Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 855: Desperate Rat

[Chapter 855] Disappointing Rat

In the silence of everyone, it was finally Longshan's drama. She told Mo Yi: "Chairman, I don't think this kind of treatment is appropriate. Chu Nan has left, and Sima Hai wants to be troubled, and there is no reason to do it. Externally, We don't have to worry about the impact anymore, but internally ... the people will be cold. Song Jia is not an employee of the integrated group and has the idea of ​​resignation. Isn't that the best proof? Besides, people who have just hit Sima Hai just now, Is n’t it just the employees of the integrated team, do we all have to be fired? If Chu Nan really made a mistake, it would be better to say, but the problem now is that no one here thinks that Chu Nan is wrong. "

"Really?" Lao Mo asked back, no one said, "What should I do? You dismiss Chu Nan, you don't think so, but don't dismiss him, and someone will come to the company to make noise every day, blaming who is young, Wan Again and again, just like before, a group of people yelled and screamed and rushed to death, and if they were not safe, they would kill people. Then things would be a big deal. Outside the company is personal behavior, but if it is inside the company Something happened, that's really our responsibility ... "

Everyone can hear it. Lao Mo is both ironic and threatening. Everyone can see that Lao Mo is neither idealess nor really wanting to fire me to prove that I haven't covered my selfishness, just the opposite. He is telling everyone that he is covering me, supporting me and supporting me.

"Deputy Zhang Zhang, what do you think I should do?" Lao Zhang runs on old Mo for a few days, and now Mo starts to take revenge.

"This ..." Zhang's language organization ability seemed to be suddenly paralyzed, and he would only smirk for a while, but did not know how to take the move. It can be seen that he was really messed up.

What's not messed up is Zhang Mingjie. He knows what Lao Mo wants to hear and how he should choose. He suddenly said out loud: "Chairman, I think you are determined to fire Chu Shao ... Hey, when Chu Nan, Made a common-sense mistake. "

"Oh?" Lao Mo glanced at me first, and then looked at Zhang Mingjie. The moment he looked at me, he was surprised. Obviously, he did not expect Zhang Mingjie to be the first person to speak out, so he looked at me. At the time, it was similar to a subconscious inquiry-I told him long ago that he didn't pay enough attention to Zhang Mingjie, and he despised Zhang Mingjie as if tension ignored me.

Sure enough, Zhang Mingjie made everyone's position blank on him in one sentence. "You fire Chu Nan, in the final analysis, you are only worried about one thing-Sima Hai is unwilling to spare and come to the company to make trouble, then why must you fire Chu Nan? We can keep Sima Hai from coming to the company to make trouble. "

Yes, this is a common-sense question, and Lao Mo also intentionally made this common-sense mistake, waiting for someone to say "wake up" him first, what he wants to see is that Zhang Jiaye was unwilling at that time But helpless expression, but never thought, Zhang Mingjie not only did not feel unwilling, but became the person who 'woke up' him.

Zhang Li also stunned, knowing his son Moruo, he immediately understood what Zhang Mingjie meant, and smiled at Mo Yizhi: "Yeah, the chairman has complicated things, and things can be solved easily."

Hitting it down, tension and irony brought Mo Yi, intentionally suggesting that it was Mo Yizhi who complicated the problem. In fact, he intended to target him and wanted to use the problem to pour him dirty water.

Old Mo's feeling is probably the same as a cat playing with a mouse. The rat that was drowning took a bite in turn. It doesn't hurt and may not be taken aback. But it must be disgusting in the heart, because the mouse doesn't recognize his life, and he doesn't. Qing form, trying to counterattack himself, this provoked Lao Mo's interest and superiority at this time. Lao Mo did not speak for a while, but looked at Zhang Mingjie as if he was re-evaluating his weight in his heart.

Lao Zhang is also an actor-Lao Zhang is stern and faces Sima Haidao, who is full of unknown fire. "Sima Hai, both of you are responsible for the bar. Since Chu Nan has apologized to you, you I'll take it as soon as I see it, just give me and your brother a face, don't come to the company to make trouble in the future. "

"How can I not give Vice Zhang's face ..." Sima Hai's meal, I really see it, was the impassive Sima Yang's hand on his shoulder, with a clever Sima Hai language Feng immediately turned around, "But even if the bar thing was caused by me, he shouldn't hit me? Am I not without a barrier? I'm afraid it won't work? I didn't expect to make a mess Come on, let's say, how many men who go to the bar do not talk? Is he using such a hard hand against me? Can't he say anything if he has something? "

