Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 852: Anger under the sheepskin

Chapter 852: Anger Under The Sheepskin

Mo said that Murphy's tassel and his colleagues in the comprehensive group were dumbfounded. The two Zhang family members, including Sima Yang, who had been so secretive, were also shocked to shut up. No one expected that the situation was a bright prospect. However, I made an act of destroying myself, not only blatantly hitting the top of the company, but also a full-bodied sarcasm, not only trusting my Ziyuan, but even blindly trusting me, Waner, could not sit still. So offend the top management, how can I stay in the wind in the future? Isn't that leaving no room for yourself?

On the contrary, how can I make these people beg me to stay if I don't make a resignation? I do not use the subject to blame them. How can their grievances about tension deepen and thicken? I am a little person. If they can't stand on their heads and **** and pee, how can they look up at me? I don't keep their words dumb, how can they believe that I have the ability to sit at a negotiating table with Miss San?

I said that if you use the other way, you will give it to me. I want to make tension sick. I want him to do everything I do for me.

"I didn't want to say, since you are forcing me to say, I have nothing to say—bar fights, why did n’t you just listen to my explanation and decided that it was my fault and advocate firing me? Because you only believe that your eyes see Yes, but? What do you see in your eyes? Is it all about the truth? There is no such thing as a coincidence in the world. I went to the same bar with you. It ’s not someone else that he talks with, but the girls in our integrated group. Do you really have no doubt in your heart? If you do n’t even have this IQ, how did you climb to this position today? Do you sit here? In the seat, are there only the superiority of the superiority and the unfounded self-confidence when negating others? Just like I can't remember your face, do you have any deep impression on my face, don't you touch each other? Not to mention understanding? Do n’t listen to me because you do n’t think I need to explain at all, not only because you see me drunk and beaten, but because Until then you will not have a good impression on me, that no matter what I did wrong is normal! Am I right? "

No one squeaked. The high-level members of the neutral were avoiding my anger and questioning. When the facts have proved right and wrong, the right person can hold high, and the wrong person can only bow his head but not speak, but he will not The person who feels right must have a footstep ... Frankly speaking, I don't like this high-profile, but in order to achieve the purpose, I had to be a high-profile person, with a smirk: "I'm just a clerk, a hairy boy, you Your experience and qualifications make you think that I should be useless, so you think that the opportunity I got was from falling out of the pie in the sky, being crooked, and eating soft rice by coaxing women to climb relationships. Most of you even denied me Just because my luck threatened your sense of superiority, and made you, those who have sweated countless sweats and tears and worked hard for countless days and nights to achieve today's achievements, are uncomfortable! You ask in your heart Self: Why do I have to spend so much time proving myself countless times in the face of so many difficulties and obstacles, but he does not need to pay any growth cost How can you prove that you have a chance to be above us? This imbalance in the psychology makes you resist me, and it is easy to believe in those rumors that are not good for me, and it makes you even more disdainful to know me Even facing me squarely, the fight at the bar just happened to be an opportunity for you to vent your dissatisfaction with me! Isn't it? You— "

I pointed to the bearded man who had rebuked me just now and said, "You said I was showing off because you think you can master all my thoughts? Where does your sense of superiority come from? Because you live more than me A few years? Just because you are the boss and I am the staff? Do you think you know it! What is the difference between this subjective degree and the fact that you did n’t listen to me and thought that firing me was the right choice? You are the true name I do n’t know how to correct! I am wronged and wronged. I can reflect on myself from the perspective of a company employee. As a company executive, you know where you are wrong and you have n’t reviewed and corrected it. You still believe in your subjective attitude. Why do you think you are better than me ?! "

"You ..." The beard trembled, whether it was shame or anger, or anger or anger, "Yes, it is my subjective measure that you show off, I admit it, but aren't those things you just said subjective degree?"

"The facts have said it all! I may not be right, maybe I did wrong you, but did anyone come forward to refute me? No! Isn't that just admitting it? Since you admit it is still my subjective opinion? "

The old Zhang Xiaozhang spread my rumors all day, so I'm not sure that others hate me, but I'm more sure about Zhang's father and son's stigmatization and propaganda ability. Don't dare talk to me, or even take the same elevator with me?

