Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 832: Fate, dog feces, request

Chapter 832: Fate, Dog Feces, Request

Six thousand words chapter. . .

"I'm going to surrender ..."


Xu Heng said calmly, "I'm going to surrender."

I think he was teasing me again, but he laughed very naturally. Although Tianyou's expression was unnatural, he bit his lips blue. From their faces, I couldn't find a taste of jokes—Tianyou was obviously early. Knowing that Xu Heng made such a decision, the helplessness and confusion in the incomprehensible, not that she could pretend to pretend.

But I still don't believe it. I put the tea cup back on the table and teased, "Is my ear broken, or your brain is broken? Shouldn't you think that surrendering yourself and being frank and lenient can save you?"

Not to mention that Xu Heng was a deliberate murderer with extremely harsh nature and extremely cruel means. He would have to die simply on the social impact created by the Qianlong Manor Case! Because he provoked the dignity of the law!

Xu Heng said with some fun: "Mr. Chu can't bear to see me die?"

Buddy's old face became hot, "State-owned law, you are also deserved to die."

"You are dead and you deserve it!" Tianyou was patient, listened to me, and finally broke out, roaring at me with red eyes: "What is my brother's sin? Long Xiaotian is guilty! State law? Is there a law in this world? The law is used to protect the rich, and it is used to protect the powerful! Even if they are guilty! Long Xiaotian did all the bad things that caused my brother's family to break down. Why does the law not punish him? My brother is just killing a beast that has lost all his conscience. Why do you deserve it? You tell me, you tell me! "

The thin girl grabbed my collar and shook it vigorously. I was speechless and couldn't resist.

Greedy desires can erode everything. Law is the rule of society, but in the final analysis, rules are supervised and enforced by some people. Everyone will have one or another desire, and any desire will be used. Or the possibility of buying, and there are always some people who are committed to researching ways to make that possible, using money, using beauty, using violence, using emotions ...

"Stop it, God bless you." Xu Heng drank Tianyou softly. The tomboy was very obedient. Even if ten thousand people dissatisfied, I could not have deserved all my guilt. But I still let go of it and wiped the hatred back with my hand. Tears in the corner of my eyes.

Xu Hengxin nodded comfortably and said, "Long Xiaotian is guilty. Why? Because he breaks the law, society has law and needs law. That is the rule. Without the law, without the rule, there will be more in the world. People like Long Xiaotian may even become like him. Rules are dead, people are alive, rules are theory, people live in reality, so some people start to override the rules ——Rich people have the right to create another kind of rule that exists only for them. I call it a certain kind of law, and as long as there is a rule, there will be a law of its existence. I kill Long Xiaotian , Because he is the beneficiary of this law, the rules did not punish him, I killed him, I also violated the rules, if I do not accept sanctions, what is the difference between me and him? If it is only to kill him, I There is no need to figure out so many things, so I have done so many things, so that the law has to face up to the laws created by rich people that override its dignity! Let the law punish those Helong Xiao Tian has had collusion! Let the law Play its due role, instead of being the umbrella of the rich and powerful! Mr. Chu, do you remember what I said when I was at Qianlong Manor? I would rather fall, and also believe that good people have good rewards. What I do Everything, just to change the law I see and I am dissatisfied! I do not override the law, because I am not Long Xiaotian! I agree with the existence of law and the existence of social rules! I also cannot do this I agree with the existence of Long Xiaotian! "

Is this Xu Heng's consciousness? My blood is restless and warming, even if I know that he is trying to find noble excuses and good reasons for killing Long Xiaotian himself, even if I know, his original intention is not so noble and great at all, just being Hatred drives ...

However, there are laws in the rules that can enable some people to override the rules. It is indeed a tragedy that really exists in this society. Rules are the only justice. When the only justice ignores something that cannot be ignored by society. When agreeing to the law, the law has also become the 'justice' of legal identification, challenging the law of 'justice'. As a result, either it is fallen together, or it is burnt with jade.

The result is always a **** tragedy!

The actor in the tragedy will always get the sympathy of people, even if he is a criminal with no evil.

"That's why you stayed in Beitian after the crime?"

