Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 826: Two dollars, as for?

Chapter 826 Two Dollars, As For It?

We were talking. Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Zhu Danchen froze and saw Dong Xiaoye frown and asked, "Your stupid thing is back?"

Sister Hu's spiteful mouth, in the presence of Zhu Danchen, don't give his husband a face ...

Zhu Danchen did not take it seriously and said, "No, he has gone to Shanghai. He said that a big director's head might have been kicked by a donkey. He actually liked him, and wanted to invite him to write a script. The phone call yesterday afternoon, He left hurrying at night, and flew back at noon today? Did he rush over to accompany someone for breakfast earlier? "

"Who's there to knock on the door for the idea? Need debt?" Sister Hu said, burning Zhu Danchen's face flushed.

"Get off, I'm a creditor now, sitting next to you!"

"Me?" Buddies, and soon realized, Zhu Danchen borrowed all over for the half-charity private children's elementary school, and owed debts to my buttocks until I sent them from the bamboo pole knocked by Zhang Mingjie. She gave her the debt, so she said that I am her only creditor now.

It is not difficult to guess from the dialogue between Sister Hu and Zhu Danchen that such things as being blocked by creditors often happened before ...

"I'll open the door."

"Let's go," Dong Xiaoye got up and said, "You have borrowed more money, and there will be one or two that you forgot to pay. If it is a debtor, shouldn't I have to pass it?"

Listening to this meaning, Deng Qing was blocked by the debtor before. Zhu Danchen always asked Dong Xiaoye to be a rescuer ... No wonder Dong Xiaoye was the honorary principal of the elementary school. Wouldn't it be the friendship between the two sisters? !!

"Impossible, I must have repaid it ... Although I paid it back with Nanzi's money, but my sister is not the one who relies on it! Nanzi, rest assured, I will pay back your money in the future." Zhu Danchen saw me With different expressions, I knew what I was thinking about, and quickly emphasized that I was not as excessive as Dong Xiaoye said.

"What else?" Waiting for the buddies to be generous, Sister Tiger took the lead. "He gave you all the money in vain, and he wore white wolves with empty gloves, okay? You look like he's quite selfless. In fact, she is cheap. There are more than you. You do n’t lose much with him and pay him back? "

The only thing I can understand is Sister Tiger, which means that I pretend to be a good person and do n’t want to return. I simply donated the money of extorting Zhang Mingjie to Zhu Danchen, to a certain extent, moved her and made her jump into it. My fire pit, I took Zhang Mingjie's money, but she gave me all ...

Zhu Danchen laughed and said, "Even if the heart is not enough to swallow elephants, even if I am really a greedy snake, I am now killed by elephants. Do you know how much the Fengchang Group has donated to our elementary school? We have cleared all the relevant departments, what did our school have before? Excluding the rows of small cottages, it is an empty lot, land, and rain. Except for the red brick paved path, people can walk, the school is a mud pit, a pond Now? I'll show you the drawings later. It won't be long. Brand new school buildings, teaching buildings, playgrounds, basketball courts, and concrete pavements are all there. They are more beautiful than many regular elementary schools and have more classrooms. Now, we can enroll more children of the right age who are not eligible to go to school. This is the dream of my dad's life. I thought that I would not be able to help him in my life, and I could not even keep the blood of this snack. And, as a result, you brought Nanzi, as if a big pie fell from the sky. I thought I was dreaming until now. Those busy workers and machines on the construction site are the scenes in my dream ... …that Ten million, where does Fengchang Group donate is not donation, why should we donate it to us? Besides, people also said that this money is only used to improve the school's hardware facilities. Charity lies in long-term persistence and will donate a sum of money each year. For school maintenance, purchasing books and improving student meals, I still want Nanzi? What do you want? I sold you to him and I panicked for him. I'm not stupid, can't I tell? Fengchang benefits him. Do n’t, just donate money to us in disguise. The beautiful general manager of Feng Chang just sent me a straight message. "

Murphy's girl really saw through the trick of Mo Yizhi early in the morning, knowing that he donated to Zhu Danchen's school, the purpose was to keep me in Fengchang to help him win the contract of Miss Three, so he deliberately leaked it to Zhu Danchen. One point, the purpose is to exaggerate my image and even deify me ...

Dong Xiaoye was ashamed and angry. "Zhu Danchen, what did you say? Are you still my sister? My wife is priceless, are you willing to sell?"

"It's still priceless, how old are you this year? Don't talk about selling it in another two years. I don't have to give it to anyone," Zhu Danchen looked at us with amusement, and said in ambiguous tone: "Furthermore, I can't bear it Willing to be useful? What are the women's college students? Not staying ... "

Although Dong Xiaoye has never admitted to Zhu Danchen that she likes me, Zhu Danchen still believes that we are Lang and have a relationship. She does not take me as an outsider, not because I donated money to her school, but It is determined that my spare no effort to help is from the winter night ...

