed on my heart. I have never told anyone, even when I am sitting alone in the Buddhist temple, I dare not I dare not face it, I ca n’t say if I do n’t want to believe in reality, I ’m too pessimistic about my life, or I do n’t have the courage to face my true self, I feel that I ’m too pitiful, anyway, everyone, including myself, thinks that Zheng Xuedong is an arrogant woman who has no one in her eyes. She is proud of what she has been in her whole life. Don't say that I didn't expect it before coming to Beitian this time. When you sent me upstairs just now, I didn't expect that I will let you today. Seeing my grumble inferiority woman, I don't know if you're surprised or surprised, I'm really surprised by myself. "

I didn't know how to pick her up, but I pretended to smirk.

"Coming to the truth, answer your question," Madam Duanmu stood at the door of the room, but did not open the door to enter the room. She felt a little tired, leaning on the door and said, "Like you said, I also think I am not the type of unreasonable woman who is arrogant and stubborn in nature. I am indifferent to Xiao Qiu and the resentment and anger in my heart can only be regarded as inducement. The reason that really prevents me from liking her is actually no different from flowing water .. . "

"Master Duanmu has too many expectations and fantasies, but under your eyes, there is a girl who is better than him in all aspects. He has continuously proved the mediocrity of Master Duanmu with facts, and hit you with the truth by Master Duanmu. Looking forward to the future ... "I sighed:" Miss Zheng's presence has made you unable to feel the comfort of growing up in Master Duanmu, and even has doubts and fears about his future. This kind of crisis makes you have to He was given higher requirements, but Master Duanmu was unable to reach the height you expected, so he was embarrassed by this stress and became angry, and naturally he had no feelings for Miss Zheng, and began to be hostile to her and hate her. I was frustrated by Master Duanmu, but he was more reluctant to lose to him in other ways, but the harder she worked harder, the more pressure you put on Master Duanmu, and the more mediocre Master Duanmu became in your eyes .. . "

Mrs. Duanmu is really surprised now. After a while of stunning, she wondered: "I thought our relationship was very complicated. I didn't expect that I just started, and you have seen it so thoroughly .. . "

With a bitter smile in my heart, I think that Duanmu Liushui is all sorts of displeasing eyes, but I don't want us to be the same kind of people who have the same disease-I used to alienate and hostile to Chu Yuan. Isn't it because of her outstanding impact on my life? Although I don't agree with Duanmu Liushui's attitude towards Zheng Yuqiu, I quite understand that no matter how hard I try, it is doomed to be mediocre annoyance. The too good guy around me always reminds us of the cruel reality, so we ca n’t even find it. Excuses for self-comfort ...

I am luckier than Duanmu Liushui, because my father never asked me anything, let alone put pressure on me, and Chu Yuan ’s display of me just wanted to attract my attention and did not contain real hostility. The relationship between the two of us is not harmonious, but it is based on my unilateral inferiority and comparison. Unlike Madam Duanmu, Master Duanmu and Zheng Yuqiu, they compete with each other and enter a vicious circle.

"Your guess is generally accurate, but one thing you may be wrong about is that my requirements for flowing water and his expectations for the future are not particularly macroscopic or particularly divorced from actual fantasies. On the contrary, a small woman, as long as she exceeds Philip It ’s okay to surpass Wu Xueqing ’s girlfriend. Xiaoqiu is similar to Phil, not only the same age, but also living environment and growing environment are similar, all of the girl ’s body is fatal, Phil is the mother does not hurt father's pet, Xiaoqiu is My sister does n’t like my brother-in-law to coax. The two are one south and one north, and they do n’t communicate with each other. I am hoping that the flowing water will be better than Phil, but usually I do n’t see Phil, and I will have too many things with her. Xiaoqiu is an imaginary enemy, and after a long time, she really treats Xiaoqiu as a child ... "Madam Duanmu sighed and finally took out the door card and opened the door, but did not invite me to sit in He pouted at the opposite door and laughed: "The flowing water lives on the opposite side, and it is estimated that I will be back soon. I must be upset when I see you staying here to speak, so I will not invite you to drink tea. .. hey, he really doesn't want to Into your small group, it seems that no matter how reluctant I am useless he is, he has not a baby ... "

Does that give me a customer order? Did she forget to answer or deliberately did not answer the previous question? !!

Seeing Mrs. Duanmu really closing the door, I was busy reaching for the door of the house. She pretended to be horrified and made a very vulgar joke, "Little devil, wouldn't you be interested in a woman of my age?"

I estimate that I say that I ’m not interested and that I ’m interested in the end is the same. This question has its own problem. How to answer it offends her. From this judgement, she just intentionally avoided the previous question and wanted to walk me away. "You What does it mean to say that Mrs. Zheng was bullied by Master Duanmu, but Mr Duanmu wanted to manage it but could not manage it? "

Mrs. Duanmu saw that I was not fooled, but smiled helplessly, without answering, "What do you think?"

Buddy panic, this woman is really not simple, my curiosity is a little out of control, and the exposure is obvious, she immediately smelled the taste ...

"I just don't know what it means, so I ask you for advice. If you don't answer easily, I won't ask."

"Well, retreat to advance, haha, the subtext is, if you don't tell me, I will ask my little sister, right?" Madam Duanmu shook her head and sighed: "That girl really told you ... "

I don't mind, Zheng Yuqiu did say something that made me care.

"Chunan, do you think, why do I have to be more competitive and want to be more successful than Fir?"

"Because you don't want to lose to Wu Xueqing, you want to prove that you are better than her as a woman or a mother ..." I can't agree.

"Non-sense, she has a big vase that is both ruined and disregarding her family. Apart from being taller than me, having a bigger breast than me, having an **** bigger than me, and having a better face than me, what else can I compare? As a woman, I am a mother Better than her, need proof? "

Um ... if it's not a sister or sister, that sounds familiar,

"I've been partial to running water, overly spoiled him, and didn't want him to lose to Phil, because the child has never got what he deserves. I feel guilty about him, and jealous of Phil for him," Duanmu The lady closed the door again, and I quickly retracted her claws. She left only one door gap, blocking most of her face, and whispered, "You think Duanmu convection water can't be managed, it's hard to understand. is it?"

I nodded.

"Then if I tell you, should he be surnamed Mo in flowing water?"

Weak mosquitoes, but thunderous, I stood outside the door, watching Madam Duanmu quickly close the gap.

I couldn't see her expression, but I clearly saw that she blushed as the door was closed.

It turned out that Zheng Yuqiu really wasn't nonsense. Duanmu flowing water is the same as the flesh and blood of Mo Yi? !! He turned out to be ... half-brother of Murphy? !!

Suddenly, I fully understood--

Why Mrs. Duanmu said that after Duanmu Liushui came to Beitian, all his performances were acting, but it was true that he only hated me ...

Why is it also the inverse scale on my body? He obviously has a close meaning to Murphy, but he does not try to tease her, but only chooses the tassel to meet for the first time ...

Because Murphy is his sister! Because his sister was cheated on me!

[Ps: I took a leave yesterday and it's even later today. . . I have been busy with my work these days, and I only have time code in the evening. Yesterday, a few friends came to visit the family to see the doctor. I did n’t know if I was lazy in the hospital. I used to sleep for six or seven hours or even four or five hours a day, and I can still carry it. This time, I have returned to my nature. I started to snore at dinner, and strong tea and coffee were useless. . . . 】

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