Chapter 835: Tragedy

Xu Hengjiu did not speak for a long time, so he looked at me blankly, and for a while, he smiled bitterly: "I never thought about my tomorrow, nor thought about what the future is, a man full of hatred People, probably ca n’t think of so many, to challenge the rules and destroy the laws I do n’t understand, are excuses that sound good, can hypnotize themselves, and strengthen the belief in revenge? I am not very clear myself, but every time A person who has done bad things and done wrong things is willing to find a reason for himself, isn't he? Revenge on what happened after Long Xiaotian, until the moment I returned to Beitian, I didn't seem to seriously think about it because of this. There was only one thing in my heart for a few years. I lived for it. I did n’t care if I was alive or dead, so I did n’t care how I lived or died. Is n’t that alive? Killing Long Xiaotian and dying from the end of it seems like a matter of course, do n’t even think about it ... but who would have expected that, some day, some day before everything arrived, some city, When I met such a little girl, she was sold and abandoned by her companion, as if I was betrayed and abandoned by the society, the so-called justice, a bit of sympathy for the sick, so soft in heart that took her away, lonely It was a terrible thing. At first I just sympathized with her and pity her. Later, I gradually regarded her as a substitute for my sister, and then later, unknowingly regarded her as my sister. So I was arrogant and indifferent. Relentless, she was stripped in front of her. I told her everything, including I wanted to take revenge on Long Xiaotian ... I didn't intend to let her participate in this matter. I also tried to stop it, but she Still blended in. I arrived in Beitian one step earlier than me, and waited for me for more than a month. When I knew she was also in Beitian, it was already the time when the arrow had to be fired. At that time, I I have just deceived the materials from Xiao Zhanhe to report Long Xiaotian. While coping with the green snake barbarians and their few animals, I also need to soothe the girl who will help me, whether she is going to avenge Long Xiaotian by herself I am also afraid of letting my accomplices, especially the green snake, know that Xiao Nuo exists. He is really a snake. He is suspicious by nature and has a clever head, as long as he suspects that I have left him a hand. He did n’t need any tangible evidence, he would kill me, so I asked Xiao Nuo to come to this hotel, opened the room, and lived here quietly. I told her that her identity and this The room is the best cover for me ... Mr. Chu, you are right. She tied you, which I did not expect. I am a self-centered person. I am used to living alone. It's unavoidably too subjective. You didn't go to my heart when you hit me, so I ignored Xiaoyou's feelings. In fact, if you think about it, if someone hits her, I can't take it for whatever reason. Ah ... The reason I was angry was that she exposed herself. Once the police checked her account, I found out that it was I who helped me move around, and then she stayed in Beitian for a while before and after I committed the crime. , She's finished in this life ... "

"Then why don't you take her with me?" I said, "Why are you looking for me? If she weren't allowed to come to me, she wouldn't be exposed, and the police wouldn't be able to investigate her for no reason, then Do you commit to beg me again? Before that, you had thought about surrendering, didn't you? "

Xu Heng refused to answer, "Mr. Chu knows why the girl has to avenge me?"

I was stunned and thought that there was an answer in my heart that was correct, but I shook my head.

"She was afraid that I would go to death after revenge on Long Xiaotian, and then she would become a lonely person ... To her, I am the only relative in the world and become a criminal with me. It ’s just that I ca n’t find an excuse to put aside her, ”Xu Heng said enviously, and said as if mocking himself:“ Mr. Chu has family and friends, maybe he ca n’t understand the horrible thing of loneliness, It takes a lot of courage to live alone, and compared to death, it is nothing at all ... "

It is true that I have never been lonely, but I am not completely unable to understand their ideas ...

"Humans are very strange animals. Many times we ca n’t understand ourselves. We do n’t know how to think about our future, but we always worry about the future of others," Xu Heng said with emotion. "She is not afraid of crime, because I, I I'm not afraid to lose my head because of her. I can't take her to the end of the world with me, and live those days where I can't see the sun, but always worry about it. I can't let her be a criminal like me. I have to tell her that I All the things I have done are actually wrong and have to pay the price, so I have to surrender, because she is my sister and my only loved one now, she should live well and live upright, I am careful I thought about it countless times, why I took her away from that city, the answer is the same, because I want to give her a future, not destroy her future ... "

I only know that Xu Heng surrendered because of God ’s help, but I do n’t know what gave him such courage. Now I know that it is the responsibility to be a loved one and an elder brother ...

