Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 1185: ] The identity of the white woman (below)

[I was in the field yesterday, but I didn't rush back. Today, it has become a 6,000-word chapter. . . 】

Such a situation should also be unexpected by the white woman, so although she smiled without changing her face, it made me feel a bit creepy. I caught between her and her straight long hair and the dumb girl, and the dumb girl could not hear it. The sound wasn't turning quickly. A group of people gathered around, sword and sword. She subconsciously pinched my throat with her hand and confronted her, further deepening Sang Yingjie's misunderstanding.

I can't breathe out of the dumb son-in-law's breath, how can I explain it out loud? Hurrying to wave your hands, it seems to remind Sang Yingjie not to disturb ...

"Oh? I didn't expect it, the chick looks pretty, is there twenty?" Sang Daliu + the rogue has always been outside the building, so it is easier to adapt to the darkness, seeing the appearance of the white-clad female all over the country, he The vulgar tone does not conceal the surprise in my heart. "Looking at your age, it doesn't seem to be a mixed race. What does it mean to tie my aunt? Not because he looks handsome, but also heard about him, and wants to tie it back to himself. Be a man? That ’s really disrespectful and disrespectful. I did n’t say those fools just now, but I do n’t think it ’s so troublesome. If you look like me, my aunt wo n’t dislike you, let him go and pour him a cup. I apologize for the tea ceremony. I packed the tickets and asked him to accept you as a small one. "

If I could make a noise, I would have scolded Sanguo ’s legs as a dog ’s blood shower. He was not hostile at first. He was so mad that he annoyed the straight long hair next to me. Ignore the knife neck. I punched my back with a punch in my stomach. The dude's moan was stuck in the throat by the dumb girl's big hand. The pain was twitching and facial muscles spasm ...

I know for sure that when Sang Yingjie changed to the traditional manners of the past, he seemed vulgar, fierce, and inferior, but he was very clever. This is a very clever idea. Otherwise, he wo n’t get Xiao Sanye ’s. Critique—If I was really tied up, I wanted to know the other person ’s purpose with my toes, but he did not know what he was doing. After reporting to the house, he would drag the topic to the boring aspect, that is, to have a woman in white avoid her background. But he wouldn't look down at him so that she would retreat without feeling that she had no chance to retreat ...

Therefore, Sang Yingjie didn't see the young woman in white and looked down on her, so she despised her as a scornful man, but she deliberately played a courageous man who was foolish and confused, and created an opportunity for the white woman to use his low IQ. It can be seen that Sang Yingjie's intention is to force her to abandon me and run away. First of all, to ensure my safety, it is not that I want to catch her-at first glance, this product is really thoughtful, and I don't want to find them Instead of calling the police, instead of being a police officer, in Beitian's current situation, there is a good chance that my safety will be ranked second, but Sang Yingjie didn't realize that he was too clever and has exposed the filling ...

Intuitively, the woman in white is the youngest and most vase-like of the three, and Sang Yingjie who can use a knife to cross her shoulders and necks, but every sentence is said to her, it seems that she is the first of the three. Is this kind of eyesight like methamphetamine?

Sure enough, the woman in white groaned and said, "Are you Sang Yingjie?"

Sang Yingjie didn't expect that the woman in white broke her identity and was shocked-who told you to burn a bag and always wore an eye-catching white suit?

The woman in white again said: "I have n’t heard of Xiao San Ye from the north. I heard about it in the early years. Bei Tian had a gangster who was unkind but loved hypocrisy. He called the dog San Xiaoer. I do n’t know. Is it the same person as you said. "

Sang Yingjie's face changed drastically, and he gathered up the wickedness and gloomy expression, but a little bit more ruthless, "You and his mother ...

Women in white all know his Sang Yingjie's name, how could he not know his boss's name? It is indeed a provocation of red + naked + naked, but Sang Yingjie was so provoked so easily, but it made me a little bit unintelligible. After all, the three masters themselves acknowledged their injustice. In order to be the only 'lord' in Beitian, he did not hesitate I made a slap over and worshiped my brother's "Grandpa" and "Second Grandpa". It is really worthy of falling infamous. Is it because of the nickname "Mourning Dog"?

Sang Yingjie's loyalty is not a bad thing, but in this case loyalty will inevitably lead to bad things.

