"Do you think I'm a fool?" I sneered at the white woman who downplayed Dongxiao Ye again and said lightly. "The woman who jumped the mountain with me that night couldn't be you. The intonation is completely different. "

"Yes, it's not me," the woman in white asked, "but has anyone told you that the woman who jumped with you that night is Miss Three?"

"You bluffed me?" My heart sank, my expression as usual, "She admitted it herself."

"She confessed that she was real, I confessed that I was fake? You have a logic problem, why is it possible that I imposted her instead of me? How much do you know about her? How much do you know about me? How much do you know about Miss Three? What is your basis for believing that she is Miss Three? What is the basis for believing that I am not Miss Three? "

A series of white women's questions finally asked me-I couldn't answer any of them.

To her, to the woman who jumped with me, to Miss Three, I knew nothing!

Which one is the real Miss Three? Even Min Rou, Zheng Yuqiu, and even Xiao Zi, standing here and telling me the answer, are their words authentic? I ca n’t be sure ... As if Miss Three directed a play, everyone who appeared in my life because of 'her' may be just the role in this play, playing her own role as best she can. Who is in the play, who is outside the show, who is performing, who belongs to reality, true or false, how can I make it clear?

The white woman saw me entangled in silence, and smiled slyly: "I think you must have a basket of problems that you want to throw to Miss Three, but now you don't speak, you should prove two incidents. First, you suspect that the woman was not really Miss three, so you no longer continue to insist that I am not Miss Three; second, you still do not believe that I am Miss Three, so you do not leave me a big basket of questions, do not take the initiative to disclose any relevant three Miss's information will not be used by me, as evidence that I deceived you, I am Miss Three, right? "

I nodded, not denying that I was like a fool now, nor did I conceal the anger she was playing with.

I think this woman who likes 'pranks' is mostly playing with me, but as she said, I have no evidence to prove that the jumping girl is Miss Three, and there is no evidence that she is not Miss Three.

The only thing I can be sure of is that she knows what Miss Three knows, but that doesn't mean she knows everything that Miss Three knows ...

"You are calm. I force you to kneel, bully your girlfriend, keep playing with you, irritate you, and distract you from thinking. My goals have been achieved, but you are still calm, even if anger is not rational, Hehe ... "The woman in white suddenly broke the topic and wondered:" A lot of good people around me who watched coldly, whenever they talked about the recent storms in Beitian, they said that the protagonist became the protagonist because they could not die. The little man is a lucky man, who is uplifted or objective, but praises him as a crazy and bold gambler. He takes his gambling as his gambling money to win money. When talking about this time, it is no exception that this little man repeatedly Escape from the dead, as a testament to the deprecation of his opponent's stupid incompetence, as a joke, huh, huh, I also feel good before seeing you, after seeing you, I found that she was more reasonable, she said, said These people who speak bluntly are just a result of their prominent status. They think they can't afford it, and they like to attribute their accidental success to inevitable, but they look down on the necessity of others and call it accident. "

I fell into the cloud and couldn't figure out the point. "What do you want to say?"

The woman in white still said to herself, "I thought her evaluation of you was also not objective enough, and now I found out that it was actually my subjective, as she said, the reason why you became the protagonist on the stage of Beitian, Not because you are lucky, but because of your misfortune, and you are still alive today, not accidentally, it is a necessity-no one is born a winner, but some people are born with the qualifications to become winners, such as you. "

Unsure, I simply asked, "Who the **** is she?"

"Of course it's Miss Three," Ya's gaze was like looking at an idiot, "the woman who was held by you to jump in the mountains together."

I burst into flames, "Don't you say you're the real Miss Three ?!"

The white woman closed her sword and waited for Dong Xiaoye to react. Suddenly she mentioned her belt and slipped one hand into her pants. She actually stuffed the key of the handcuffs into her underwear. Dong Xiaoye was so angry that she even scolded the street. Before the word, Qi almost fainted, the white woman clapped her hands pretty proudly, turned around and angered me again, "I said I was Miss Three, but I did not say that she was not Miss Three-if she It's Miss Three, and so is me. If I'm not Miss Three, how did she get the name "Miss Three"? She's not the youngest at home. "

It dawned on me that the woman in white was not the three misses misunderstood by the high society of Beitian, but one of the 'three beautiful ladies'!

The white girl saw my expression, smiled a little, and ignored me. While gesturing at the giant girl named Dumb Girl, she said to the cool and straight hair staring at Dong Xiaoye: "I am not prepared for it and I still lose to others. What is not convincing? Skills are not as good as humans and not shameful. You need to know that there is a sky outside. If you want to win, you must first learn to admit defeat, be brave, and be brave. "

Although she was smiling, her tone was cold. Even the giant girl who was more than dumb and could not hear her voice could feel it, her expression was solemn and respectful, and her straight hair was a cold war. Look at Sister Hu again, and shouted, "I see, sister."

Obviously, a few years old white woman smiled with her jaw, pinched her face with long straight hair, and said, "Don't worry, don't have a face, Huang Xiaolian, Huang Xiaolian, your name is really correct, haha."

I think the words of the white woman are not only for the dumb woman and Huang Xiaolian, but also for Sister Hu. When Huang Xiaolian barely showed a smiling face, the white woman nodded with satisfaction and said, "Someone outside the door has already guarded After a while, the movements downstairs were not normal. Beitian is too sensitive now. I don't want to cause any trouble, let alone others know my relationship with Xiaobai, and trouble her, so I put the cart before the horse. If something goes wrong, let's retreat. "

She said carelessly, Huang Xiaolian, who had a long straight hair, heard a change in her expression, and moved lightly to the door with her cat's eyes to check the situation outside the door.

I didn't hear anyone outside the door, but I did notice abnormal movement downstairs-too quiet!

It's only around 8 o'clock. Although the neighborhood is not as good as quiet at this time, it is never so quiet that you can't hear even a little bit of movement. Not only in the neighborhood, if you listen carefully, you will find that the road outside the neighborhood seems to be heard No cars coming and going ...

"Wait--" I tried to stop the woman in white, but the giant woman covered the top of my head with one hand, as if with a little force, I could grab five blood caves, scaring me. She didn't dare to move. She raised her hand to signal to her that I didn't want to challenge her. I asked her directly: "Who are you, Miss Three ... Who are you, Xiaobai?"

The woman in white signaled the dummy to move her hand and laughed, "Who is she? Ask her, I have no right to answer you on her behalf. As for who I am ... I don't know if it's better for you."

It ’s as if I did n’t say it, but it ’s also expected. I stepped back and said, “I ca n’t ask who you are, but I and my woman ca n’t just be“ injured ”by you for no reason, right? I should at least Know why you came tonight. "

The woman in white closed her eyes and then sighed with open eyes: "I never answer questions that I don't want to answer, but if you don't want to make any noise tonight, it seems that you still need to send me away, it should be returned to you. Share it-I came to Beitian for two purposes. First, my friend was frightened and almost lost his life. I came to visit. Second, the **** who forced you to jump into the mountains and try to escape together escaped. The stubborn friend who refused to ask for help actually begged me to find him out, except for this dangerous hidden danger for you, huh, let's talk about it, can I have no interest in seeing you in the legend? "

Unless I have been smashed in my head just now, I will definitely not feel wrong-she appeared here tonight to tell me her second purpose of coming to Beitian ...

[Ps: Another chapter owed. . . sorry ...]

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