Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 854: Collective resignation

[Chapter 854] Resigned collectively

Yao Ling's position did not exist in the script of me and Lao Mo, but unexpectedly promoted the development of our play, making the effect faster and better. Lao Mo performed very realistically, glancing towards Sima Hai I glanced at me and looked at me again, and then said in a dilemma: "But after all, Chu Nan hit someone, and this will always fall into a conversation ..."

Without waiting for Lao Mo to finish speaking, Gao Hai, the weak deputy, suddenly stood up and interrupted Mo Yezhi, who was usually unexpectedly strong and unexpected. "Chairman, I also hit someone just now. It ’s no use just to fire Chunan, because Mr. Sima can also come to me and accuse Feng Chang of covering me. So if you think you can only dismiss the employee to protect the company and the high-level image, you will Fire me too. "

As soon as Brother Gao said something, Viagra also said excitedly: "Chairman, who is hostile to the surname of Sima, except Chu Nan, I am also one, and I admit that I am impulsive. In my eyes, this is not a trivial matter, but it is by others This should n’t be a major issue here, right? You also said just now that we did things outside of work hours and other jobs that young people might do. You do n’t think it ’s necessary to get them into the company. Tsunami is online ... but now, you are still online, I know, this is not your righteousness, I am a clerk, the relationship between high-level things is too complicated, I do n’t know, but I ’m not a fool You ca n’t see it. You have to look at the owner to beat the dog. I know you ’re not willing to fire Chu Nan, but there ’s no way. When he hit the dog, he did n’t know whose dog it was. Of course, everyone saw it. He knew it was Someone ’s dog still beats him. He is this kind of person. This makes you worry, because the owner of that dog is right next to you. The good guy looks like the real one. But it ’s under the hood In fact, he made a lot of big things. You are generous, for the company's sake, you are tolerant, and you ca n’t blame big people who can raise dogs, so you can only wrong small people like Chu Nan, but I did n’t. I ca n’t afford to stay beside the thing. If South Brother said that he would n’t care about the surname of Sima, I would never say anything about it. If I lose, I will lose. I ’m not like Nan. I'm not as open-minded as he is, he's not as open-minded as he is, and I'm not as wide-sighted as he looks. I'm careful, I'm narrow, but fortunately, I still have a little buddy, if my brother can tolerate this tone for the company, I I can bear this breath for him, but if the surname of Sima is not enough, I won't be able to do the job. I don't need him to run on you and make you smash me and make you embarrassed. I smashed this rice bowl myself! "

What Viagra said was not implicit, he said that a big man beside Lao Mo raised the dog Sima Hai, and at this moment Lao Mo was standing alone with tension. The angry old Zhang's mouth was twitching. He It ca n’t be explained yet that Sima Hai has nothing to do with him. At first, Sima Hai was his brother-in-law, Sima Yang ’s younger brother. He said that others do n’t believe it. Second, if you have a clear conscience, why do you emphasize this? It's better not to emphasize, because emphasizing doesn't mean doing nothing.

"Is n’t it an apology? I do n’t recognize you wrong, but if you ’re surnamed Sima, if you want to hear I ’m sorry, it ’s no problem, although I also understand that you and his mom + you are coming to South Brother, do n’t care The attitude of the rest of us, "The integrated team is doing trivial and trivial things, but everyone here is a talent selected by Murphy, and Viagra is no exception. Maybe he doesn't know the purpose of tension for me is What, but he can definitely guess that this has something to do with the high-level and two-star battle between Mo Zhang and Zhang, so although he was talking to Sima Hai, he was taunting the deputy Dong Zhangli, "If the meaning of" Xing Ren Ning Ren ", It ’s for Nange to roll away, and I ’ll be with him, but the word has to be changed. What you call a quiet thing, you do n’t dare let everyone stop, but just let the crazy dog ​​shut up. ”

"Who are you scolding ?!" Sima Hai could not stand the irony of Viagra, and was going to be mad, stopped by Sima Yang. He was also angry at the sarcasm of Viagra, but what made him angry was Sima Hai's right seat ... Tension has always been hanging on his lips. Sima Hai didn't respond. His seat in the pair was tantamount to pulling together tensions. Even if he didn't mean it, he couldn't hold others' associations.

Qin Lan and Viagra were virtuous. They never feared big things. The husband and wife sang along and said solemnly: "It happened because of me, but I'm right, Chu Nan is even more right. If the company fires Chu Nan, I will resign. "

Before Qin Lan's words fell, colleagues in the integrated group got up.

