Chapter 406: Min Rou

"It's wronged," I took the check, and returned it to Xingyu, smiling. "It's not me who is wronged, Xingyu. Your brother made a mistake, but let your sister wipe his butt. Really. Damn it makes people angry ... Fortunately, you call me Nan, otherwise, I really don't want to give this face. "

Xingyu's face was unbelievable, and she was surprised and happy: "Nan brother, you ... don't sue my brother?"

"Who makes me a brother? I ’m so frightened, I ’m not afraid to tell you, my brother, I ’m not afraid of heaven, I ’m afraid of my sister crying, and when she burst into tears, I immediately lost my stand, haha,” I quipped: "Fortunately, you haven't married Lao Guo, or you will ask me when I call your sister-in-law, but I won't eat that set. Thank you, don't thank me, thank my family for good reason. I have no way to not spoil her. You are so clever and sensible, how can I be so hard-hearted and make you sad. "

Knowing that I was joking, Xingyu still gratefully said with tears: "No, even if I married Guo Xiang, Nange is still Nange, I ... Nange, thank you ..."

"Xiao Nan has promised you, what are you crying for?" Guo Xiang was not happy, but was even more guilty. "Xiao Nan, you are really wronged ..."

"Aggrieved," I laughed, "I have no heart or lungs, don't care who offends, or who can't forgive? Oh, that's fine. The Liu family did not agree with you and Xingyu before. Liu Xiaosheng was spared a disaster and covered his face for the Liu family. Their attitude would not be so tough anymore, would they? "

I think Liu Xiaosheng's moral integrity is enough. Besides, the Liu family has money and spilled a lot of banknotes. I may not win him. At most, he just lost his reputation. What about it? It's better to sell your personal feelings to the Liu family. In the future, if you have the opportunity, give it back to the mall.

I am a realist, not a facetist. Besides, pretending to be big-faced, isn't it more face-saving?

Losing Guo Xiang is still a big man. After hearing this, my eye circles are red and I choked, "Xiaonan, I ... and Xingyu, I really owe you too much ..."

"Don't say anything so foreign," Guo Xiang had to violate his position for Xingyu, why not for Murphy?

Seeing him move like that, I was a bit ashamed, and quickly shifted the topic, saying: "You said just now that the matter of Liu Gongzi can only beg me, what do you mean? Have you asked for others?"

Guo Xiang and Xingyu looked at each other with shame, and after pulling me to sit down, Guo Xiang said, "It's Miss Min ..."

"Min Rou?" I wondered: "What happened to Min Rou?"

"Liu Gongzi had an accident in the Valley of the Moon. The Liu family didn't know what was going on in the past two days, so he asked Ms. Min for a strong opinion, saying that it was caused by Moon Valley's improper handling of the wolf. For this accident, I also found some members of the Valley of the Moon to come out, saying that it was mediation, in fact, is to help out, and put pressure on Miss Min, to say that Miss Min is indeed a hidden person, there are indeed On the surface, she was weak on the surface and reconciled. In fact, there was no step back, and the result was a form—the Liu family took up the truth, and the strength was tight, and the valley of the moon seemed to be exhausted. The aggrieved daughter-in-law did not dare to be angry or to speak, and lost her face by being bullied by the Liu family ... but no one expected that, early this morning, when the Liu family put the battle in order to force Miss Min to come up with a final solution Ms. Min directly took the test results on the table, and everyone was dumbfounded. Xingyu's father was panicked and hurried to ask Liu Gongzi for evidence. What did you say? "Guo Xiang's heart For the wolverines who enjoyed the Liu family very much, there was a kind of uneasy excitement in their eyes when they spoke. "Master Liu can only put down his body and ask Miss Min to lift up his expensive hand and put Liu as soon as possible. Miss Min said a word-this matter , She ca n’t be the master, it ’s up to you Chu Nan ... ”

That ’s it ... Min Rou ’s smelly woman definitely took out the test results after deliberately arguing with the Liu family, in order to make the Liu family ’s compensation stronger, think about it, how could the Liu family be possible? Would you be afraid to litigate against a small person like me? They decided that this lawsuit could not be won because they had offended Min Rou.

