Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 413: A glass of alcohol

Chapter 413

After all, Murphy didn't know about men. Men can bow their heads, but they won't admit their mistakes, especially if they didn't do anything wrong. Viagra didn't say anything, but Qin Lan said, "Mr. Mo, it's all my fault. They started because of me. Ms. Xue, I'm sorry. It was obviously your welcome party, but it has become what it is now. Chu Nan, sorry, you invited everyone to dinner, but we embarrassed you. "

I shook my head and said, "Sister Lan, don't say that, how can you not touch the ten fingers? A little friction between colleagues is normal, and no one feels embarrassed, everyone, it's okay, it's okay, you're drinking too much. There were only a few quarrels. Don't care, huh, we should eat, we should drink, and after dinner we will sing and dance upstairs, I invite. "

Everyone knew that my intention was to dilute the smell of gunpowder, so they clapped their hands and applauded. The embarrassment of the conflict was replaced by the joyful atmosphere. When this happened, I could only sacrifice my gentleman. I will have dinner afterwards and let Dong Xiaoye send Chu Yuanhe Dongfang back, these two shields are useless ...

Seeing the aggrieved Qin Lan instead stood up and apologized on his own behalf, Yang Wei was ashamed, but he heard Gong Fanlin's whisper whispered, "How? In the end, I don't expect others to wipe your **** ..."

Viagra heard it, his face changed, and he was almost embarrassed. Fortunately, sister Liu scolded angrily, "Gong Fanlin, are you deliberately choosing something, aren't you right?"

Gong Fanlin no longer squeaked, Tian Guochong busyly said, "Mr. Mo, Liu Zu, don't have general knowledge with him. He has been drinking too much like this, he has no cover, no alcohol, oh, Yang Wei, don't be angry, both It ’s buddy, why not? I think that ’s it, we ’re almost there. Let ’s go upstairs and open a private room, sing, sing two throats, hangover, Chuzi, please come together later, we I ca n’t wait to see the singing voice of President Mo and Miss Xue. "

It ’s okay to pull away Gong Fanlin. I do n’t know how much the nagging was irritated by Qin Lan, but he was drunk and became a virtue. I nodded. Tian Guochong and Sun Xuan and others dragged the reluctant Gong Fanlin up the stairs.

I said another thing to soothe the scene, and then I sat back with a headache and smiled at Murphy: "Fortunately, you are here, otherwise, this scene is really bad."

Murphy smiled slyly. "That was your foresight, didn't you have to invite me?"

I froze, looked at the fringed mouth of Tassels and the tight eyebrows of Ziyuan, and laughed even harder. This Murphy, is it because the situation is not chaotic enough ...

"Nannan, you punched just now, did you lose it?" Tassel handed over a glass of elaborately prepared, viscous liquid with a strange smell. The smile was as warm as the sunshine in March. "Don't fool, take this cup Drink the beer against Huiyuan. "

The pungent smell almost blew my tears, and the complex, disgusting color made me seriously question the authenticity of this thing, "Is this really made out of beer and Huiyuan? Are you sure you didn't mix it with anything else?" Said Guigui said, I have been staring at Chu Yuan who secretly hid something under the table. Next to her chair leg was a bottle of fruit vinegar, a bottle of two pots and a bottle of red wine. She was brought up with roast duck in front of her. Sweet noodle sauce, chili sauce, the plate is empty, and her bowl, and a small half of the olive oil scooped from the boiled fish ...

Tassel's eyes smiled and became a seam. The attitude of being questioned but not angry has explained everything. She knows that I don't believe it, but she also knows that I will believe, "Nothing is mixed, you can ask fate. . "

Chu Yuan nodded heavily, his face was fair and unselfish, "I can testify that it is really beer against Huiyuan, nothing else."

Can your testimony be trusted? !! This cup might kill you, right? !! I want to cry without tears. Liu Suming knows that Chu Yuan likes to toss me, and asks me to ask her. The intention is too clear. She just deliberately rectified me.

Sure enough, there was something added in the smelly girl's words, "Do n’t you even believe your sister, but you have to prove that this is really beer against Huiyuan, will you drink it?"

Sure enough, Chu Yuan's small face was immediately overcast ...

I held my breath, tilted my neck, and drank the glass of sour, spicy, bitter and astringent "Beer to Huiyuan" clean.

Compared with the pure vinegar smell emitted by women, in fact, this cup with a complex taste, which is tentatively called a drink, is easier to swallow and easier to digest. The apologetic expression of tassels is enough to illustrate this point.