Ah was irritated and had the urge to slash people, but he was jealous of me, and he would inevitably have hesitation. With a lot of thoughts, attention was naturally distracted. The white woman caught this vacancy and suddenly shot, and Sang Yingjie was taken aback by the shot— She ignored the machete across her neck, and the utility knife pierced Sang Yingjie's eyebrows at a fast speed, so fast that Sang Yingjie forgot the difference in length between his machete and the white woman ’s utility knife, as long as he Without moving, if the white woman wants to pierce him, she must lean forward, so even if she pierces him, she will wipe her neck first.

But Sang Yingjie still closed his eyes instinctively, not only him, the momentum and decisiveness of the white woman's sword, so that the sturdy masters of other handheld devices also took a half step back. At that moment, what broke out on her was a It ’s a feeling I ca n’t explain—even if I stand behind her and her knife is not stabbing at me, I have a strong desire to dodge, as if the knife in her hand may suddenly change at an angle and hurt me Like.

Sang Yingjie snorted and saw blood. It wasn't his face that was stabbed in the white woman, but his knife-holding hand. The blood flow was rushing. I seem to see Sang Yingjie's **** flying away from the palm of the hand, machete. She let go, but did not land. The woman in white clung to the handle with her left hand. In the darkness, she looked like a erratic ghost, flashing the two machetes that fluttered from the side, and chasing Sang Yingjie in the backward direction was a split, and the crowd suddenly chaotic , I do n’t know where the strength came, even broke the dumb girl ’s throat and shouted, “Do n’t cut it!”

It seemed that the pause button was pressed in time, and the curved machete did not shake. The bone of the nose of Sang Yingjie stopped falling. The woman in white clothes who looked like a fragile wind, the strength contained in that slender arm, and her strength against the force. The ability to control, stunned all the big men, including me.

Sang Yingjie faceless, she patted him on the cheek with a knife, and smiled: "You come to save Chu Nan, he owes you a favor, and now he gave it back to you-not to mention that you can't come to the table like Sang Yingjie The little pony, whose life is as cheap as grass, is your elder brother Xiao San, who speaks well to me, and I want at least a pair of eyes. "

Sang Daguo's legs were scared. Where did he speak?

"Who's the lady so loudly wants me to have a pair of eyes?" I don't know where another group of people came from, there were as many as forty or fifty, surrounded us in groups, just a minute or two, Lou Hundreds of people gathered next, and the crowd separated a path. Among them was a burly man in a Tang suit with a flat head and a square face, thick eyebrows and dazzling eyes, a big mouth, and a very fierce appearance, but who was not Xiao Sanye!

The third grandfather is tall and tall, but I do n’t know if it is because he is too stout, or if the woman is already tall, compared with the dumb girl behind me, he seems to be shorter than a star. .

The woman in white folded her sword and held her arms in her arms. The pretty little girl with a pretty standing posture, laughed softly, "I want it, don't you give it?"

If someone who didn't know was passing by at this time, she would have been struck by the innocence of her innocence and bent the electric pole on the side of the road.

"I'll give you two big ear scrapers!" From behind the grandfather of San Shanwei, a very petite girl jumped out, pointed at the white woman's nose, and jumped and scolded: "Have my South brother hurry up, otherwise I want you to look good ! "

From the moment Sang Yingjie appeared, I should have thought that Chu Yuan must have sought help from Xiao Fairy. Xiao Fairy even moved out with her dad. How could she not come? In other words, her dad followed her because he couldn't stop her ...

"Do you want me to look good?" The woman in white asked the fairy, "Am I not good enough yet?"

"I've seen narcissists, but I've never seen you so self-sufficient ... since ..." At this time someone lit up the lighting tool, and the fairies could clearly see the appearance of the woman in white, as I was then, She didn't seem to believe that there was a beauty of the same level as Chu Yuan in the world, a little face was flushed, and the last half of the sentence was still not spoken, and she was angry and angry, saying: "You don't let people go, I It will make you look bad! "

The white woman was defeated by the fairies' honesty. For a moment, she laughed. I don't know how many men around me looked foolish. "What a lovely girl, are you Xiao Yike?"

Ya knew Chu Yuan, and I did n’t feel surprised if I knew it again.

