Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 407: Dissonant atmosphere in the office

Chapter 407 Disharmonious Atmosphere in the Office

Since leaving home, the pity of the East has n’t really walked out of my door for a few days. It is indeed about to get sick. It is estimated that the mood has not been high in recent days. It is also related to this. Who has changed, except for eating all day Sleeping is facing the TV and computer, and it will be boring, not to mention that the young lady of the East is a passionate and stubborn master.

I agreed without thinking, she should have come out to breathe.

That little lady's skin is always in my house and I ca n’t solve the problem. I ’ve wanted to talk to her mother for a long time, but Dongfang kept saying that she had to wait until her mother was in a hurry before seeing her, plus Chu Yuan He Dongxiaoye supported her, I did n’t try to force it, but I was wondering if her mother was born in the east? How could a daughter run away from home for so many days, she still doesn't know why she is in a hurry? No matter how busy work is, isn't it? Moreover, Zhen Nuo probably did not believe that Chu Yuan had never been in touch with the East, but the woman did not come to my house again to inquire about the situation, which made people completely incomprehensible.

It's a good idea to agree that Dongfang can go out. Her family can't catch her. It's better. I can meet with Dongfang's mother and talk about her daughter's problem. I ’m not a milkman. Brother Dad, why do you take care of her children?

Back at the general group's office, Gong Fanlin greeted him and said, "Chu Zi, we still escape when you are in battle, don't come back, haha, who was the girl who came to you just now? Crying pear flower with rain, no It will be you who give someone ... "

This thing was envious, and the one who laughed was ambiguous and didn't say anything, but the unspoken tone was even more fatal than the explanation. Ziyuan, who was sitting and chatting with Yao Waner and Qin Lan, didn't look back, but I knew Seeing her ears move, of course, it may be just my illusion, but she and other colleagues in the integrated group are as interested in this issue as she can't be wrong.

"Get off, didn't you see people came with your boyfriend?" I couldn't bear it, smiled and cursed: "Don't think that everyone is as indecent as you, I helped them a little, others came to me specially Thank you, I asked for tea just now. "

"That man is her boyfriend? I still think they are brothers and sisters ..." Guo Xiang and Xingyu are seven or eight years old. One is too mature and the other is weak and immature. It really looks like more brothers and sisters. Like a couple, Gong Fanlin turned his tone and continued his usual sensuality. "What kind of help can I move people into like that? Could it be ... the man can't do it, ask you to borrow a seed and you're done?"

Gong Fanlin has always been silent on the topic of men and women, but since I was stingy, I have a little convergence with me, and I do n’t dare to make tassel jokes, but at this time these two slang words are still beyond my tolerance. First, I really treat Xingyu as my younger sister. He is insulting my friend! Secondly, although rumors about my romantic nature spread to every corner of the company, after all, it was unfounded. His joke was insinuating, and it was plainly insulting me!

I know that Gong Fanlin deliberately slandered me in front of Ziyuan. There were too many wolves in the office and there was fierce competition. Such slanders wrapped in joke coats are actually very common. However, I have always been good people. This scared me and I forgot the pain. Fire at me, Mo said me, even sister Liu was extremely surprised.

Is it too long for me to pretend to be a good old man, and others think I am bullying? I laughed, touching Gong Fanlin's head higher than me, and said lovingly, "Your mother also asked me to borrow a seed, do you know?"

My good temper is notorious, so when this word came out, everyone chin mopped the floor. Only Viagra knew the low-key principle of dealing with others. I just wanted to stand up and speak for me, and I sat down with a laugh. Go back, because he knows that if I refuse to be low-key, then I will be very high-profile-good people are deceived by others, and there is a bottom line for good.

Viagra smiled, and Qin Lan smiled too. Gong Fanlin did not criticize her, saying that her coquettish sexual desire strongly seduced the husband and wife of others, and tassel did not like that I walked too close to Qin Lan. Qin Lan actually knew that, but everyone was working in an office, and they didn't get real evidence, so it wasn't easy to tear their faces.