It's probably the same thing that Min Rongyu's winter night is so ugly, right? No wonder Min Rou advises Dong Xiaoye to dismiss the idea of ​​official business. If the police intervenes in the investigation, there will be no room for manoeuvre. The Liu family and I, including Min Rou and Liu Family, will become entrenched enemies. Min Rou can provoke Liu family, can I afford it? Dong Xiaoye gave up his principle, and it was completely out of consideration for me ... Now, the Liu family wanted to cover this matter and please me to buy me out. It seemed to be the only option. Min Rou cleverly took me and her The stances were tied together, so that the Liu family did not dare to easily blame me, and gave me such a large share of love for no reason. Is it Miss Three's idea again? So what do Miss Three want?

The five million brought by Xingyu was not just a closing fee, but also asked me to say a favor to their Liu family for Min Rou. I was curious. Min Rou said that few people in Beitian knew about her relationship with Miss Three. Then what kind of background does she have to make the Liu family who offended her so frightened? Five million, just to let me say a word to her, ask for love ...

Guo Xiang and Xingyu didn't know much about Min Rou, only they knew that the Moon Valley Club was just a private name. In fact, Min Rou has many regular hotels, guesthouses, hot springs, clubs, resorts and high-end entertainment centers. The Moon Valley Club is a special business form that she opened up for all minorities by combining all its services. To put it bluntly, it is a high-end service that provides extravagant enjoyment. Because of its strong confidentiality, it has captured a group of identity-sensitive Members, many of whom have high-level government officials, have formed a special place for communication. Moon Valley thus has a powerful network of contacts ...

As for why a weak woman in Min Rou has such a strong economic background, there are different opinions, because she is low-key and rarely shows up, so people know her very little. There are rumors that she is an illegitimate daughter of a giant overseas merchant. There are also those who say that she is a Qianjin of a senior official in China, and that she is the mistress of a financial tycoon ... In short, there are divergent opinions, and the truth is difficult to distinguish. Anyway, no one believes that she was self-made. After all, her age there.

Many people have to sharpen their heads to squeeze into the threshold of the Valley of the Moon, in order to approach Min Rou, and there is a saying in the circle that "If you want to be free like an emperor, please beat Min Rou a laugh", meaning Refers to Min Rou as indifferent and arrogant. The difficulty of beating her with a smile and the pursuit of her are almost the same. If anyone can get the favor of her Lord of the Valley of the Moon, it is definitely like an emperor ...

Does Min Rou really not like to laugh? How do I think she grinned her mouth every day to show her two beautiful pear vortexes ...

I finally knew the day when the parents of Shu first arrived in Beitian, why did they avoid the bill when eating in Dalangtaosha, saying that the boss is my friend, the original Dalangtaosha Seafood City is basically Minrou's own industry ...

A mysterious and proud woman who didn't show her face easily, because of Miss Three's words, ran out to pose as my little secretary ... I suddenly had an urge to not know the identity of Miss Three, and I was afraid that it would scare me .. .

Guo Xiang and Xingyu were going to invite me to dinner. I said that I had an appointment in the evening. It was better to send them away. It was almost time to get off work. I hurriedly called the tassel and said that I would wind up at Ziyuan at night. Things, tell her that after settling down, she went directly to heaven and earth to meet.

Now I don't have the mood to visit Liu Gongzi, lest the uncle said that I was a cat crying and a false mercy, I was cheap, but I was not too cheap to be killed by others, I can still smile.

After thinking about it, I still called Chu Yuan and asked her to ask me if Dong Xiaoye would go to dinner together. After all, Lin Zhi wanted her to protect me personally. If I do n’t know her, she might find another fault. Quarrel with me. So I asked Chu Yuan to help me, because after seeing me naked that day, Dong Xiaoye didn't have a good attitude towards me ... Actually, Chu Yuan and Dongfang's attitude also went well, and Chu Yuan still glared at me a bit. At one glance, I found a few words about me and kicked my feet, but the poor man in the east ... When I saw me, she blushed, and before I talked, she ran away and even raised her head. She became taciturn and occasionally looked at me in a daze. When I looked at her, she ran again ... I didn't understand what she was thinking.

When I walked back to the company, Chu Yuan also called and told me that Dong Xiaoye would pick her up with Dongfang after work.

It ’s definitely an unexpected thing for Chu Yuan to come to take the wind to Ziyuan. Chu Yuan said that it was the East who was bored at home for too long, and wanted to come out and stroll around ...

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