"My purpose of staying in Beitian is not just that, but also to expand the influence of Long Xiaotian's murder case. The right is a wonderful thing. If you don't challenge it, it won't really try to return you a fair, this is Is n’t it the so-called dignity? Oh, the report materials I handed over to the police involved a lot of big-name incidents. Anyone or whatever was pulled out would cause a lot of sensation and cause public opinion and doubt in some aspects. For the sake of the bigger picture, the people above will inevitably have scruples, hesitating to investigate or not to investigate, and the evidence is very limited. It is not easy to investigate. The report material is actually from Zhan Zhanhe He cheated in his hand. He had a lawsuit with Long Xiaotian in the early years. He handed over this material at the time. As a result, not only did he fail, but he was also suffocated by those guys. Why? It was because someone was pressing on it and not allowed to check, but the external reason was four words: the evidence was insufficient, so I wanted to play a psychological battle with the grandchildren, forcing them to show their horses and give Look for a breakthrough, "Xu Heng said confidently." A thief is guilty. I was so troubled at Qianlong Manor. How great is the social impact? I ca n’t cover it, it ’s impossible for people above Beitian The investigation was not pressured, and the society was given an account of the public. Therefore, the intensity of this investigation cannot be compared with Xiao Zhanhe's report to Long Xiaotian. How many eyes are monitoring it? Who dares not to investigate? Who dares not to investigate? The ghost guys are inevitably afraid. They are afraid that they will be found on their heads one day, and they are not sure whether there are other more powerful evidence in my hand, and they are more worried whether my crazy murderer will let They become the next Long Xiaotian, I ’m afraid they ca n’t sleep well, so as long as I stay in Beitian, they will be afraid day and night, so there is only one way to make them feel at ease — grab the police Before catching me, kill me, I will die, and the police will not get more clues. The people above will have an explanation to the society and the public. What about them? Do n’t worry about it. I ’m afraid they touched their house one day. It ’s so good. So, in order to find me, they will definitely do something. In this way, they will inevitably have to show their feet. If there is no ghost in their heart, why do you ask me Xu Heng? ? "

"What do you think they will do something out of, what is it? For example, abducting you at Qianlong Manor and letting you go, suspected of being your companion?" Thinking of the existence of the hidden danger in Sha Zhizhou, I just moved all Nothing, resentment.

"This is really an accident!" Xu Heng also couldn't help crying. "I chose Mr. Chu as a hostage when I got out that night. I was really afraid that you would stay in the house and be killed by the barbarians and their herds. I heard afterwards that there were rumors about you. When I was an accomplice, I was also surprised. This was by no means what I wanted. I did create the illusion that I had an accomplice in Beitian, but that person was Xiao Zhanhe. Of course, I did n’t know Mr. Chu before. Actually, there is a deep relationship with Xiao Zhanhe. No, it should be said that when I used Xiao Zhanhe, I did not know Mr. Chu at all! I lied to him that he had used it in a lawsuit with Long Xiaotian before. The materials are reported in order to make people think he is my facilitator or instructor, so as to trouble him. As a boss, he must have done more unclean things than me. Is n’t it disturbing? Is n’t it? As far as I know, Xiao Zhanhe is domineering, and he still has to face. Whether it is the police or those who have colluded with Long Xiaotian, he is regarded as a deadly opponent. He likes to take the initiative if he is fine. Provoked or even provoked them Once someone else provokes him, he will be able to give up his temper. He must be a bit quiet. Even if it does not expose some people, he can expand the influence of Qianlong Manor, at least others. Would you suspect that he really belongs to my party? But I didn't expect that Xiao Zhanhe was actually a man of the outside and the inside, who realized my intentions. In the face of the suspicion of the police, he could even swallow it, even I once cheated He didn't say anything about it, so that people who suspected that he had a relationship with me couldn't help hesitating. He thought he was open-minded and well-confident. It was an old river and a lake, and it was not easy to fight. What made me unexpected was that People don't doubt him anymore, it turns out that you are my helper. "

Dude, I want to cry without tears ... Mr. Xiao San didn't tell the police that Xu Heng's report materials were deceived from him. In fact, contrary to Xu Heng's guess, he intentionally made people deepen his suspicion. The purpose is twofold. One is to induce those who have done anything wrong with Long Xiaotian to shoot at him. He is willing to be Xu Heng's bait in order to avenge those who have pitted him. The second is because of the relationship between the fairies. A kind of protection for me. When people suspect that he is an associate of Xu Heng, naturally they will not come to doubt me ...

San Ye is indeed thick and thin, but obviously it is still limited. He didn't expect this forbearance and frankness. Instead of making people doubt him, he deepened his doubts about me. It is estimated that my relationship with fairies was also Some people understand that I deliberately transferred the doubts to San Ye ...

Who the **** did I provoke? The wrong and the most innocent I became the most suspicious person!

Xu Shakou Tian said shamelessly: "You and I obviously met for the first time, but were mistaken for old acquaintances. This is probably the so-called fate."

