Chapter 821 Genius

Kuer hasn't seen me a few times, but I don't know why she is so close to me. Sister Tiger has the key of Zhu Danchen's house. She doesn't knock on the door or ring the bell. The bitter child still rushed out of the room like a little leopard, stuck his head in my arms, and almost pushed me back. The elder brother and the elder brother kept screaming, as if he didn't see Dongxiaoye, let Sister Tiger is very appetizing.

Zhu Danchen helped the old man out, and saw the bitter koala hanging on me like a face, scolded, "Complex, didn't you see my brother holding things in his hands? How did I teach you?" Ask the guests first, then ask them to come in and sit down, and then go to make tea. They are done before they can return to the room or continue watching TV. "

The bitter child seemed very afraid of Zhu Danchen. He let go of me busy, stood straight, lowered his head and listened to Zhu Danchen's lesson. Then he dared to raise his small face and whispered, "I don't want to watch TV, and I don't want to go back to the room. I want to and Brother, can I play? "

"Yes," Zhu Danchen said, "but what should I do before, you know?"

Kuer's face suddenly overflowed with a smile, nodded vigorously, and then turned around to take over the things in my hand, using a sloppy tone, as if endorsing a little stiff tone, said, "Hello brother, sister, please come in and sit, I Go and make tea for you. "

"Good ~" Dong Xiaoye's resistance to the child is negative, and a ‘sister’ made her happy.

Seeing the bitter child struggling to put some heavy fruit baskets, snacks, and nutrients for the elderly on the table in the living room, and then ran to make tea and water, Zhu Danchen asked me half-jokingly and half-seriously. "Is it too harsh?"

I helped Zhu Danchen to help the old man sit on the sofa, turned around and watched the bitter child put the tea into the cup, poured water, and looked at the pretense relaxed, but couldn't hide the nervous Zhu Danchen, and told her Laughed with the old man: "Be strict, be strict and discipline good children who are obedient."

In front of the old man, I did n’t take myself as an outsider a little bit, but the old man did n’t care about it. He echoed me and laughed, “Yes, yes, what Xiao Chu said is definitely true. Teacher Zhu, you just listen. Xiao Chu, care about her as much as she can. If she did something wrong or disobedient, tell me, I hit her. "

The old thoughts of the elderly, filial piety under the stick, in fact, I did not mean that, but from the attitude of her strong support for me, she can see that she believes me too much, even to the point of blindness, no wonder, compared to the dragon in the previous The life in the manor house is now so comfortable and comfortable. The bitter children are becoming more and more cheerful. Not only do they talk a lot, they also know a lot. The old man sees it and is happy in his heart. How can he care about Zhu Danchen What is the severity of bitter children?

The old man had some slavery, Xu Heng's cruel masters could not rest assured that their young and old. This is probably the reason. The old man was too simple, too simple, and opinionless. It was too easy to believe in people. The Dragon family broke down and left. That manor, the young and old, I'm afraid they can't even eat enough, so that guy just asked me to take care of them, right? Then again, that grandson's heart is wide enough, do you really believe me so much? Now that you believe me, give me back my mother's calculations, and let a group of people remember me, in case I hang up, who else will take care of this young and old?

"Grandma, Nanzi means making me strict and complicated. It's two different things from beating and scolding. Little children can't fight. You need to teach her to understand the truth," Zhu Danchen said to me again. Obediently, it's very good. I saw you today and was a bit coquettish. "

I haven't answered yet, bitter children have brought a cup of tea and handed it to Dong Xiaoye, "Sister drinking tea."

Dong Xiaoye froze for a while, then took the tea cup with surprise and joy, and said, "Thank you, Fanfan is so sensible."

Only those who have encountered bitter children at Qianlong Manor can appreciate the degree of surprise she and Dong Xiaoye brought from her proactive words, although this seems to be just an ordinary thing.

The bitter child is no longer as muddled as before, like a little leopard who has always been vigilant. If Zhu Danchen's request before can only prove that the child has executive ability, now, what she proves is her understanding ability. She didn't do it like Zhu Danchen's request, but she understood the need for such a requirement, so she didn't need Zhu Danchen's reminder, she sent the tea cup to Dong Xiaoye herself-she Closer to me, but she handed the first glass of water to 'sister' instead of 'brother'. It can be seen that she has the concept of 'madam first' in her heart.

