Lot 851 Absentee Bid $

The people were dumb, one by one embarrassed, Lao Mo's meaning was very clear. He was afraid that Sima Hai was not convinced, he used the topic to play, and continued to discredit the high-level executives, so everyone turned his attention to the tension-Lao Zhang previously targeted me. Therefore, for his manipulation behind the scenes, the seniors can pretend they don't know. They do not intend to contradict the old ink, but just follow the written rules. It is more like emphasizing their neutral position. If you do n’t deal with my attitude and continue to talk about things, it ’s not me who is targeted, but they. At this time, you pretend not to know that it is Lao Zhang who is making troubles behind you, and you will not become a fool who fools yourself?

The panicked Ziyuan just reacted just now. Lao Mo not only wanted to take care of the face of the high-level neutrals, but also cleverly put the tension on the opposite side of everyone.

In fact, the real purpose of Lao Mo, or my real purpose, is more than that. I said to Waner that we must return all the grievances we have suffered in the past few days, regardless of the people who have given us grievances. Who, and also, staying in Fengchang is not my purpose. I have stayed in Fengchang so far to enter the Thirteen-City Planning Team, get Miss Three's contract, and help Murphy clear the threat— —The Zhang family and his son. To achieve this goal, it is not enough to have support from Mo Mo. It is not enough to win the support of the high-level neutrals as much as possible.

Right now, it's an opportunity.

"What do you mean, fry the squid in order to protect your own high-level faces, so that others don't say that you are the wall grass on both sides ?!" Tassel glanced away, but none of the high-level officials did not dodge her Tassel scolded his eyes: "Hypocrisy! If you are afraid of Sima Hai's nonsense, don't you be afraid of Nannan telling the truth ?!"

Mo Yizhi looked around everyone's faces before saying to Tassel: "The error has already occurred. If the result is good for the company, then the only mistake is the wrong one. In this way, others just want to continue to make trouble and continue to splash our dirty water. No word of mouth is left-at least I can be sure, even if he is wronged, Xiao Chu will not make any remarks that are not good for Fengchang Group. " It goes without saying that I will not say bad things about Feng Chang, because Feng Chang has Murphy, which means that it is because of my personal relationship with the Mo family that I have been guilty and aggrieved by the company's senior management.

Lao Mo's words not only went to Sima Hai, but also satirized those high-level neutrals who had agreed to dismiss me, indirectly supported and indulged Sima Hai, and blamed the extinguishing fire. To them.

Lao Zhang still understands that Mo Yizhi is not directed at me or the high-level neutrals, but to completely cut off the possibility of him continuing to work on this matter, and to deliberately consider the seriousness of the matter and The complexity is exaggerated to stir up dissatisfaction and resentment from the high-level neutrals.

If this matter is handled properly, high-level neutrals will read the benefits of Lao Mo, but if it is not handled properly, they will all blame him for engaging in internal struggles, involving them to bear responsibilities, and damage to the company's image. Fire me or do n’t fire me. After this incident, the neutrals will subtly lean on the side of Lao Mo, which makes the well-designed Lao Zhang love for a long time.

I made a timely statement and smiled smartly: "If this is the only satisfactory solution, I accept it."

"Are you stupid ?! You did nothing wrong ..." Liu Su couldn't stand this grievance, but Ziyuan held her back.

"Why?" Even the people closest to me didn't understand the idea in my stomach. How could those seniors who have always looked down on me and disdain me guessed it? The head of the neutral group frowned, "This is unfair to you. Don't you feel wronged?"

"What is grievance? If I stay, there are still people who come to the company every day to reverse black and white, pointing at my nose and making noise, even if I can continue to lead the wind to pay me, will I not feel wronged? Maybe I feel wronged, not only me? My colleagues, friends, including your leaders, who have been accused of misery and irrationality, will not be comfortable in my heart, will it be that only the leaders will weigh the interests, I Yes, everyone is human. I do n’t have a few parts longer than your heads. Why do you have your stand, I ca n’t have my stand? Men are not right against women, I ’m not right against Sima Hai, believe me or The decision to fire me is based on the decision of your leaders. It is right or wrong. I have my understanding. You have the understanding of your leaders. I think I am right. So I started. You think I was wrong, so I was fired. But now you feel wronged again ... It's you, not me. I admit that I didn't think about the consequences when I hit people, but when I came back to the company today, I did a good job. Sophisticated-I am willing to leave frankly, but I never thought of staying and being accused of pointing at my nose, and by comparison, this is grievance! To be honest, I care about my colleagues and friends, It ’s not that you did n’t believe me at all and did n’t want to listen to my explanations. Partially speaking, I advocated firing my leading comrades. One thing I think you are wrong is not that you decide to stay with me, but I I choose whether to go or stay. Then, I just decided that for me and my friends, in a sense, it is also the best choice for the image of the menopausal company that you care about ... "I looked at the senior His eyes spit out two words that everyone unexpectedly said: "I'm going."

General, I am a pawn, but it is also because I am a **** that I can decide the winning or losing of a game of chess-if I find my own position, I can be a general!

