Chapter 824

"Brother drinks tea." Kuer brought another cup of tea, but instead of delivering it to me like Dong Xiaoye, he put it on the coffee table, and then turned around and sat on my lap, Yang Raised a small face and rubbed my chin with a soft face.

Seeing that she was so sticky to me, Zhu Danchen was also a bit appetizing like Dong Xiaoye, and sighed, "This child is not afraid to communicate with people, but he has never been so intimate with people. The first time I saw him in my mouth When she touched her head, she gave her a bite and said that she knew when watching TV that girls can only touch the boys they like, not too close to other boys. After hitting them, She really did n’t play football with the boys, so the group of little devils who did n’t know why chased me every day and asked Fanfan why she did n’t play with them. I did n’t know how to explain it, I could n’t say that. Don't like them? "

This child ... Although her understanding ability is very strong, it is still too naive in some aspects. After all, in the years of autism, her age has hardly grown ...

"She bit her brother-in-law? Isn't she angry?"

"Angry?" Zhu Danchen and Dong Xiaoye glanced at each other and laughed in unison. Zhu Danchen shook his head and said, "You don't know my mouth, the temper is similar to that of a child, and he is stupid all the time, and ... he also said every day The current society is too impetuous, materialistic, and people ’s hearts are no longer pure, forgetting what they really want to pursue and guard, what is the best thing in the world is the firmness of feelings. Man, he is too late to be happy, how can he be angry? I am brainwashing Fanfan every day, teaching his set of loyalty, and not looking at the complexity of Fanyu. "

This brother-in-law is really interesting ... but how do I think Zhu Danchen is in favor of the theory that his man said, and is telling me in disguise ...

I pretended not to understand her intentionally or unintentionally drifting to Dong Xiaoye's eyes, and said, "Fan Fan gets along well with her brother-in-law?"

"It's more than good. Now they have a better relationship than me. They go out for morning jogging every morning ... Oh, yes, when it comes to running, I have to discuss something with you, except for the complicated recovery. Situation, I'm looking for you, the main thing is this matter. "

"What has to be discussed with me? Complicated things? Then you can just ask grandma?"

"It's a complicated thing, but grandma also means letting you get your idea."

I glanced at grandma, and saw her looking at me with a smile, understand, grandma had no idea ... I lamented that the simple old man is always used to handing his destiny into the hands of others, as cold as the Long family People, it ’s herself who suffers, but if she meets someone with some conscience, the trust she puts on others so easily is stressful and worrying. So she lacks calculations and precautions. How to survive in this selfish and complicated society?

Come to think of it, in the Long Family Manor, she also trusts and relies on Xu Heng. Just because Xu Heng knows her, she is more at ease with her and bitter children. This is enough to prove that the old man's unwilling personality will give sympathy. How much psychological pressure did her people bring ...

After getting along for a period of time, Zhu Danchen also learned that the old man was as simple as a white paper character, so when he was inquired by the auntie, he just said that the bitter child was a child adopted by me. Because in her opinion, I am the guardian of the bitter child, and even the guardian of the elderly ...

"What is it, you say."

"I'll go to the cooking first, let's talk while we eat later," Zhu Danchen got up and said, "The meat is stewed in the pot, and the fish is almost steamed. I've packed up the dishes. I'll wait for you to come. The pan is fried, huh, huh, you're good, you can talk to your grandma first, and make a lot of fun. "

Dong Xiaoye volunteered, "I help you."

Zhu Danchen apparently knew the two children in Dongxiaoye's kitchen and laughed, "Yes, but you must not mess with me."

Sister Tiger was burned with a big red face. "Do I have that waste?"

"You're not waste, but I'm afraid you'll turn all my dishes into waste."

The two entered the kitchen frolicking, and their relationship was as good as their sisters.

The old man's looks are better than before, and people are no longer so pessimistic as before, but it ’s still difficult for me to adapt to me as a benefactor. Although I have repeatedly emphasized that I am only a junior, I often stay in the Longjia Manor The friend of the little gardener who took care of them, but the old man still looks like a big man. I know that this is a longing for the old man to lean on, a pinning for hope, and it ’s not good to say anything, some Things take time to change slowly.

To say that I have never forgotten my memory, I have a good memory, and the best person I have ever met is not Chu Yuan, but tassel.

While talking with the old man, I was writing on the paper that bitter children brought me, the pirates I had memorized in college and tassel memory.