On the contrary, my dear younger sister, frowning tightly, seemed to be dissatisfied with the level of pain on my face.

Did I trick her into messing with her? I thought she had changed her personality recently, why did she suddenly regain her demeanor and took me away?

The conflict between Yang Wei and Gong Fanlin let everyone see what it means to be drunk, and indirectly saved me a lot of alcohol money. However, the wine was not happy, everyone was unhurried, and singing and dancing after dinner were inevitable. Sister Liu Worried about Kang Kang, and Song Jia lived with his mother, afraid that he would be too late, his mother was worried, so he left with Sister Liu. Brother Gao and some colleagues with family members also said goodbye, but there were still half a few people left.

I asked Dong Xiaoye to go home with Chu Yuan and Dong Fang first because I drank a lot and coupled with too many things in recent days, the quality of the rest was not high, and my face was very poor. Yuan and Dongfang came back to pick me up when I got home, and I answered, and then came to the third floor with Murphy, Tassel, Ziyuan, Yao Waner and others.

I persuaded Yang Wei to go home, but Yang Wei didn't listen to life and death, saying that in that way, Gong Fanlin would only feel that he was afraid and he would deliberately avoid it, and repeatedly promised that he would never proactively provoke the nagging, and I was not good. Besides, Qin Lan probably also worried that Yang Wei would conflict with Gong Fanlin again, tied Yao Waner to her waist with her coat, blocked the wet marks on the pants, and went upstairs with us.

Whether it's Murphy or Ziyuan, it's not the kind of person who can sing in front of people. Not to mention Yao Waner, a girl who even pinches her voice, let alone a private room. A horrible vocal song made me sleepless after catching the comfortable sofa, which was a torment.

Viagra and Gong Fanlin were intentionally segregated on both sides of the sofa by both people. Both of them were resentful and did not sing or sing. The atmosphere was very stiff. Maybe they realized that they had distracted everyone's interest. Say hello to me, saying that the room is too stuffy, go upstairs and drink something in the ballroom, Qin Lan and Yao Waner can not rest assured, went with him, and after a while, found that tassel, Murphy, Ziyuan always have They chatted with me without saying a word, the old black grandson who couldn't fit into the topic completely. They also went to the ballroom upstairs with Gong Fanlin to catch a crush, and exited with interest.

I have a drunk headache, coupled with the colorful lights rolling, the music is noisy and noisy, I just feel dizzy, I can't hear what the tassels are talking about. Perfunctory, but the eyelids are getting heavier and more confused. When the body was crooked, it seemed to be pillowed on whose legs, and the faint fragrance of the lungs was filled in his nose.

I do n’t know how long it took. The door was slammed open and it scared me out of my sleep. Yao Waner shouted in panic: “Nang, it ’s not good, Yang, they are fighting with each other. ! "

"Well? Who fought?" After being stunned and awake, I sat up and asked a question, my head suddenly cleared, and the color changed: "What ?! And who? Gong Fanlin ?!"

"No," Yao Waner ran all the way downstairs, her face flushed, panting, and anxiously dancing. "After going up, a few of them went to the dance floor to dance. Lanlan and I were sitting at the bar and drinking. Suddenly there were three A man came over to chat, one of the yellow-haired men who took the lead drank a lot, and his mouth was not dry, and he wanted to ... he wanted to take advantage of me and Lan Lan. Gong Fanlin saw it and came over with them After speaking two words, the words were not so nice, but they started to work. Tian Guochong and Sun Yan saw Gong Fanlin being beaten, they came up to help, and Yang Ge came, and as a result, a wine bottle brought the yellow hair His head was opened ... "

I hurried: "Now? Are they all right?"

"How can it be all right?" Yao Wan'er cried. "The yellow-haired man was a hooligan watching the ballroom. He called over 30 people in black clothes with a phone call, and each person held one in his hand. The bat, surrounded Yang Ge, Lan Lan, and Tian Guo Chong, and when I saw something bad, I ran down, Nan, what should I do now? "

What else can I do? You can't leave them alone, right? I'm worried and upset again. What's this called? Raising his butt, "Go up and see ... eh?"

Before I stood upright, I felt a twist of the sky, almost fell down. Fortunately, someone helped me in time. I turned around and saw that it was Ziyuan. I just wanted to say thank you, but I saw that she was crooked, slightly He frowned.

"what happened?"

Ziyuan glanced at me with a small red face, concealing her shame, "It's okay, my legs are a little numb."

Hemp legs? I looked down, the girl's skirt was pleated, and there was still some wet spots above her knees. The buddy could not help but flushed, "I ... just ..."

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