Fate? Dog feces!

I wouldn't be stupid enough to believe that every word of Xu Heng is truthful, and asked weakly: "Say what do you want me to do, wouldn't you just want me to take you to the police station to surrender?"

"Exactly." Xu Heng nodded seriously.


Xu Heng ignored my surprise and said to himself: "Exactly, it is not surrender, but you and Miss Dong who have arrested me."

"Are you sure your brain is not sick?" That is my brain is sick, how can I not understand what he said?

"I'm very sober," Xu Heng laughed. "Like Mr. Chu, you said, even in the nature of the case I committed, even if I surrendered myself, what is the difference between being arrested and surrendering? I have no relatives. For no reason, can't we make a look of "lost knowing and returning" and awaken to awaken, to whom to comfort? The old Xu family is my only seedling, I die, and I will be extinct, there is no need to care about what is left to future generations What kind of reputation I have no offspring, and from the moment I started to sin, or from the moment I decided to go to crime, I have no reputation at all, so I left Beitian for seven years, all kinds of I have experienced my life over and over again, I have enjoyed everything, but I have never found a woman. "

I looked at Tianyou in confusion, and was embarrassed to gossip, wasn't she your woman? Instead, he asked, "Why do I have to take you to justice? There is no absolute thing, I say it to me, but I am not a judge after all. If you can prove that Long Xiaotian is indeed unforgiving, then your criminal motive, you and him and you The reports of those companions, coupled with the initiative to plead guilty and assist the police in solving the case, are not impossible to save lives ... "

From the moment I met this tomboy, she agreed with me for the first time, and even said, "Yeah, brother, boy Chu said something ..."

"The reason for you to arrest me is to prove that you and I have nothing to do with, and get rid of your current situation. I have never thought of living and I am not afraid of death." Xu Heng did not let Tianyou speak at all and did not hear her generally interrupted her , Continued to say to me: "I have n’t filed the case so long after the Qianlong Manor ’s case. The pressure put on it must have been large enough. Two other bureau-level cadres were double-opened a few days ago, and the small fish and prawns were buried. I do n’t know how many, but those who appeared at the Longxiao Tianshou feast that night were all counted in. Seven or eight had already gone in, and one had committed suicide by jumping from the building. One had died in a car accident, and all were smart people. That is, for some people, they have carried a gangster against the crime, and left their parents, wives and children a wealth of food and drink. However, this case is like La Guayang. Just touch one and you can pull it out. A bunch of small melon eggs came, and it was not all the officials who were related to Long Xiaotian. When the official died one or two, the clues of the broken case would not be broken, and the remaining small fish, shrimp, big fish, and big fish. Shrimp, it ’s a matter of time before I get caught. I hide again, meaning It ’s not big. If I get caught now, I can stimulate the stimulus and put a little more pressure on it. Then I will rush and take out those guys who may be out of the net and see the light. It ’s the so-called hot iron, haha, I am today To please you, offend Police Officer Dong and let her arrest me, the ten heinous criminals, who can be regarded as compensation for her. "

"Compensation for her?" I didn't believe that Xu Heng didn't need to care about Dong Xiaoye's view of him, nor would Dong Xiaoye think of him.

"The word compensation is indeed inappropriate," Xu Heng smiled a bit stupidly, made it clear that he intentionally lowered himself, pointed to Tianyou, and said, "Isn't Mr. Chu and Tianyou misunderstood a bit? Now the police are here too Wanted Tianyou, I hope Miss Dong can do me a favor and explain with the above to see if I can ... "

Xu Heng need not say the next words, I also know what he meant, he wanted the police to withdraw Tianyou's case!

"Can that be called a misunderstanding? Brother, that was kidnapping! Do you know what the crime is? Kidnapping!"

"I know, just because I know, so I beg you, aren't you?" Xu Heng really didn't threaten me, didn't consider me as a fish, begged: "Mr. Chu, look at her, a young man who has just turned 20 Girl, once you go to jail, there is no future. She is not sensible, but she has never done anything bad, so give her a chance. "

"Brother, you begged him for me?" Tianyou just reacted, angrily and anxious, and said, "Don't ask him! Kill or slap, my master is not afraid! Brother, you said, masters stood up , Dare to be brave, surnamed Chu, you do n’t need to sue, my little brother commits the crime himself, brother, I will accompany you to jail! ”

"You accompany a fart!" Xu Heng glared, and the momentum of the murderer poured out like a flood that smashed the embankment. "Masters? Are you masters? Are you long in your crotch? No Just keep your mouth closed for me! I raised you so big and didn't starve you, not to make you a criminal like me one day! "

Xu Heng was so embarrassing that it was ugly to scold people. I blushed, but Tianyou was accustomed to it. I was not embarrassed at all. It is not the first time she was scolded like this. Yes, I dare not speak ...

