Chapter 414

I actually fell asleep with Ziyuan's legs just now! Drooling! After being surprised, I suddenly reacted. The big box was just a few of us, and the noisy sound was turned off. "What about the others?"

Tassel gave me a glance at me, and I wasn't so angry: "Who is so singful to see how fragrant you sleep? They all go back, hum, you will enjoy it. Sleeping on Ziyuan for half an hour, without changing your posture Yes, are you comfortable? "

"Are you jealous?" Murphy laughed without taking care of the tassel's restraint. "It seems you didn't let Ziyuan move, afraid of waking Chu Nan?"

"I ..." Ruth suddenly flushed. "Did I say that?"

God, what did these girls think of Yang Wei? At this critical juncture, there is still a mood for joking? Although I was anxious, I felt comfortable and comfortable.

If these three girls can really get along in such harmony, will there be a man happier than me in the world? I know that I am delusional. Not every man is as lucky as Mo Yizhi, and women who are tolerant of each other like Mrs. Mo and Long Shan are a few unrealistic beings in the real world.

Anyway, I really shouldn't sleep at this moment, I slept my colleagues back home, and now something happened, there wasn't even a helper, there were only a few girls left, and it wasn't enough to make a mess, I won't let They followed, but they did not listen, and I had no time to persuade them, and hurriedly climbed up to the fourth floor.

The atmosphere in the ballroom was weird. There was no music, no one danced. In the dim light, only the people on the inside and outside the third floor surrounded the bar to watch the crowd, crowded the crowd, and I saw the scene I least wanted to see-Yang. Wei, Tian Guochong, and Sun Yan were beaten and looked terribly beaten. They fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Viagra's left eye was swollen like a bun. Qin Lan was squatting on the ground while wiping his tears while holding his head The wound, even so, was still flowing like blood, flowing down his cheeks, the white shirts were soaked in red, Tian Guochong curled up, coughed, his arms were covered, his forearms were bruised, it seemed to be hit by a stick. Xiao Sun was beaten beyond recognition, her nose was red, her cheeks were swollen like two hoees, and her mouth was still bleeding with blood ...

Opposite them, a young man with a bandage on his head sits on a rotating stool, lazily like a boneless man, lying on the bar and playing with a beer bottle, his long hair dyed golden, and at first glance it is not a good commodity, he Beside, stood a middle-aged man with a manager-like appearance. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. He had a chubby face and a round face that smiled like a sunflower. To the yellow-haired young man, "Oh, Xiao Wang, you said that it wasn't a problem for you to be so tidy, was it? I asked you to take care of my business, but now you can handle it like this, my business cannot be done, you Wouldn't it be nice to have a room downstairs to talk about? Don't scare my guests ... "

"Not good," Huang Maoqing said with a lazy lip-skin and raised his eyelids. "These boys opened my head in front of everyone, so I have to ask them for an opinion in front of everyone, boss Feng. I am also for you, aren't you? If you let the guests see the people who support you wherever you go, who will dare to take care of your business in the future? "

The boss Feng obviously couldn't get rid of such a thorn, and smiled bitterly: "But you do this, I worry that no one will dare to come in the future ..."

The Huangmao youth heard a bit of dissatisfaction in Boss Feng's tone, and waved his hand, saying, "No matter who is today! It's useless to say anything! This little boy doesn't give me a word, just don't even think about leaving the ballroom!

Huh? Aren't they four? I looked for a long time. Where did Gong Fanlin go? Grass, ah, wouldn't you just run away? !!

Sure enough, the Huangmao youth gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't he a kid? Call him back. Doesn't he like heroes to save the beauty? I fulfill him, call him back, I will let this woman go!"

The ghost of this kind of person will believe it. Yang Wei took a spit, twisted his body and blocked Qin Lan behind him. Xiaosun trembled in horror. Tian Guo was angry and could not speak. Usually, the old joker was afraid of things, but he was really afraid. At the critical moment, they all missed one by one.

I squeezed out the first two black clothes with metal bats and said lightly, "If he doesn't come back?"

"Don't come back?" Huang Mao didn't twist his face. He jumped off the stool, bent down, reached out his claws and touched Qin Lan's face, and said, "If he doesn't come back, of course, this woman won't be able to walk, haha, physically It ’s not bad to pay for your injuries ... boy, who are you? "

Huang Mao said before turning his head to look at me, a moment's glance, the small glasses with cloudy eyes curled into a seam, and his paws couldn't help but "I look at you, I'm a bit familiar ..."