Not only the high-level neutrals, but also the Zhang faction, no one dared to stand up against me. The first was because Zhang didn't speak, people sang the role of good people, and he chose a position that could not confront me. What's more, I'm targeting a high-level neutral. He can't figure out what I'm thinking, and hopes that the situation that is unfavorable to me will turn things around because of my suicidal behavior, so silence is the best choice. In the second place, everyone can see that I am like a mad dog now. Not only will I bark, but I also catch anyone who bites who, and no one wants to be like a bearded man.

The bearded blusher blushed, and it took a long time to fight back: "You say the facts say everything, do we deny you, is there no factual basis ?!"

"What's the basis of your facts? I cheated a woman's feelings, ganged up, and embarked on a relationship?"

The beard did not expect that this word popped out of my own mouth. It was a little unexpected, and I glanced at Mo Yi with a jealous look. Seeing his expression indifferent and not biasing towards me, he snorted to me and said: I do n’t dare to talk about soft rice climbing, but it ’s always possible to cheat a woman ’s relationship with one another, ca n’t it be attributed to a character issue? Should n’t this character be denied? ”This guy is slippery enough Yes, I'm afraid to accuse me of eating soft rice and climbing the relationship is equivalent to satirizing Lao Mo and Xiao Mo, so I deliberately left out "Dare to say", but the result was more direct than what I said.

"Oh! The premise is that I deceived the woman, and the premise is that I don't admit that I deceived the woman!" I grabbed the tassel in one hand, held Murphy in one hand, and dragged both of them to the side. The frightened people haven't made it yet. Before a reaction, I said the bold and arrogant words that made them unable to wake up in panic, "Cheng Liusu is my girlfriend, but she knows that almost everyone in the comprehensive group knows that before we can determine the relationship, the person I secretly love is Murphy, and at that time, I and Tassel were only good friends and iron buddies that I have known for many years. Yes, you can say that there is no pure friendship between men and women. I also agree that the "good friends" iron buddies are to cover up my heart. That impure desire to find excuses to pretend the other side to pretend to be self-defeating and others, the purest excuse is nothing more than slow reaction to each other, or cowardly or timid or embarrassed to admit to having **** with each other, two people can be like Brothers are not sticky to each other, but they can never really become brothers, because I am not gay, she is not gay, it is natural for the opposite **** to attract each other. It ’s also a biological instinct. This thing ca n’t be explained or need any explanation, right? Whether you believe it or not, I belong to the kind of person who is slow to deal with feelings and ca n’t deal with feelings. I have found that good friends iron buddies are an excuse. Before, I met Murphy, a woman I liked when I first saw it. I believe that every man has an ideal and perfect woman in his heart. That woman has the character he thinks he likes best, Appearance and temperament are actually unrealistic fantasies, but I do n’t know if they are lucky or unfortunate. Unrealistic fantasies suddenly appeared in reality. I tried hard and gave up after frustration. In this In the process, I realized that a friend around me kept telling me, but I never heard the truth. Even if the fantasy appears in reality, it is too far and too far away for me, even if it is no longer a fantasy, But it's just a dream that can never be realized, so I grasp the happiness around me ... "

Having said that, I glanced at the tassel that seemed overwhelmed by shyness, and looked at Murphy, who seemed a bit lonely and self-blame because I said 'abandon', and smiled apologetically before continuing to say to everyone "People are emotional animals. It's impossible because you now have someone you like and you don't feel like people you liked before, including Xue Ziyuan, who is standing behind me now. We grew up together and grew up together. I went to school after school and drank a bottle of beverage and divided into a bag of snacks. She was bullied by me to fight for her. I was punished by the teacher for helping me with my textbook assignments. When she went abroad, she did n’t know how to speak and say goodbye to me. I thought it was goodbye I ca n’t see her. I cried myself to death in the room. Does the sweet and bitter memory mean that you can forget it? I know I should give up but I do n’t know how I should forget. There is nothing to lose It makes me even more afraid to miss it again! Everyone will say, how do you choose on you? Are you so open-minded? You say I cheated, who did I lie to? You hated me for a long time but I am most disgusted with the place to recruit people do not know where! I'm not the most disgusting place where people lie to me which one among them, but I can not lie to them and lie to yourself! "

This is the first time I have acknowledged in front of everyone that my choreographed love story is choreographed. I do n’t know if their silence is because of shock or curiosity, including the 'them' in my mouth, including my friends, my colleagues, including Lao Mo. , Including the Zhang family father and son, everyone was watching me, but no one spoke.

For a long time, the image I gave was a sheep. Even if someone thought that a wolf was hidden under the sheepskin, I was always at ease in my docile appearance, and now I finally faded that camouflage.

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