Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 455: Old-fashioned romance is not outdated

Chapter 455 Old-fashioned romance is not out of date

The first date in my life is coming. I do n’t feel nervous. After all, I have been mixing with tassel for almost five years. Familiarity with each other is destined that we will not have much throbbing, but it ’s a little more The warmth, the transformation from the relationship of buddies to couples, adds a little subtle sense of fun to this warmth. This indescribable sense of fun makes me unable to suppress the excitement. I understand this excitement as 'expectation'.

The night before my first date, I wasn't nervous, but because of the excitement of expectation, I lost sleep.

It was hard before falling asleep. It is estimated that this is also a guarantee of high quality after falling asleep. The price is that once you wake up, it is already three strokes a day.

I lazily climbed up from the sofa. If it weren't for the sun, it would surely keep me asleep. I looked at the wall clock on the wall with a sleepy look. Self-deceitful ridicule does not delay the drops of sweat on his forehead, rubbing his eyes, and looking carefully again ...

"I trust!" I yelled heartily, and rolled over the sofa with no time to knock, and broke into the room that originally belonged to me and is now occupied by Chu Yuan and Dongfang—not eleven Five points, but twelve and fifty-five! There is only thirty-five minutes left for the appointment with Tassel!

How come no one called me when I slept at this time? I had designed a lot of work before meeting with tassel. Now it seems that time is definitely not enough! I was complaining in my stomach, but I didn't find the vent. My room was empty, Chu Yuan and Dongfang were not there. The two girls must have gone shopping. Really, why didn't I say hello when I left?

In fact, I also understand that Chu Yuan does not wake me up, because I am afraid that I will be emotional because of snooze. After all, I did not tell them to go on a date with a tassel. If so, the emotional person is Chu Yuan.

Image and impression are important on my first date. What kind of clothes should I wear? A suit? The stepmother said that I look the most handsome in a suit, but this dress is usually at work. Is it aesthetic fatigue for tassel? Moreover, it is not appropriate to be too solemn. Hot days, how unnatural it is for a suit to be worn ... Then wear casual clothes? But most of my casual clothes are sporty, aren't they too casual? After all, I ’m not in the capacity of a buddy, but in the capacity of a boyfriend to accompany tassel for shopping and watching movies ...

Only at this moment I found out that I started thinking and designing today's date from yesterday afternoon. I was completely talking on paper and thinking about it, but I missed too many details and common sense issues, and these insignificant little things happened to be So important! The price of no experience!

The lesson of burning eyebrows made me regret it. I really shouldn't hide the three girls at home. Otherwise, someone would make a plan and I wouldn't be in a hurry. Even if Dong Xiaoye was ignored, Chu Yuan and Dongfang were quite insightful about dressing.

Thinking of this, I suddenly remembered the day when I brought Chu Yuan to buy a computer. Didn't the smelly girl match me with a suit that day? I was immediately pleased.

Crimson plaid shirt, blue jeans, white sneakers, shouldn't it be okay to wear it like this? After all, it is a line approved by Chu Yuan. It is simple and brisk, not restrained, nor frivolous, nodded in satisfaction with the mirror, and looked at the time again, good guy.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face five times as fast as I could, before I could dry it, I rushed to the porch to change my shoes and go out. Before I locked the door, I suddenly thought of the starting point, and I ran into the door again.

"Small night, small night ~! Are you there?" While shouting loudly, he pushed the door into Chu Yuan's room. No one was there. He looked at the balcony. The clothes that were hanging there last night were gone. Out.

I was assured that I locked the door and went downstairs, and went straight to the New Century Shopping Center.