Face to face, look at the eyebrows, look at the eyes, I also feel a little familiar, but I don't think about it, and I don't think I will know people like him, "I am their friend."

Seeing me, the three bad goods are like seeing the savior, I don't know, I don't have any information in my heart, and the villain is difficult to entangle. I understand this more than anyone else.

"Friend? So, are you here to help them intercede? Brother, which family are you? Give me a name, and I'll see if I can sell this face."

When I saw Yao Waner behind me, I thought I was a member of the community who was brought to the rescue by climbing relationships, and even my tone was polite.

"I'm not from any family, I'm their colleague."

"Colleagues?" Huang Mao laughed immediately when he heard them. "Colleagues? Baner? Then you ask for a fart? Do you **** have such a big face ?!"

"Who said I'm here to plead?" I bit my head, pretending to be calm, and said, "I'm here to let you go."

"Release people?" Huang Mao apparently drank a lot of alcohol, stood still and flickered, pointing at his bandaged head, shouting: "You let it go when you say it? They hurt me. In this way, do n’t give me a word, how can I put it? Brother, the road is mixed, the mixed is a face, you **** do n’t understand, do n’t mess with this, where to go! ”

Murphy flashed out from behind me, with a scornful look: "Aren't you just trying to slap someone? How much is it, you say something."

Huang Mao raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, chick, so big tone, who are you?"

Murphy saw Huang Mao coming towards himself, a little scared, and he took a half step behind me, but his face remained indifferent, "They are my employees."

"Your employees? So, are you the boss? The female boss?" Huang Mao laughed as if he had heard a joke, and laughed at all the black men: "Have you heard? They are a group of grandfathers who gave a woman Working? Hahaha, hahahaha— "

I really do n’t know what ’s so funny about this joke that ’s not a joke. It ’s estimated that those in black do n’t know, but their heads laughed, so they followed.

Have Murphy ever seen such a rogue? A pink rose and a white one, tassel could not see it, and said clearly: "What's laughing? What's wrong with the boss? Your mother is also a woman, why don't you laugh ?!"

Huang Mao's laughter came to a halt, glaring angrily and roaring, "What did you say ?!"

Tassel did not show weakness: "I said your mother is also a woman, why don't you laugh!"

Tassel has a temper and is impulsive. This is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire. It will only make things worse. I was anxious, but I was not able to say anything. Instead, Ziyuan was busy pulling her, whispering: "Su Sue, say a few words ... "

However, it was these two sentences that made Huang Mao notice the Ziyuan, and those turbid eyes suddenly burst out of light, "Oh, this is ... this is ... a half-breed beauty! Ah ah ah ha, I am still the first I saw the biracial beauty next time. Seeing this look, it ’s so beautiful, it ’s really **** personality-- "

That **** would touch Ziyuan's face when I raised my hand. I subconsciously lifted his arm and stood in front of Ziyuan. I said coldly, "Keep your hands and feet clean. Do n’t think that it ’s great. Do n’t be afraid. Trouble, I don't mind calling 110 to ask the police to come and resolve the conflict. "

"Are you **** warning me? I'm going to be unclean today, what can you do to me?" Huang Mao dropped his eyes and cheeks, "Boy, don't frighten me with the police, if I don't That three-pointer and three-pointer can't cover such a big place ... "

Does this mean I ’m a “police band”? I scold myself stupidly, isn't this obvious? If there was no one in the police station, it would be enough for him to close the door in a place like "Heaven on Earth" ...

The boss Feng said with a smile: "Xiao Wang, I think this little brother is not unreasonable, and it's not a big deal. You can just let people pay you for your medical expenses. Why is it so real? The guest is God, it ’s a big deal, it ’s not good for anyone, you say no? ”

The boss's words are very slippery. While letting us lose money, while letting Huang Mao raise his hand, it seems that both sides have made a step. In fact, the disadvantaged group is our disadvantaged group ...

"Is it your mother? I'll show you the doctor later, will you stretch out your head and let me drive it? This **** is a question of face, co-authoring with you, Mr. Feng, I want to face No face or skin? What is this? This **** isn't a face, is it an **** ?! "Huang Mao pointed at his distorted features, and the face of that boss Feng was green, and he turned his head to see him silent. Come, nodded and smiled at me: "Okay, I will settle the contradiction with you, I will give you two choices. First, compensation for my medical expenses, mental damages ... 50 thousand, one less, you all go Can't ... "

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