Chapter 405: Apologize

Lunch was settled in the company cafeteria with Ziyuan. I think Ziyuan should have something to ask me, for example, what have I been doing these days, for example, whether I have a super-friendly relationship with Murphy, at least , I think she will ask what happened in the valley of the moon ... But surprisingly, her topics are almost all around Zhu Danchen's elementary school, as if she didn't know that Liu Xiaosheng and I had escaped from the dead, When I answered her question, she seemed absent-minded and not so interested.

I don't understand her more and more ...

I heard that Liu Xiaosheng had been transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward yesterday. I had an appointment with Guo Xiang, and went to the hospital to see him in the afternoon. Anyway, he was with me. I should show some concern. I don't deny that this is a face-saving suspicion. After all, if I dodged, others should take it for granted that I was guilty and Liu Xiaosheng was miserable. In fact, I was harmed ... The heart of a villain is the abdomen of a gentleman. Will Liu Xiaosheng really not say that to others?

Lao Guo said he would come to the company to pick me up, but he brought Liu Xingyu with him. When Xingyu met me, he said nothing, he cried a nose, scared me, and died when Liu Xiaosheng was seriously injured. Well ... it happened to be work time, colleagues saw a young girl holding my arm and crying speechless, and there was a mature man standing next to it, and they consciously thought that I had abandoned it. The girl came to the door with her brother.

Because of the ambiguous relationship with tassel and Murphy, our character has been determined by others, and it is estimated that no one will believe it, so he hurried down the two of them and went to a nearby tea restaurant Sit down.

"Nang, I'm sorry ..." After drinking half a glass of ice water, he calmed down his emotions, and finally Xingyu was able to speak.

"I'm sorry?" I froze, and my hanging heart finally let go. "Scared me, I'm still your brother ... Oh, I thought you came to avenge him, look at me, now I still What about it? "

I know my joke is not funny. Even if Liu Xiaosheng is dead, I will not feel sad, but I will definitely feel guilty to Xingyu. This girl, unlike her brother, is very kind.

"He ... I have no face to mention him now," Xingyu wiped a tear, his eyes red and said to me, "Nang, I'm here to apologize to you, I know I will let you forgive him It ’s very difficult, I should n’t force it, it ’s just ... I ’m his sister, no matter how bad he is, my brother, oh ... I can only ask you with my cheek ... ”

"Please me?" I was confused by this girl, scratching my head, "Xingyu, how can I not understand what you are talking about?"

Xingyu grabbed my hand and said with excitement, "South Brother, I beg you, don't sue my brother!"

"Sue who?" I was even more embarrassed. "I have nothing to tell your brother what to do?" Although Liu Xiaosheng was dead to me, he was the one who was seriously injured in the end. Thanks for saving me ... And, if you don't save yourself, it doesn't seem to be a crime? At best, it's immoral to be scolded ...

Xingyu's mouth flattened, and she cried again, with no expression on her face. "Where are you all right? You almost killed him ..."

I froze, realizing that the problem was not as simple as I thought, looking at the shameful and angry Guo Xiang, asking, "What's going on?"

Guo Xiang, holding Xingyu's shoulders, comforted her and smiled bitterly to me: "Before entering the hunting garden, Liu Gongzi poured a bottle of drink on you, do you remember?"

"Well, Min Route later asked me to ask for clothes, and to find the remaining half of the drink ..." My heart trembled, and said in amazement: "Is there really any problem with that drink ?!"

Listening to me, Xingyu was even more ashamed. He hid his face in Guo Xiang's arms and didn't even dare to look at me. Guo Xiang looked down at the crying Xingyu and shook his head and sighed: "Xiao Nan, you may ... save me Fate, if it didn't happen to meet you in the Valley of the Moon, the person lying in the hospital now is probably me ... or it may be in the funeral parlour ... "

Guo Xiang didn't seem to be joking at all. I was anxious: "What the **** is going on?"

"Ms. Min found the remaining half of the drink, and then took your shirt to go for the test. As a result, it was detected that the drink was actually mixed with ... wolf urine."

"Wolf urine ?!" I didn't turn around for a moment, "He wants me to drink that disgusting thing ?!"

Guo Xiangshen said: "It's not for you to drink, he wanted to splash on you."


