Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1154: Innocence and seriousness

"You are really a fool who doesn't know what others are thinking ..."

I am now like a sunflower with a folded stem that has been drained of water, and my head is dangling and withered, and the whole person is left with a hard, almost unconscious body. There is nothing in it. I listened to my left ear and listened to my right ear. I did n’t take my mind at all. I just continued my monologue and thoughts, "Love is not the same as friendship and affection. As long as I am frank and cherish my friends, I wo n’t hurt anything. People, family members, as long as they are willing to tolerate and tolerate, they can live in harmony, but to the woman they like? Frank and cherish, tolerance and tolerance will not hurt her? The reason why Mo Yiran and Zheng Xuedong ’s relationship is a The tragedy is really because the two are not frank enough, but why are they not being frank? It is because of tolerance, do you say that they do not cherish each other? Without cherishing, they will not tolerate each other ... Before you said that Mo Yiran also abandoned Zheng Xuedong that year It should n’t be, it ’s too hateful, but when you came home just now, you said to me that frankness is more terrible than a lie. Then I ask you, when Mo also broke up with Zheng Xuedong, he was frank with Zheng Xuedong. Or lie it? "

Dong Xiaoye gave a stunned voice, seeming to stop talking and didn't know how to answer.

"Actually, I do n’t know if your words are right or wrong. Maybe it ’s right for you and me today, but when you put Mo Ye and Zheng Xuedong back then, it ’s just the opposite. Is it contradictory? Contradictory, contradictory It does n’t seem to be our reason, it can only be that love itself is too contradictory, ”I shook my head and said,“ Love is a deep knowledge, but it has neither a teacher nor a textbook. It belongs only to Everyone ’s own professional lesson, you ca n’t learn other people ’s love, and your love ca n’t be copied by others, so it ’s happy and frustrated, dejected, embarrassed, old-fashioned, or an instant fire like Zheng Xuedong and Mo Yi, so I forgot about the rivers and lakes, and it was all based on my talent and understanding. Unfortunately, I have no talent, and I have no understanding ... "

"I grew up with Xiaozi. When I was young, I thought it was natural for us to get married when we grew up, so I took care of her and took care of her. When I went to the United States at the age of eight, I knew the feeling of "taken for granted", that is, I like it. I said that my time was like a dead person who lost my soul. It is not an exaggeration, but it was not just that she tore Xiao Zi The letter, even more mad at myself, hasn't told her that I like her for so long, otherwise she might not leave. In a word, it almost became our lifelong injury, but this sentence, passed Forty-five years, I still did n’t learn. In these four or five years, I may have a good relationship with tassel. I can only describe the word 'like glue like paint'. Except I say that she is my brother and my brother, who does n’t say that she is like My daughter-in-law? Do n’t I want her to be my wife-in-law? Do I really want to be her brother forever? Unless I do n’t like women, but men ... But I dare not admit it, I ’m afraid once I confess , Even brother Nothing has to be done. If the risk of pursuing love is that I may lose the happiness of being together every day like now, then I would rather not chase her, so I would rather lie to myself and treat her as a brother ... , I'm stupid, tassel is as stupid as I am. If it wasn't for me to fall in love with Murphy at first sight, I think the two of us will continue to deceive ourselves ... "

Dong Xiaoye didn't speak for a while, then asked softly, "What do you want to say?"

"I want to say that I am the same with Yuanyuan, I want to say that I am the same with you," I exhausted my whole body, raised my heavy head, looked at Dong Xiaoye, and said, "I He is a person who is slow to love, sometimes he just likes it, he may not notice it, even if he does, he may not know how much he likes it, but always when he is about to lose or after he has lost To understand what I really feel ... "

Dong Xiaoye's face was tight, and Jack asked, "What do you really feel now, like me, don't you like me?"

Of course I like her, so I think she's making fun of me, sneer at me, didn't answer her, and continue to say, "I confess to you what happened to me and my fate, neither to keep you, nor to me It doesn't matter if you lose it, whether you believe it or not, the matter between me and fate is just one thing to me, not a secret. From the beginning, I never thought about lying and covering up, just like me and you, me As with Ziyuan, I just do n’t know how to say it, so I waited until I thought the right opportunity appeared ... "

"You and I are planning on the matter of Ziyuan ... we are both small ... cough," Dong Xiaoye coughed and said, "I mean, you and me, and Ziyuan's affairs, with you and fate Is the nature of the matter? You and Tassel haven't registered to marry, and don't take the things with me and Ziyuan as secrets, it can make sense, but you and fate ... you are brothers and sisters! This kind of love! You did n’t take it as a secret? Can I believe that? ”

"I just want to be a secret, and it takes a few people to know it," I smiled bitterly. "Ziyuan knew since childhood that the East knew it three years ago, and one knew it a year ago, even Shu Tong knew it. Earlier than me ... "

"She?" Dong Xiaoye couldn't wait to see Shu nerd, only to hear her name, her face sank.