Xu Heng drove me and Dong Xiaoye back home. In order not to be met by the squatting police, the car stopped at a distance from the community. We didn't talk anymore along the way. Carrying out of the car and carrying it on his back, he said to Xu Heng who has not been on the car: "It doesn't make sense to make a show, you don't need to please me, and I don't lack your kindness. Go and surrender, grab Your credit, if I wanted it, would have been long since, as for her ... "I tilted my head and looked at the stunned Tiger sister, and said," She won't care. "

Xu Heng asked with a smile, "Mr. Chu wouldn't really think that if I surrendered, there could be some vitality, huh, this credit is not worthless."

I looked at him indifferently, and said, "It is two concepts to surrender and want to die. Which one do you belong to?"

Xu Heng suffocated, and smiled less naturally. "Is there a difference?"

"There is no difference to me. I can't arrest you, but I can't stop you from surrendering. The road is yours. Your life and death are your creations. I'm just curious," I said, "You look sincere. Sincerity and my heart, what is said may not be false, but it may not be the whole truth? "

Xu Heng just smiled and didn't answer, but his eyes were obviously avoiding something.

I sighed and said, "Actually, I'm doing something recently, I'm very committed, I've invested almost all of my energy, and I'm getting closer to success, but I don't have a sense of accomplishment. I was more and more scared and confused. The expectations that were increasing day by day with the clarity of the results suddenly plummeted. I began to wonder, what should I do when this goal is completed? Just like you have accomplished the goal, I have to say goodbye to my past life, but I'm used to my previous life, and I feel a little confident and motivated to face the inevitable changes in the future. Whenever I think about it, I have an urge to die because I can't seem to find my purpose in life, and it's too difficult and difficult to start from scratch ... "

Xu Heng didn't smile, as if he was hit by the most vulnerable secret in his heart. There was a little fluster in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He seemed to want to speak, but didn't know what to say.

I smiled with great emotion, carrying Dong Xiaoye on my back and walking towards home, raised my hand, and said, "The tomboy is very pitiful, my father and mother do n’t want her, and my loved ones do n’t want her. Go, finally met someone who thought he would not lie to her, but turned out to be the one who would lie to her most ... "

"Mr. Chu!" Xu Heng shouted at me, but when I looked back, he didn't know what to say, and after a long while, he asked: "You, promised to be friends with Xiaoyou, yes ?"

"Yes." I said simply.

"Can you ... don't tell her what you just said?" Xu Heng's words were tantamount to acquiescing in my guess.

Sure enough, his motive for surrendering was not only for God ’s sake, but also partly for himself—he surrendered because he had lost his faith or motivation to live, and he wanted to die.

"I said that surrendering and still wanting to die, although they are two concepts, there is no difference to me. Even if you don't want to die, you should take responsibility for what you have done, and you are willing to take responsibility for this courage. I admire it. Although you have piled up so many great excuses in front of the tomboy, it is nothing more than to hope that the tomboy will be upright in the future. You have left her with an image of knowing that she can change, dare to assume, and be upright, I have no reason to destroy these positive things to emulate, even if they are not all true. "

"Thank you ..." Xu Heng smiled comfortably, and smiled bitterly.

"You're welcome." I smiled bitterly, and smiled comfortably.

Xu Heng may be a smart, insidious, and fierce person, but as I felt at the beginning, he is not an unforgiving person. The “sinner” is the definition of him in this society, and his sin is forced by society. Unfortunately, society cannot be convicted by law, so he can only be convicted.

Xu Heng is the victim of this sorrowful society. No one can say that he is not guilty. I only hope that his sin can make more people realize that some things are above the laws and rules. That is an unreasonable existence. That is an undesired phenomenon, that is a tragedy of society ...

All I can do is to give this person a willingness to sacrifice, a little psychological comfort, so I agreed to his request.

Xu Heng was right. I was tortured by Stockholm Syndrome and didn't think he should be damned. So, like him, I made an excuse to hide my weakness—I do n’t want to be a hero. I don't want to be the accomplice of this sad society, so I don't arrest him ...

In the society we live in today, it is not necessarily shameful to be alone, but to be pragmatic ...

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