"Did you have something to say?" Tassel gritted his teeth. "He is fierce? Did you not smash the ashtray with the wine bottle? Look at his head, then look at Yang Wei and Qin Lan. Are you light ?! "

"Okay, I won't mention the previous thing," Sima Hai waved his hand, and then said angrily: "But just now? I didn't hold the bottle just now? But many of you rushed to hit me, punch and kick, no matter I'm alive or dead, now you Vice President Zhang stood up and asked me to give me face, and I have to give you face? Okay, I have to give your face, my brother's face, but I ca n’t beat it for nothing? I I haven't touched that woman at all just now. I'm thinking about it now, it's her, and the collusion of that surname Chu is good! Act in a pit! "

Sima Hai said the truth, but no one believed it.

"Collusion is good? It's a pity you don't want to be a screenwriter. Chu Nan ran into you as soon as he came to the company. He didn't even say anything to Yao Waner.

"That is, besides, how did Yao Waner pit you? Didn't you hit her, did she sit on the ground? Are we all blind?"

"You edit, you edit."

The crowd was restless, and some people couldn't help but scold the Three Character Classic.

In fact, Waner was sitting on the ground herself, but just like nobody saw Sima Hai beating people, and no one saw Waner sitting on the ground by herself. The truth of Sima Hai is not logical because No one believes that under the eyes of all, Waner's simple grievance can be successful, but we have succeeded, so success is because the method is simple enough-I attract everyone's attention, Waner will Sima Kelp is out of sight ...

What Sima Hai couldn't explain was why Waner was able to take him out of everyone's sight. It is probably the Zhang family father and son, and now I don't understand the problem.

Sima Hai also knows that after the matter of the bar is deemed to be his responsibility, what will he say? Everyone will have preconceived doubts and deny him. This loss, he can only swallow it like a dumb, so he said: "Even if I and She couldn't talk about it. She really hit her, and it was my business with her. I can apologize to her, but so many of you rushed to beat me up. Would you like to say sorry to me? "

No one will say sorry to you, because everyone thinks you are really embarrassed ...

Zhang Li asked, "What do you want?"

"I don't lack the medical expenses, and I'm not too fragile enough to need any mental damages, but the compensation is symbolic and the meaning is greater than the content. I can't make my friends feel that I come here to discuss things, but in the end It was beaten back. "Sima Hai is also a personal talent, and can speak so gently.

"Speaking of it, do you still want to compensate, right?" Zhang Li said: "Say the number, the money is borne by me personally."

Zhang Li and Sima Hai cooperated tacitly. You can say nothing to me, and you can't let others plug in. Looking at it, people start to be vague again. Is it really the relationship between Lao Zhang and Sima Hai?

Before he spoke, Sima Hai glanced at me first. Then, without teeth, he spit out a number with a clear and incredible loud voice: "Two million."

This is a number that surprises everyone, but Brother Zhang and his brother Sima will surely feel relieved, because I do n’t have the reaction they expected on my face, and there is no relationship between Zhang and my half dime. The numbers, I am very indifferent-before Sima Haisuo asked for compensation, I saw that Sima Yang's hand, which had been pressing his hand on his shoulder to give him a hint, loosened rhythmically twice. That is why Sima Hai spit it out. The reason for this number.

If I had heard the number "two million" from Liu Xiaosheng's mouth early, I would have responded somewhat.

There was no response, proving that I didn't have this number in my heart at all, so the Zhang family could breathe a sigh of relief, and Liu Xiaosheng did not collude with me.

Of course, Sima Hai didn't want to grab tension, and even if tension was promised to give him the money, it was just a short check. He didn't have to pay a dime. The two people played this game only because of Zhang Mingjie's reminder to help. Of the tension that restored the image that just passed away, Mo Yizhi is an old fox, how can he not see through? So without waiting for everyone to yell at you, or waiting for tension to speak out, he said happily, "I'll give you two million, Secretary Long, and I'll write a check to him later."

Lao Mo admits his injustice and is a good move. He has just shaken people who suspect him because of the magnificent atmosphere of tension. Immediately there is a feeling of being fooled, thinking that tension and Sima Hai are singing double reeds, the purpose is to let Lao Mo bleed blood and be disgusting Disgusting him.

The purpose of Zhang Li is to emphasize how sincere he is in his peace of mind, so of course he cannot let Lao Mo bleed. He was about to open his mouth, but I was the first to say: "Chairman, you are not fair to Vice President Zhang."

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