However, to tell the truth, Gong Fanlin's words may not be so credible. Qin Lan is often asked by men to eat out, but whoever is not a beautiful girl? At most, she is unwilling to come, except that she always says that she wants to catch a golden turtle, and invest in potential stocks. In fact, I have never seen her go any closer with a particular man. I keep a distance with Qin Lan. It is because I think she is the kind of woman who can use her natural capital to control and play with men. She will make you pay the price of money and even emotions, but you wo n’t get anything from her. Qin Lan ’s libido is not strong. I do n’t know, but I know her material desire is very strong. She would rather eat a bowl of rice every day at noon, but also save her salary to buy clothes or cosmetics. The stepmother told me from an early age that such vanity girls are very Dangerous, too frustrated, and can't make a deep relationship, but this woman who saves herself to meet her self-satisfaction just proves that Gong Fanlin's words are not enough to win the trust of others.

Seeing that Gong Fanlin was insulted at this moment, if Qin Lan didn't laugh and smile, she would be sorry, laughter has a characteristic, it is contagious, and as a result, everyone will be aroused, and the room will be laughed at.

Gong Fanlin's face turned green and red for a while, and it seemed to come to me that I was not a stubble. "Chuzi, I'm just kidding, are you?"

"I'm just kidding, you don't mind." Thinking of Gong Fanlin targeting Yang Wei several times, I don't think this joke is too much, it may be because Liu Xiaosheng's affairs made me feel a little bit resentful, it should be Gong Fanlin Unlucky, you have to hit the muzzle at this time.

I'm an honest person, but the integrated group seems to be the only one who has ever beaten people in the company, and more than once ... Lao Hei and Xiao Sun are afraid that I and Gong Fanlin will get started and hurry up to fight the round.

"Chuzi, your joke is more funny, haha, Fanlin, who told you to take Chuzi away? Did you eat it?"

"Fan Lin, better than humor, you and Chu Zi are far worse, but Chu Zi pee (sui) than the amount of alcohol, and it is cheaper for him, you should also drink two more glasses at night."

How can Gong Fanlin not hear that this is a step for others? Reluctantly squeezed out a smile, and said, "Two cups? Too few, at least fill him with a bottle of Erguotou."

I see Gong Fanlin is not pleasing to the eye, but it's not easy for the black brother and the little grandson to do it. He smiled, didn't answer, and walked over to Yang Wei and said, "Weir, will we be together at night?"

Yang Wei is just as good. He takes special care of me and knows that I have a headache with drinking. Generally, colleagues at a company dinner party gather together. He always takes the initiative to stop me from drinking.

Viagra hasn't stopped laughing. He heard the words and looked at Gong Fanlin provocatively. He said deliberately with a loud voice: "Of course, I didn't want to go, but I just know that I have grown up, please, go! People say that the energy of being an elder is small, ha ha ha ha! "

Dude is speechless ...

Viagra is just as bad. Whenever someone makes his first move, he kicks his nose on his face habitually ... This statement makes it clear that Gong Fanlin is going. Who can't tell? Sister Liu frowned, Qin Lan shook her head, Ziyuan and Yao Waner smiled bitterly, Gao Dahai rubbed his temples, and touched the Mediterranean Sea again, as if there were two more hairs ...

On the surface, the comprehensive group is the best and most united among the six groups of the Investment Department. In fact, there is a very subtle reason for this unity—small gangs and small factions, each with their own camps, a clear division of labor, and no profit. ... not how good a personal relationship between colleagues is, but usually there is little chance of friction. Of course, there is another reason. Murphy's office is next to our comprehensive group, under her eyelids. Who dares not converge?

Now, this balance has gradually tilted. The arrival of Ziyuan has given the wolves a desire to 'contend' ...

Gong Fanlin is a good-faced person, bear me, one is because I have eaten my losses, the other is that I am good, he does not want to commit public anger, but it is different to Viagra, Gong Fanlin is bad, Yang Wei is openly bad, both People's word of mouth can be said to be half a catty, and it's true that everyone won't favor one, so the relationship between them has been very tense.

Seeing Yang Wei and not knowing the northeast and southeast, Gong Fanlin was also unable to hold back the fire. As soon as he was about to get angry, Xiao Songjia appeared in time.

"Chun Nan, President Mo is looking for you."

The word "Mr. Mo" is a kind of deterrent in itself. Gong Fanlin suddenly calmed a lot. He really wanted to make a noise in the office. Everyone knows that Murphy is not a mess.

As she passed by Ziyuan, she glanced at her helplessly and said with a smile: "Your mouth is still so unethical, let Uncle Chu know that it must be smashed with the sole of a shoe."

"You don't tell him, how could he know?"

"How do you know I won't sue?"

"You're willing to sue me. My mouth has rotted before I graduated from elementary school." After I finished speaking, I realized that my mouth should be pumped, and then I would be serious.

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