Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 408: Uneatable grapes

Chapter 408: Grapes Uneatable

Ziyuan was thin-skinned and suddenly blushed, and put a hand on my arm. "I hate it, you have a smooth mouth. Be careful, I really want to complain to Uncle Chu."

My heart shuddered, if I could let the old man know that I had a relationship with Ziyuan, I would have to tie me up and worship in Ziyuan.

The old man and stepmother still do n’t know that Ziyuan is back. Do n’t look at their disagreement on daughter-in-law. One is to see Dongxiaoye, the other is to see tassel. But if you see Ziyuan, they both have to stand aside, whether I like it Like it, it will probably force me to chase back Ziyuan. After all, I grew up watching it. They have always been Ziyuan's half daughter ...

Seeing that my face was different, Ziyuan seemed to realize something. A bitterness flashed in her eyes, and she whispered, "Relax, I'm talking about it, so I won't actually sue you."

"I'm not afraid of telling you, you are still a little kid who hasn't grown up?" I don't like Ziyuan hiding all my troubles in my heart and taking responsibility for myself, reviewing my momentary escape mentality just now, and said in a pun. I'm not afraid to take on mistakes, nor am I trying to take on any mistakes, because that's not a mistake at all, probably ... not responsible, but because ... like it. "

Actually, I ’m not sure if I still like Ziyuan as it was then, so to say this, one is that I do n’t want Ziyuan to always be inferior and contemptuous, and to despise myself. I do n’t want to Deny her possessiveness to her, otherwise, I would not have heard that Gong Fanlin, the black brother, invited Ziyuan, and my heart was uncomfortable ...

After all, man's generosity is also a manifestation of extreme selfishness.

Ziyuan is extremely sensitive to the word 'like', because this is the question she left me when she left five years ago. I haven't answered it, but it is a soft word, but she seems to be struck by lightning. Under the mist of water in my eyes, there were waves rolling, I hurried to Murphy's office, my heartbeat overwhelmed the footsteps, and for a while, I was not brave enough to listen to what Ziyuan would say ...

After calming down, I pushed the door into the general manager's office and watched it was about to get off work. The aunt had no idea what was going on.

Murphy was packing the papers on the table, and when she saw me, she first took a small face. "One day at work, you disappear for a long time, and you really don't take me seriously."

If Murphy is really angry about this, I probably won't feel scared. This woman seems to like me so much that I don't put her in my eyes. How can it be reprimanded? More like a coquettish ...

I was busy: "The situation is a bit special. I can't take time off from you, and I'll take the punishment first. How can I punish him?"

Murphy gave me a glance, lowered his head and continued to pack the documents, with a slight tone of emotion, "The two people who came to you just now are Guo Xiang and Liu Xingyu, right?"


"Why didn't you tell me what happened between you and Liu Xiaosheng?"

"What?" I didn't expect Murphy to suddenly turn the question over here, a little hesitant.

Murphy pushed the drawer fiercely, rushed to me in three steps and two eyes, and yelled, "You almost got pulled by Liu Xiaosheng to feed the wolf. Why didn't you tell me such a big thing?"

The scent of Murphy exhaled from Murphy's little mouth sprayed on my face, itchy, very comfortable, but it made me feel uncomfortable. I took a step back, but Murphy stepped up aggressively. This ambiguous questioning attitude made me I was embarrassed, and a little flustered and sneered, "What a big deal? Don't you think I'm fine now? Anything else to say? Lest you block it."

"Okay? Don't you have to lie in the hospital like Liu Xiaosheng half-dead before you tell me what happened?" Murphy held my shoulders with her hands, leaned over her eyes, and grumbled, "You don't want anything Tell me, I'm really panicked. "

I can't stand the attitude of Murphy's unknown little daughter, because that impact is a huge test for my psychological defense. I can't help but feel that this woman is really my little daughter-in-law. Yes, I instinctively want to comfort her, even want to pinch her, hug her, kiss her ...

Murphy's gentleness is not provided by tassel. Tassel is conscientious and intimate to me, everything is in silence, while Murphy directly comforts me with words and deeds, which are two different but equally used Touched.