Every sentence I make is reasonable, and they are the reasons they used to. They ca n’t refute me with their own reasons, otherwise they just refute themselves. They do n’t have to use Sima Hai to borrow questions, they will feel that they are stubborn and stubborn. eye.

Murphy was most afraid that I would mention the word 'resignation'. If the vigilant Ziyuan held her hand and gave her a hint, she would have hardly resisted being the first one to retain me.

The matter is clear. Whoever wants to stay with me must first apologize to me and admit that it is a mistake to advocate that I was fired. This is tantamount to drawing a big mouth in public, but before that, there is one more thing that must be-who Can you guarantee that I will stay, Sima Hai will not continue to make trouble? So, they have to settle the matter for me first, so ... everyone is looking to tension, and dissatisfaction is no longer something hidden under the skin.

Tension shrank his hand in his cuff. He probably didn't want people to see his clenched fist trembling. He smiled and said, "Xiao Chu, your decision is so impulsive, I mean, it's still easy to ..."

"Vice President Zhang, you didn't figure it out. The chairman asked me to leave Changfeng. Didn't I just want to be able to relax?" I laughed. "I'm calm. I considered my own, my friends, and my colleagues' positions. I also indirectly took care of the company ’s and senior management ’s positions, which is far from impulsive? My only impulse is that I did n’t hold back and stabbed Mr. Sima Hai twice, so I did commit a crime for myself. The wrong pay order, the cause of everything, isn't it exactly that I provoke Mr. Sima Hai? If we went to a bar different from Zhang Dong's that night, or if Sima ’s assistant who drove that night did n’t drink, or he called The call is from the driver of our company instead of his younger brother, Mr. Sima Hai ... Hehe, unfortunately, there are only facts in the world. If not, there is only one way to make up for the mistakes, and no way to correct the mistakes that have been made. I did not The method admits that I made a mistake, but I apologize to Mr. Sima Hai, but he has made it clear that he will not accept my apology and will die with me ... "

Fools can hear it. How can I complain about Sima Hai? I was alluding to Lao Zhang setting up a pit.

A high-ranking neutralist with a beard said: "Chunan, I think you are showing off now, and I admit that you are very smart, but this does not mean that no one else understands what you think ..."

I'm welcome: "Then what do you think?"

He was stunned and interrupted in public by a little man. His self-esteem was provoked. He said angrily, "You want to prove that you are right, others are wrong! You are showing off your intelligence, forcing others to You apologize! "

"Then am I right or wrong?" I asked in return, with an unabashed arrogant smile: "I'm showing off? Yes, I'm showing off, because I have the capital of showing off, you don't! Even if you are older than me Long, you have more qualifications than me, your salary is higher than me, your rights are greater than me! Yes, I do n’t like to owe others, I do n’t like others to owe me! Do n’t worry, I wo n’t retaliate, I was told everywhere about why Feng Chang was sorry for me, first, because things were obvious to all, fair and comfortable, and second, because Feng Chang was Mo Dong ’s Feng Chang, Mo Dong did n’t say sorry to me, at least he was willing to believe me, he just stood by the company The position of the decision maker made the most favorable decision for the company. I can understand that if one day I sit in the same position as him and face the same thing, I will treat my employees like this, but I I also admit that I am not a man who does not know how to avenge, because that kind of man is not open-minded and generous, it is his + mother + + sacrifice, soft eggs! Right is right, wrong is wrong, I am showing off Show off my frankness, show off You are ashamed, what are you mad at? I am hurting your self-esteem? Do you know why you feel hurt at your self-esteem? Because when you accuse me of being young, I am impulsive and add trouble to the company, you are completely unaware that you are naive It ’s not just me, you ’re even more naive than me! Did n’t your actions trouble the company? Did n’t you bother Mo Dong? At least what I did was something that I can be ashamed of, and I can also Rubbing your ass, how about you? With such a high salary, you can only wait for Mo Dong to help you rub your ass, even if you don't dare to face right and wrong. I'm showing off to you, wrong ?! You admit that you were wrong, I looked at the deflation, what are you doing ?! "

"You ..." The cheeks blushed and bloody.

ps1: These chapters seem to be a bit sloppy, because this is a turning point of Nannan's position in the company. His purpose is not just to stay in the company, but to stay in the company to help Mo Yizhi get Miss Three's contract, so What he is facing now is not the Zhang family father or son or the Sima brothers, as well as all the top leaders of Fengchang.

Some people say that I just want to highlight how clever South-South is. No, I ’m just writing a story, writing a story of my own design, and writing a story of South-South design. I have limited time for code and limited time for conceiving. There is no way to compress this large-scale dialogue. I am not complaining, but I am writing a story in the first person. I want to describe a character other than the first person. I ca n’t rely on the expression of the subjective description of the author. And the guidance of lines, this can be regarded as a style, although I have a mastery of this style is layman ...

Every line of thought has been seriously considered. It is inexhaustible. There are many shortcomings in writing, so please bear with us.

Later, you will see what Nannan's "is the other way", what do you want to get? I do n’t know how to cheat you. I do n’t like to see it. I like to see me emotionally, my sister and ambiguous. Get along, but I want to say ... Er Yu's fraud actually consumes more brain cells. Seeing that we have spent our brains, let's curse a few words ...

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