"You raise her so big?" I wondered, wasn't Xu Heng Beitian who left seven years ago?

Xu Heng sighed, but still stared at Tianyou, saying: "Six years ago, when I got to a certain place, I was robbed of my cell phone as soon as I got off the train, chased into a dead end, and found myself in a trap. Seventeen or eighteen-year-old little cubs were blocked. They wanted to rob me. This dead girl was also one of them. When I saw my knife and wounded one, the cubs smashed away. Only this idiot let people sell it. Helping to count the money, staying behind to block me, I ... I haven't seen anyone stupid like you who lived so big! Whoever treats you better is who you believe in, whoever tells you better is who you believe in ... "

"No!" Tianyou denied. "You always scold me, but I believe you!"

Xu Heng said, "I am a murderer!"

"So I can sin with you!" Tianyou said firmly, "I have no loved ones. You are like my brother. You give me this life. You can let me die for you!"

"So I said, you're selling it, and you're still helping people count money! You don't even know right or wrong! What day will you grow up?"

"I've grown up long ago, but you don't admit it!"

Tianyou's expression and words reminded me of Chu Yuan, who often said that I would not admit that she was no longer a child ... maybe as they said, when I was a bystander, I suddenly It was found that their words were not naive or stubborn, but that those of us who were elder brothers would not give up their desire to protect, just as in the eyes of parents, children are always the object of concern.

Xu Heng rubbed his temples and said to me: "These children are unmanaged wild children, some of them run out of orphanages, some of them are trafficked children, and they cannot find a home after they escape, and Some ca n’t stand the beatings and scolding at home, and escaped from home. They gathered in the local community and lived by fraud, begging, and robbery. This girl ’s family was pretty good when she was a kid, but her mother was a **** and her father was a soft egg. People taught her well, and her mother knew playing mahjong all day long, and interacted with those who were not indifferent. In the end, Hongxing got out of the wall and hooked up with a hooligan, and was caught in a street melee while eating a food stall. Somehow He was chopped dozens of knives and died. Her dad was desperate for a woman who had given him a cuckold. He started taking drugs to escape reality and lost his job. As a result, the thick family had n’t sucked clean. His body could n’t stand it. It ’s also braided, so this unfortunate girl was adopted by her dad ’s only relative when she was six or seven years old. She was adopted by her uncle, but her uncle is a money lover. Usually, the relationship between brothers is very cold. It ’s just her dad. The house and money that she put down, she did n’t even let her go to school after adopting her, just to save her tuition, she sent her children to a better school, and when she was a teenager, she could n’t stand the beating Scolded, stole thousands of dollars from them, ran out of the house, tossed around a few cities, and finally mixed up with the little cubs, "Tianyou" is the name I gave her, which means God bless you She meant that she hadn't been starved or beaten to death for so many years. Her name was 'Xu Xiaoyou' and I gave it to her. What's her last name? She said she didn't remember. "

Tianyou avoided our eyes, and she did n’t forget her name, she just did n’t want to use it anymore—if I had such an irresponsible father and mother, probably, I would change my name like her ...

When Xu Heng told Tianyou about his life, he used straight words and even deliberately ridiculed, but I was not stupid, knowing that he was an outsider like me, and he was still a hostage in his hands. Such disregard for Tianyou's feelings will not be for no reason. The more bitter he is, the more he can prove the position of Tianyou in his heart, and Yayizhun is playing psychological warfare with me again!

Sure enough, after believing that I was dissatisfied with his bitter and unscrupulous attitude and may have sympathy for Tianyou for this reason, Xu Heng, the eighth lamb, carried the thick wall face to me and said, "Mr. Chu, this girl is six She has n’t continued to go to school since she was three years old. You look like she ’s a dog, she looks like a cultural person, and squeaks underneath a philosophical book. Xiao Tian, ​​all the things that are not seen, and the scourge of barbarians and green snakes are the same. Therefore, I dare not take her with me, which is inevitably negligent. You say that in this society, light fists Hard work can be used as a fart? You can't still do the tricks of chickens, dogs, robbers, and robbers? Without culture, knowledge, and skills, you can't live, so I want to ask Mr. Chu ... "

"You stop me!" I hurriedly stopped, interrupting Xu Heng.

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