Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 454: My money and your money

Chapter 454: My Money and Your Money

Fortunately, Chu Yuan did not have the habit of spending money arbitrarily. Her financial management concept was incomparable to that of her grandmother and stepmother. The first thing after a stinky girl got her ID was to let me take her to the bank to get one. The card saved all the New Year's money and pocket money in a brain, and it was more than 12,000 yuan, which really surprised me.

I do n’t know why she likes to save money so much, she obviously scams petty money everywhere, but the habit of saving money is good, so every time she asks me for petty money, I do n’t hesitate to give her, but This time the exception, the smelly girl wants to spend money, not to mention spending it, what do you save money for? !!

"I have pocket money, but the East doesn't," Chu Yuan flattened his mouth, exasperated: "I went to the bank to withdraw money in the afternoon, and found that her account was actually frozen."

"Frozen?" I looked across the east. "Your mom?"

"Anyone else besides her?" Dongfang seemed unconcerned, but the gloom in his eyes could not be concealed.

She was penniless and penniless. She was really embarrassed ... Is her mother sick? How could it be so difficult for her own daughter, in case the East didn't come to Chu Yuan, but drifted alone, did you freeze her account, did you not starve to death?

I comforted Dongfang: "It doesn't matter if it freezes, now your mother knows that you are with Yuanyuan, and it will thaw in a few days."

"But it's not thawing now," Chu Yuan stretched out his hand again, and seemed to ask me to give her money right away. This girl said she liked to ask me for money, but she was too anxious. "Dongfang left home When I was wearing school uniforms, I could n’t be so embarrassed when I went home, otherwise her mother would still be us abusing her. Tomorrow we will buy a new dress, 500 yuan ~ "

Dongfang ’s family already knew that she lived in my house, and Dongfang did n’t have to hide in the house all day long. After being so bored for so long, I can fully understand the mood of going out to happily. I ’m afraid she did n’t worry about her mother buying new clothes Misunderstanding that we are not good for her, but a kind of counterattack against her mother's freezing her account. The rebellious young lady wants to tell her mother that even if she leaves the house, she can still live well and she can find another willing to accept Her home.

Girls in the rebellious period are sometimes complicated and difficult to understand, and sometimes they are easy to understand ...

"After dinner, you didn't look at the pants and vest I wore, and I didn't even have a pocket?" I tapped Chu Yuan's palm with chopsticks, and said badly: "Shouyuan, 500 yuan, don't you? You still call yourself a good friend, stingy. "

"I'm not stingy!" Chu Yuan exclaimed. "Because we are good friends, she is not willing to spend my money!"


Chu Yuan glared at me and hummed, "Is it the same as spending your money?"

I was puzzled, "What's different?" Isn't there an old saying to describe the relationship between two people-yours is mine, mine is yours ... good friends should not distinguish each other? Before, including now, the money of me and tassel was often spent together.

Chu Yuan held her **** and said, "It ’s impossible for a girl to spend money to dress herself. She always thinks about saving a little, and she ca n’t feel the joy of shopping. We are good friends. She I will be embarrassed to spend my money, but not your money. You are a man. She will only spend more and more comfort, and spend more and more happiness. "

"Fate of death, don't talk nonsense!" Dongfang said anxiously: "Why do you think of me as a profitable woman? What does it mean to spend more money on men, the more comfortable and happier you are?"

Uh ... First of all, you do n’t even count as a woman? At most, it's a 'girl', 'Huangmao Girl' ... Did Chu Yuan not realize that her 'spending money is intemperate' is actually a satire to us? Dongfang is a rich lady's young lady. It was far more than 500 pieces of seafood in my house last time, right? The packet of tea she gave to the old man was exactly the same as Mo Yizhi hid in the office and was reluctant to take out the hospitality, but the price was so high that I asked for five hundred yuan for a suit, and it was so beautiful that it was called the flower of comfort 'Happiness', isn't this our shame? I'm afraid you can't get back the 500 yuan pants you usually wear ...

