Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 833: Please be friends with her

Chapter 833: Please Make Friends With Her

"You stop me!" I hurriedly stopped. "Xu Heng, I said that you treat me as a good man, it turned out that you had been wronged, do you treat me as a mallet ?!" The man stood up and pointed at the tomboy, and said, " Around, I dare you not only to ask me to help her get rid of the kidnapping crime! For non-parents, why can I raise such a woman for you ?! What kind of charity do you take when I act? What about institutions? "

"Little Master doesn't need you to raise!" Tianyou was also anxious. "What do you mean, brother ?! You said you have to take the mistake to surrender and commit suicide, I said, but you can't stop you, but why are you taking me? For this **** ?! "

"Who the **** are you calling?"

"Who the **** is I?"

"Who scolded me!"

"You—" The tomboy scolded me, but I was shaking with anger, now I'm twitching with anger, "Brother, I have hands and feet, I don't need your life to ask him! I'm not so wasteful! So I have n’t lived well for many years! I ’ve never thought about being rich and expensive, washing dishes and sweeping the floor. Even if I ca n’t read, I wo n’t starve to death? ”

Xu Heng looked at me without expression, and looked at Tianyou, who was desperately angry, and sighed longly, saying, "Mr. Chu, Xiaoyou, calm down and listen to me, OK? Xiaoyou, I know You can live on your own. In fact, in the past few years, my brother has not been with you. Although you are not willing to study, your work has always been very hard. My brother is very pleased, but ... I have no relatives and you have no relatives. I Who is entrusted to you? You and I do n’t even have a decent friend. I really encountered something. Do n’t say anything to help. You ca n’t even find someone who can say a word. How can you let your brother feel relieved? dead……"

"Then don't die," Tianyou knelt in front of Xu Heng, holding his hand, and begged: "Let's leave here and go to a far place, so as not to be recognized, I work to support you, For you to marry a wife and have children, haven't you also said that there are three filial pieties, and that there is no future? You can't let the old Xu family break the incense at your place. "

Xu Heng shook his head, just like I often touch Chu Yuan, he also touched Tianyou's head with a similar action, and smiled: "Do you support me? Let me hide in a hole like a mouse for a lifetime, fearing that I would be caught every day Go to the gun? Yes, there are three filial pieties, and no queen is great, but in order to be responsible to my parents and ancestors, can I not be responsible to my sons and daughters? Let their faces say 'the criminal's son' or 'Daughter of the criminal'? Xiaoyou ah Xiaoyou, don't talk stupid ... Why did you run away from home? Because of your parents' depravity, others have laughed at you and despised your handle, why do your uncles often fight You? Because others laughed at them, so they vented their grudges on your parents, didn't they? "

Tianyou was silent, and I was silent ... Xu Heng used the seven years he left Beitian to enjoy everything he thought should be enjoyed in life, but he did not set up a family or even went to find a woman he liked. This is why Right ...

"Stop persuading me not to commit the crime, Xiaoyou, how many times have you heard my story? You know better than others why I did this, didn't you?" Xu Heng turned to me with a smiling face, There are bitterness, sweetness, and pride in memories. "Mr. Chu, remember the story I told you at Qianlong Manor? My sister, who committed suicide, cut her wrist in the bathroom, and blood stained the bath. She lay inside, until the moment she chose to leave this world, she was thinking of washing the defiled body with blood, and the dirt left in her heart, because she loved to clean ... why did she commit suicide? Because there was no one Give her justice, because those beasts that hurt her, those scum scum, refuse to admit the crimes I committed! I also sin, but if I do n’t admit it, then I will not become a beast, Scum scum? Turned into something as dirty as them? Life is only a hundred years, and sooner or later die, I want to see her, but if she becomes a person she hates, would she still see me? ? My dad, my mom, they Willing to recognize me? I surrender, not to die, but done things I should do, now, that is by his own blood, the soul clean of the time ...... "

Tianyou ’s tears were like broken beads, and they couldn't stop falling, even my eyes became a little hot.

"Mr. Chu, I'm not asking you to take care of Tianyou like me. I just want to be a friend with her. When she is unhappy, when she is lonely, when she needs help, she can find it on her phone. Someone she can trust besides me. "

This request is relatively speaking, not to be as overwhelming as before, but I still murmured, looking at the godsend of college students, thinking in my heart, this guy really knows few characters? Is there such a strange existence in this era? If it is true, which is more when she is unhappy in the future, when she is lonely, and when she is in need of help, when she is happy, not lonely, and does not need help. Obviously the former ...

It seems that the "good man" has really become a part of his instinct from being forced to form. Seeing that my expression is no longer so decisive and firm, Xu Heng hit the railroad while he was hot: "When I left Qianlong Manor, I and Chu The gentleman said that if I have a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you. This girl is very good and better than me. She should not lose to Miss Dong. There are many people and things in the society, and Miss Dong cannot compare. Yes, even if I go in, within a period of time, I am afraid that your situation is not safe, maybe even more dangerous than now, Xiaoyou can protect you in secret, although my request is somewhat difficult, compared to this, it is simply Nothing to repay, but when you and Xiaoyou know each other a little, you will find that although this stupid girl is simple and simple, but self-strengthening, hard-working, able to endure hardships, it won't let you worry too much, and it can definitely help You, at least until my case is understood, she can protect you. "

"I need her protection?"

