Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 825: Decide your own life

Chapter 825: Your Own Life

"Sports school?"

"Well, Fanfan often played with sixth graders. Even the fastest boy in the class couldn't catch up with her. Several of our teachers measured her 100 meters out of curiosity. Surprised, "Zhu Danchen put down his chopsticks and asked exaggeratedly:" Dongdong, what is your 100-meter score? "

Dong Xiaoye said: "More than twelve seconds."

"Where is Nanzi?"

"Eleven seconds."

Sister Tiger didn't believe it, "Blow it, can you run for eleven seconds?"

"I can't run for eleven seconds. The wolf was fed in Moon Valley Ecological Park last time."

Buddy has a strong explosive force, but both endurance and patience are a bit poor, the reaction nerves are good, and the body coordination is also good, but the physical fitness is too general. To put it plainly, there is no advantage in hardware facilities, and the potential that can be tapped is really limited, not suitable for training Track and field, so I was only playing football in college during the college. The team asked me to play offensive midfield because I ran fast. Once I started, it was difficult to chase. Later I was injured and retired because of this. I ran too fast. I saw that the opponent was too late to dodge when he put the shovel in front. He was slightly negligent, and his leg was broken by a malicious but not too big action.

"It took eleven seconds and five minutes to run," Zhu Danchen said, "the national women's record of 100 meters was flattened!"

"Really fake?" Dong Xiaoye definitely had no idea what to record, but she didn't believe that the little bitter child could run faster than her.

I don't believe, "Stopwatch?"

"Telegraph," Zhu Danchen said: "The stopwatch didn't kick the starter and she broke the record of the National Games ... I took her to the test of Beitian University. The coach of the track team of Beitian University was my father. Classmate, he was dumbfounded at the time and didn't believe that the child could run so fast. You know, Kuer did not receive any professional training or guidance, and even the running shoes were worn for the first time. "

Beitian University? Aren't Xiao Fairy and Liu Xingyu both from Beitian University? After listening to Zhu Danchen's words, I was more sure. I asked my female college student to my ears and mouths that she was a classmate of Fairy or Xingyu. She may have heard of bitter children and had seen bitterness at Beitian University. child……

Dong Xiaoye fluttered in excitement, holding Kuer and kissed and laughed. She didn't swallow anything. It is estimated that she couldn't understand what she said, and Kuer was greasy and scared. Straight hid his face in my arms.

I was surprised, but not as blindly rejoicing as Dong Xiaoye. I think a lot. It may also be because the strong memory of Kuer has made my emotions reach the peak, so I do n’t wonder about her talents. So, it seems relatively calm, and asked Zhu Danchen: "Sister Chen meant to send her to track and field and practice sports?"

"Of course!" Effortlessly swallowed the contents of her mouth, and Sister Tiger took the lead: "This is a gift! Complexity may be the next Liu Xiang on the Chinese track and field!"

Zhu Danchen saw me frown, knew what I was thinking, looked at the grandma beside me, and then said to me: "Fan Fan's mental state has recovered very well. The doctor also said that she should keep the current environment and learn from her Ability, it wo n’t take long to recover to the level of a normal person. That ’s why I was undecided and came to you to discuss it, because once she was sent to practice sports, it meant that she would have to change to a new environment, and no one could be sure. Will she be able to adapt to the new environment, and if not, will it affect her recovery ... "

Dong Xiaoye then realized why I frowned, and quickly slipped back to my seat, afraid to squeak.

I pondered for a moment and said, "It's not just the environment, even if changing the environment won't affect her recovery, can we take her for physical training as a matter of course? Practicing physical education is very hard. Exercise day after day, Dull, tedious, and complicated is a girl. Does she like that kind of life? We can't impose our expectations on her. I think this matter should still respect the wishes of complicated one. "

Zhu Danchen said: "I asked her, and she said to you and grandma."

After all, the bitter child is a child. He has no idea. Words such as "future" or "future" are still nothing for her. There is nothing conceptual. I asked the old man, "Grandma, what do you think?"

"Me?" Grandma's grateful glances glanced from our faces one by one, and Lao Huaixin comforted me: "I watched the bitter child getting better day by day, and I'm very satisfied. I don't ask this child for any great future As long as I am healthy and healthy, I can close my eyes steadily ... Xiao Chu, you are all kind people, without you, we young and old starved to death by the roadside, you really care about our young and old, So I listen to you all. "

The old man said that we all listened to us. Dong Xiaoye and Zhu Danchen both looked at me together and circled around. It was still my job to co-author ...

"Complex, do you like running?"

