"You're not curious, why am I so sure that there is something going on between you and Yuanyuan, rather than bluffing you?"

"I know you bluffed me ..." I no longer have the ability to think proactively, and I am completely following the topic of Dong Xiaoye, but I still have some confidence in some subjectively determined things. "But I do n’t Know why I want to confess to you, not lie to lie to you ... You said that at least you still wanted to lie, but frankly you are ready to lose. These words seem to be right, but they are not right. Mess, but there are only two things I am clear-I really did not want to keep you ... I do n’t want to, I understand that is delusional, you know that I am a very realistic and practical person, for the impossible , I never fantasize ... "

"It's ridiculous to say this from your mouth, haha, hahaha!" Dong Xiaoye cut off my words, and Pi Xiaochu smiled. "I don't know that you were a very realistic person. I really have to ask you for advice. Jumping out of the car in the middle of the night and scolding the policewoman in the police car. Is this a reality? Is it realistic? There are gunpoints on my head, I can laugh wildly and hijack hundreds of people with bombs Is it true that such a person can talk about the conditions of a murderous murderer or murderer? Is it realistic? Use one life for two women's lives, one of them was swearing by jumping in the middle of the night, and finally poking him with a gun. Smelly policewoman with a head, is this kind of person realistic? Is it practical? I wo n’t mention it in the past, let ’s say it ’s gone, and now, who do you help? Xu Heng! The mastermind and principal offender of the hostages! You asked the police for him, did you think about the consequences? Before you see the consequences, your head is already tied to the waistband! How many people think you and Xu Heng are one How many people want you Are you realistic? Are you realistic? Since the day I met you, have you ever done something that makes me feel realistic and practical? In the company, how many people want to climb up and look forward to it, you do n’t need it for nothing, At home ... you and your sister and sister are in love. Are you embarrassed to say that you are a very realistic person? Fear of trouble and trouble. In this case, you hang on the corner of your mouth all day long, but you are in trouble. Which is not yourself The ones you find, including me, should be regarded as troubles for you, right? As soon as I'm done, you won't lie, you just talk to me with open eyes, you don't blush, I blush for you! "

Where can I not blush? My face was very red now, "How can you be troublesome ... And, well, I and Yuan Yuan are not brothers and sisters ..."

"what did you say?!"

"I didn't say anything ... I mean, I ..." I didn't know how to explain the contradiction between this kind of thing and what I wanted. After a long while, I had to continue my own words, "I said there were two things I know clearly. One is that I do n’t want to keep you, and the other is ... Although I do n’t want to keep you, I really have n’t prepared to lose your mental preparation. These two things, I ’m not I just started thinking tonight ... "

Dong Xiaoye didn't say a word. It seemed to be waiting for me to continue. I barely sat upright with my hands on my knees. I still felt a little tired. I could not help but smile and said slowly, "Since the day that happened, I was thinking, How to explain to tassel, how to explain to Xiaozi, how to explain to you ... "

"And how to explain to Murphy." Sister Tiger added with an emotional socket.

I smiled and continued to say, "I, my emotional intelligence is not high, my mother is gone before I was born, and the rest of me and the old man depend on each other. You have met my old man. It is a very serious and rigid person. Gao, he did n’t marry my stepmother because he liked my stepmother. In fact, he liked another person at that time, but he still married my current stepmother just because he felt that Yuanyuan needs a father and a complete Family ... haha, listen to it? Zheng Xuedong may think her story is very special, so she told me to tell me to take it as a warning, but she did n’t know it, and it happened in my house. The same story-After Mo Yiran and Wu Xueqing were married, Zheng Xuedong married Duanmu's family and never met Mo Yiran again. Why is my father and the woman he really likes in his heart? Yue sister also married She is also the matchmaker of her parents. I think that her motive for marrying may be similar to that of Zheng Xuedong, and to this day, she refuses to meet my dad ... The only one in the two stories At the same time, my stepmother and Wu Xueqing are two people. Wu Xueqing's woman is not worthy to be compared with my stepmother. Therefore, although sister Yue was deceived by my stepmother, she is still the best friend with my stepmother. She just didn't see me. Dad, but often through my stepmother to understand the recent situation of my dad, the stepmother will also tell my dad about Sister Yue, after Sister Yue divorced, she tried everything to meet the two ... "