"Why should I protect him?"

"Look, you two have similar reactions. Isn't this fate?" Xu Heng himself thought he was too nonsense, and he didn't dare to look at me and Tianyou when he spoke, but he tried to convince me later, but let I was surprised, "Mr. Chu has encountered a lot of things recently? It seems that hanging colors are not once or twice, mostly because Miss Dong is not by your side, or rather, when Miss Fan Dong is not by your side, you will always encounter Some things ... After all, Miss Dong is a police officer, and certain things must be avoided for her, but Xiaoyou is different ... "

Many people really stare at my buddies. At least the scourge of Sha Zhizhou made me nervous every day, and I went to Beijing once with Dong Xiaoye on my back. The feeling of being insecure and unsafe was really not good. A perverted bodyguard whose skill is similar to that of Dong Xiaoye ... I am a little bit moving, but I am more dissatisfied, "Do you follow me?"

"No, I want to follow it, but in Beitian, it is not easy to get close to you. Your home, your parents' home, your mother's restaurant, your father's school, your sister's school, your company, you often go There are a lot of police squats in several places. It is precisely that you have a very regular life. There are no special hobbies. People who have a fixed daily course of action. The more so, the more talented people who stare at you will cherish Miss Dong's absence. Around you, and you jumped out of this stable law, "Xu Hengzhang laughed." I just let Tianyou go to your company a few times. Of course, I did n’t go in. It ’s just that your employees often go for lunch. In the coffee shops and fast food restaurants downstairs, Mr. Chu seems to be a very famous person in the company. He doesn't need to inquire about it at all. Basically, they are talking about your topic ... "

Xu Heng didn't say what the topic was, but Tianyou whispered beside him, "Playboy, shit."

My grass ... I know my reputation is bad, but I don't know how bad it is, and I have no courage to confirm it, now I know ...

My word of mouth is so bad that others don't need to approach me, they already hate me so much! Even illiterate people can naturally utter ‘深’ so deep ...

"That being the case, you should know that I am a far cry from the kind of good person you expect, and how can you trust me?"

"People are clouds and clouds, which one is more credible to listen to the arguments in the back of others and the facts they see with their eyes?" Xu Heng laughed. "Isn't Mr. Chu always caring for the bitter and the aunt? This is not everyone Willing to do, everything you can do. "

"Where did he take care of them?" Tianyou interjected: "Brother, he and the policewoman threw the pair of young and old you said to the woman with the last name Zhu, and then you turned a blind eye. You haven't seen him for so long. Do n’t you come to see them once? This is also taken care of ?! "

This blushed my buddy. I did rarely see bitter children and grandma. Although this was due to the trust in Zhu Danchen and some other reasons, I didn't care enough. It was always a fact I couldn't deny.

Xu Heng was very clear about my distress, and said to Tianyou: "If I change my position of Mr. Chu, I will also contact as little as possible with the mother and bitter child as much as possible. You do n’t want to think about how many people remember now. What about him? Auntie and Kuer are also people who came out of Qianlong Manor. Mr. Chu has contacted them too much, which may cause them a lot of unnecessary trouble. Moreover, although Aunt is an elder, Kuer is still Small, but after all there is a difference between men and women. Mr. Chu did not get married, and he did n’t even have a fixed girlfriend. He lives with their young and old. It ’s convenient and inconvenient for him to just say, would it be convenient for aunts and bitters? Besides, masters It ’s always better to be attentive than women. Did n’t you confirm it with your own eyes? How well did President Zhu take care of their young and old? Now that you have entrusted them to others, you will run to them again and again for three days. You ca n’t believe people, you Xiaoyou, you do n’t know too much about it. ”

Humanity is indeed a very important reason. After all, Zhu Danchen and I are not familiar with each other, and the trust in her comes from Dong Xiaoye. In that case, naturally, we should be careful about her and Sister Hu's feelings, lest Zhu Danchen misunderstand something Affects her relationship with Dong Xiaoye, but then again, I do n’t often go to see bitter children and grandma. The main reason is that I do n’t have time-buddies are a class of nine to five, let alone see bitter children and Grandma, I haven't even seen my parents in a long time.

But I do n’t have a fixed girlfriend in the sentence of Dog Day, it ’s really hurting. It seems that he also thinks I ’m spending a lot ...

"You let the tomboy squat at the door of President Zhu's house, not only to ask me to talk, but also to observe the current situation of bitters and grandma, and to confirm your request to me at this moment, right?" I'm not stupid, Xu Hengrou Such a big bend asked me to emphasize that he was not hostile to me and must have his own purpose.

"I also want to know if they are doing well ..." Xu Heng didn't deny it, he just admitted it.

I looked at him, and then looked at the tomboy, and asked, "If I don't agree with your request, what are you going to do?"

When I asked this, I clenched my fists. I was not going to tear their skins with them, but I was afraid that the sweat in the palm of my hand would flow out—man-made swords, I ’m fish, dude ca n’t even beat a tomboy. Xu Heng?

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