The fairy always loses and doesn't lose her mouth. When dad supports him, the spirit is even more sufficient. Unexpectedly, she has not yet been mad, and was suddenly dragged behind by the third master. The third master should have heard from the dialogue between the white woman and Sang Yingjie The relationship between the woman in white and me was not hostile, but he was like an enemy, and the muscles in his body were tightened instantly. The clothes were loose and loose, but it gave people a feeling that they could burst at any time. "Who are you?"

The woman in white put the utility knife in her pocket, her forefinger moved her head along the forehead to the back of her head, and she held Sang Yingjie's machete on her left. What special meaning, but saw San Ye's face pale for a while, both shocked and afraid, and his voice was a little trembling, "Yes ... is you? It really is ... you!"

San Ye touched his head unconsciously, and then I suddenly realized that the line that the white woman had drawn on her head was just the same as the shocking scar on San Ye ’s head from the forehead to the back of her head. !!

Women in white laugh without answering.

San Ye's expression changed several times, shame, hatred, remorse, fear ... Finally, he sighed, raised his hand, waved weakly, and said to the crowd, "Let's go."

The fairy thought that she had heard it wrong, and stunned, "Dad-"

The third grandfather held her daughter tightly with one hand, and said something to her, but looked at me, and said, "Don't you understand me? She is not malicious to your brother Nan. This should be a misunderstanding."

This remark was more like verification-San Ye hoped that this was just a misunderstanding, he was timid!

The fairy said: "Misunderstanding! Why is she trying to punch Brother Nan when she is not malicious? Didn't you see blood on his clothes? Also, she cut off **** of Uncle Sang! You just let her go Drop? So what face do our Xiao family have on Beitian's street? "

I coughed a few mouthfuls of blood before. When I wiped my mouth, it stuck to the inside of the sleeve. It was not easy to see. I didn't want to be discovered by the careful fairy.

San Ye ignored her daughter and shouted at those around him who were just as unwilling as the fairies: "Did you hear me? Dismissed, you two, take Jiezi to the hospital and connect your fingers."

When the bosses saw the boss explode, they immediately directed the people to retreat. Sanye didn't consider himself a soldier when he was young, but he always seemed to yearn for the army. He had countless enemies in Beitian, black and white, but he stood up against each other, but never stood still. It had a direct relationship with the management that emphasized discipline. Like birds and beasts, but in order, there is not much movement, and there are only a dozen people left in an instant.


"Shut up—" San Ye drank the goblin, maybe he felt that the tone was too heavy, and he expressed his expression slowly and calmly, "Listen to your South Brother's meaning, you're not saying that your South Brother doesn't like disobedient women the most. Child? "

This unpromising old man handed the ball to me!

San Ye has always held the fairies as the pearl of the palm, and the pain is not enough and the love is not enough. When did she yell at her so fiercely? And in front of so many people? The fairy's small mouth was flat, and she couldn't help crying. At this juncture, the phone just rang, and the fairy was strong. She didn't want others to see her out, kicked her dad's calf, turned and ran to the dark. Go pick up the phone somewhere.

Sang Yingjie held her bleeding hand and was about to leave. The woman in white said lightly: "The stigma of the surname Sang insults me. I only have two fingers, and he has already earned it."

San Yehu's body trembled, and a few of his remaining men's faces also changed suddenly. I didn't understand the meaning of the woman in white. I saw Sang Yingjie stunned for a moment, and suddenly snatched the **** that were picked up by the people beside me. The woman in white said "Thank you", and her arms would be thrown when rounded, and then she suddenly realized that she strode forward and grabbed his wrist, and then turned back and yelled at the woman in white: "Are you ill? If you curse you, you just If you want him to have two fingers, you would insult me ​​and Dong Xiaoye so much, and those two girls, should I also ask you something ?! "

The woman in white knew that I had two pounds and laughed, "Do you have this ability?"

I snatched the machete from a person beside Sang Yingjie, and said angrily, "If you are willing to be crippled, the emperor can pull off the horse! Go back and ask your sister, is the surname Chu a fear of death? Before I bear you, yes I think you are not a friend, but a friend of a friend. Now you and his mother treat me like this, and I see that friend and your friend's friend, but he and mom are just like that! "

The woman in white said: "How many people bully but few?"