"Why?" Sister Hu interrupted me regardless of the atmosphere, forgetting her current position, and became curious about my family's story. "Your stepmother wants to be a matchmaker, so that the two of them can continue the frontier? Then what will she do? ? "

This is a question that I dare not think about. The old man kept his love history to death, and to this day he has not mentioned anything. I do n’t know in his heart, sister Sister and stepmother. Heavier, but in my heart, the stepmother can't be replaced by anyone. I lost a mother since I was a child. I don't want to lose another one. I want sister Yue to be happy, but I fear that her happiness is based on the premise of sacrificing happiness. under...

This is an unsolvable contradiction, so I ignored Dong Xiaoye's curiosity and said, "I told this story, not to dissect the feelings of their previous generation, but to say that people in our old Chu family do not seem to have emotional intelligence. High, love and friendship, no matter which aspect, it's all messed up. This is the case with my father. I was even more so ... when I was a kid, people said that there are many children with single-parent families. There are many psychological problems, so whether I am a good child, There are no bad boys who want to make their children friends with me, and even many teachers treat me differently, or care about me, or care about classmates who may be affected by me, intentionally or unintentionally, make me change It ’s special, there is a gap with other children. At that time, I was envious. Good children have a circle of good children. Bad children have a circle of bad children. I even envy good children who look down on bad children. , Bad children look good to the good, because I do n’t have a circle, I ’m alone, I do n’t even have the qualification to look down on anyone who looks down, so I see you guys In the TV series of Huan, there are those costumes that treat loneliness as cold and disdainful to the female lead + force the male protagonist, they feel disgusting, people are social animals, and the fear of loneliness is inherent, saying that they are not afraid of loneliness and like solitude Yes, it ’s either a mental illness or a mental illness. In my opinion, only people with extreme inferiority will use coldness to camouflage themselves, why? Is n’t it just to attract the attention of others, so he is still afraid of loneliness, fear is just afraid, not yet I dare admit, did you say that he was inferior to the incurable? This poor worm can also ignore the heroine first and then soak the heroine, whether it ’s his luck or the brain damage of the heroine, is it too trivial to say such a story? I dare to say this because I have been lonely, feared, and inferior, so even the bad children use the mercy and generosity of mercy to absorb me, the poor worm, and let me play the role of a clown who runs errands and mischief. I'm also happy ... Do you say I'm stupid? I'm stupid, because I can't even make a real friend, so I humble myself and hate my own EQ is too low ... also at home, In the end, mom is not a mother, and Yuanyuan is not a sister. How can I play the role of a good son and brother so as not to be hated by them? You often say that I am a good person and always like to think about others, but I do n’t care about myself. Stand, that's because I have only learned to look at other people's faces since I was a child, forced myself to adapt to other people's circles, and forced myself to meet the expectations of others, otherwise I can only be an lonely, widowed, and without being friends The stepmother and Yuanyuan hate, but now, there are still few people who can really be called friends around me. Yuanyuan has never taken me as an older brother, which proves how much I failed. I thought I was standing by others. Thinking about problems from a standpoint can make things I do more pleasing and caring, and make it easier for others to accept me, but the result is, what others think, but it is all my own thoughts, what others really think, I I do n’t know at all. In the end, I am a terrible low emotional intelligence, and I like to be a smart idiot ... ”

Dong Xiaoye sighed softly: "You are really a fool who doesn't know what others are thinking ..."

[Ps: Sorry for jumping and late. . . 】

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