"I didn't say that you are profit-seeking," Chu Yuan blinked his eyes innocently. "I just said that if you spend my brother's money on clothes, you will feel relieved. Where do you want to go?"

I think Chu Yuan is definitely joking about Dongfang, but I do n’t understand. I only saw Dongfang glance at me, Xuan'er blushed like blood, and broke out completely. When he bypassed the table, he would beat Chu Yuan. , Dare you play me ?! "

"How can I have it? It's you spring, you want to be crooked ~" Chu Yuan hid behind Dong Xiaoye with a smile, stuck out his small head, held his pointed chin, and said with relief: "Oh, oh, oh Dongfang, you have finally grown up ~ "

Dongfang is so strange, it seems to want to conceal Chu Yuan's voice. Seeing that the effect is not ideal, he was instantly embarrassed. He grabbed the porcelain spoon in the soup bowl, and danced like a tiger. "Okay, you are growing up , Dare to make fun of me, it seems that I have not repaired you for a while, you forgot the gap between me and me, see tricks! "

"Ah ~!" Chu Yuan, who was nearing zero in athletic ability, saw Dongfang pounce on, and quickly squatted and hugged Dong Xiaoye's legs. "Sister Xiaoye saves me, Dongfang wants to beat me!"

You know you ca n’t beat her, do n’t mess with her ... I shook my head and sighed, “I do n’t know what you ’re doing ...”

"Okay, don't toss, it's not just rules, but also our girls' restraint and cultivation. Don't let the only man in this room look down on us."

reserved? training? First lick the oil on your mouth and the rice grains in the corner of the mouth, and then maybe it ’s a bit convincing ... Dong Xiaoye blocked the East, handed the empty bowl to Chu Yuan, pretending to be tender, "Fang Yuan, give me Sheng A bowl, a few days this meat is so good. Let's eat. "

It looks like you have never been below three bowls of rice that night ... Sister Tiger ’s meal is extraordinary and can be eaten by older men like me. Since she moved here, the consumption of white rice in my house has almost turned over. Double, I'm afraid that the only place she holds like a woman is that she won't be allowed to say that she has eaten too much, otherwise she will become angry and angry.

Maybe Dong Xiaoye's profession represents a kind of majesty. Maybe it's a girl. As an older girl, she has a natural affinity. The Oriental lady is obedient to her and obeys her. So I jumped up to teach Chu Yuan, and my sister did n’t know how to deal with it. She grimaced at the dinner, and Dongfang trembled. Dong Xiaoye warned and frowned at Chu Yuan. Then she reassured the disadvantaged Oriental. He said to me, "You are so shy. You will give the money to the East later. You will have to send it away and buy beautiful clothes as gifts. Shouldn't you?"

Sister Hu escaped from an arsenal, and opened her mouth to spray bullets. I sneered: "Yes, yes, little night sister, you have been working hard to protect me. Otherwise, I will pay for it, and you will go with them and buy them. New clothes? "

Buddy will go on a date with tassel tomorrow, and I must throw off the tail of Dong Xiaoye, so I recognize some blood!

"Don't, discipline is not allowed, that's corruption and bribery," Dong Xiaoye took the full rice bowl, simmered a spoonful of braised pork with meat and juice, poured it on the rice, and swiped into his mouth without image. , Said vaguely, "And, I have something tomorrow and I can't go shopping with them."

"Do you have something tomorrow?" Great! I almost cheered out.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Seeing Dong Xiaoye looking at me with a strange look, I quickly suppressed my inner ecstasy, and covered up the corners of my mouth by eating, and said, "Nothing, just wondering what happened to you on the weekend ..."

"What do you mean? I'm a beautiful young woman, is it normal for me to be okay on the weekend?" Dong Xiaoye whispered blankly to me, and said: "It's business."

That's right, if it's a private matter, can you leave me alone? Somehow, I felt relieved ...

In fact, I spent the whole afternoon worrying about how to get rid of the "close protection" of Dong Xiaoye tomorrow. I was depressed because there was no countermeasure. I was overjoyed when I heard such good news. The police team is so good, otherwise it would be so The bright big light is shining, so how can there be a date?

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