Since Chu Yuan moved here, every night prime time, I was forced to watch two episodes of dog blood bubble love drama, more or less, we also learned a little so-called romantic flirtatious pursuit of female tricks, originally I designed the script Yes, book a seat at the quite Italian coffee shop near the New Century Shopping Center, collude with the waiter and violinist in advance, and think about it: I ’m tired of tassel shopping, I want to take a break, we walked in accidentally In this Italian coffee shop, on the weekends where customers are popular, but 'lucky' got a good place, just when tassel feels glad, the violinist suddenly performed a romantic and lyrical music, and slowly walked to At our side, all the guests' eyes were attracted. At this time, the waiter showed up with a dolly decorated with roses, and printed one with 'I will always remember this day in my heart', and wrote below A red heart-shaped cake commemorating our first date is placed in front of her. What would she look like? Then I stood up again and gave me a bouquet of ninety-nine roses ...

It must be a one-shot kill. The thin-skinned and sensual tassel will definitely inscribe that moment in shyness and touch! Although ... this bridge is so cliché, but isn't the so-called romance the kind of sentiment from the heart? Whether it's a man or a woman, the favorite sentence I hear always seems to be the phrase 'iloveyou' or 'I love you' that repeats for several times.

The old-fashioned romance is not out of date, it is my layman's understanding of romance. Fortunately, tassel is also a layman ...

However, this script is obviously going to be passed, and my uncle did not expect that my snooze would ruin the romance of the first date in my life.

I was late for forty minutes ...

When I appeared in the open-air cold drink shop of the New Century Shopping Center with a large bouquet of roses in my sweat, my romantic fantasy seemed to have wings and flew farther and farther.

"Hey, tassel, where are you? I'm here." There are a group of stylishly dressed teenagers on the square performing eye-catching extreme sports such as skateboards and bicycles. In order to enhance the atmosphere, they played music so loud that I couldn't help it. Speaking on the phone without whispering, "Did you see me? I'm right next to the cold drink shop you said—Hey? Hey! Why don't you speak? Can't you hear me? Fairies are banquets, this place is too Noisy ... "

I don't care about the strange eyes cast by others around me, I took a deep breath and shouted to the phone with a treble enough to cover the loud music: "Have you seen me-I am ... hey呦 —— "

I didn't finish yelling. Someone hit me badly in the back and almost threw me a 'dog eating shit'. The abortion of the original script, the late blame, and the anxiety of not finding tassel made me like a flammable powder. Barrel, I was at the critical point of the explosion. When I touched it, my buddy broke out completely, and my face was twisted, "How did you walk ?! Forgot to bring your eyes?" "Is this familiar? By the way, this is quite similar to the first sentence that Sister Hu and I said. I almost crashed that night. The first sentence after she got off the car was an unreasonable accusation against me ... Buddy finally realized her At that time, people were extremely unreasonable in a state of extreme irritability ...

"I wish I had left my eyes at home ..."

"Tassel ?!" I almost bit my tongue. The tall, beautiful girl standing behind me wasn't it tassel?

is it? Right ... I'm a bit vague. I wouldn't be sure of her identity if I weren't too familiar with her expression and voice.

The ponytail is gone, and the black, silky, straight hair that cascades down like a waterfall makes me strange. The eyebrows are thin, the eyelashes are curled, the thin lips are shiny, and the handsome little face becomes a shy band. Hey, the girl who has never been trimming knows how to dress up!

It ’s not just makeup, it ’s also very different from what it used to be. The white strap dress is simple and elegant, just like a beautiful woman coming out of a paper. The words 'pretty' or 'beautiful' have already Not enough to describe her, the word 'floating' may be more appropriate ...

Like a fragrant shoulder, white arms like snow, straight slender legs, sexy, but not susceptible to sloppy associations, she does not wear stockings with a pair of perfect long legs, because she has no need to hide Blemish, although I have some criticism of her being so tall and wearing a pair of high heels, but I can't deny that this is the ideal match, and, in memory, this is the first time I've seen her wear open-toed shoes, a pair The jade feet are small and exquisite, and the thin laces are wrapped around the ankles, adding a bit of seductive sexy.

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