Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 857: 】the truth

[Chapter 857] The Truth

A seemingly slapstick fight ended in the end of Lao Zhang's defeat. I didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. In the end, no one ignored the words of Yao Ling. The company's senior management had no objection to leaving me. After Sima Hai caused trouble for the company, the final treatment was only the company's internal notification of criticism, and the bonus of the month was deducted. In fact, this month's bonus was already announced and deprived when Murphy punished me to clean the women's toilet. The penalty and no penalty are just one sentence difference, so the seven tassel that refuses to accept eight and not hesitate will no longer be true to the high-level, or in other words ...

I didn't lose my job, but as for whether or not I agree to be the head of the Thirteen-City Planning Team, the senior management are very tacit and conservative, which is also expected. I won't mention it, but it still lies in the opinions of the neutrals.

It turns out that something as dramatic as a novel is difficult to happen in reality. I don't have the so-called protagonist halo in the novel. A domineering exposure can make people look at me with more confidence and confidence. Supporting roles, they all have their own independent thoughts. The starting point of their thinking is not an emotional impulse, but the analysis of various interests that are intertwined and intertwined with the roots of the old tree, so even if surprised I have refuted their eloquence, and they can also dominate the smooth and cunning in high-level dialogues. They will not arbitrarily place such a heavy responsibility on me. The reason is that I am disgusted with tension today and make tension unbearable. This is certainly possible. Let them look at me and make them even more frightened, because if I let tension eat up, he is destined to become my biggest resistance in the future, and the high-level neutrals will naturally question whether I have the ability to defeat the tension created. All kinds of resistance, we must know that Mo Yizhi has never asked for too much cheapness in tension.

To completely dispel the concerns of the neutrals, there are two ways. One, I let Tension eat again, instead of being caught off guard, but by a sharp sword and victory in the head-to-head confrontation, which proves that Tension can't help me. The tension disappeared from the wind, and my resistance ceased to exist.

No matter how high the mountain is, as long as there is a road, it is not an extreme cliff that cannot be climbed. It is only that the climbers are ready to climb. Therefore, I am not disappointed that the high-level neutrals ignore the topic of Yao Ling because I am prepared. And it was prepared with two hands-head-to-head confrontation, frustrating tension once more, and letting him who had failed disappear completely from the wind, and there was no chance to turn over ...


"Really Waner lied? Sima Hai really didn't hit you?"

Not only tassel, I was also surprised when I guessed that Wanyuan and I were colluding in acting. She had a short time to come, and she was not very familiar with Waner, but she still couldn't believe that the girl was in the public eye. With deceiving courage, she only thought that Waner deliberately angered Sima Hai.

Murphy's office is trustworthy. I honestly confessed everything I had to bite Sima Hai and sincerely apologized for the deception. But obviously, everyone was not angry, and did n’t even care much. Waner's performance was startled.

Waner nodded timidly to everyone's exaggerated reaction and eyes focused on herself, very shy, but could not control the proud rise of the corner of her mouth, this kind of timidity The smug expression was endlessly cute, and Qin Lan could not help holding her in his arms, and said sadly: "Oh my god, our little princess has also learned to lie!" You bastard, give me pure Waner ~ "

What she shouted was totally opposite to what she showed in her behavior. Qin Lan's words were spoken to me, but she didn't look at me at all. When Waner was unprepared, she went to kiss Wanwan's face. , But it was the palm of the tassel that was kissed, and the tassel standing behind the sofa was not kind enough: "Don't be disgusting, isn't it because you are lying?"

"Miss Cheng, why don't you just say that," Qin Lan, who loves to be troubled, glanced at me and teased Waner and Tassel at the same time. Teach him, but it ’s probably because of me, Chu Nan, because of me ... Are you jealous? ”The last sentence brought Murphy and Ziyuan in again, and her meaningful eyes swept from her face. They had blushed without exception.

Just because I said something in front of everyone.

"Don't you make a mistake?" Liu Suzhuang didn't understand Qin Lan's teasing and asked Waner curiously: "Waner, Sima Hai really didn't hit you, did you sit on the ground yourself?"