"It's a man who bullies a woman!" I don't know how to live or die. "Just two of us, singled out! You won, not only his **** for you, I chop two to pay him, and then chop two to pay you, I win , Do n’t you finger, how did you play me and Dong Xiaoye just now, how can I play you! ”

"Hee, cheating, you know I can't ask for your finger, right?"

The old man blushed and said arrogantly: "You win me, just chop your fingers, not what you want!"

I did calculate that she would n’t do anything with me, but even if this did n’t take me, the situation would be here, or I would have to stand up, after all, Sang Yingjie broke these two because of me. Fingers, but I ’m definitely not as energetic as I am now ...

The cowhide was originally blown, and stubbornness was compelled.

"Forget it, look at Chu Nan's face, I've spared you," the white woman no longer cares about, walked away from the crowd, straight hair and dumb woman followed closely, passed by the third master, she did not move , But said: "Xiao Zhanhe, tonight you have caused a lot of trouble for Chu Nan. I will pay him back for this kind of friendship. Beginning tomorrow, no one in Beitian will bother you."

San Ye was a joy first, and then a little panicked, and said, "No, no, this is your heart, Xiaomou is led, but Chu Nan and I are a family ..."

"Insufficient people to swallow elephants, to be human, to be content," the woman in white whispered, "I pay you back for Chu Nan, because you will never be a family, Xiao Zhanhe, I hope you understand . "

San Ye did n’t understand, I do n’t know, anyway, I did n’t understand, but it seemed to be half understood.

The lady in white didn't say "goodbye" to me. She walked away quickly and briskly. When the goblin hung up the phone and returned to Sanye, she had disappeared into our sight, but somehow everyone still stared. In the direction of her disappearance.

The goblin punched a combination of punches on her dad's stomach, and yelled, "It's too bad!"

The third master was in a daze, only to return to God with his fist, and looked down at the angry daughter. Not only was he angry, he also opened his mouth wide and laughed.

The fairy said, "What are you laughing at?"

San Ye didn't answer, just stroking the fairy's head, I saw that his hand was shaking—not because of anger, but excitement, and excitement accompanied by fear.

"Sanye ..."

"Don't say anything," Xiao Sanye interrupted me, nervously: "This is not the place to speak. Tomorrow morning, you come to our company, our grandpa will take care, haha, hahahaha-son-in-law Son-in-law, you are really my lucky star. I didn't expect that you would recognize a person like her. "

I just want to ask this-what kind of character is she?

I remember Sanye said to me that he didn't know who Miss San was, so why did he know this white lady who was also 'Miss Three'?

San Ye did n’t talk about this topic, he really did n’t talk about this topic. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. He said, “It ’s not too late, son-in-law. I have to go first. Go home or spend the night with your South Brother? "

The fairy didn't even think about it, "I stay."

San Ye glanced at Sang Yingjie and nodded: "Jie Zi is injured, others are protecting you, I don't worry about it, just stay, just come to the company with your South Brother tomorrow morning."

Does this sound like a dad? Leave Miaoling's daughter to spend the night at a single man's house. Are you sure you can rest assured?

Qiu Meimei and Tianyou ’s identities have been exposed. Dongxiaoye must have been furious, and I have too many questions to ask them about Chu Yuan. The snarling fairies are purely chaotic. I am about to raise an objection, but I listen to the third man He asked with a smile: "son-in-law, do you know who is waiting for me tonight? Who is waiting for me?"

It ’s already a reminder that San Ye do n’t have a profound smile. I froze and was surprised: “It wo n’t be ...”

"Yes," Sanye snapped a finger, maybe too happy, he was unstable, he was a big child, "Zhangjia that grandfather suddenly contacted me today and said that they would introduce a rich man The rich man knew me, haha, I originally wanted to give you a surprise. I didn't tell you in advance, but I didn't expect you to give me a surprise ... "

There was a roar in my ears, and the words behind San Ye didn't hear anything ...

No doubt this should be something to be pleased with-if it did not happen tonight!

Aren't they planning to invite me tonight? !!

Is it because I can't make an appointment, so I asked another grandfather? Or did you invite me and San Ye at the same time?

