Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1184: ] The identity of the white woman (in)

It can be seen that Chu Yuan didn't dare to recognize the woman in white. When she heard her name, the surprise on her face bloomed as a surprise, "You ... you are ..."

The woman in white tapped the pistol on the chest of the stinky girl with the utility knife in her hand, and stunned, saying, "Little snot, it's good enough, point me at the gun, okay? Don't be afraid I'll scratch it Your little face? "

The woman in white was obviously a joke, but the corner of her mouth just stiffened when she was horrified. Her eyes were full of horror. She glanced at me inexplicably and turned and ran. "Oh, I forgot about the fire. Simmering soup! "

Probably not even the situation was clear, but I definitely saw the Chu Yuan that looks like a wolverine in the winter night, like a evening wind blowing from the window, without any nostalgia, escape without hesitation-go home, close the door, Locked ... Boiled soup on fire? You didn't fire at all tonight!

If I hadn't been disturbed by Ou's memory, that night when it was hijacked by Sha Zhizhou, it would seem that this stinky girl said that she would die with me ...

On the contrary, it was a woman in white. She didn't care about Chu Yuan's ruthless runaway. The clear smile on the corner of her mouth made me look uncomfortable, as if she knew my sister better than me, or, I'm not 'jealous', but Qi Chuyuan still has such a big secret to hide from me-the stinky girl knows the white girl, and the white girl is not only the sister of Miss Three, but also one of the 'three beautiful ladies' !! and I? I've been struggling with the question of "Who is Miss Three"!

Chu Yuan didn't know the relationship between the white woman and Miss Three, so she never mentioned this white woman with me? It seems that there is only such a possibility.

There is another question that I ca n’t figure out. That is, why did Miss Xiaobai want to know me, and finally used Guo Xiang to seduce me to Qianlong Manor, and deliberately created such an opportunity that can help me to step up to heaven? At that time, I did not save her life, just because I heard about my lace scandal, this reason is too far-fetched ... Is it because of the fact that it was not with me from the beginning, but with Chu Yuan? But Chu Yuan is just an ordinary high school student with a otaku character. She is introverted and has few friends of the same age. How could she have a chance to know that the upper-class people in Beitian are unattainable and regarded as myths? What about Miss Three? Is Miss Three a friend of the old man or stepmother? Then there is no truth that Chu Yuan knows, but I do n’t know. Besides, I have never heard of the father and stepmother who mentioned that they have such a cow + force + shine + egg friend. The personality of the gossip, there really is such a friend, it is indispensable to interact with each other, and Miss Three wants to know me, and it is not necessary to go around like this ...

The question mark in my stomach was inexplicable, and the woman in white had already walked out of the door, and Dong Xiaoye, who was shackled, was hesitant to go out with her. Originally, Sister Tiger did not believe in white women, so I was uneasy to let me send white women downstairs alone. But Chu Yuan's knowledge of white women is equivalent to verifying that the white women are indeed hostile. If she said, Sister Tiger had to take seriously -The woman in white handcuffed her to keep her from going downstairs, maybe she really didn't want her to smash the rice bowl ...

Dong Xiaoye and I have a good understanding. With one look, she understood what I meant, and nodded, and said, "Go, let me be the two guys in the bathroom."

The two 'girls' became two 'guys'. We can see that Sister Hu was furious at being cheated.

I had no time to care if Tianyou and Qiu Meimei would be taught by Sister Tiger. I followed the white woman out the door and found that she stood at the stairs and saw me coming out. I pointed at the ground with a smile. I lowered my head and found nothing abnormal. When I looked back, I was suddenly surprised-there were a few clear footprints on the ground!

Why does the concrete floor print our footprints? The lights were dim, and I squatted to see, it was flour! A thin layer of flour was sprinkled from the doorstep of my home to each step below the stairs!

"What a clever girl," the woman in white praised. "Leaving these footprints, even if you are kidnapped, the police can get the number, sex, height, weight, etc. of the captives according to the size and number of footprints. Waiting for information that is useful for analysis. "

"Is this the little girl who just made it?" Unbelievable expression appeared on the cool face of straight long hair. "I didn't see her, she was not brave, but she was a little smart ..."

