"She is Ran Yibai?" Dong Xiaoye also felt incredible.

I and Dongfang Mom used the phone to find it difficult to put together the manic man in the impression that I was irritated with three or two words and yelled at it, and this stunning beauty who is always hot and calm and always looks cool tonight. So I also asked Chu Yuandao: "Are you sure?"

"Of course it is," Chu Yuan said, "I have seen her in Dongfang's house."

"Since you're so sure, why didn't you dare to recognize her just now?" I frowned and doubted: "It's impossible to forget a woman as special as she once was?"

Chu Yuan didn't answer, "Where is she special?"

"Isn't she special? Look, temperament ..." I said, I found out that the atmosphere was not right, Chu Yuanfen had a cold face, and the fairy had a gloomy expression. Although Dong Xiaoye had a strong smile and disguise, it was obviously unnatural. After a loud whistle, only God bless, bowing his head with a woodpecker knife, absent-minded, and indifferent to our conversation ...

Smelly girl said coldly: "You mean, you only saw her this time, but you will never forget her forever, right?"

"I'm telling you the truth, can you not understand the point as such a boring thing?" I was embarrassed, and always felt that Chu Yuan had deliberately diverted the topic.

Chu Yuan really guilty, avoiding my eyes, and murmured vaguely: "I'm not you, so I like to see beautiful women, I only saw her once, I glanced at her twice, without being too impressed, what is abnormal? Anymore? "

"'Secretly' glanced at her, which is very abnormal," I said, "why is 'sneak'?"

With Chu Yuan's inward-looking personality, most of the people who first met did not dare to look directly, and even secretly looking at it required a certain amount of courage. This is not surprising. She went with me to the company every day, a colleague of the integrated group. They also like her very much and take care of her. It stands to reason that they are no strangers to each other, but I dare to say that when they meet on another occasion, most of them do not recognize or dare not recognize, because she usually does not pay much attention After looking at their looks, they didn't want to, but they were timid. Once they faced people's eyes, they would become nervous and overwhelmed, so they would not even have the courage to look secretly, for fear of accidentally hitting each other's eyes ... this It is a very serious communication obstacle. On the one hand, it was caused by a closed and lonely life experience she had as a child, which made her inferior and autistic, thinking that she was different from ordinary people. On the other hand, she was growing up around her. She always lacks friends. With such a personality, she doesn't know how to take the initiative to communicate with others. However, her outstanding appearance and outstanding grades always make her forced to be a focus person. She doesn't like being corrected by boys. It is cold to reject people thousands of miles away, it is easy to give people the illusion of her arrogance, so that girls of the same age are also away from her, or do not get used to her cold and proud , Or ashamed to feel that she is unattainable, or simply do not want to stand next to her, as the green leaf that sets off how good she is ...

Parents are not unaware of the problem of Chu Yuan. The old man used to have some social interactions, so he likes to bring Chu Yuan and want to exercise her, but the effect is not great, and even the negative impact is greater. It makes the stink girl more resistant to interacting with people. , So that the old man had to give up compulsory treatment, her temper is such that unless she is willing to change herself, no one can do anything ...

Therefore, Chu Yuanda confessed that he was not deeply impressed with Dongfang Mom. Why bother to be vague and try to change the subject? This is not quite normal.

When I heard such a question, the smelly girl was obviously flustered. "Little night sister, is your clothes torn? Quickly change a new one so that you can return the coat to others." She said, pulling Dong Xiaoye towards the bedroom. went.

I think it ’s weird—she knows that Dong Xiaoye ’s t-shirt wrapped in her jacket is broken, and she can surely guess that it was cut by a white woman with that sharp utility knife, but she did n’t ask why, do n’t say no Like her usual, this is not like the response of a person with normal logic.

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished talking yet ..."

"Ah, what else can I ask?" Chu Yuan looked impatient, and yelled, "I said, she's the mother of the East!"

"Then why didn't she mention anything about the East? And only admitted that she was Miss Three, but refused to tell me who her last name was, and said that I didn't know her identity better ... what does this mean? "At the same time I asked Chu Yuan, my eyes turned to Qiu Meimei who was leaning on the sofa-she knew more than Chu Yuan.

"Mother of the East is Miss Three ?!" Chu Yuan and the Fairy reacted the same, which proves that she did not know the details of the white woman, but Dongfang had no possibility of not knowing it, so the surprise of both of them was more For the East.