Zhu Danchen only looked at me and Dong Xiaoye's expressions, guessed our mind, and said happily, "At the beginning, I was also very surprised. This child will often show a higher understanding ability than his peers, or even his peers. When the guest enters the door, you teach her to say hello. When the guest leaves, she will run out to say goodbye to others. You teach her to pour water to the guest. When she sees that the water is finished, she will go and pour another glass. Many She knows everything when you click. "

Sure enough, after leaving the Long family, she changed her environment and gradually opened her heart. She will slowly heal the psychological trauma caused by the tragic death of her parents in the accident, and recover her health from the beginning. What she needs is some care and care, but unfortunately, at the Long family, such things are too luxurious. Even with grandma's love, she can't hold back the scolding and scolding of the Long family.

"She's amazing is far more than that. Her observation, concentration and memory are far beyond ordinary people," Zhu Danchen said, "I am going to stare at the construction of the school. It's in the pile of books, so during the daytime, I basically sit here and watch TV alone. She never changes channels. Which station did she watch when I went out in the morning? When I come back, she will be watching that station. This was the case for a few days in a row, which caused me to think that she was often used for a long time as if you had just sent her to me, but the one in my family told me insincerely that it did n’t bother me. At first I did n’t Understand, our one took me to observe with him, only to find out that complexity is not a daze, but an investment. She will watch TV and ponder what she sees, no matter how boring the show, she I was able to discover what I was interested in. There was a lectern show on TV, "The Analects of Confucius. Yan Yuan", a lot of classical Chinese. I couldn't help but dozed off when I looked at it. She still watched with interest, I asked her Do you understand, Guess what? Little girl opened her mouth and asked me a sentence, "Junzi is so bad, why do you think?", I was stupid at the time. She didn't know the meaning of the sentence because she couldn't understand it. In order not to be boring, she was carrying a play on her back, and she carried most of it! "

"No, right?" Don't blame Dong Xiaoye for making a fuss, while watching TV while memorizing sentences that I can't understand, what kind of concentration and memory do I need? Having said that, I have n’t seen this kind of little monster. My sister, who had a problem with the evil spirit, had just come to my house the year after, and after learning a song called "Man Jiang Hong" by the old man when he was drinking, he learned it word by word. One tongue, I was awakened by the old man's wine ... Is it bitter like Chu Yuan, who can remember the strange freak?

Zhu Danchen's expression was a bit complicated, and she sighed: "This child may be a genius, but I also consulted a doctor and said that she has a good memory, fast endorsement, and maybe a psychological disorder ..."

Dong Xiaoye was puzzled, and frowned, "I have good memory and can endorse. What kind of mental disorder is it?"

"Autism ..." I uttered these three words unconsciously.

Zhu Danchen looked at me in amazement, then nodded: "Yes, autism. Because the autistic person has a narrow thinking space, she will have more concentration and memory than ordinary people. She was originally stimulated mentally. Later, in the Long family, they were often locked up and confined to a limited space, and the attitudes of those cold-blooded scums also caused Fan's lack of desire and trust for the outside world, which in turn caused autism in his character ... "

When it comes to the Long family, the eyes of the old man can't help being red. The cold eyes and abuse suffered by the bitter child at the Long family are all hurts and pains in her heart. Dong Xiaoye does n’t understand Zhu Danchen ’s explanation, which is not good. Ask again, and in order to shift the topic, Zhu Danchen asked me: "I came to you just to talk to you about these things. I haven't mentioned them before. How can you know that the concentration and memory are good, it is possible Is it a manifestation of autism? "

Dong Xiaoye was also curious, "I find that you seem to understand everything, are you a genius?"

"I'm not, but the fate is," I said, "Before the stepmother married my grandfather, she had a hard time. She was busy at work and had no time to take care of fate. She could only keep the girl at home and let her play. Moreover, for children of single-parent families, it is inevitable that they will have some white eyes and occasionally hear some unpleasant words. Children are more sensitive to these, and naturally they will be repelled from contact with the outside world. As a result, they will develop autism. The problem is that people and things they are willing to contact are confined to a small space, so the focus on one of these things comes up, it is easy to invest in it, and a kind of almost paranoid Perseverance as a motivation, without distraction, the learning ability will be particularly strong ... Isn't that girl in my family still this virtue? "

The stinky girl's mind is tied to me, and she refuses to give up until now. The source of this paranoid cultivation should be her autism. It was because she accepted me to be part of her small space. Protected, afraid that I would be snatched away. Over time, feelings fall into it, and I cannot extricate myself ...

"But Fanfan is not the same as my family. Yuanyuan is a naturally introverted personality. The complicated focus, understanding and memory are good. It should be a gift. She is a genius, because she is not introverted, if she is autistic. How could she be so close to me? Also, when she was in school, didn't she often play football with children and play games? This proves that she has longing for contact and communication with others It's contradictory, and she's quite adaptable. "

When I said that, all three looked relieved.

Like the elderly, Sister Tiger and Zhu Danchen seemed to trust me a little bit blindly ...

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