The bitter boy picked up the fruit juice and was about to drink it. When he heard the word and let it go, he thought for a while and said, "Like ~"

"If you want to run every day, and when you don't want to run, do you still like it?"

Without much thought this time, Kuer flattened his mouth and said, "I don't like it ~"

I smiled and said to everyone: "Did you see it? The answer is so simple, we can't ignore our own preferences."

"Children don't like reading, do you let them do the same? That's not what you asked," Dong Xiaoye said to me, and then the expression of the big gray wolf tempting the little fat pig to open the door asked: Fan, if your elder brother likes you to run? Do you like running? "

Kuer didn't even think about it, and simply said: "Like!"

Sister Tiger lifted her chin proudly, "Did you see that? The answer is so crisp."

"Induction plus coax, are you really a policeman?"

"What do you mean? I don't want to waste a lot of talents? In the future, I can glorify the country, but that is the country's hero! Do you know how much Liu Xiang can make in a year?"

"Do you want her to be a national hero, or do she want to make a lot of money after becoming a national hero?"

"Hopefully! That's two birds with one stone, both fame and fortune! Don't you want to watch Fanfan get ahead in the future?"

This sentence is poking into my heart, I really didn't think about it that much, after all, I am a person who is quite lacking in self-motivation. I do n’t have much desire to get ahead. When asked by Dong Xiaoye, I did n’t know how to try Who is the person who imposes his own will on the bitter child, but I still said: "I do n’t want to see her stand out, although I haven't thought of it that way, but if she can get ahead, I will definitely be happy, but get ahead The method may not be only the way of being an athlete? Do you know how hard it takes for an athlete to achieve results? When you are a hero, you see the glory of your success, but what we can see is only This child sweats day after day. If she likes it, I absolutely support it, but if she forces her to like it because I like it, then I can honestly tell you that I do n’t like it—you always say Liu Xiang By the way, there are more people practicing with Liu Xiang for a project, are they as successful as he is? Those who haven't succeeded? Sports training is a youth meal, I don't want to be troublesome. Are soaked in sweat, the case did not score a run out to, not so many years of hard work have paid for nothing? "

I want to use my fists to bring down Dong Xiaoye. I ’m a bit difficult, but I want to pull me down with reason. Ten Dong Xiaoye ca n’t do it together, she said weakly: “I ca n’t get results ... I ca n’t get results at least It ’s healthy, right? ”

"Health doesn't have to be sports, right? Like now, running and running every morning, kicking the ball every three to five, is also very healthy. Besides, you tell me, which athlete is healthy? Who has no injuries? Beijing Olympic Games, Why doesn't Liu Xiang run? How much salary does Yao Ming get in a year and why he retires? I'm not saying that being an athlete is not good, but at least I can't bear it. If you like it and you like it, you can enjoy it. I wo n’t object, but If you let me take her youth to bet on her tomorrow, I can't do it, I have no right to plan her life. "

Dong Xiaoye was completely speechless, "What do you say?"

Zhu Danchen and the old man also looked at me, forcing me to take an idea, and I said, "It's still the sentence, let Fanfan decide for himself."

Sister Hu almost anxious with me, "Don't you see that too? Fanfan is a kid, how do you get your own idea?"

I calmly said: "Then wait until she can make her own decision."

Zhu Danchen hesitated for a moment, or said, "Nanzi, you have to think clearly that it is not enough to be gifted in sports, but also to have years of training as a basis to delay several years. Even if you have a high level of talent, I am afraid it is difficult. Practiced out ... "

The old man still had no idea as always, all opinions were in line with Zhu Danchen, the bitter child was no longer relevant, and her concentration was quite high. At this moment, she only fed me food, as if she didn't pay attention to what we were talking about.

I took another bite to feed the meat near my mouth, and then stroked her head, lovingly said: "It doesn't matter, as long as she likes it, it doesn't matter if she can practice it, and take her and grandma out of Qianlong Manor At that time, I promised someone to take care of them. If I said at the beginning that I was only fulfilling a promise, now it is no longer important to have that promise. I have an obligation to return the child's trust in me, and say, what is' Take care of her? Plan her life for her? Right, it should be teaching her how to plan her own life. "

The old man heard the words, and his eyes became red. Zhu Danchen took out two paper towels and handed them to the old man, but his eyes were staring at me with a smile on his head, but he didn't say a word, but it was clear that she had agreed with me.

"Good man ..." Dong Xiaoye whispered softly, then put a chopsticks on the tender fish and put it in my bowl.

I scratched my head and said humblely, "Where and where, get used to ..."

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