If it's the former, then the so-called rich man cannot always be Mrs. Duanmu, right? Let Mrs. Duanmu lend money to Sanye to buy a piece of land that we want to sell. It is impossible to think of it, but if it is the latter, the situation is a little more subtle: why the Zhang family father and son are hiding from me and Sanye In the case let us meet? Are they skeptical, or have they noticed that I have colluded with Sanye and Liu Xiaosheng to arrange for them?

With this in mind, I told the Zhang family father and son today that I was drunk and resigned, and told the third master concisely. I thought I could destroy his joy, but I did n’t care about him. I dismissed it with a smile: "Doubt is No evidence, no evidence, tonight ’s invitation is nothing more than trying to test, I ’ll just keep my eye on it, and let ’s say it ’s really discovered? Son-in-law, son-in-law, you ’re standing on the Jinshan Mountain, I do n’t know what is at your feet. A piece of tens of millions of broken land, who cares about him and his mother? Just a word from that woman ca n’t be bought by your husband and I --- that ’s An Sheng in the second half of life, haha, this kind of relationship is better than You gave me ten plots of land. "

I don't know if I should be surprised or annoyed by this-I almost forgot that the third master helped me. It was purely cooperation of interests. He didn't care about Murphy's promising future. He put aside interest factors and he even wanted to. Murphy is out of luck ...

What kind of background does the white woman have? Can one sentence make the real Sanye not want to make money?

Saying goodbye to Sanye, I went upstairs with the fairy, this girl was uncharacteristically, and took the initiative to stay, but she didn't say a word, or I couldn't bear it, I couldn't find anything, first asked her a question, "Who called you just now ? "

The goblin walking in front didn't turn back, and said, "Fate."

soy Mujer? I wondered: "What did she call you?"

The goblin went faster and faster, "Tell me that she was wrong, a misunderstanding, and ask me not to embarrass the woman."

"She told you who the woman is ?!"


"Who?" I took the goblin's hand unconsciously.

The goblin turned back, and I saw that she held her mouth flat and cried with a small face, "I won't tell you, big traitor!"

I was stunned, the leprechaun jumped up and rushed at me, took a sip on the cheek on my left, then ran away and ran upstairs. I chased after it, and at the door of my home, I just met the winter night coming out of the door, Qiu Meimei and Tianyou

Everyone was embarrassed. Tianyou and Qiu Meimei were taken lightly by me, understandably, and how Dongdong Ye ’s handcuffs were opened, it is estimated that it would become a little secret that I have never shared with this girl.

Because the t-shirt was opened by a woman in white, Sister Hu borrowed a hate coat and wrapped it around her. I said, "Change clothes first, or go to the hospital first?"

The little girl bit her razor and hurt her mouth.

"Looking at it just now, the wound is very shallow and it doesn't matter ..."

Dong Xiaoye was surprised to see the goblin coming up with me. Before she opened her mouth, the goblin whispered, "Stealing cat."

Sister Tiger suddenly became a big red face.

There is no doubt about it-it must be that Chu Yuan and the Fairy shared secretly!

"It does n’t matter, the doctor said it. It ’s not a problem. Let ’s go home and change clothes first,” I sighed, knowing that this night is doomed to stop, and ringing the doorbell, she said to Tianyou and Chou Meimei: “You two also come in Speak."

As a thief, Chu Yuan pulled the door open a gap and looked out. Without seeing the white woman, she let go a little, and opened the door and asked, "She's gone?"

When I thought of the stinky girl who had just left me and Sister Hu, I drove home by myself, and I was so angry that I stared at her, "Who is she?"

Chu Yuan was clearly surprised, "She didn't tell you?"

"Tell me and I still ask you?"

"Well?" Chu Yuanqi said, "No, didn't she ask us to meet yesterday? Although she left without showing up ..."


Chu Yuan looked at me in puzzlement and said clearly: "She is the mother of the East."

I stuck in place like a stone statue, and my overly confused mind became blank ...

The woman whose personality and beauty can only be described as ‘demon evil’ is actually the mother of the oriental lady, Ran Yibai? !!

After thinking about it, it is not impossible. Why is the poor man in the east a stinky little girl who can only be described by ‘demon”? !!

There is a mother and a daughter ...

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