A brief silence ...

"Hmm--" The woman in white kicked her two beautiful feet and laughed abruptly, "Haha, hahahaha-funny, you are so funny-"

I was so angry that I forgot the danger of this woman, "What are you laughing at?"

The woman in white really put away the laughter and sat up, but she wasn't afraid of me. Her emotions changed fast, the indifference in her eyes, and the smile of her mouth like a smile, which made me clearly feel that this is a This kind of contempt and ridicule was more straightforward than she rolled on the sofa, "Why do you think I am Miss Three?"

"You're not Miss Three, why should I wear shoes for you ?!" My tone was a little bit vague-I was too excited, and did not take my mind, this woman has such a good skill, and even in the blink of an eye, the winter that can kill Sand Boat can be spiked Xiaoye, is it possible that Miss Three, who was chased by the sand boat that night, jumped into the mountain with our brother and sister? Not to mention other, the calm and proud temperament of this woman is not like the calm and bold but arrogant and wayward woman that night, but ... if she is not Miss Three, why would she know about shoes? Why is it so persistent?

"I just put a pair of shoes in front of you, but did I say you want me to wear those shoes?"

I was speechless, she did not make this request, but ... you barefoot and put a pair of shoes in front of me, how else can I understand?

The woman in white didn't wait for me to answer, and then said, "I just said that I want to know, why do n’t you want to put on shoes for a woman who likes you-a woman who likes you, can I put your The response is understood to be that you are very confident. Does this lady like you like you? "

My old face was hot. Although she didn't say it straight, no one could hear what she said-a toad, but how blindly narcissistic ...

I ca n’t refute that, although I have always reasonably denied the reason why Miss San favored me and emphasized the relationship between men and women, and often used her intentions to be malicious, but the inherent vanity of men still kept me in There is such an expectation in the subconscious. This expectation does not contain any realistic factors and purpose. Just like girls always dream about fairytale-like romantic encounters, men also like fantasy—

I have a special charm that can appeal to all women-no matter how normal, rational, realistic, and self-aware man you are, you must have had such fantasies, had such desires, and had more rotten ass, had Such suspicions are even troubled by this.

I belong to that kind of fantasist. This has nothing to do with whether I like or dislike Miss Three. As the juniors follow the crowds, they pass by the elder sister or sister who has an exaggerated figure, and she looks at you inexplicably , There will be a dizzy ripple in your heart-you did not fall in love with her, you just fell in love with the shocking glance she made you feel you are different.

Women are naive, men are simple, that's it.

The question of the woman in white made me embarrassed. I dare not look her in the eye. As a last resort, I changed the topic so that I can continue to be strong. "You haven't answered my previous question. What about the female students living here?"

"You didn't answer my question, who do they mean? Qiu Meimei and Xu Xiaoyou, or a few other girls?" The white woman who suspected Miss Three made a gesture to the giant girl, and the giant girl picked up The two shoes on the ground walked over, kneeling and squatting on the ground, gently holding up the white ankle of the woman, helping her put the shoes on her feet, and doing a very mean thing, but she did not feel humiliated, Respectful and cautious, a stiff, iron-like face revealed a gentle smile like a sister and mother.

"Several others." The woman in white knew that I and Ms. San had an unpleasant affair because of a shoe, so if she wasn't Ms. Ms., she should have a close relationship with Ms. Ms. Chou Meimei. Of course it worries me, but in the final analysis, these girls who have been used to cover her identity are the most innocent people.

The woman in white patted the shoulder of the giant woman and stood up from the sofa. I wonder if she likes Tiger Tiger or treats her as a pet tamed by herself, caressing her hair and laughing: "I'm waiting for you here, they It's a hindrance to stay here, I naturally sent them all out. As for where they go to celebrate their birthday, I don't know, and I'm not interested to know, "

I believe she did not lie, although there was no basis. "What about Xu Xiaoyou?"

The white woman's gaze was suddenly grim, and she said eeriely: "She is not very sensible. She wants her to leave but to stay away, telling her to break her identity and use a knife to fight desperately with me. What can I do?"

My buddy's heart was cold for a while-if the little lunatic of Tianyou has a three-length, two-short, it would not be impossible for Xu Heng's big lunatic to blow up Beitian!

The woman in white was scared when she saw my face, and fluttered and laughed, "Relax, I just gave her a little lesson, hindering her relationship with you, how can I hurt her, let alone ... Oh, she discarded Su Zhuliu, even if she has no respect for me, I will forgive her once. "

After hearing her mention of Su Zhuliu, I felt more and more that she was Miss Three.

"Where is she now?"