Obviously sisters sharing secrets, Dongfang concealed such a big secret from them, how could they not be excited?

"To be exact, it is one of the" Miss Three ", not the Miss Three who specifically targeted me, but she and the Miss Three have a sister-like relationship."

"Impossible!" Chu Yuan shook her head hard, as if I was lying and slandering her friend, anxiously: "This kind of thing is happening, how could Dongfang hide it from me? By the way, she has a bad relationship with her mother. Nian can only meet once or twice. She never cares about her mother's affairs, and it's not even clear what her mother does, so it's not surprising that she doesn't know her and Miss Three, does she? "

The relationship between Dongfang and her mother is poor. It is just a manifestation of the girl's rebellious period. She may not really care about her mother's affairs, but it is true that she and her mother can only meet once or twice a year. The words are not difficult to hear. She does rarely come to Beitian. It seems that in addition to her work, her complex identity background is also one of the main reasons. She also pays great attention to protecting the real Miss Three, and she does not want to be known by anyone. The alertness of her relationship with Miss Three, so she deliberately concealed her daughter, who is no less important, is indeed reasonable ...

The question is, is it true that the young lady of the east is ‘what ’s more important’? On the contrary, the East is a mature teenager. The city, wisdom and calmness are rare among adults. With my understanding of her personality, the harder it is to meet, the more she cares about and understands her mother. As long as she has this mind, is there anything else she can hide from her?

Chu Yuan just didn't want to believe that the East had betrayed his trust.

Seeing her tears rolling around her eyes, she eagerly urged me to give up my doubts about the East. I really couldn't hold back my opinion. Maybe this is the proof that Chu Yuan didn't grow up. Too simple, too naive, but if she can always have Such a wonderful thing, I really don't want her to grow up one day.

Chu Yuan is convinced of Dongfang. With such friends, Dongfang is happy, and Chu Yuan is also happy.

"It should be like this ..."

Chu Yuan said: "It must be the case!"

Qiu Meimei inserted a sentence in a timely manner, "It was three people, but she became a" Miss Three ". Originally, some incompetent guys in Beitian had a random understanding of the title of my sister's random press, in other words, they only didn't know Her foreign talents would call her like this. It's not surprising that Xiao Dongfang doesn't know 'Miss Three'. "

"Right, right, I'll say, if the East knows, it's impossible to hide from me and Sister Bobo." Chu Yuan didn't even know Chou Meimei's identity, so she believed what she said, only to prove that this girl Unwilling to use their brains to doubt the Oriental Lady.

The fairy and the East are far less close to Chu Yuan, and waved: "She won't hide from you, but it won't tell if I can hide it." It can be seen that the fairy also deliberately concealed the Oriental's knowledge.

I asked Qiu Meimei: "So, the woman was really her mother from the east? Why did she date me last night, but she didn't show up, and came to the door today? And she didn't tell me her identity on purpose? "

"How do I know what the bitch's mind is thinking?" Qiu Meimei had a big opinion of the white woman, and spit on the ground with a sigh of sigh, touching the corner of Wu Qing's unbroken eyes, and hated: "I only know She is my sister's friend, so I can't kill her. "

The nearby Tianyou heard the words, and snorted with a nasal sound, like ridicule and contempt. Qiu Meimei immediately reddened a small face, glared at Tianyou, but stopped talking.

The words and deeds of the woman in white are inconceivable and indistinguishable from this. It is also very similar to the young lady in the East. Although Chu Yuan is very certain, I do n’t know why. I still doubt her relationship with the East.

Looking up and down, she is younger than my stepmother, but she has a sixteen-year-old daughter like her stepmother. Doesn't this prove that she is a stranger woman than her stepmother?

The most important thing is that Dongfang Mom said last night that it would be okay for Dongfang to stay in Beitian, but I have to promise her a request, but tonight, the woman in white never mentioned this thing from start to finish ...

Did she forget it or didn't mean it? Obviously, these two possibilities far exceed Chu Yuan's recognition of the wrong person. First of all, I won't doubt Chu Yuan's excellent memory. Secondly, doesn't that woman also recognize Chu Yuan? I know she's a crying snot ...

But what's going on with this contradictory and incongruous feeling ...

[Ps: This chapter was yesterday, today's chapter will be added tomorrow, sorry ...]

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