"Not courageous? Little clever?" The woman in white laughed. "Not only is she clever, but also very courageous, otherwise she won't squat outside the door with a pistol with a safety handle open. It ’s impossible to see in the corner, not to jump out and stop the door immediately after the door opens, and aim my heart at the nearest distance, haha, she ’s scared, she ’s scared, but she has the courage to do what she fears and fears Things, can you still say that she is timid? Xiao Yuanyuan is more conscious than the police girl inside—not only is she conscious of being killed, but she is also conscious of killing. "

The woman in white not only said to the straight long hair, but also used gestures to tell the dumb girl who could not hear her voice. The dumb girl had both surprise and appreciation in her eyes. She couldn't help but look at the closed door of my house. The girl had a good impression, but she did not take it for granted that she had straight hair. Obviously, a sixteen-year-old girl couldn't have the courage.

I feel that Chu Yuan is not afraid of death precisely because she is not smart enough, because she has never figured out which of death and me is more important to herself-sometimes I think she has grown up because she learned With tolerance and care, sometimes I don't think she has grown up, because she is as naive and stubborn as a child.

A fragile girl who was paranoid waiting for all night in the freezing snow because of my trouble, walked from the gate of the gate, opened her eyes miraculously, but was not happy to regain her life, still Caring and fearing whether I am still angry ... How can you teach her that your life is the most precious? She is timid and afraid of many things: afraid of thunder, fear of various insects, fear of sports tests, fear of stepmother's feather duster, fear of the 'secret' she found under the bed being discovered by the old man, fear that I hate her and ignore her ... but not afraid of death.

The woman in white seemed to see through the thoughts of straight long hair, and went down the stairs, and said, "I was very curious. After there was no movement downstairs, why didn't anyone come up? Now I know the answer."

"Why?" I asked after her.

"It's for these footprints that we left," the woman in white said, "Worried that it's too late, so Xiao Yuanyuan can't start laying out this trap after the rescue arrives. In this case, someone going upstairs will inevitably destroy it. There is no time for the flour on the ground to be re-arranged. There is no guarantee at all. Besides, if I have the intention to kill you, I may not wait until someone comes to rescue you. If I have no intention to kill you, they rush up, but not only can not ensure that you will be rescued. The reverse may force our dog to jump over the wall, which is not good for you and the little police girl. Therefore, it is most wise for the police to cast a net downstairs ... Xiao Yuanyuan has been standing outside the door and the purpose is very clear. First , To stop the residents in the building from going up and down, destroying this layer of flour on the ground. Second, wait for the opportunity as before, and rush in as soon as the door opens. If you have three strengths and two weaknesses, she will avenge you. If you are alive, she will exchange Hostage, third, it does n’t matter if she fails. She was so troubled and made a noise. We must be anxious to leave. Will we pay attention to the footprints on the ground then? Such a little girl lying in an ambush outside the door would also paralyze us—if the police arrived, how could it be possible for a little girl to do this kind of thing? So, who would have thought that a Tianluodi network had been set up outside the building? Even if the police did not arrive in time, at least our footprints were left ... Oh, these will not be taught by others, because these are things that only she can consider and will consider, understand Of these, do you still think she is just a timid and somewhat clever girl? An ordinary sixteen-year-old girl may make these bold decisions and arrangements that even adults can't imagine in such a short time. ? "

The woman in white does not ask me, but asks me to correct straight long hair.

The straight long hair really brought up that disdain, but it also puzzled me. Why does the white woman care so much about other people's views on Chu Yuan? I even think she's showing off a bit ...

"How do you know my sister?" Among the many questions, I threw one of my most curious.

Even if she smiles, she always gives a kind of cool temperament. The white forefinger gently presses on the thin lips, which is obviously a playful naughty, but it will not make people feel contrived, "secret-dense."

I have long felt that I could not ask anything from this woman's mouth, but because I was too curious, I could not help but have a deep disappointment and talk too much.

The white woman walked very fast, which made me secretly say that it was the same pace. I was almost trotting, but she was like a walk. She didn't show any rush, her breathing was smooth, her tone was stable, and I even struck sideways. There was no chance, so I went downstairs and went out.

I can only hear howling outside the building, there is no glare of the police's iconic glare, and no noise-like shouting. Under the street lamp that has been left unattended after being broken, it is as dark as usual. I only Hearing a mess of footsteps mixed with metallic screeching friction, they have been surrounded by a group of black men, with one exception, a tall man with a curved machete across the neck of a white woman She is as white as her clothes, but with a look of fierceness that can scare the crying child, "Slut, the son-in-law of Bei Tian Xiao Ye, you dare to move, you think life is too ordinary, right? Very good, there are grandpas here, Baozhun will serve you Shutan-let my aunt, or grandpas die you! "

Wrap a white suit on a hot day. Who is this big dog leg? !!

Chu Yuan's little **** didn't call the police, he was the natural enemy of the police—hei + she + hui!

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