"Um." Waner nodded.

"Isn't it possible? How could you be seated without anyone seeing it?" Viagra threw the question to Waner, but his eyes were on my face, as if the answer had come from me. "It's impossible for everyone to be the same as me, because they saw others pounce on Sima Hai, so they followed them, right?" Saying, and looking at the brother Gao who was standing in the doorway, Gao was next to me. Brother, was one of the first to rush to Sima Hai.

Brother Gao, who had just regained his dignity for a while, thought about it seriously and said, "I really haven't seen that Sima start ..."

Viagra was startled: "You jumped and hit someone without seeing anything?"

Brother Gao said, "I saw Chu Nan moving! Besides, didn't you see nothing?"

Viagra said: "So many people flew up at the time, I didn't see it, didn't anyone else see it? When they hit people, they were righteous, how do I know that everyone didn't see it!"

"The only person who really 'sees' Waner is being bullied is the one who stirs up everyone's emotions ..." Murphy, sitting behind the desk, looked at me coldly, without expression, and even Leng Yan, but it made her laugh, "When you came up, you spoke amazingly. Ask Zhang Mingjie if you still believe in Sima Hai. The purpose is to attract everyone's attention to you, especially Zhang. Deputy Director, Sima Hai was instructed by him, so in that occasion, Zhang Mingjie is undoubtedly the best and probably the only option to let his eyes leave Sima Hai and move to another place. Gave Waner the chance to call Sima Hai out of sight, didn't he know it, did you? Let Sima Hai leave because you will not be interrupted when you say that. The purpose of letting you inspire everyone's emotions is the best effect. Finally, you deliberately swear and swear at Sima Hai, which is to ensure that everyone's attention will be attracted to you, and Sima Hai will be heard from outside. Simultaneously It ’s a signal to Waner, right? Then, when Sima Hai returned, all you saw was his angry face and Waner, who was sitting on the ground with her face covered ... At that scene, anyone who saw it would think that Sima Hai beat Waner, Sima Hai was sharp and neat, and he was inextricably connected with you at the bar, but today you were overturned because of him. It's the only person who didn't respond to why Waner sat on the ground with her face covered, so you were attacked by your sneak attack, and your aggressive attack on you also completely mislead everyone, and let everyone win your radical action. In fact, Most people are not targeting Sima Hai or distressed Waner. They are just poked in your heart by what you said before. You want to prove that you are not just sitting on the sidelines. After all, in the matter of the bar, the big group Most people stand by and watch you and Yang Wei being beaten. Deputy Chief Gao, you have always been stable and conservative in style. Why is it a little bit today? "

"I ..." Gao Dahai blushed, and was embarrassed to answer.

Murphy hit the nail on the head and said, "The person who didn't come forward to help out because of fear last time at the bar was not wrong. It is normal for people to fear that they are not adapting, not to mention **** violence? But I feel guilty for this, and it is inevitable that I feel sorry for Chu Nan, feel that Chu Nan is wronged, and Sima Hai has come to the company for endless tossing in the past two days. His dissatisfaction with him will naturally be magnified many times. Chu Nan, you counted all these things, so from the beginning, you did n’t rush to face this matter, and let Assistant Xue tell me that Sima Hai is going to leave the responsibility to you, Sima Hai is still stubborn. Even if there are many people in the company who want to see your joke, they will gradually dislike Sima Hai, feel that he is too arrogant and ignorant, and you deliberately do not return to the company to accumulate everyone's anger and resentment against Sima Hai, just for that A moment's burst of everyone's emotions, right? As long as you can prove in front of the high level, everyone will be unable to resist the hands of people like Sima Hai, and the high level will have no way Study your responsibility ... "

Everyone was silent and looked at me with a weird look.

Viagra swallowed a spit, "Nang, wouldn't these really be your plans?"

I can understand the meaning of everyone ’s gaze. Except for Tassel and Ziyuan, everyone has a fear of me. Even Yao Waner, who directed the scene with me today, could n’t help holding his hands. Chengquan, looking at me nervously, for fear of nodding my head ...

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