I sighed: "Did Yuanyuan say that she is writing a new novel? The true face of that novel is actually a combination of her diary of affection from a young age. The people and things in it are all true. Yes, although I changed the name of the character, but ... her name is' Murong Yuan ', and my name is' Murong Nan', but I reversed my parents' last names, and the poor man in the East is called 'Oriental Poor'. Your The name she went to was "Winter Night" in the middle, "Murphy's" in Murphy, "Xue Xiaozi" in Xue Ziyuan, and "Tong" son of Shu Tong replaced with a "pupil" pupil, tassel She is just like all the dragon characters, she did n’t change her name at all, but she also called 'Cheng Liu Su' ... except for Xiao Yi, she could be called 'Xiao **', which might make people unresponsive for a while, even Yang Wei ’s It ’s not difficult to match the name of Yang Yang, so as long as she publishes it and is seen by people around us, you will know at a glance that the book is about her and me. You said, I ’ll put it As a secret, does it make sense? Yuan Yuan did n’t take this as a secret at all, and now he does n’t admit it. Because she was young, she would not only be taken seriously, but she would also laugh at her for not growing up, so she wrote a novel ... she must be afraid that the manuscript would stay at home and be discovered by you and me, so she went to school. Carry it with me, and happened to be discovered by Shu Tong at school a while ago, and Shu Tong told me ... "

Dong Xiaoye digested for a while, and then said, "You are too exaggerated. She is a sixteen-year-old girl who has no money and no way to think about writing a book. How easy is it to post it online? Will anyone watch? "

"You look down on that girl ..." Sister Hu was always deceived by Chu Yuan's innocent appearance like an angel. She didn't know that there was a nest of little devil in the girl's stomach. "No way? You forget, my dad. Like your dad, he is a pen-eating person. He teaches and writes. Several novels have been published. Speaking of which, he likes to write since he was a child, or is he influenced by his ears. Not a ready-made way? "

Sister Tiger was surprised: "She kindly told your dad about this kind of thing?"

"She was afraid of others knowing that she would not write this novel. When she wrote it, she was afraid of others not knowing ..." I couldn't help thinking of the attitude of the stepmother and sister Yue on the issue and the reaction of the stepmother when she came home that day. .. I ’m afraid of Chu Yuan ’s shy temperament. I ’m afraid I do n’t care about it. I told my parents about it. At the same time, her parents are her closest and most trusted person, and the one who loves her most. In the second place, the father and stepmother fell in love with our brothers and sisters. It never seemed to contradict them. They even made jokes with hints or encouragements. This kind of ridicule almost accompanied us to grow up. Chu Yuan became me It is the object of love. I regard her as the standard for choosing a spouse. I am afraid that I can't get rid of these. Sometimes I even think that they are the 'culprit' of my brother Chu and my love sister ...

"You say she has no money, and she is even more forgetful." If it wasn't for the atmosphere, I probably laughed. "Steel gangsters as small as grocery shopping, as large as Li Xinghui's house check, she saved money to collect money. You have n’t seen the skill, as long as you do n’t break the law, is it her money, you dare to give it, she dare to collect it, it is not soft to collect, but all her money, whether it is a pentagram or a hair, want to wipe it, door I did n’t find it. I put it in a piggy bank, and sent it to the bank as a whole. Other girls went shopping, bought clothes, bags, and cosmetics. When I spent the money and could n’t afford it, she went shopping. I ca n’t bear to buy this, I ca n’t bear to buy that, I ca n’t spend it if I want to spend it, and she is willing to pay for it, only the beggar on the street ... You look back at the cup on the sink and buy two tubes of toothpaste at the same time How much did you use, how much did she use? Every time she brushed her teeth, she squeezed half of it, just to make a false report when buying toothpaste, and to secretly save the saved money ... Can the little treasury be shabby? It's no exaggeration to say that she just doesn't find a way They can publish their own, of course, you can say that she write a book a book idea is naive, but you can say that this perseverance she naive? Can you say she is not serious? "

Dong Xiaoye stunned for a long time, suddenly turned around, really went in to check the toothpaste on the washstand, and when he came out, he was suspicious, as if he had not just seen the toothpaste, but the drowned body or ghost in the bathroom. The lingering ghost, the expression is difficult to describe in concrete terms, "You mean that she has been so stingy since she was a child? She saved money to publish this book someday in the future?"

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