"I heard that there are many wild camels living in the desert of Kuwait. They often appeared on the highway before, which poses a great threat to traffic safety. Because wild camels protect animals and cannot be killed, some people came up with One way-spray wolf urine on the highway, as a result, wild camels have never really appeared on the highway, because they have a very sensitive sense of smell, and water can be smelled a few kilometers away, let alone a wolf The urine smelled, they would instinctively think that it was a place where wolves were infested, and then avoided it ... "Guo Xiangxin said with a gulp:" The wolf is a canine, and the smell is not worse than the wild camel. The purpose of splashing wolf urine on the body is obvious. The wolf is a social animal. If the wolf in the garden smells a companion, what do you say?

"Will ... follow the taste and take the initiative ..." My heart sank to the bottom of my feet, and I spit on my mouth, saying, "You mean, Prince Liu wants the wolf to attack me?"

Guo Xiang made no comment, "He is unfortunate and your lucky place is here. You did not act alone, but you followed him all the time. As a result, the wolf found both of you at the same time ..."

Hello Liu Xiaosheng, no wonder you have always wanted to get rid of me! It turned out that he knew that the wolf would definitely look for me, and it would be very dangerous to be with me ... Now I can understand why it is all prey, but the wolf chased me instead of chasing Liu Xiaosheng! but...

"The wolf always chased after me, but it finally gave up on me and ran back to bite Liu Gongzi. The wolf's urine seems to be useless, right?"

"The wolf is not stupid. When you are attracted by the taste, you have determined that you are not the same. In its eyes, what is the difference between you and Liu Xiaosheng? It's all food, who is not a bite?" Guo Xiang said with emotion: "Liu Gongzi just looked down on the beast too much and thought it was chasing you, and he was safe. Then he sneaked back and tried to take off the gun hanging on the tree. As a result, he hadn't climbed up yet. The beast suddenly jumped out and bit his leg, pulling him down ... I asked a friend who was a manager in the zoo, only to know that the animal like a wolf has very keen insight, and it ’s extremely good when hunting for food. Have patience and be very specific about the goal of preparing food. You can spend a long time on it without getting bored. Moreover, the wolf pays great attention to details and understands the difference between strength and weakness. You said that you were holding a knife at that time. It is impossible to realize that your threat will be greater than that of Liu Gongzi. Therefore, the wolf may not be chasing you at that time, but it will be driving you out. You intentionally separated you and Liu Xiaosheng who had a greater threat. Rushing over, Liu Gong Piece of life, I am afraid we must give the other end of the beast ... "

Although when I confronted the wolf, I felt that the beast seemed clever and terrible, but I didn't expect it to be killed. It was so clever ... I do n’t know what to say, I took the water glass and drank Chaotian, still failed to extinguish the flames rolling upwards in the belly, I don't know what I'm angry at, is Liu Liusheng trying to hurt me? Still angry that I was actually accounted for by a beast?

Xingyu took a check from her bag and shoved it in front of me, "Nang ..."

"Seal fee?"

Staring at me coldly, Xingyu was trembling with fright. The frightened little lamb really made me unable to be angry. Even if she was Liu Xiaosheng's sister, I tried to calm down my mood and ease the tone: "Do you mean it, or do you mean it from your family?"

"I ..." Xingyu bowed his head in shame, shouting: "I know this is an insult to Nan, but ... I don't know of any other way, oh ... my parents are only me Brother a son, Nan brother, I beg you, let me go, he is bad, he is despicable, but after all he is my brother, Nan brother, I am willing to atone for him, this life is not clear, I will do it in my next life Cows and horses will be returned to you ... "

Guo Xiang took the check from Xingyu, pushed it to me, got up and took two steps back, and said, "Xiao Nan, you can take it. This is the opinion of Xingyu's family, so let Xingyu come, just because you are afraid Xingyu is also very embarrassed to be willing to sell this face. My brother knows that you have been wronged, but ... I can only ask you. "Say, the straight waist can be bent to 90 degrees. How can a man bow his head easily? ? Xingyu saw his lover like this, tears could not stop falling, just like him, he got up and bowed and begged me, attracting a small number of guests in the tea restaurant.

How to say, I seem to be a bad guy ...

I glanced down at the egg on the check, five million ... Liu Xiaosheng's reputation was really worthwhile. Mo Yizhi donated the amount of a school. He used it to hide his face. From this point of view, Lius It is much richer than Feng Chang.

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