The woman in white pointed at the bathroom.

When I saw that she didn't hinder me, I slowly moved forward. Although I could almost judge that they were not very malicious, at least I didn't want my life, but I still didn't dare to leave Dongye Ye and go outside the bathroom door. I knocked on the door a few times, but couldn't hear the response from inside. My nerves tightened again. "She is really inside? Are you sure she is still alive?"

The woman in white didn't answer, picking Dong Xiaoye's chin with a utility knife with a retracted blade, and asked, "Which pocket is the key to the handcuffs?"

Dong Xiaoye didn't know her intentions, stubbornly didn't speak, and the white woman was also rude, and the cat waist fumbled around her, joking: "He doesn't let you talk, you really don't speak, what is his charm , Can you such a fierce little tiger willingly make a meek and well-behaved cat? "

Which sentence of this girl is true and which sentence is false, I can't judge at all, the words and deeds are unknowing and inexplicable, and people can't see and understand-hindering my relationship will not hurt God. But I almost died in your hands ...

It ’s not important to me whether there is an ambush in the bathroom. Anyway, I ca n’t hit but I ca n’t run, I just push in the door. Six eyes are opposite. I yell “Wow” and take the door again. Out.

Dong Xiaoye hurriedly said, "What's wrong ?!"

"No ... it's okay," I blushed red and glared at the white woman who laughed and said, "If it's a joke, wouldn't it be too much?"

"This is not a joke, it is a lesson," the white woman laughed pretentiously but was not slutty, no lady, but for some reason, there is still a noble and elegant queen fan, "they are disrespectful to me, I hinder someone's face, not good They hurt them, so it ’s not too much punishment. As long as you push the door and see what you should n’t see, it ’s an unexpected misunderstanding. Just like I want a dumb girl to try your skills, you are misunderstood. My intention went on to fight, and I was accidentally injured by a dumb girl. "

"Injured accidentally?" The whole body of pain was like a dogtail that fluttered in the wind and rain. I wanted to laugh, but it was a series of coughs.

"Well, accidental injury," the white woman's affirmation, with a cunning likeness.

"Who the **** are you ?!" I can now confirm that she is by no means Miss Three—

The bathroom was not locked, not only Tianyou was alone, but Qiu Meimei was also there, and the two girls were not injured (the injuries on Qiu Meimei's face were left before), and she was conscious, but her hands and feet were tied, her mouth was covered with adhesive tape, the living room Everything that happened here should be true to them, but they didn't make any noise, just because ... the two girls tied back to back and thrown into the bath were naked and naked!

Qiu Meimei and Miss Three are as close as sisters. Will Miss Three wipe out her little sister and show it to a man? !!

The white demon girl didn't just disapprove, it was completely fun, and she seemed to like these pranks that in my opinion could not be regarded as pranks at all.

"Who am I ..." The demon girl in white found the key of the handcuffs in Dong Xiaoye's pants pocket, and opened the side that locked her feet first-without restraint, Dong Xiaoye became a tiger out of the cage again, grabbed Holding the woman's hand in white, she turned her face down.

Even I was shocked. Sister Tiger was just honest and well-behaved. She didn't exactly listen to me. Most of them deliberately created this illusion to paralyze the white women, but they waited for the opportunity. On both of them, I couldn't see exactly what happened, and I saw the casual white female body shaking, and then there was a dazzling dazzle, and Sister Tiger was thrown on the sofa by her back, Sister Tiger returned By the time God came, her hands were backcuffed, and the woman in white pushed her body to her back, and then sat on her lower abdomen. The utility knife slammed gently. The tiger's t-shirt was completely opened from the hem to the neckline. The skin Exposed, the blade point is reversed, pick between the two cups of the chest + the cover, and lift up. Although it is only a threatening nature and does not mean to cut, it also reveals the round half of the lady + breast. "Screamed, shocked and ashamed. How dare you move?"

The woman in white did not look at the shameless winter night, folded her legs, arched her elbows on her knees, supported her chin in her left hand, and looked at me with a smile and said, "I am Miss Three. Replacement. "

[Ps: I still owed a chapter. I did n’t pay it back. I did n’t update it yesterday. I ’m sorry for everyone. Yesterday I went to work in a foreign country. In the afternoon, I was really uncomfortable. I had a headache and cough. I came back in the afternoon ... I had only an upper respiratory tract infection, a sore throat, and I took medicine in time, but I got worse and worse, cold, persistent low fever, stuck sputum, hemoptysis, and immunity was scum ... begin tomorrow Infusion, owed, I'll make up after the illness, sorry. 】

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