We chatted happily, and the door beam was also pressed. The door was opened by Zhu Danchen's temperamental tiger sister, and he slammed, apparently the knocker surprised her, and then she listened. She didn't feel good. "Why are you? Why? Who?"

Sister Tiger's bad attitude made Zhu Danchen frown, but did not wait for her to speak, so she heard a tighter sound that made her brow unbearable, and laughed low and low: "Winter police officer , I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you ... "

Turned out to be the ears and ears of the parking fee outside the KFC restaurant at the gate of the community!

"Looking for me?" Dong Xiaoye boss was upset. "What's the matter? I remember I seemed to give you money and didn't owe you a parking fee."

Eyes, ears and mouth aunt sneered: "Give it, give it, your boyfriend gave it, I remember it clearly."

Even if I did n’t pay for parking, my aunt did n’t have the courage to chase Dong Xiaoye, right? Then why did she chase Zhu Danchen's house to find Dong Xiaoye? I picked up the bitter child, got up, and put the bitter child on the chair. I wanted to see what happened. I didn't want the little girl to pull me by the corner of my clothes and chase me out.

Eye-ear-mouth aunt nodded at me, and then said to Dong Xiaoye with a embarrassed face: "That's the case. A man who came to KFC to eat something parked the car behind your car. Now he finishes eating. Something is going, but a car parked in front blocked his car. He couldn't drive out. Look, can you move your car and let him fall out from the back? "

"I'm wondering, how can I stop him from getting out of the car parked in place?"

"You didn't block it. The car owner in front was too lacking. He crossed the car in the aisle and blocked others ..."

"Then what did you eat? Why didn't you let him park by the parking space?" Dong Xiaoye said with a cold face. "There won't be no parking space, but you can charge those few dollars for parking fees, so ..."

"No, how can you ..." Aunty with glaring in Dongxiaoye's glaring, Auntie Ears and Mouth said weakly and confessed frankly: "It's just a meal now, the parking space is tight, and the guy insisted on stopping, I Live or die, but he said that he would come out to buy a burger. I saw the young man's face was very kind and honest, and his heart was so soft that he was allowed to park the car there. How could I think that the child was so innocent? It ’s gone as soon as I get out of the car. He wo n’t come back for a long time. Fortunately, the car behind is yours. Would n’t I be more cheeky and ask you to come, just help me, move it, and let the family get the car. Pour it out, all right? "

If I remember correctly, when we left the parking lot, there was a dispute with Auntie Ear and Mouth. It was the car that was parked behind us. Now Auntie Ear and Mouth was cheap because of the small price of one or two dollars. There was a lot of noise, and now that they were leaving, the car was blocked and they could n’t get out of it. There was no reason not to be anxious with her. No wonder she came to ask for help on Dongxiaoye. When her mouth was really bad, she did n’t have a temper. ...

"Your heart will also be soft?" Dong Xiaoye knows more about this aunt's incurable than I do, ironically: "That kid is not authentic, but if you do n’t pay you more for parking, you wo n’t be able to stop him. ? Say, how much did you charge him for parking? "

"Confiscation ..." When Sister Hu was about to close, Aunt sneered: "If you don't collect more, just two ..."

Sister Hu closed the door, and the aunt was busy holding on to the door panel, and said anxiously, "Really, I collected two more yuan, and received four yuan in total!"

I'm completely speechless to this aunt ... It seems that if a person can't get the respect of others, he should find the reason in himself.

"Just in order to charge two yuan more, you let people park randomly and prevent other guests from coming out? You should take care of yourself and make you greedy for that little bargain."

"Don't, Police Officer Dong, it's convenient to be with yourself. I'm on my own, but people are in a hurry right now, can't get away, worry more? You are so kind-hearted that you can't help without it, aren't you?"

It is impossible for Dong Xiaoye not to help, anyway, she is also a police officer. She complained in the stomach. She was just a greasy auntie. She ate half of her meal and wiped her buttocks. Anyone who changed it was disgusted. Convenient? I parked according to the location and gave you the parking fee, but now you are dragged to other people to move places, it is convenient for others, you are convenient, what about me? I give you a parking fee for you Trouble me ?! "

"Why ... I'll give you the parking fee back?"

"I ... if I didn't see that you were older than me, barely be an elder, I must pump you!" Dong Xiaoye was mad at the aunt's anger, "Is it the two dollars for parking?"

The aunt, eyes, ears and mouth was afraid of saying so many mistakes, she just shut up and did not dare to squeak, but the blind man could see that she really didn't know what Dong Xiaoye was angry at, although her face was in awe, but her eyes clearly said: Are you two dollars?

Really, ‘are you two dollars?’ If your aunt does n’t understand the truth, it ’s estimated that you should n’t expect to be recruited in this life, or even get the respect one deserves ...

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