Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 834: Reasons for surrender

Chapter 834: Reasons to Surrender

Xu Heng and I looked at each other. There was a touch of expectation and a touch of tension in the calm expression, but more, it was a kind of calmness that let nature take its course, "I said, I didn't expect Mr. Chu at first Such a person appeared in my plan. When I was awakened, I was naturally prepared for today. I saved a few savings over the years, which is enough for this girl to have nothing to worry about before she marries. I beg Chu Sir, just to make myself more pragmatic, I ask you to come, the main purpose is to fulfill my promise to you when you let me go—repay you, you caught me, you are a hero, Hehe, please be a friend with Xiaoyou, by the way. "

By the way? Maybe ...

"Non-professional, why are you so nice to her?"

Tianyou said badly: "Can you manage it ?!"

Xu Heng struck a note on her head and smiled at me: "For those who are not relatives and relatives, Mr. Chu is also very good to the elder mother and the bitter child. What is it for?"

I froze.

"Some things don't need a reason, and they can't find a reason. At the beginning, it might have been unseen or whim, but when we discovered it, we were accustomed to it and took it for granted ..." Xu Heng said with emotion. : "I said that you are a different person. You are ordinary because no one finds you different. I found it because I think that the two of us have similarities in many aspects. I I ’m not familiar with you, but there seems to be a resonance between me and you. I do n’t understand, but I understand. That ’s why I beg you. ”

Am I similar to you? Do they all have good people? I smiled bitterly. The source of Xu Heng ’s confidence in me was only that I let him go at Qianlong Manor and gave up a chance to be a hero. In the world of materialism, it is always easy for people who are not fame and wealth. The trust of others-maybe Xu Heng didn't notice it, or maybe he just didn't break it.

I looked at Tianyou, a college illiterate like a college student, and said, "She did not participate in the things you did at Qianlong Manor?"

"Absolutely nothing. If you participated, this would have been given by my fellow parties." Xu Heng was like a parent who tried to defend the child who had made a mistake, and said, "One year ago I let her in This room was opened here, and I did n’t commit a crime at the time, and she was n’t a cover, right? When I went to surrender, I could n’t even talk about it, except ... Last time I asked her to ask you. As a kidnapping ... "

Speaking of which, Xu Heng gave Tianyou an annoyed glance, and Tianyou turned his face aside, and he was very open about his repentance.

"Tie me, I can think of it as a misunderstanding, but ... doesn't she often do this kind of business?"

"You often do this kind of business!" Tianyou, like a wild dog with a tail on his tail, cracked his teeth and said, "My surname Chu, my master is not afraid to tell you, if it was not my brother's advice Can't hurt you, I dug two holes in you already! "

I was puzzled and could not stand her attitude. I was not angry. "Is there any resentment against you? Your mother made me hacked? Why do you hate me so much? I have resentment against you?"

"Yes!" Tianyou shouted, "You shot my brother!"

"He also shot me!" The buddy replied quickly, but he just remembered that there was such a thing, secretly, no wonder this tomboy didn't wait to see me from the beginning.

"You did it first!"

"I did it first?" It seemed that I did it first ... buddy said: "He doesn't point me at the gun, why should I shoot him? If I point the gun at you, don't you rush with me?"

Tianyou didn't even think about it, "Dare you! Little Master will not kill you!"

I shrugged. "It's not over."

Tianyou stunned for a while, and then I was brought into the ditch. I was so speechless that I was so angry that I couldn't find a word to fight back.

Xu Heng smiled bitterly: "Mr. Chu will not still avenge it?"

"I hit you, you hit me, you should be leveled," I glanced at Tianyou, and said, "If she can treat me slightly better in the future, I think it's okay to be a friend. questionable……"

Buddy is also well thought out. Let's hold it in the hands of others. Xu Heng made this request to me on the condition of surrender. If I refused, it would be like forcing him not to surrender. Don't look at what he said now is good, that is begging me. If I should n’t, God knows what he will do. This grandson is a dangerous person, perverse, and I do n’t have the curiosity to verify myself. The guess is that if the price is the safety of his own life, it wo n’t matter to me whether he wins or loses, not to mention the winter coma in a coma lying downstairs. Moreover, the tomboy ’s attitude towards me is bad. Point, but if I have n’t done anything bad, I promised Xu Heng ’s request, and it would n’t be so bad, would I know more individuals and make more friends?

Tianyou didn't look at me at all, and spit on me, "I am!"