"Chairman, the surname Sima hit Yao Waner just now, and he who rushed behind Chu Nan also had a copy of me. If you fire Chu Nan, you won't be fired with me, justified."

"I kicked him, too, chairman, and fired me."

"The impulse is the devil. I didn't hold back just now, but I don't regret it."

"This kind of person, no matter where I go in the future, I still meet once, isn't it just changing a job? Although it is not easy to find a suitable job now, it is easier than despising yourself for a lifetime?"

"That is, besides, I don't believe it. Does any company have a senior manager who can raise dogs to bully our small employees? There is nothing to regret for leaving such a company."

Listening to everyone saying this, even the young Song Jia in the city can't help but burn, "Dong ... Chairman, I, I, I also oppose your decision. This is not fair to Chunan ... I am a woman , I do n’t like violence, but even then, I think that person is really embarrassing, and he has the urge to embarrass him, not to mention Chu Nan ’s **** boys ... they are not wrong, you If they are fired, I ... I also resign! I'm not targeting you or the company. I think we should not compromise with this kind of bad guy, it will allow him to make progress! "

I colluded with Waner to stab Sima Hai. What I wanted was the effect of this passionate and unanimous external effect, but when I really achieved it, I could n’t be like Waner who was nervous for a long time, because I was secretly happy because of the progress. Burying my face in Murphy's arms, I dare not show it, for fear of the excitement and joy that others can't bear to see how she can't help, I have a little guilt, and I just deceived everyone after acting ...

I hate Lao Mo Zhang Zhang Mingjie Liu Xiaosheng three as a chess piece, but what is the difference between what I do at this time and them?

Tassel and Murphy are people who are familiar with me, plus the hint from Ziyuan, they have guessed that this is a good script with Waner and Lao Mo, and have enjoyed Sima Hai that is more disgusting than eating a dead mouse Faces, they glanced at me in unison. The eyes of the two people just hit each other and flew away quickly. I didn't see their expressions at that moment, but I was relieved that they did n’t break away. I held their hands, but they clasped me even harder than before, still tacit and unbelievable.

Murphy said: "Chairman, if you fire Chu Nan, then the work of our investment department will not be able to do it. The other five groups' data filing and information flow will be handled by the integrated group. You have to be fired after Sima Hai. There is no one left in the integrated group. You just fill up the company's elites. These tedious tasks will not be available in a short time. "

Murphy's words are not accurate. The comprehensive group is not alone, but there is only one person-only Lao Heida Guo Chong did not make a statement. When Murphy said these words, he also glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally.

The old black face was green, and slumped on the table. He didn't want to make a statement, but he didn't dare to make a statement. He didn't know if he should make a statement. He is the only one among all the people here, like me, from the beginning. Staring at Zhang Mingjie's people, perhaps, our two hearts are completely opposite. Lao Hei was desperate for Zhang Mingjie's dullness and flustered, thinking that he never noticed himself. On the premise that the form was not good for the Zhang family, he was flustered. , So that I did n’t find my embarrassing position, and I was impressed by Zhang Mingjie ’s sensitivity and calmness. He must have guessed that I had doubts about why the comprehensive group and Zhang Li went to the same bar that night, so he deliberately guided the appearance. In the situation, trying to find the person who colluded with Zhang Li and took us to the bar from the reactions of the colleagues in the synthesis group, so he knew that I had been watching him or his Lao Zi tension, so he did n’t dare to give him Darkness shows, just as tension also pretends to not see old black.

If I were Lao Hei, I would say like everyone else, and learn to sneer at Sima Hai like Viagra or simply to ridicule tension, so not only can I continue to lurk in the integrated group, but it will not cause others to doubt him. If it goes well, you can further trust Murphy.

But Zhang ’s passiveness made him afraid to make claims. He was afraid that his support would make Zhang ’s goal disappear. Although he was as clear as everyone, now, no one can walk away, but dogs are dogs. , Has been accustomed to the fear of the master, used to blind obedience to the master.

If he is not obedient, if he has the opinion, he will not become a dog, and the Zhang family will not choose him as a dog.

Yao Ling's words have left the seniors of the neutral and Zhang factions speechless. At this time, everyone is resigning collectively, how can they not panic? Even if everyone makes the same assurance as me, after leaving the company, they will not utter any words that are detrimental to the company, but there is suddenly a department in the office building. Who needs to say it? This effect is worse than a crazy dog ​​in the company?

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