When I first met with Tassel in college, I was still immersed in the haze of Ziyuan's departure and was unwilling to contact people. At that time, I was not familiar with each other. In order to approach me, Tassel often made some strange excuses. Commonly used is 'bet'. The bet is the cost of food. In this way, no matter who wins or loses, they can sit and eat together. As for betting, it is strange, unlike the gangster who became familiar with it later. In order to arouse my interest and make it difficult for me to refuse her, the difficulty of betting is basically relatively large, and the bet is also large. For example, the back of the circle, the bet is, if I lose, I must ask every weekend of that month She went to sing and drank. If I won, she gave me a hug and gave me ten minutes ... When we were each other as buddies, we started from that bet.

At that time, I spent a week. I could recite the Pi to 300 places after the decimal point. I thought it was great, but I lost my skin. The tassel girl's academic performance was similar to that of me. It does n’t look like a meticulous master, but she took the same amount of time as me, but easily carried back more than 3,000 people. That ’s because I stopped, and she said that she could carry it. Five thousand ... I ended up asking her to sing four nights that month, she was drunk four times, and I did n’t win, but she also stabbed me, and stabbed me for four nights-buddies are gentlemen, for the first time She did n’t touch her, she was relieved. After that, she would pull me out every weekend, and every time she drunk, she would be drunk, and stick to me. Later, instead of not drinking on the weekend, she started to stick to me, Chu Yuan Annoying her, it's been from then on ...

Later, the tassel was able to be adopted by the wind, relying on this amazing memory.

At the time of the interview, Murphy showed ten sets of cards to Tassel. Each group had ten cards of different colors. They were numbered sequentially. A phone number was written on each card. After Tassel saw it, Murphy read it at will. One of the ten groups of cards. Ask the tassel how many numbers appear in the group. Do you remember the color of the card? Tassel not only gives the answer immediately, but also the entire group of numbers in the order of numbers. The recitation is accurate, and even the color of each card is clearly remembered, and all interviewers including Murphy are stunned. Otherwise, the girl is just like me, the grade in school is not as bad as mine, or even university. He also accumulated some work experience. What he grew up was completely different from Murphy ’s deceased dad. There was nothing special about him. How could Murphy accept her into the integrated group? If she is stupid, Murphy is afraid she wo n’t be patient enough to be her teacher, help her recharge lessons, study the tedious documents about the cooperation plan, and intend to pull her into the Thirteen-City Project team. Murphy trains her, The premise is that she has that strength.

Speaking of which, Chu Yuan said after listening to me that the tassel has super strong memory, she once said that she took a week to memorize, the pi can be backed up to 8,000, but the result was nothing, and she did not know When I came down, I was too lazy to remember it. I almost forgot about it, just like I have forgotten the Pi ...

The ink was written for a long time, only sixty people were written, and then I was not sure, so as not to mislead the miser, so I handed the note to her and told her that if she could carry it before eating Come down, I also let her sit on my lap while eating, buddy just wanted to test whether her memory is really as exaggerated as Zhu Danchen said, and the result ...

Although the bitter child is only eleven or twelve years old, his physical development seems to be better than his peers. Now he is not lost to Xiao Yike, the fairy, sitting on my lap, nothing like a child, according to this The trend continues, I am afraid that it will be higher than the tassel in the future.

The number of more than sixty digits, the child only looked at it once, and he carried his back completely without a word. I was shocked. His mouth has not been closed until now. Genius, this child is definitely a genius ... No wonder Zhu Danchen every day I reminded me to have dinner during the winter night, and I dare to let us share this day's big surprise together.

"Sister Chen, what did you just say?" I picked out the thorns on the fish and clamped them, and bitterly put them in my mouth, then I gave them a piece of peach and took a piece of her favorite food. Braised pork, handed it to my mouth ... it is already the eighth piece. After Zhu Danchen brought this large bowl of braised pork, the little girl covered the bowl with her two arms. She was responsible for distributing and giving Grandma clipped two pieces, one for Zhu Danchen and one for Dong Xiaoye, and she didn't want to eat one bite. It seemed as if she was going to feed me all. I ate something delicious and touched the bitter head and expressed my gratitude-when I met this little girl at Qianlong Manor, it was because she stole the meat and was chased by the housekeeper of the Dragon family. At the time, the traces left by the scalding of meat oil, in the eyes of bitter children, meat is the most delicious thing in the world, and she gave me the most delicious thing. How can I refuse this kindness?

In the eyes of this child, I really seem to be a very special being, a benefactor and a family member.

Zhu Danchen looked at the smirking bitter child and said: "This child has a lot of amazing potentials. The ones I just told you may involve some psychological problems or factors similar to this, so I dare Too sure, but she has another talent, which is absolutely certain. I don't think it should be wasted, so I think, should we send her to a professional sports school? "

I snapped, "Sports school?"

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