I tilted my head and flashed Tianyou's saliva, and Xu Heng slap in his face, which was also slapped on the tomboy's face. The tomboy was dumbfounded, looking at Xu Heng, who was suddenly angry. ... "

"He will also be your brother in the future!" Gou Ri said in his ear that it hurts more than hitting tomboy's face.

What do you want to do? Are not friends? Why are you brother and sister again? !!

I do n’t know if Xu Heng is angry with Tianyou ’s attitude towards me, or he is happy with my attitude towards Tianyou. In short, for the rest of the time before I left the hotel, he was preaching to Tianyou, instead he put me as a hostage. Drinking tea leisurely, Tianyou didn't dare to speak back, no matter how horrible Xu Heng scolded, she just kept crying, saying that he could not bear Xu Heng to surrender. The brother and sister called the one who was the most sad life in the world. Thoroughly, that's a wonderful one.

I do n’t touch it, because I think I know why Xu Heng had to surrender himself. During the time of watching the movie, I also thought about it and asked me to be a friend with Tianyou. Really the **** ...


"Isn't your dose small ..." After going downstairs, I saw Dong Xiaoye still coma in the car. My boss glared at Xu Heng. This grandson said so nicely. Actually, he did enough on the surface. It ’s better to keep it from me. I ’ll stay in the car for a winter night.

Xu Heng did not deny it, and smiled: "I'm afraid the dose is too small. We haven't finished talking. Miss Dong brought the police first. I'm fine, but Xiaoyou ..."

Tianyou didn't go downstairs with her. In the end, Xu Heng was scolded, and she hid back to the room to be angry, because she couldn't change Xu Heng's determination to surrender.

I turned and leaned against the car window, staring at this choppy man who stirred the still waters of Beitian, and said lightly, "Tomboy is not here, can you tell me the truth?"

The smile on Xu Heng's face had been suffocated slightly, and then he covered it well, saying, "Mr. Chu does not believe that I will really surrender?"

"I believe," I said, "but I don't believe that the reason you surrendered was that you didn't face your family after you died. You really have to be afraid of this. You shouldn't retaliate against Long Xiaotian. You know better than anyone. You The family doesn't want you to do this kind of thing, let alone the price of breaking off the grandson? I don't know if this is the reason why you lied to that tomboy or you, but I know this is not the truth, I want to hear the truth. "

"That's the truth ..." Xu Heng said a little bit of confidence in the truth.

I said coldly: "Xu Heng, you are not stupid, but I am not stupid, I just want to tell you that I promise to be a friend with that tomboy in the future, not because I was deceived by you, the lie will always be exposed one day Even if I am a fool, I may suddenly wake up one day in the future and find that I have been deceived by you. If I were angry with the tomboy then, wouldn't you be worried? "

Xu Heng was silent, but sweat was seen on his forehead.

I know he still has a sense of fluke, thinking that I'm cheating him.

"The hotel room was opened with that tomboy's ID. You said Tianyou was a nickname. Her big name was Xu Xiaoyou, but you also gave it. So how did she get her ID card? She escaped from home. , Disappeared for so many years, it is estimated that she died long ago at home, so how did the identity of "Xu Xiaoyou" come from? She should have no account, or even any proof ... "

Xu Heng couldn't laugh, and he sighed for a long while, and said, "Yes, I entrusted her to register her account ... Although her identity is legal, once the police check her account, she can still find her There is a problem with her account, and if you check it down, you can find the account that I entrusted to her ... "

"The tomboy kidnapped my case. The police have not paid enough attention to it. But once they investigate Tianyou, they will first find that her account is suspicious. As long as you check with the operator, you will find that she and Your relationship, you hide deeply, because the tomboy doesn't need to hide, because she covers you with her identity, you asked her to ask me, but she came to tie me up and alarmed the police. This is something you did not expect. That ’s why you are particularly angry, is n’t it? She really is n’t a cover, because her assistance to you can be counted as your confederate. Let the police discover this, and she is destined to be like you in her life. The method has been cleaned up ... So, begging me to be a friend with her is just a nice excuse. In fact, you really want me to help her wipe out the kidnapping case, so that the police will not find out the relationship between the two of you. That ’s right? As for you to surrender, it ’s because of her? You do n’t want her to be a thief with you all your life? ”I thought for a while and said,“ Can I say that, if you have never met God If she never involved in things you Xiaotian retaliation in the past, you would not have to surrender ...... right? "

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