"I ..." I really didn't know what to say, but I couldn't help but say a word that even made me feel ambiguous, "I won't have the next time."

Murphy froze a little, first surprise, then shame, Xuan Er smiled and said, "Because you know, there is something going on in the future, don't hide it from me."

Is like a right? I couldn't laugh or cry, and Murphy was justified.

Oscar Wilde said that there are two kinds of people in the world that are the cutest. One is the omniscient person and the other is the ignorant person. Murphy belongs to the latter. At least, she does n’t know how to love. But It must be her cutest place.

"Does it still hurt?"

"What?" I was peeking at the book "Teaching How to Hold a Man's Heart" under her bag. I didn't hear what she said.

Murphy's little hand gently rubbed my shoulder. "I ask you, does your shoulder hurt? Uncle told me that your shoulder was hurt by a wolf ..."

"It's okay, just scratched a layer of skin." I wondered, what exactly did Mo Yizhi's old fox want? That is, I hope Murphy can give up on me, but tell her this kind of things that Murphy cares about, contradictory words and deeds are confusing.

"It must also be painful. I didn't do anything wrong, but someone else wanted your life. It must be painful in my heart?" Murphy buried her head in my chest, and seemed to really want to hear what my heart was about. No injuries.

My aunt, you like me. For Liu Xiaosheng, it is the biggest mistake I made ... My nose is filled with Murphy's unique body fragrance, and I take off my virgin hat, but my ability to resist temptation is even more It feels like it's worse, and actually feels dry, and pushes Murphy gently, "What are you doing? In the company, how bad is it to be seen ..."

Murphy chuckled, stared at me dissatisfied, and then suddenly smiled, "Okay, no one can see it without the company, right?"

I was speechless, why did this woman deliberately misinterpret my words?

Murphy looked up at the wall clock, then turned around and picked up his bag from the table. He secretly shoved the book into the bag, turned and held my arm, and laughed, "After work Let's go, rest assured, I just walked to the door, it won't be seen. "

I don't mind Murphy holding me, although I'm not willing to admit it, but this kind of excitement in office fascination really fascinated me. !!

Murphy blinked her beautiful big eyes, and smiled slyly like a little fox: "Of course I went to eat in the heavens, didn't you say that you would take Xue Ziyuan to the wind and entertain your colleagues? Am I not your colleague? ? "

My head suddenly rose to two big ...

Heaven on earth is not a place with a reputation, and it is so sought after by white-collar workers. It is for this reason that the first floor is the lobby, the second floor is the elegant room, the third floor is ktv, the fourth floor is the ballroom, and the fifth floor .. . Most of the people playing on the third floor and the fourth floor will climb up to solve the physiological problems ...

The boss is a very business-minded person. Vulgar service is wrapped in high-end outerwear, but he insists on the level of consumption of the working class.

The pace of urban life is tense and stressful makes people breathless. For ordinary white-collar workers, the way to relax the nerves is as limited as the time between work and sleep-night life. The so-called nightlife is nothing more than eating, drinking, singing, dancing, and more exciting, one-night stand for fun.

I don't know how many teenage colleagues in the company were coaxed into bed by alcohol or sweet words, and how many innocent boys were fooled by the elder sister or lady here ... so I did not object to Dong Xiaoye taking Chu Yuan and Dongfang came together, two little farts followed me, and I had an excuse for refusing to go upstairs with them to play adult games after dinner.

There are not many people in the comprehensive group, but there are a lot of people who are unkind. Among the people who have been married, even the elder brother who is not in a good relationship with his wife brings his wife and daughter together, let alone the others. The family has a mouth and it feels like a family party. Because I also bring Chu Yuan and the East, I don't complain about it. I only scold these stingy devils in my heart. I ca n’t remember my wife and children in aa system. You are generous, but I do n’t know if I said to find a lady to open a room, please. Do you still have such a memory?

Everyone is so casual, and Gein knows that this meal is simply a means of flattering and flattering a group of single wolves to flatter the Ziyuan grandmother. It is not a general group practice at all. It is a bit deliberate to add confusion to them. .

Grapes that cannot be eaten, of course, sour ...

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